Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen #10

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“He would act like a child. He would scream and shout when she brought up getting out of the house (instead of) spending hours and hours playing video games,” the friend said.

:furious::furious: You were right Xavier - He sounds like a spoiled brat!

Respectfully, I disagree that he sounds like a spoiled brat. To me he sounds like a troubled teen who is unable to connect with others and society in a healthy way. He is disconnected. He is isolated. He doesn't fit / doesn't connect. I believe this is THE biggest problem with these individuals who commit these crimes. We are seeing more and more offenders like this. They are different - rejected by society - loners. I don't think it's about being spoiled. These are difficult children. The parents never start out intending to raise these children this way - but due to lack of external supports (mental health, community, etc.) - it ends up this way. The parents feel helpless. The mother had an incredibly difficult job and the father left her alone to handle it. There is no reason for her not locking up her weapons though - maybe there is more to the story than we know about that aspect.
She is a victim no matter if the guns were locked or not IMO.

She didn't use the guns. Her son did. He's the one to blame.


But I do wonder, if she were not one of the dead, could she be charged with any kind of negligence for having all those guns in her home, unsecured, around a person she obviously knew to have some psych issues?

I guess it depends on the laws, but IMO she is morally just as responsible as her son. IF, and it's a big IF, this story is true. I think it is true but I would still rather have confirmation from other sources.
But I do wonder, if she were not one of the dead, could she be charged with any kind of negligence for having all those guns in her home, unsecured, around a person she obviously knew to have some psych issues?

I guess it depends on the laws, but IMO she is morally just as responsible as her son. IF, and it's a big IF, this story is true. I think it is true but I would still rather have confirmation from other sources.

I don't think so.

But I could be wrong.
I don't think so.

But I could be wrong.

I guess it would depend on if there is any kind of law to that effect.

Like how you can be charged if somebody gets drunk at your home and drives and gets caught. I am not sure what the charge is, but I know you can get in some pretty hot water.
“He would act like a child. He would scream and shout when she brought up getting out of the house (instead of) spending hours and hours playing video games,” the friend said.

:furious::furious: You were right Xavier - He sounds like a spoiled brat!

Thanks SUGAR -- I saw Lanza right off the bat as a spoiled bratty kid

I'm not wealthy, but my neighborhood is predominately mid to very high income families, many work as execs for Procter & Gamble, the Cincy Reds & Bengals owner lives a few miles away, many pro athletes live in my area.

I see kids like Lanza all the time and parents like Nancy Lanza all the time, private schooled trust funders, so it's not hard to visualize the Lanza household and what Nancy was up against raising, motivating her son

I friend of mine's high school son, who was later diagnosed with schizo affective, bludgeoned with a bat his sleeping brother, then he walked to the big neighborhood ritzy square covered all over with blood. He then jumped in the fountain and washed himself off

The son admitted to this crime/murder over a missing bag of pot/marijuana he thought his brother stole

This reminds me of Lanza in many ways
i thought about that too. IF Nancy had her guns locked up, 27 people could possibly still be alive today. moo

CHERIE -- Lanza was crafty, he could repair computers and hi tech toys, so my impression is he likely would've figured a way to break a locked gun case

And as mass murderer LE profilers have said, the typical mass murderer will stop at nothing until his grand plan of attacking innocents is fulfilled

So a locked gun case IMO would not have been much of an obstacle
I guess it would depend on if there is any kind of law to that effect.

Like how you can be charged if somebody gets drunk at your home and drives and gets caught. I am not sure what the charge is, but I know you can get in some pretty hot water.

I don't think there are laws on the books about guns in a closet in a house with 2 adults.

I've never heard of any.

But again, I have admitted I could be wrong.

Now if there were children in the house, and one got ahold to an unlocked gun, I'm sure that's different. Child endangerment or something.

She is a victim no matter if the guns were locked or not IMO.

She didn't use the guns. Her son did. He's the one to blame.


We know that NL didn't use the guns to kill, AL is the blame for the shootings and the lives that he took that day. His mom is to blame for not locking up her registered guns. Registered guns are to locked and secured.

It is also common sense for any gun owner to lock up any gun, but as we know common sense is not too common.
CHERIE -- Lanza was crafty, he could repair computers and hi tech toys, so my impression is he likely would've figured a way to break a locked gun case

And as mass murderer LE profilers have said, the typical mass murderer will stop at nothing until his grand plan of attacking innocents is fulfilled

So a locked gun case IMO would not have been much of an obstacle

I do not think Adam could have picked the lock if it was a gun safe. Anyone can pretty much secure their guns if they want to. No one should have access to a gun they have not registered and do not own IMO, let alone easy access. Now we know they were not locked up most of the time.
Thanks for those photos HOOD-- Bulging eyes in all of those psychos

Maybe bulging eyes are a trademark look of a psychosis, the demon inside of them?

Here are some photos of them before they went to trial or got caught (excluding Cho).

James Holmes

Lori Drew

Casey Anthony

I know you cannot tell by photos solely. I think they all struggle with demons inside them. It consumes them like wildfire.
I don't think there are laws on the books about guns in a closet in a house with 2 adults.

I've never heard of any.

But again, I have admitted I could be wrong.

Now if there were children in the house, and one got ahold to an unlocked gun, I'm sure that's different. Child endangerment or something.


