Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen #6

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Reconstructing Adam Lanza's hard drive


Adam Lanza's hard drive is destroyed. Mr. Lanza, the 20-year-old who killed 27 people and himself in Newtown, Conn., last week, smashed his computer the morning of the attacks. Investigators are trying to put Adam Lanza's hard drive back together -- but even if they fail, there might be other ways to see what Lanza was doing before the shootings.

By Jeff Ward-Bailey, Contributor / December 18, 2012


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Maybe the video camscameras Lanza owned can tell us something...WOW what a mansion the Lanzas lived in....
On JVM a few minutes ago, she was talking to different people at the memorial, one man said the school needs to be torn down and make a memorial there. I agree!
What we know so far:

Killer's name is Adam Lanza and he had 3 weapons all registered and legally purchased by Nancy Lanza.

Shooting took place in Newtown, CT at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

27 dead. 20 children. 7 adults.

The end.
can someone post the Lanza home address so I can map it to the school?

There is something very, very wrong with this.

I hadn't read this before, but if it's true there is something very wrong with this. It could be that NL was somewhat paranoid, or perhaps afraid of home invasion. I wonder if this behavior was going on before her husband left or only after.
But the parents of all the children are alive so they should know if she ever volunteered there.

Not necessarily. Our school has volunteers that come into the classrooms to help the kids with their work. I know none of their names, and they work with my daughters.

LOL ...

Newtown massacre: Pastor refutes son's account on Adam Lanza's motive

7:06 PM, Dec 18, 2012

NEWTOWN — A Connecticut pastor is refuting a Fox News report quoting his son as saying that the gunman who massacred 26 people at Sandy Hook Elementary School may have snapped because his mother was planning to commit him to a psychiatric facility.

The source, Joshua Flashman, 25, is the son of Richard Flashman, a pastor at Beacon Hill Evangelical Free Church in Monroe, Conn., where a few of the victim’s families attend church.

“I’ve just spoken to Josh,” Richard Flashman said in a statement tonight. “As the Fox News article indicates, the information Josh spoke to them about was hearsay and not confirmed. I suggest you do not run with the story. I am perplexed why Fox would run with it in the first place.”

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Sandy Hook students to resume school in January at new building, Newtown superintended says in letter to parents - @CNN

I can't imagine being able to send my kids back to school if they survived such a thing. I donp;t know how they do that at this point.


Friends and co-workers hold a sign as the hearse and funeral procession for James Mattioli, 6,
who died in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings, approaches the St. John's Cemetery
Dec. 18, 2012, in Darien, Conn. ... (Craig Ruttle/AP Photo)

Such support for the families. It must give their hearts just the tiniest bit of comfort to see so many people lined up to pay tribute to their babies.

I don't see the difference.

When mental illness is blamed, it denotes a lack of choice, almost a justification for the crime. Evil denotes a choice and a desire to inflict pain for the joy of seeing someone else suffer.

Also, mentally ill people aren't evil. They are like anyone else - some are bad and some are good. So to say there is no difference between mental illness and evil can be seen as very insulting.

Out of the mass murderers notice how most wear a bullet proof vest, Maybe Al intentions was to stay alive one point.

I think his intention like many of these creeps was to do as much damage as possible before being stopped. The vest would allow him to survive longer so he could kill more.

My son is a prepper, but not real extreme. He has a spot for me in his safe room if it's ever needed. He is stocked up on food, water many canned meats, MREs, powdered milk, guns & ammo. He has a generator in case power goes out.

I get preparedness for disasters and emergencies. I think that's smart and great. I don't get doomsday survival plans. Who would want to live in a world where everything and everyone we know and love is gone?

Victoria Soto, 27

Victoria Soto, 27, was in her third year as a first grade teacher as Sandy Hook Elementary School. In her biography on the school's website Miss Soto wrote, "I absolutely love teaching first grade!"

Soto was graduated from Eastern Connecticut State University with a degree in Elementary Education and History, and was attending Southern Connecticut State University for her Masters degree in Special Education.

She had a passion for learning, and loved spending time with her brother, sisters, cousins, and her black lab Roxie.

