Coincidence or Not? Please List!

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This goes back to the June30th/July 1st/July 2nd ping thread....quite a coincidence that KC pings by JB's office and the towayrd (twice) after she finds her car missing? I think not.
Here's a HUGE coincidence that I can't believe no one has added to this thread yet:

The twin SISTER of GA's special friend (Skye, or whatever her name is) was in JAIL with KC, and communicated with her!! Even helped pass notes for her to her parents, if I understood correctly. I'm trying hard to find a link, but I can't.

This bothers me a lot. Way too much of a coincidence really.
I think it's interesting that someone had noticed that one of the stars in KC's tattoo isn't complete - it's missing the center dot.

In one of KC's letters to RA, she tells her to "look for Caylee's star." (p.13687 of letters)
Letters are here:

Robin had a hand drawn in the letters she and Casey passed back and forth with each finger dedicated to something, George used a finger to describe everyone's role in the Anthony's family.

"I saw one of the press conferences today on the new missing child case- Haleigh. I started crying the moment her picture popped up. Why does this happen? It’s just not right. I wish people could and would stop being so heartless and evil. Satan continues to tempt and more and more individuals succumb to that damned temptation." - Casey Anthony wrote this in a letter

Another good one coincidence or not?, for this thread: the Pontiac trunk lining changes color in certain areas when we mess with picture settings.
Did anyone mention both George and Casey used the phrase "just a normal day" in their initial police statements? IIRC both George and Casey gave the same description of clothes Caylee was last wearing (which has proven false.)

Another coincidence/oddity: The Monkey Poem (from the recently released jail letters) mentioning dead, decaying monkeys, and the smell of decomp in the Pontiac.
Very interesting thread.

I can't remember all the details, but wasn't there a family, maybe Dante's? with the exact same names at Casey was using for Zanny's family? A sister Samantha, mom Gloria, dad Victor?

The most stunning of all these to me is Caylee being found behind two houses owned by people named Zeneida and Gonzalez and in her written statement about dropping Caylee off between 9 and 1, numbers that matches their addresses. I honestly believe Casey was trying to convey her "code" to Lee on that one jailhouse tape. She implores Lee to ... think! about everything she has said. I always found that odd how she said that...she wanted Lee to find Caylee.
I've been looking for the old coincidence thread to post about the weird zenaida/benhaida coincidence, too!

here was my post from the Benhaida thread :)

pretty weird about the name similarities benhaida/zenaida, Casey's stories about Zany involving a sister and a guy named Jeff, Krystal's boyfriend being named Jeff, Krystal saying George's description of Zany fits her own appearance exactly, Krystal making payments to George, etc. Presumably these people have nothing to do with anything besides Krystal befriending George at a tent after Caylee's disappearance, plus the other freaky coincidence of C Benhaida having been in jail at the same time as Casey, but I just don't quite know what to make of it yet.
I agree totally about the weird "finger analogy" coincidence, Eidetic! I thought that was really weird
"CASEY ANTHONY: We`re going to get our little girl back. She`s going to be just as she was."

This was before we knew Caylee was dead.

I know, like why wouldn't she be "as she was", what was she referring to with this? At the time I always wondered if Casey had some friend hiding Caylee at that stage because she was waiting for some injury to heal, then she could be "found", or for something to return to normal, her hair to grow back or a tattoo to be removed or God knows what, i.e., some change to Caylee she couldn't face her parents with so had had to hide Caylee til she was back "as she was", "Zany" was to return Caylee later when she is "as she was". Or else she already knew that Caylee was dead, definitely seemed to suggest Caylee was not "as she was" or some change had occurred to Caylee.
The "just as she was" comment echo's the comments made by detectives during the Universal Studios interview. They seemed to be trying to give KC an opportunity to admit if there was any knowledge of death or an accident....and they commented along the lines of.......she may not be in good shape right now (eluding to deceased or decomposed).

I need to go back and find it. But perhaps that "picture" resonated with KC and her guilt let it slip out during the visit with her parents?
other oldies, I'm not sure if this thread existed back when this was being discussed:

the video from Lee's myspace of his roommate being duct taped. The duct tape on the roommate's face being in an X configuration and some speculation now that tape on Caylee may have crisscrossed. This is all very speculative, I never learned for sure if Lee's roommate's face really was taped or if that photo was photoshopped but it did appear here, and we all wondered. If Caylee's face turns out to have been taped in anything like an X shape, then I'll wonder who it was who taped Lee's roommates face that time, or, if his roommate's face wasn't really taped and that part was photoshopped, why did the person photoshopping the photo make the tape in an X configuration on the face?
in the earliest interview with TL and CC where they sound a bit giddy, CC says he went to Cocoa Beach for the weekend on (x dates, I need to go back and look) for a friend's birthday. In TL's interview just a day or two later he says Casey said Caylee was at Cocoa Beach with the nanny for a weekend (also for someone's birthday?) I must review.
Zanny the nanny-
story line similar to what KC was telling AH about her dad moving out.
When their father quits his job and goes on an environmental strike Dad and Zanny the Nanny, move to England. Mom has to stay with her job.
Juliette Lewis- KC's non exsistant friend
the real one starred in the movie
"Natural Born Killers" her character role was "Mallory"
My goodness, what are the chances of Skye being in the same jail as KC and the same time period, and then Sky's sister River gets involved with GA, Skye gets out of jail and meets GA & CA.....

Alas, but even here we have the River looking alot like the Zanny description that is merely coincidental. .

The two sisters, of course, have to have various akas names so it adds to the confusion. Your brain will eventually have to explode, so be careful seeing all these coincidences at once.
"Natural Born Killers" summary

Two victims of traumatized childhoods become lovers and psychopathic serial murderers irresponsibly glorified by the mass media. Delivery boy Mickey Knox falls in love with customer Mallory Wilson. He soon helps her kill her abusive father and enabling mother - something we often wondered if KC was planning on doing....
The two are made famous by unscrupulous reporter Wayne Gale, as they run across the countryside, pursued by the equally sadistic Jack Scagnetti. Just before the trial, a ratings-whoring interview by the same reporter who made them famous leads to pandemonium, not just within the prison itself, but nationwide. A satire of the media, public opinion, and the modern attitude toward violence

kinda whats going on isn't it?
The "just as she was" comment echo's the comments made by detectives during the Universal Studios interview. They seemed to be trying to give KC an opportunity to admit if there was any knowledge of death or an accident....and they commented along the lines of.......she may not be in good shape right now (eluding to deceased or decomposed).

I need to go back and find it. But perhaps that "picture" resonated with KC and her guilt let it slip out during the visit with her parents?
I think so too. Here's the quote from the Universal interview:

"I understand that, right now, Caylee may not be in very good shape. You understand what I'm saying? She may not be the way we or your family last remembers her." @ 2:40
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