Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen-#3

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Oh I think he had plenty of practice. His mother apparently took her children to target practice.

I know... That's why I posted what I did. My point was - he accomplished this by using handguns at close range. Closer range than any target practice, that's for sure. My point was simply that even if he hadn't been familiar with these guns, he still could have done this. His familiarity didn't have a whole lot to do with the number of people he was able to kill - the amount of time he had unhindered to accomplish his murderous plot is what lead to the amount of deaths.

From the teacher saying he was banging on the door of her classroom as she was still hiding kids in the closet, he was fully intent on continuing his rampage. We don't know if he shot himself, or if LE was the one who took him down yet, do we? He may have ended it by shooting himself precisely because the rest of the classrooms were locked down and he had no more potential targets.

Many, many parents take their kids shooting, Hunting, etc... There are over 80,000,000 gun owners in this country. The fact that she had guns, and that she taught her children how to handle them responsibly was not a failing on her part. It's the responsible thing to do if you have a firearm in your home.

[If people aren't seeing this as a "source" of the problem, then I wholeheartedly apologize for mistaking intentions of postings. I'm tired, and I'm used to politics where everyone is always so contentious all the time, and I realize that this may affect how I infer things in other's comments - I'm working on that one!]

ETA: On that note I really am going to say Good Night... My thoughts and prayers are with all of those hurting tonight - especially the families missing their child... I just cannot imagine that pain, and I hope and pray I never have to.
Anderson Cooper said: "We don't want history to remember the shooter. We want the victims to be remembered". And all I can think is, you're the media, you have complete control over where the focus is. If you want to focus on the victims, if you want people to know their names, you can make that happen. If the shooter becomes notorious, and a household name even years later, that's the media's fault.

I'd rather remember 1 victims name then the shooters. Lets remember the victims! screw the shooter. We can't punish him anymore now anyway. IMO

Fragile X

I am not a medical professional, but the picture of AL does not look like the picture you posted. Actually, the picture you posted, and not trying to be funny, looks a lot like Peyton Manning (minus the teeth). AL's face, the sunken in face and eyes, looks like drugs. IMO.
BBM What is Fragile X?

you can google it...
some are severley affected and need lifetime care (poor social skills and
time management but they aren't "stupid" )
but I suspect it might be part of his problem
genetic inherited disease...
Autistic spectrum/ pervasive personality disorder...(PPD)
Asperger's all fall into this disorder....

It is almost impossible for white men to get Medicaid or disability.

My brother ( a white male) has had it for many years, due to his extreme OCD which prevents him leaving the house. They even granted it although he was not able to make doctor visits. He has been this way since about aged 20, and it probably includes some degree of schizophrenia, although if he has voices, they tell him he has to shower a certain number of times per day, at specific times, etc.

I don't like to generalize about such things.
You obviously don't live in W. Pennsylvania. Come visit me sometime and we'll quickly cruise the bars after the disability checks arrive. ;)

It used to be easy to get on disability here too, but that changed several years ago. My sister in law, a teacher, had a major stroke and heart attack. She can't take a shower alone or drive. She was turned down 3 times, even after hiring an attorney. The gov. told her that she may not be able to teach but she could get a job doing something.:what: She had to go before a judge last week and hasn't heard the results of that yet. It's been 2 1/2 yrs
Again, he is described as intelligent and perhaps even highly intelligent. Fragile x results in mental retardation. So clearly he didn't have fragile X.

"Fragile X syndrome is a genetic condition involving changes in part of the X chromosome. It is the most common form of inherited intellectual disability (mental retardation) in boys."

I have known some that functioned highly in some areas and failed in others!

"Van Zandt said anyone who kills their own mother is “capable of doing anything.” He added, “What did his mother do? She was a kindergarten teacher. She had children that loved her and she loved them…When he shot his mother and turned on those children, those children were part of his mother and she was part of them. He killed what his mother loved.”