She beams in snapshots. Her enthusiasm and cheer was evident. She was doing, those who knew her say, what she loved.

And now, Victoria Soto is being called a hero.

Though details of the 27-year-old teacher's death remained fuzzy, her name has been invoked again and again as a portrait of selflessness and humanity among unfathomable evil. Those who knew her said they weren't surprised by reports she shielded her first-graders from danger.

"She put those children first. That's all she ever talked about," said a friend, [AC]. "She wanted to do her best for them, to teach them something new every day."

Photos of Soto show her always with a wide smile, in pictures of her at her college graduation and in mundane daily life. She looks so young, barely an adult herself. Her goal was simply to be a teacher.

"You have a teacher who cared more about her students than herself," said Mayor [JH] of Stratford, the town Soto hailed from and where more than 300 people gathered for a memorial service Saturday night. "That speaks volumes to her character, and her commitment and dedication."

... "The family was informed that she was trying to shield, get her children into a closet and protect them from harm, and by doing that put herself between the gunman and the children," [cousin JW] said. "And that's when she was tragically shot and killed.

"I'm very proud to have known Vicki," [JW] added. "Her life dream was to be a teacher. And her instincts kicked in when she saw there was harm coming to her students.

"It brings peace to know that Vicki was doing what she loved, protecting the children," he said. "And in our eyes, she is a hero."

I read somewhere else that her lab has been wandering her home searching for her. Other than the people that died, especially the babies, that has been one of the most horrible things to hear. I hope her family is taking good care of him.

I posted it few days ago...

I originally found it in smaller size.. - but got to it's maximum size there, at some source site (that i indicated in that post of mine)

Originally that pic, i think, came from her friends at the My Places eatery..

When Erin from CNN was interviewing them (it was on TV) .. they were showing Erin those pics of Nancy .. taken at some "outing on the water" that all of them took ...

This pic was one of the ones shown ;)

She looks like she had a nice time. I'm glad she had at least one nice time before her evil, coward son destroyed her.

I think these guys just get to a point where they despise people and society and just get a great kick out of these disgusting acts and are competing with the last massacre for maximum effect. Absolutely ZERO to do with 'mental illness' I no longer believe it, a personality disorder but not insane, not by a long shot.

I think there's a fair bit of elitist thinking going on with them too ... as in they start out with social awkwardness, and finding themselves lonely and dissatisfied, they turn it around mentally so that it's like 'well I'm too smart / clever / unique for these 'sheep' anyway' so it's like the rejected becomes the rejector, they give themselves 'reasons' to reject society and start believing their own arguments .. well they have nobody around to challenge them do they?

I do think this one is the tipping point, I applaud LE for their determination to 'tell the story' of how this came about, so it can be passed on to the next level of investigation into what to do to prevent this horrible trend continuing.

Excellent post. I agree 100%.


Daniel's family says he was "fearless in the pursuit of happiness in life."

He was the youngest of three children and in a statement to the media, his family said Daniel earned his missing two front teeth and ripped jeans.

"Words really cannot express what a special boy Daniel was. Such a light. Always smiling, unfailingly polite, incredibly affectionate, fair and so thoughtful towards others, imaginative in play, both intelligent and articulate in conversation: in all, a constant source of laughter and joy," the family said.

Each of these children is like a jewel from heaven. They are profoundly lovely. Painfully gorgeous, adorable babies.

This massacre is a personal hurt for our country, for every last one of us.
it has already been done but here 36 yogananda

Here is a link, someone earlier posted

By looking at the map AL would of past Newtown High school which is on Berkshire. At the 4 corners in Sandy Hook if you took a right the Elementary school is up in that area. If you took a left onto Church Hill which I don't see on the map there are SEVERAL schools. At the top of Church Hill is Queen street. Take a left and that would lead you to another Middle School. All schools are within very close proximity of each other.
By looking at the map AL would of past Newtown High school which is on Berkshire. At the 4 corners in Sandy Hook if you took a right the Elementary school is up in that area. If you took a left onto Church Hill which I don't see on the map there are SEVERAL schools. At the top of Church Hill is Queen street. Take a left and that would lead you to another Middle School. All schools are within very close proximity of each other.

this will get you all the public schools

and this one will get elementary schools
I am wondering if we all really want to know the truth? Will we be able to handle it? I just don't know.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I did a little investigating, because his story smelled to me. My take is that Joshua Flashman is a bit of a publicity seeker himself. I wonder if he is friends with that Jonathan guy?

