compare the parent's statements to media here

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
One thing that is interesting is in one interview they say that they could not make calls on the cell phones because they hadn't paid the bill but they could still receive calls.
Then in the search warrants we heard that JI said that he was supposed to come home around 10 pm but had to work late but couldn't call DB because the cell phones were turned off. Which was it?
Early Account
Bradley said she last checked on the child around 10:30 p.m., then fell asleep in her bed with her 6-year-old son and a stray kitten they found earlier in the day.

Latest Account
Debbi confirms her latest version that she put a fussy Lisa to bed at 6:40 p.m. and checked on her shortly thereafter to find her standing up, she layed her back down (10:30 pm check-in removed from her story). The kitten was not in the home before Jeremy left for his night assignment at 5:20pm. Debbi claims she found the stray kitten after Jeremy went to work and before she went to bed.
Source: People Magazine Oct. 31 hard copy edition

ETA: The "lastest account" above is a summary in my words as the document is not available on-line and there are copyright issues with scanning.

October 9, 2011 – Parents Interview with Judge Pirro.
DB: “Me and my neighbor were out front talking, and the boys were in, and Maria, um, she has a four year old daughter, were in the, in their bedroom with them, and they have a tv in there, bunk beds and stuff. They were, they were watching, uh, some sort of fairy tale movie, and, um, I mean, everything was, everything f, uh, was uh, pretty normal. I mean, he, uh, Jeremy never works nights, and never works overnight certainly, so…”
JP: “And this is like the first time that you worked an overnight?”
JI: “Yeah, this is the first time I’ve ever not been home at night. So…”
JP: “But that night, who went to bed first, Debbie?”
DB: “Um, Lisa.”
JP: “Lisa?”
DB: “Yeah. I put the boys to bed and then I a, I went to sleep.”
JP: “The neighbor was gone when you went to sleep?”
DB: “Yeah.”
JP: “Okay, and you think that was about 10:30?”
DB: “Yeah.”
JP: “Were the lights on or off when you went to bed?”
DB: “I turned them all off.”
JP: “Okay, and was the front door locked or unlocked?”
DB: “Uh, I don’t remember. Typically, I lock it, um, I mean, I left the, the computer room window open, and…”
JP: “So the computer room is in the front of the house?”
JI: “Yes, that’s right.”
JP: “And…”
[Break in interview as DB tried to compose herself.]
JP: “I can’t imagine the pain you’re going through. Was there a screen on the computer window?”
JI: “Yeah.”
DB: “Yeah.”
JP: “There was.”
DB: “And, uh, when he came in it was up, and when he tried to shut the window, cause we, we almost never, except for maybe our bedroom which is, uh, really far off the ground and maybe, um, twice, or every once in a while, we’ll leave the boys’ window cracked so they, um, for them, so they don’t get hot in the summer, but, um, he knew that, you know, that I mean, I’m sure there’s been a couple times that we’ve left it open, but it’s not enough to where you walk by it and it’s a normal thing at four, four o clock in the morning.”
JP: “What do you mean, when you say he knew?”
DB: “Whenever he came in from work, when he see…”
JP: “What time do you normally come home, Jeremy?”
JI: “About five in…”
JP: “In the evening?”
JI: “In the evening, yeah.”
JP: “But this night you were the last one to go to bed. You turned the lights out, there was the screen in the window?”
DB: “Uh-huh.”
JP: “But the window was open?”
DB: “Yeah.”
JP: “Okay. What’s the next thing that you remember?”
