Coincidence or Not? Please List!

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ZG having gone to view apartment at Sawgrass, TL/Casey looking for apartment for TL at Crane's Landing in same time frame.

Not sure if I have missed this if someone else has posted this theory, but I am wondering if the 3 stars were for every year of Caylee's life and the missing dot in the 3rd star symbolizes her living for only 2 years. Could totally be off the mark here......

2 out of 3 CMA's still alive.

enjoyed your posts because I had always assumed the three stars in the "Bella Vita/Beautiful Life" were Casey, TL, and Caylee, with Caylee's star being the one missing its dot. I like your other theories a lot.
OMGosh... I was just thinking/trying to recall this one the other day:

The street sign names, at the little residential intersection where TL and the detectives stopped when they were trying to find the location where TL met up with KC to pick her up once when she ran out of gas!

Does anyone else remember this? Remember the names of the street signs? It was almost as blatant as "Casey", "Killed" & "Caylee", lol, but not quite.

It was so weird. I hope someone with a better memory than mine will remember this!

I do remember what you're talking about. :) But I can't remember what the actual street names were either! I would have to listen to the TL interview again, the one where he's riding in the car with LE.
Dante's having left his job at DRF on June 17. Or was that debunked?
"Exit 13" talking about using chloroform on prisoners in Iraq, and DS using the username "Nitrous", when they were here together chatting with us.
I remember that....And how some were banned because they spoke up to him.

That ideas come from somewhere & possibly Casey's use of chloroform came from these guys.

Chloroform is used by tattoo artists and mechanics.
"Exit 13" talking about using chloroform on prisoners in Iraq, and DS using the username "Nitrous", when they were here together chatting with us.

Nitrous oxide is used in race cars because allows the engine to burn more fuel and air, resulting in a more powerful combustion. It makes the cars faster and more powerful. Its also used as an oxidizer for rocketry.

I really don't think DS meant to use the name in a nefarious way. He seems to really be obsessed with racing, and all things car related. IMO
When I first mentioned Joyce & Bailey Dickens, me point was that I could not find a transcript of their 'talk' with the police anywhere. Thanks, ZsaZsa, for posting the 'YouTube' link. That clip is what started my search, indeed, it is what started me posting instead of lurking on these Caylee sites. But my original query still stands, does anyone have a link to a transcript, 'official' or otherwise, of their amusing talk? Slightly OT: Could you imagine how much Joyce could of said if her husband would actually let her finish a sentence?
Coincidence that Vicky (employee at Sawgrass) matched Zanny the Nanny's description and when looking at the pictures in her FB account, she was partying with KC's friends over St. Patrick's Day while KC was stuck at home watching Caylee (and googling chloroform, etc).

Vicky took her children to the various theme parks in early the same time KC was telling CA that Caylee was visiting the parks with Zanny while she "worked".

There were other coincidences with Vicky and her myspace/facebook but I can't remember them now!
Quote Shezcrafti, Post 57:

Kiomarie Cruz, a former friend of KC, gave two interviews to LE. In the first interview, she told investigators that KC had called her to say she was in a bind and asked to borrow money. During that call, Kio claimed she heard Caylee's voice in the background.

In the second interview, she changed her story to say it was a different KC who called her... So either Kio was lying, or she has two friends named Casey, both with financial problems, and both with daughters around Caylee's age.

Hello Websleuths, btw! :wave: Long-time lurker coming out of the woodwork.

Just to add a little more conflicting info to this mix--- According to what Kiomarie told Joyce and Bailey Dickens (Anthony neighbors), during Kio's phone call with Casey around July 9, Kio not only heard Caylee in the background saying, "Mommy look, Mommy look," Kio also heard Casey reply, "Shhh, I'm on the phone."

This phone call becomes very important because on July 16, Casey herself admitted she hadn't seen Caylee in 31 days. So either Kiomarie did confuse Casey Anthony with another friend named Casey who made that phone call--or else Casey Anthony was on that phone call and setting up a pre-planned, faked alibi which won't look good for Casey. Or, third possibility--Kiomarie invented the phone call for some reason.

Here's the link to the Joyce and Bailey Dickens' statement which our ZsaZsa kindly provided earlier.