That's what I'm thinking, too. Only if it were a minor who got ahold of the guns. And actually I was doing a little reading and many of those cases are not prosecuted, either.
We know that NL didn't use the guns to kill, AL is the blame for the shootings and the lives that he took that day. His mom is to blame for not locking up her registered guns. Registered guns are to locked and secured.

It is also common sense for any gun owner to lock up any gun, but as we know common sense is not too common.

Ok. So she's guilty of not locking up her guns.

But I find it offensive to say she is at all to blame for the deaths of those children.

That's why I responded after a post insinuating she was partly to blame for the deaths.

I have steak knives in my kitchen. God forbid a family member took one and killed somebody, I would not be to blame for anything other than having steak knives in my kitchen.

That's my point.
I agree totally. Irresponsible storage of guns means an irresponsible owner of the guns. Let alone not locking up guns that can kill many more people than just a regular ole pistol or rifle. If I were the families of those children it would make me all the more mad that Adam had that kind of access. In my mind, if someone can't get a gun on their own, then they shouldn't have access.

Adam would never have been able to get his own gun permit due to the process and you would have to talk to people and I am sure red flags would have went up.Plus here in NJ you need references from 2 people who know you.To obtain an Illegal gun he seems to of had no one he was friends with plus you can not just go up to a bad guy and ask!If they were properly locked up he would never of had a gun to kill anyone with ,that to me is very sad. I believe that is why even officials are not including her in the total of the victims from Sandy Hook.

I am not blaming her just it seems to be a fact it the latest news is correct!
If Nancy didn't have guns, what would stop Adam from finding neighbors who had them and then stealing their guns?

This article gives everyone the opportunity to see who has an active gun permit in certain counties in New York.

My local newspaper where I live also routinely publishes who has gun permits. I do know people who have had their place broken into and only their guns stolen after their name was published. I think if this is what Adam planned on doing, he would've found guns no matter what.
If Nancy didn't have guns, what would stop Adam from finding neighbors who had them and then stealing their guns?

This article gives everyone the opportunity to see who has an active gun permit in certain counties in New York.

My local newspaper where I live also routinely publishes who has gun permits. I do know people who have had their place broken into and only their guns stolen after their name was published. I think if this is what Adam planned on doing, he would've found guns no matter what.

What would stop him? One would think the fact that he didn't want to get out of his basement would be enough. The fact that he wouldn't know how to use the guns would also be plenty. From the start I believed this person was very well trained on how to shoot, since vast majority of victims ended up dead. If mother didn't have guns, or took AL to shooting ranges, it likely wouldn't occur to him to use guns, since he was such an unusual person.
What would stop him? One would think the fact that he didn't want to get out of his basement would be enough. The fact that he wouldn't know how to use the guns would also be plenty. From the start I believed this person was very well trained on how to shoot, since vast majority of victims ended up dead. If mother didn't have guns, or took AL to shooting ranges, it likely wouldn't occur to him to use guns, since he was such an unusual person.

I disagree.

It would occur to him to find and use guns if he was evil. I think we all know he was.

He "shot" people for hours a day in his virtual video game filled time.

I just don't think his mother could have ever imagined he would do what he did.
I disagree.

It would occur to him to find and use guns if he was evil. I think we all know he was.

He "shot" people for hours a day in his virtual video game filled time.

I just don't think his mother could have ever imagined he would do what he did.

I think if my child were in need of my taking him to psychiatrists and he spent all day "shooting" people on violent video games, I'd lock up my guns.

Sure, maybe he would have found a way to get other guns, but we will never know because she facilitated this spree quite nicely for him, so he didn't have to take any extra steps.

I think if my child were in need of my taking him to psychiatrists and he spent all day "shooting" people on violent video games, I'd lock up my guns.

Sure, maybe he would have found a way to get other guns, but we will never know because she facilitated this spree quite nicely for him, so he didn't have to take any extra steps.


We really don't know the inter workings of that household. Most things we discuss are speculation.

So, to me, blaming this victim is wrong.

I understand you have a different opinion. And that's cool.

But I will always side with victims.
And, I will always blame criminals and will never make excuses for them.

IMO it was nobody's fault but AL.

IMO NL was a victim. That's not going to change for me.

But we can agree to disagree.
If Nancy didn't have guns, what would stop Adam from finding neighbors who had them and then stealing their guns?

This article gives everyone the opportunity to see who has an active gun permit in certain counties in New York.

My local newspaper where I live also routinely publishes who has gun permits. I do know people who have had their place broken into and only their guns stolen after their name was published. I think if this is what Adam planned on doing, he would've found guns no matter what.

Yes. The kid who never left the basement and had his mom bring him salads while he shot people up all day on video games. He would have masterminded a plan to b and e and steal an arsenal equivalent to that found in mommy's basement, unlocked. Where he basically lived.

And mom knew he wasn't quite right.

That's like saying it's okay to legalize and hand out crack and heroin because junkies will just get it anyway.

She was not a "responsible" gun owner and the way she is being defended makes me suspect that leaving weapons lying about is more the norm than the exception. And that scares the bejeezus out of me.

26 innocent people got murdered and the only response by some is to whine about publicly available information being printed in the newspaper. Which I agree that while not illegal, was disgusting and in poor taste.

But please, put it in perspective. Some of these children had half of their faces blown off. Or worse. Having your name printed in the paper is hardly the same.

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