DB: “Him coming in the bedroom, um, I didn’t know what time it was until he, he later on had said it, because we didn’t, I didn’t check, but he came in and he said, um, you know, why are all the lights on, um, you know, why is the, uh, the screen popped out of the window? Part of the corner of it was popped out, or something and, um, and I s, um, I, I got up, ‘I don’t, I don’t know what you’re talking about,’ um, and, um, my son was sleeping with me, and, um, you know, sometimes I, I like to, right, my kids have always, when they’re younger, little, slept in bed with me. So, I like to do that when I can. And, um, he asked why, why Michael was there, and I just, you know, he’s just sleeping next to me, and, um, I guess, with everything he was saying out loud to me, you know, he thought, you know, wait a minute, Lisa’s bedroom door’s open, and we always, we always close it when she goes to sleep at night and he run back and checked and said, he came in the room and he said, ‘Where’s Lisa, where’s she at?’ and I said, ‘She, she’s in her crib. What do you?’ You know, and he’s said, ‘She’s not there,’ and we just got up and started screaming for her and looking everywhere and she wasn’t there.”
JP: “Had she, she’s ten months old, Lisa’s ten months old…”
DB: “She’s only eleven months old, eleven. Her birthday’s next month.”
October 9, 2011, Judge Pirro Interview with Parents about LDT results.
JP: “What about reports that there is a fallout with the police? There’s reports that on Thursday there was, you know, this animated discussion and, you two sped off in a car. Settle the record for once and for all, what happened?”
DB: “Um, uh, when I went down to the command center, I had a list of people, and right before I, I a, while I was making the list, I heard that they were searching another area, and it, it wasn’t houses, and I, I panicked, and I was freaking out and we went down there and we were asking them is there anything going on, what was happening, um, um, you know, it’s, we have, we have a list of pe, of names, but why is everybody, why is everybody down there looking in this area, what, what’s going on?...”
JP: “So what happened on, uh, with the discussion of the lie detector? You said that they told you that you failed it?”
DB: “They just said that, you, uh, you, you failed the test. Cause I asked them, you know, I said, how did I do, what’s…And he says, um, you failed. And, I’m like, that’s not possible. What do you, what do you mean I failed? And you failed, you, you killed her, you know where she’s at, and, I mean, um, I’ve, I heard, I heard it, um, Tuesday too, and I mean, it’s not the first…”
JP: “When did you take the lie detector?”
DB: “Um, yesterday.”
JP: “Okay, so it’s, um, okay, so that was two days after she was missing. So, um, and then they tell you that you failed it. What do you think of this, Jeremy? They tell you that your wife, mother of your baby, failed a lie detector. How, how does that make you feel?”
JI: “It, it didn’t, it didn’t really make me feel anything. It doesn’t change anything. I, I don’t, there was never any doubt in my mind, so it, I literally just told them I don’t care, and…”
JP: “She’s a great mother?”
JI: “She’s a great, great mother.”
JP: “When they told you that you failed, you indicated in published reports, you know, that they weren’t very nice about it, is that correct?”
DB: “Right.”
JP: “You apparently got agitated with that, is that true, Jeremy?”
JI: “Um, no, not really. I mean, we were, we were kind of upset, but, I mean, its…”
DB: “How are you supposed to react when somebody tells you something like that and you know it’s not true? You…”
JI: “It’s to be expected. I mean, they don’t have any, I don’t think they have a whole lot of other stuffso…”
JP: “Why do you think they, why do you think they don’t have any leads?”
DB: “I don’t know.”
JP: “She can’t disappear into thin air.”
DB: “Right.”
JP: “What’s, somebody…”
JI: “She’s got to be somewhere. That’s why we keep talking to people and coming out and, there’s being all these fliers made and people have been great. The police are still being great, um…”
JP: “So, you continue cooperating with the police?”
JI: “Of course.”
DB: “Oh, yeah.”

thank you so much for the transcriptions - very much needed and appreciated!!!

Thank you all for this info & nurse for the thread!! Much appreciated. xoxo
I feel sick. I cannot believe these horrible people showed up at the vigil tonight. Sick. :/ I had a bad feeling second day into this and I fought it.

Thank you for the posts! Absolutely, thank you for taking time transcribing.