YouTube- Joyce Bailey Dickens 7/22/08 (Anthony's Neighbor)

PS--Welcome to WS as a participant, not just a lurker!!! :blowkiss:

The Police did follow up on that and in the next interview she stated that the other Casey was a Casey Williams who has a daughter age 6- she is the one asking to borrow money, with the child in the background, in order to escape from a 'domestic situation'.
As Mr Dickens says, he would believe anything Kio says, he has known her all his life and she is credible.
On 19 May 2008 Casey texts Amy and tells her she is going to see a place with her mother that she might be signing on.

She goes on to tell her it is off of Conway and Michigan. Page 18 end Page 19 beg

In her first police interview with Yuri she tells him she dropped Caylee off with the nanny at the Sawgrass Apts on Conway and Michigan.
G & C's wedding anniversary is March 19... KC's birthday is March 19...

(ETA: After more thought, this may actually be the only truly coincidental coinky-dink in this whole case. Which means everything else is hinky-dink.)
more coincidences

A Derrick "Casanova" W. , hip hop promotions guy, company name "Society Entertainment", having previously lived in the apartment at Sawgrass. Coincidence with hip hop promotions/DBC Entertainment/Fusian.

And again the coincidence of the last names, Derrick W, and Kio's "Casey W", KW, and was Torion the singer connected to any of these, etc.

The apartment deposit scam in the past by Frank McK, the empty apartment at Sawgrass, ZFG having gone to view the apartment at Sawgrass, Caylee supposedly having been dropped off at the apartment at Sawgrass, etc. Casey's friends who lived near that apartment at Sawgrass. The similarity of the names "Zannie and her sister Samantha" to Annie and Samantha H (though they were buddies rather than sisters.)

I thought that was real strange about the apartment being vacant for so long.
more coincidences

A Derrick "Casanova" W. , hip hop promotions guy, company name "Society Entertainment", having previously lived in the apartment at Sawgrass. Coincidence with hip hop promotions/DBC Entertainment/Fusian.

And again the coincidence of the last names, Derrick W, and Kio's "Casey W", KW, and was Torion the singer connected to any of these, etc.

The apartment deposit scam in the past by Frank McK, the empty apartment at Sawgrass, ZFG having gone to view the apartment at Sawgrass, Caylee supposedly having been dropped off at the apartment at Sawgrass, etc. Casey's friends who lived near that apartment at Sawgrass. The similarity of the names "Zannie and her sister Samantha" to Annie and Samantha H (though they were buddies rather than sisters.)

That the owner of Fusian has a company called "Upstart Entertainment" with a Derek W. (not wil***** but was*******).

That the old Fusian website has a friend on Myspace listed as La Bella Vita.
Okay, is it just me, or does this case have an extraordinary number of odd coincidences? There are too many to think they are accidental! I almost think that KC used "real" information (creatively) so it would look less like lying. At the same time, I have to ask myself: "is she that smart?"

I searched for this topic, and as far as I can tell, it hasn't been discussed in its own separate post?

Definitely not just you, and thanks for the thread! :)
Nitrous oxide is used in race cars because allows the engine to burn more fuel and air, resulting in a more powerful combustion. It makes the cars faster and more powerful. Its also used as an oxidizer for rocketry.

I really don't think DS meant to use the name in a nefarious way. He seems to really be obsessed with racing, and all things car related. IMO

yes, I know about the use of nitrous oxide in auto mechanics. I'll leave it at that since this thread is just about listing coincidences.

p.s. you have the cutest avatar! It always makes me smile :)
TL may have actually rented the movies if the card was in his name, however, Casey was there with him and I feel sure that she had input as to what movie/s they got. When hubby and I go get movies we make sure it is something that both of us want to see. TL has also helped out LE during this case, something that the Anthony family has not done.

I only asked because it's been widely claimed in the media that Casey rented the movies, but I heard other reports that they may actually have been rented by TL, so just wanted to be sure before we pass that info on here.
Of course we could guess all we want regarding if she wanted to see the movies or not but that would only be guessing. (Personally, I find the actual video from the BB interesting, and different from the media portrayals, regarding who appeared to be striding into the store and who was following behind like a puppydog, but that's just me). We could make guesses about who helped LE and who didn't, too, but that would take the thread off topic :) But I get your point :)

Kiomarie's first suggestion where to search is the place.

(Had Suburban Drive been searched early on?)
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