Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen-#3

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it sounds like she followed the law to the letter? maybe not.

Laws are different everywhere....

From NRA site:
Permit to Purchase= Rifles: No*, Handguns: Yes
Registration of Firearms= Rifles:Yes**, Handguns:No
Licensing of Owners= Rifles: No. Handguns: Yes
* 2-week waiting period.
** "Assault Weapons".
No person shall possess any "assault weapon" unless that person possessed that firearm before October 1, 1993 and received a certificate of possession from the Connecticut State Police prior to July 1994. The commissioner of public safety shall maintain a file of all certificates of transfer at the central office.
I know we keep talking about the mother in all this -but what about the father? Wasn't he paying attention to the mental state of his son ? There had to have been red flags that one or both parents should have been aware of..
That last comment made my stomach turn.

I am sure she took her kids target shooting fully innocent, never ever believing they were capable of using guns to hurt. I couldn't imagine that of my child, and I doubt she could either. And yet, his ability to shoot well is probably a reason the death count was so high.

Heavy heart, heavy stomach.

From everything I've read the victims were all shot at close-range. He wouldn't have even needed target practice to accomplish what he did. Minimal instruction - to the point that if he was serious enough he could have read stuff online if he wasn't already familiar with the arms. The reason the death count is so high is because there was no-one there with the means to stop him before those children were already gone. Just like in every other tragedy similar to this one.
It's genetic inherited disorder. I don't think he had it-it results in mental retardation, and he is described as intelligent.

Oh. I need to do some research on this as I thought it was a street name for a drug.
From everything I've read the victims were all shot at close-range. He wouldn't have even needed target practice to accomplish what he did. Minimal instruction - to the point that if he was serious enough he could have read stuff online if he wasn't already familiar with the arms. The reason the death count is so high is because there was no-one there with the means to stop him before those children were already gone. Just like in every other tragedy similar to this one.

Oh I think he had plenty of practice. His mother apparently took her children to target practice.
Anderson Cooper said: "We don't want history to remember the shooter. We want the victims to be remembered". And all I can think is, you're the media, you have complete control over where the focus is. If you want to focus on the victims, if you want people to know their names, you can make that happen. If the shooter becomes notorious, and a household name even years later, that's the media's fault.
it sounds like she followed the law to the letter? maybe not.

Laws are different everywhere....

In the purchase, perhaps, but we do not know about the storage of the weapons. She must have known her son was mentally ill. Did she take the maximum precautions to keep him from gaining access to the guns? We will probably never know.
I'm kind of stuck on today's Tragedy in Sandy Hook Elementary. However we have heard of a few hero's in this school. For example, a 6 year old boy grabbed a bunch of his classmates after the gunman came into his classroom and shot his teacher. He held on to their hands and ran out of the school and kept running until they reached the middle of the road. Another hero was the Janitor, who turned the intercom system on, to allow the teachers to know that this was in fact a real situation and not a mock thing. He also ran down the hallways yelling and screaming that there was a gunman. Another hero was a teacher who gathered up her students, and put them all in one corner. And rather then allow them to hear all the gunfire, she kept telling them that she loved them. She wanted them to know that they were loved, because she thought they were all going to die. And finally we have to thank the Law enforcement people as they have the heartwrenching job of notifying the parents of the children that have perished. Thoughts and prayers are with those that are affected.
From everything I've read the victims were all shot at close-range. He wouldn't have even needed target practice to accomplish what he did. Minimal instruction - to the point that if he was serious enough he could have read stuff online if he wasn't already familiar with the arms. The reason the death count is so high is because there was no-one there with the means to stop him before those children were already gone. Just like in every other tragedy similar to this one.

That's probably true he didn't need training to shoot the children, but what about the adults? The principle and and at least one other adult went running toward the gun fire. It's difficult to shoot a moving target with a handgun unless you have had training.
That's probably true he didn't need training to shoot the children, but what about the adults? The principle and and at least one other adult went running toward the gun fire. It's difficult to shoot a moving target with a handgun unless you have had training.

His mother reportedly took her children to target practice.
I do not know much about Autism (Yes, I am ashamed for that) or Asperger's (sp?), but are they typically honors students?

People with Aspergers are people who are autistic and highly functioning. Some are quite fixated with a particular subject (math, science) to the point where it has become commonplace to assume Aspies (as we call them) are geniuses. Many are.

My daughter has Aspergers. Unfortunately, she does not excel in any particular subject and we will be paying full tuition for college :). A few years ago she decomponsated to the point where we put her in a residential treatment facility for a couple of months. She went from a C student to an A and B student.

She belongs to a social group for kids with Aspergers, and a couple of them are math geniuses. But most of them are average students.
It is almost impossible for white men to get Medicaid or disability.

You obviously don't live in W. Pennsylvania. Come visit me sometime and we'll quickly cruise the bars after the disability checks arrive. ;)
I was questioned tonight by my son's father for the blindside I have with our son. In some aspects I can agree with him. If my son was accused of homicide, I might try to explain that away. Yet, I DO know my child better then anyone and it would be super easy to explain that away. What happens if a mother can't quickly do that as well? I know all mothers love their children, but can we all really account for them?

whats the "blindside:?
Here is a more recent photo of Adam Lanza.


Fragile X
So many heros tonight... Always makes me cry but amazing that in such true horror, amazing people emerge. Thanks to all those brave souls who protected these children!
Riiight. I'm sure white men are discriminated against in the USA.

It's true. If you aren't a minority, it's very difficult to get help now. If you haven't been affected by it, it's difficult to believe. I know 2 Vietnam veterans who suffered major life threatening illnesses. They both had to hire attorneys and it still took two years for them to get approved.
Again, he is described as intelligent and perhaps even highly intelligent. Fragile x results in mental retardation. So clearly he didn't have fragile X.

"Fragile X syndrome is a genetic condition involving changes in part of the X chromosome. It is the most common form of inherited intellectual disability (mental retardation) in boys."
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