I agree that the HM Blog should have cited their sources. Even though it is VERY obvious from the parents mouth that they are inconsistent. I have unfortunately caught the media hyping up or exaggerating some things. It will be nice to have a clean version!
10/6/2011 - Judge Pirro Interview with Parents (Pt. 3)
JP: “Did you look outside, I mean, what, what’s going on in your heads when you realize she’s not there, you call 911. Do you think maybe she’s outside? Who’s the first person that comes to mind?”
JI: “No, nobody comes to mind. We, I ran outside, I went to the neighbors, woke them up, she wasn’t there. Grabbed a flashlight and we ran all over the yard, and she ran all over the house. There was nothing out of place, she wasn’t there.”
JP: “There are reports that someone noticed a man around two in the morning, cradling a baby in his arms. Have you heard that and do you know what came of that?’
DB: “Nothing that we, we heard about it, but nothing that we know of so far, I mean, we haven’t heard anything.”
JP: “What about, Jeremy, you gave several names to the police. Without getting into the names, and it doesn’t matter, how did you pick the people’s names to give to the police? Why did you think they might have something to do with baby Lisa’s disappearance?”
JI: “Um, after everything calmed down a little bit, and we were able to, we sat down just the two of us and we started thinking of stuff, just anybody, any kind of clue, people that have been in the house recently, people that have been in the house a long time ago, um, people that have had miscarriages lately, people that have got divorces or cheating on their husband, or anything, anything that might try to help us locate her.”
JP: “Did you come up with names also, Debbie, of people, I mean, she was so beautiful. She is beautiful, you know, in the pictures that I’ve seen, I mean, you must have gone into supermarkets and people must have been stunned with her.”
DB: “That is, that’s one, you know, when I started to have thoughts, that was one of the thoughts that went through my head, was, I mean, I, the drug store, the grocery store, I mean, uh, Target, we go to get things, you know, for the house and her, and I mean, every, everybody stops me and, ‘She’s beautiful’, and she’s…she loves everybody and she’s really friendly and she’ll go to anyone, and she…”
JP: “Any strange people in the neighborhood? I mean, other than this report of a man cradling a baby? Did you notice strange people coming through, you know, garbage people, mailmen, anybody paying undue attention, somebody walking their dog, any…”
DB: “I’ve no, I spend a lot of time outside, and I’m always bringing her out and I’m, you know, I lay a blanket out and we’ll play on it or I’ll bring a toy out for her or she’s outside with the boys, and me and my neighbor sit out side a lot and hang out with the kids, and I mean, people walk by, but, and they drive by, but, I mean. That’s the last thing you think. I mean, you don’t, you never think people are, people are watching you. I mean, or planning anything, you know, you don’t, I mean, it’s a possibility.”
[End of interview with parents, on to the talking heads for the remaining three minutes of footage]
Thank you Not My Kids for posting this fabulous information. What a great resource! :rocker:

I like how in the Judge Pirro interview, JI says that they ran all over the yard, and DB ran all over the house, and then in more recent interviews that I have yet to transcribe, DB says that she didn't look around much because she was afraid of what she might find.

There's also the long version and what seems to be the short version of how soon after JI got home DB got out of bed. One interview she says that she jumped right up out of bed when JI said the lights were all on, and in the JP interviews, she says that she didn't get up until after JI had checked Lisa's room and said that she wasn't there. Neither is a huge discrepancy, but it still alters the time line and sequence of events just enough to leave gaps and holes, and a whole lot of questions.
Thanks for all the transcriptioins! So much easier!

Cell Phones..definitely confusing for me.

Parents say cell phones turned off for non payment. Dad says no call out but can call in, but on that night he worked later than planned and couldn't call the cells. Rumor has it there was a 2:30 (approximate) phone ping from one of the The phone the grandfather gave to them? Was it in working order?

Totally confused on the cell phone situation.

10/18/2011 - Today Show interview with Peter Alexander and parents
(I had to use the web cache in order to view the video, so I apologize for the weird link.)