“Perhaps this guy was going after his mom and he wanted to wipe out everything that she cared about,” Weiner speculated. He also said it was possible the gunman wanted “to be recognized on a grand stage,” and killing the children would be a way to do it".
sorry in catch up mode.. but wanted to know if we know anymore about the statement that the mom was "RIGID" means?... that just kinda hit me weird that is what someone would remark about this mother who's dead..she was known to be quite "RIGID"??,,,MOO but it just sounds like such a strange descriptor.. I mean are we saying she was strict?..very stern about keeping him on a schedule? what? is it meant to be a negative because I don't know if I'm right in my feeling like that's sort of a negative descriptor??

I mean we are talking a very seriously ill or disturbed adult child that this woman appears to have been caring for full time and without help(admittedky could be mistaken).. but still I would think that a very strict schedule would be a necessity with someone with these type issues that you're caring for full time... at least that's what I would think..
It used to be easy to get on disability here too, but that changed several years ago. My sister in law, a teacher, had a major stroke and heart attack. She can't take a shower alone or drive. She was turned down 3 times, even after hiring an attorney. The gov. told her that she may not be able to teach but she could get a job doing something.:what: She had to go before a judge last week and hasn't heard the results of that yet. It's been 2 1/2 yrs

OT but I am on disability and it took almost 2.5 years and most of my savings were spent in the meantime. I don't think it is ever easy to get accepted. I can see how some people would give up. You almost have to know going in you will not have a penny for the next 2+ years and just hope for the best. I think the delay is kind of psychological, they figure that you must really need it if you go without earning a penny for that long.

"Van Zandt said anyone who kills their own mother is “capable of doing anything.” He added, “What did his mother do? She was a kindergarten teacher. She had children that loved her and she loved them…When he shot his mother and turned on those children, those children were part of his mother and she was part of them. He killed what his mother loved.”

“Perhaps this guy was going after his mom and he wanted to wipe out everything that she cared about,” Weiner speculated. He also said it was possible the gunman wanted “to be recognized on a grand stage,” and killing the children would be a way to do it".

Only it appears she quit her job as a teacher some years ago.
I am not a medical professional, but the picture of AL does not look like the picture you posted. Actually, the picture you posted, and not trying to be funny, looks a lot like Peyton Manning (minus the teeth). AL's face, the sunken in face and eyes, looks like drugs. IMO.

ok I will post a "real" pic
I was trying to be "nice"

sorry in catch up mode.. but wanted to know if we know anymore about the statement that the mom was "RIGID" means?... that just kinda hit me weird that is what someone would remark about this mother who's dead..she was known to be quite "RIGID"??,,,MOO but it just sounds like such a strange descriptor.. I mean are we saying she was strict?..very stern about keeping him on a schedule? what? is it meant to be a negative because I don't know if I'm right in my feeling like that's sort of a negative descriptor??

I mean we are talking a very seriously ill or disturbed adult child that this woman appears to have been caring for full time and without help(admittedky could be mistaken).. but still I would think that a very strict schedule would be a necessity with someone with these type issues that you're caring for full time... at least that's what I would think..

"Rigid" would imply that she was not flexible and expects things to be a certain way.

Just wanted to say I have a daughter who got SSI- & while it is hard for an adult to get disability it is pretty easy to get it for a child with a lifetime disability but it is dependent on the parents income.
I'm praying for everyone grieving the loss of these precious children and adults today.
just read an article that made several points or quotes:

1. the family was wealthy. the divorced father paid $240,000 a year in alimony and was going to increase it to $280,000 in svereal years. I point this out to shed light on the family's ability to seek help for a troubled member.

2. the family was highly educated and intelligent. the father taught business classes part time at a nearby university in addiition to his highly lucrative professional job.

3. adam was described by a friend as a disturbed loner, intelligent and a gamer.

(sorry dont have the link.)

many popular "games" are virtual realities wherein a shooter, dressed in black, shoots and kills individuals that suddenly appear in an urban, war-like scene. many gamers spend much of their time in that reality. this isnt brain surgery folks. i have little doubt that the aurora theater killer engaged in the same kind of games. true, hundreds of thousands of youths aren't persuaded to turn their little virtual kill reality real. so what. you dont need a psychologist to connect the dots. but i think most psychologists would acknowledge the danger of troubled youths spending thousands of hours in a "kill strangers" virtual reality.
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