DB: “Well, I’m the, I was the last one with her, and from judging on how the questioning went that’s kind of fear that I have. [being arrested for Lisa’s disappearance.] And the main fear with that is, if they arrest me, people are gonna stop looking for her. And then I’ll never see her again. And I’ll never know what happened.”
[PA giving the case basics in a voice over.]
PA: “You told us that the police even accused you of killing your daughter.”
DB: “Uh-huh.”
PA: “How is that been, for authorities to focus on you, at times?”
DB: “Terrible, because y, my daughter is missing, the last thing that I want to have to worry about is something like that. I shouldn’t have to put any energy, any time or effort into anything but finding her.”
[PA giving the info on the wine and baby supplies purchase in voiceover.]
PA: “Were you drinking that night?”
DB: “Yes.”
PA: “How much?”
DB: “Uh, enough to be drunk. “
PA: “So, you were drunk?”
DB: “Uh-huh.”
PA: “A lot of people are going to say, Deborah, you were drunk that night. Is there any chance you did anything that hurt your daughter, that you’re just not telling us?”
DB: “No. No. No. And if I thought there was any chance, I’d say it. No. No. I don’t think that alcohol changes a person enough to do something like that.”
{PA in voiceover saying that the story is now that Deborah last saw Lisa when she put her to bed at 6:40 p.m. and that it was the first night that Jeremy had worked overnight. ]
PA: “Do you in any way question that she’s not telling you or police everything she knows?”
JI: “No. There’s no question to be had there. It, I know who she is, I know what kind of mother she is/”
[PA telling that JI got home from work just before 4 to find all the lights on and the window screen tampered with. Also explains that LE has tried to recreate any possible break in through that window]
PA: “Does it seem feasible tp you that someone could have gotten in while you and your two boys were sleeping and you wouldn’t have heard a thing?”
JI: “Our bedroom is on the exact opposite corner of the house, and, uh, she sleeps with the fan on high.”
DB: “Yeah, but they must have been doing it much quieter than the police were.”
PA: “You told us that police said that you failed a lie detector test. What question or questions did they say you failed?”
DB: “They said that I failed when they asked me where she was.”
[PA in voice overs saying that the couple has refused to let LE reinterview the boys.]
DB: “They said they heard noises, but I don’t know if that was before, um, or after we went to sleep. I have not sat down and talked to them specifically to not have to put them through anything else.”
[PA in voiceover talking about the MO National Guard joining the hunt, as well as the discovery of the diapers and backpack in the abandoned home, also notes that LE has discounted that discovery. He also covers the police talking to Jersey, the handyman, and the fact that LE has named no suspects, including her parents.]
PA: “If the person who took your baby daughter is out there watching this right now, what do you say to them?”
DB: “She needs her family. We need her. We’re losing, um, more sanity as each day progresses.”
[This is the end of the interview with the parents, but if you keep watching, this is where Judge Jeanine points out some of the discrepancies between what the parents told her and the new timeline that they have been using.]
10/17/2011 – Dan Abrahams GMA interview
DA: “I began by asking Deborah about how she learned that she’d apparently failed a lie detector test.”
DB: “He said, ‘You failed,’ And I said, ‘Failed what? What question did I fail?’ And they, he said, ‘You failed the one where you know where your daughter’s at.’ And I said, ‘That’s not possible. I don’t know where she’s at.’ And I just proceeded to come unglued. That’s not possible, freaking out, telling them no, and he looked in my face, and he said, ‘I’ve met bad mothers like you.’ And proceeded to say something, probably along the lines of I need to tell the truth or…It’s hard to hear that, but if it means I have to go through all this to get her back, I don’t care. “
DA: “Would you take another lie detector test?”
DB: “Yeah. Why not?”
DA: “Do you think it’s possible that they’re going to arrest you?”
DB: “I don’t know. They’d be wrong.”
DA: “A lot of people have been asking whether you were drinking a lot that night, and whether that might explain something here.”
DB: “It doesn’t explain anything, cause I had nothing to do with anything.”
DA: “Were you drinking a lot that night?”
DB: “I was drinking, but it has nothing to do with my daughter’s disappearance. “
DA: “You said that what you have been told has been lies, what do you mean by that?”
DB: “During interrogation, ‘We found this.’ They showed me burnt clothes, they showed me a f, a doppler thing with pings from a, that my cell phones and, um, I’m led to believe at this point that none of that was real. I hope the burnt clothes weren’t real. “
DA: “So as time passes and you feel like you’re cooperating and communicating with them, you’re getting, what, fed up, with the fact that they’re continuing to…”
DB: “Yeah.”
DA: “…focus on you?”
DB: “Because I know I have absolutely nothing to do with my daughter’s disappearance. You know, I still understand it, they’re doing their job, but they’re not, it’s not personal, but it, it doesn’t make me feel any better about it.”
DA: “In your most private moments, have you for a second ever thought maybe there was an accident? Maybe something happened?”
JI: “No. “
DA: “Maybe she tried to cover it up afterwards?”
JI: “No. I mean, there, the first time I even thought that was when the, the people, or the, the police had started asking us about it, and, uh, there, it’s just not, it’s not possible.”
DA: “How did you realize that Lisa was gone?”
JI: “I had, I had come home and, uh, Deborah had woke, woken up when I got there, and, uh, we talked for a couple minutes, and then, uh, I asked her, you know, what’s going on. She said what do you mean, and that’s when I told her, you know, the door, the lights, the window. And, uh, she kinda jumped up out of bed like something was wrong, and that was when I, I kind of realized that something might be wrong.”
DA: “So, when you first came home, you didn’t immediately realize that Lisa was gone?”
JI: “No.”
DA: “Has this put a strain on your relationship, as a couple?”
JI: “It’s actually kinda done the opposite. We, uh, we’ve spent a l, you know, every waking moment together since this happened, um, it’s, it’s actually made us a lot closer.”
DA: “Are you hopeful that Lisa’s gonna be found?”
DB: “Oh, we’re gonna find her. I have no doubt in my mind, we’re gonna find her.”
DA: “How are you so certain?”
DB: “I just know. Cause there’s still a God.”
10-17-2011 – Megyn Kelly interview with parents.
MK: “Let’s talk about the wine. How much did you consume that day?”
DB: “I had, uh, I had several. Several glasses of wine.”
MK: “When you say several, more than three?”
DB: “Yeah. But that has nothing to do with her. “
MK: “More than 5?”
DB: “Probably.”
MK: “More than 10?”
DB: “No.”
MK: “Was it just wine, or was there other alcohol…?”
DB: “Yeah, just wine. Just wine. Lisa was in bed and the boys were laying down watching a movie with the neighbors daughter.
MK: “Were you drunk?”
DB: “Yeah.”
MK: “Do you have a drinking problem?”
DB: “No. I don’t think so.”
MK: “Some folks are going to have an issue with you having more than five drinks while you’re looking after a baby and two little boys.
DB: “Oh, I’m sure they are…She was sleeping. You know, I don’t see the problem in me having my grown up time. I take good care of my kids. I keep my house clean. I do their laundry. I kiss their boo-boos. I, I fix them food. I am involved in their school stuff. I mean, to me, there’s nothing wrong with me doing what I want to do, after dark. As soon as I’m done drinking, I go right to bed.”
MK: “Is that what happened [inaudible]?”
DB: “Right. Which is why I don’t do it till my kids are in bed.”
MK: “Does it happen every night?”
DB: “No. No.”
MK: “How many days a week would you say…”
DB: “Maybe a couple time a week.”
MK: “How drunk were you?”
DB: “Just drunk.”
MK: “I mean, were you slurring your words, were you stumbling?”
DB: “I don’t think so, no.
MK: “Is it possible you had a blackout?”
DB: “It could , it’s a possibility. I mean, just like anybody else, when you drink, you don’t remember the things that happened, and stuff like that but, um, yeah, it’s a possibility. But, it, once again, has nothing to do with my daughter.”
MK: “Is it possible you blacked out and something happened to Lisa during that time?”
DB: “No.”
MK: “Why?”
DB: “I go to sleep every single time and everybody knows me. Any time I drink anything, I, I’ve actually had get-togethers with family, over at the house, and everybody will be drinking and hanging out, playing pool and stuff, and, um, I will, once I’ve had enough to drink, I just get really tired. I go right upstairs and right down, I don’t even say bye to people.”
[Cut away to Megyn in the newroom.]
MK: “Did you take any drugs?”
DB: “No.”
MK: “Are you a drug user?”
DB: “No.”
MK: “Are you on any drugs?”
DB: “No, I take anxiety medication, I mean, but it’s not narcotic, no.”
MK: “Even before this episode, this event?”
DB: “Yeah.”
MK: “Yeah. Uh, and were you taking it that night?”
DB: “Yeah, I take it every morning.
[Another cut away to MK in the newsroom.]
MK: “When you went in at 10:30, after the neighbor left, what did you do?”
DB: “Probably went right to my room.”
MK: “Why do you say probably?”
BD: “Because, um, sometimes, I check on her. Well, most of the time, I check on her. And then the boys, their room is right next to each other. And I sneak in and make sure, you know. And the boys had been awake, and I had went, um, in there, and told them they could come sleep in my bed. And, um, so, I’m assuming that I went and checked on her too, but, I don’t really know.”
MK: “You don’t remember?”
DB: “No.”
MK: “So, it’s possible you did not check on her before you went to bed at 10:30?”
DB: “Yeah. Yeah. But there’s no way that anybody could have got in.”
MK: “So the last time that you saw your alive, in your home, was when you put her down at 6:40?”
DB: “Right. When I put her down, yeah.”
MK: “And the last time that you saw her alive was when?”
JI: “It was uh, at 5:20, when I had left for work.”
MK: “What’s your reaction to hearing this back and forth about Deborah drinking and being drunk and not, and blacking out, and not remembering every, everything that happened the night Lisa disappeared?”
JI: “Um, I don’t really have much of a reaction, I mean, regardless of what, how much she was drinking, or if she was drunk, or if she supposedly blacked out or whatever, it doesn’t change who you are and what you do.’
Thank you so very much for doing this! I know it had to be a lot of work, thank you!
10/17/2011 - Megyn Kelly interview with parents – Part 2
MK: “Do you think they came in through that window?”
DB: “Absolutely.”
MK: “Do you think so?”
DB: “Absolutely.”
JI: “I think so.”
MK: “How? Because the screen was pushed off only a small amount.
DB: “Uh-uh.
MK: “Not enough for a body [inaudible].”
DB: “I checked the pictures later, it was off the track.”
JI: “Its popped out of the track, and there’s a spiderweb on it, so it looks like it was pushed in, and then up. Cause the spiderweb was rolled up. “
[At this point, they show a clip from Judge Pirro’s show where she asks them repeatedly if someone could have come through the window, they say no, all three times. I am not including that snip here, because I am trying not to mix interviews together.]
[Long cut away to the talking heads in the newsroom.]
DB: “Oh, it’s so easy to hear the story and say, oh she drank, or, oh she. It’s so easy to say those things, but I know I didn’t do anything. He didn’t do anything. So, there’s a bad guy out there, with my baby. Right now. And those people that are judging me, please just look for her. “
Respectfully snipped for content

MK: “Why?”
DB: “I go to sleep every single time and everybody knows me. Any time I drink anything, I, I’ve actually had get-togethers with family, over at the house, and everybody will be drinking and hanging out, playing pool and stuff, and, um, I will, once I’ve had enough to drink, I just get really tired. I go right upstairs and right down, I don’t even say bye to people.”[Cut away to Megyn in the newroom.]

Just noticing mom refers to partying and when she's had enough she goes right UP stairs. Showing me that they do party in the basement. It's weird to me that that part of the house is rarely mentioned. And I do not believe they sat on the porch the whole eve/night. IMO you get to drinking and you get to exploring and having a good time, that's a big yard to play in. IMO

BD: “Because, um, sometimes, I check on her. Well, most of the time, I check on her. And then the boys, their room is right next to each other. And I sneak in and make sure, you know. And the boys had been awake, and I had went, um, in there, and told them they could come sleep in my bed. And, um, so, I’m assuming that I went and checked on her too, but, I don’t really know.”
MK: “You don’t remember?”
DB: “No.”
MK: “So, it’s possible you did not check on her before you went to bed at 10:30?”

How come here she remembers telling the boyS (not just the 1) they could sleep in her room cause they were still awake @ 10:30 (on a school night) but then she would either turn right to Lisa's room or had just been there to check on her but this part she cannot remember.??

Thanx NMK's for transcribing.
Not_my_kids, you're my hero!
10/17/2011 - Megyn Kelly interview with parents – Pt. 3

MK: “Did you kill little Lisa?”
DB: “No.”
JI: “No.”
MK: “Do you believe she’s still alive?”
DB: “Yes. Absolutely.”
MK: “Did you hurt your baby?”
DB: “No.”
JI: “No.”
MK: “Would you ever hurt your baby?”
DB: “Absolutely not.”
JI: “No.”
DB: Do you have any idea who might have been involved in her disappearance?”
DB: “No.”
MK: “Do you believe that she was kidnapped?”
DB: “Yes. Why else, why else would you take a, a, a ten month old baby?”
MK: “Did you sell your baby?”
DB: Oh, no, no.
JI: “No.”
DB: “No.
MK: “Do you know anybody, had anybody ever approached you about selling your baby?”
DB: “No.”
JI: “No.”
MK: “The police now say that you have quit talking to them. Is that true?”
DB: “No.”
JI: “No.”
MK: “Why are they saying that?”
DB: “Because we won’t let them interview our children. Maybe. I mean, they’ve already done…”
MK: “Have they already interviewed the two boys?”
JI: “Yeah.”
DB: “Yeah. Of course.”
MK: “And you’ve just said, no more?”
DB: “Yeah, no more.”
JI: “Right.”
DB: “My kids would know nothing.”
MK: “How far into it did they accuse you?”
DB: “Couple hours.”
MK: “Really?”
DB: “Yeah.”
MK: “Into the first interview?”
DB: “Yeah.”
JI: “Yeah.”
MK: “What did they say?”
DB: “’You did it,’ ‘Where is, where’s she at?’ You know, stuff like that. I can’t really get into that. I don’t wanna affect the investigation, it’s not about clearing my name. “
MK: “Did they do that same thing to you, Jeremy?”
JI: ”Yeah, uh, yeah, they did, very the same thing. They first told me it was her, then later, they told me it was me and that an accident had happened, or, yeah.”
MK: “What about that, because that is one of the theories that people speculate about. That, it’s not that you two hurt your daughter, but maybe she had an accident in that house and then you panicked.”
DB: “That’s what 911 is for. That’s the only answer I have for that. All the ideas that people have on what me or him might have done, or, it’s just sick.”
MK: “The police told you that you had failed a polygraph. And they also told us that you failed it and they said you failed it miserably. Did they tell you what questions you failed?”
DB: “Yes.”
MK: “What questions?”
DB: “Do I know where she’s at?”
MK: “Anything else?”
DB: “No, I don’t remember. I don’t think so.”
MK: “And what did you say to them when they told you that?”
DB: “That’s not possible. I have absolutely no idea where my daughter is. If I knew, she’d be with me.”
MK: “And how did they respond?”
DB: “Called me a bad mother, and said I oughta fess up, pretty much. “
JI: “They keep bringing up the, you know, maybe it was an accident. Maybe you did it during the two hours you were home, and she found out about it later.”
DB: “We’re scared of them, because they’ve scared the crap out of me. I mean, they’ve managed to do a great job at that, so…”
MK: “You could not only have lost your child, you could lose your freedom.”
DB: “Yeah. When I’ve done nothing wrong.”
I like how in the Judge Pirro interview, JI says that they ran all over the yard, and DB ran all over the house, and then in more recent interviews that I have yet to transcribe, DB says that she didn't look around much because she was afraid of what she might find.

There's also the long version and what seems to be the short version of how soon after JI got home DB got out of bed. One interview she says that she jumped right up out of bed when JI said the lights were all on, and in the JP interviews, she says that she didn't get up until after JI had checked Lisa's room and said that she wasn't there. Neither is a huge discrepancy, but it still alters the time line and sequence of events just enough to leave gaps and holes, and a whole lot of questions.

I thought he said he woke up Deborah AFTER he checked Lisa's and the boys' rooms. So the sequence of events would be the same, he is just telling it different than she is.

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