On his twitter he describes himself as "Retired Marine Infantryman, aspiring model & actor, fitness enthusiast, Second Amendment expert (feel free to test me on that)"
Seeing some clips of this on local t.v. (I'm not in Connecticut) These are the most patient dogs! They are just sitting still, letting little ones and adults pet them in any old way. Little ones don't pet "just right" if you know what I mean. My dog would have been running crazy. These dogs just sit there sedately, and look up from time to time. Amazing!

Before those dogs got there, Truman the Bulldog was in Newton:
Truman The Bulldog Helps Newtown Heal With Hugs
By Deborah Montesano
But it did happen. When Cragin got up Saturday morning, he looked at his English bulldog, Truman, and had an answer about how to help. He and Truman went to Dunkin Donuts at 7:00 a.m. and sat in the open back of his SUV with a sign: “My bulldog gives hugs.”

By Saturday afternoon, Truman had given over a hundred hugs; two teen-aged girls stopped crying as they paused to get theirs.

Any love, no matter what package it is in will help Newton.:loveyou:
HMMMmmm.... just mapped out all the elementary schools surrounding the Lanza home and actually according to Google maps Fawn Hollow Elementary School is the closest to the Lanza residence.. and whereas Fawn Hollow IS NOT on the route to Sandy Hook Elementary from the Lanza home, there is however 2 OTHER SCHOOLS THAT AL WOULD HAVE DRIVEN DIRECTLY PAST ON HIS WAY TO SANDY HOOK FROM HIS HOME!

does that mean anything?...idk..just an observation that I, personally was curious to see and note..take it FWIW...jmo.
Not surprised by recent disclosure that Nancy L was looking to place AL in a place that could care for his mental health issues.

"College" was code for "facility"
Thought all along, that "looking for colleges" was code for "group home or facility". Just didn't make any sense, to remove him from familiar surroundings, just to go to college. Lots of college options right there. Had to be a more important driver that 'college'. Additionally, there was joint custody, and she and Peter L would prob have to stipulate to the court, that it was agreed, & Nancy could remove him from state. Lot's of headache when he was previously enrolled in a college locally, and did just fine. It wasn't about college, that's for sure. So sad for her, that she may have realized too late, that AL was deteriorating beyond what she could do for him.

AL could easily track Nancy's cell phone calls & computer usage
I'm guessing that Nancy L, was too trusting of AL. She didn't think that he would check her cell phone to see who she had been calling. Ha! He was smart and had lots of time on his hands. And I dare say, prob a little paranoid. He would have had the ability to download everything on her personal computer (letters, emails, forms) to a flash drive, in a New York minute. And he would have known her plans to institutionalize him.

When did AL start planning this?
My guess is, if they can establish the date of Nancy L's first online or phone communication, to one of these facilities - that may well be when AL began planning revenge and retaliation. When he discovered her plan, he began to formulate one of his own.

And of those precious children? Like a viscous, spiteful person, AL may have been smart enough to see what people value most in that community. If he had to "go away", then he would take their children with him. He might as well have uttered the words, "There, now, how do you like your decision to send me away!"


A great theory, I never thought of colleges as a mask for mental health facilities...and your theory makes sense as to why Lanza would explode in such a rage...
By looking at the map AL would of past Newtown High school which is on Berkshire. At the 4 corners in Sandy Hook if you took a right the Elementary school is up in that area. If you took a left onto Church Hill which I don't see on the map there are SEVERAL schools. At the top of Church Hill is Queen street. Take a left and that would lead you to another Middle School. All schools are within very close proximity of each other.

I am wondering if in his state of mind and not being out or driving that much, if he just remembered how to get to Sandy Hook from having attended there. Just a thought. And of course I don't think we will ever know. jmo
HMMMmmm.... just mapped out all the elementary schools surrounding the Lanza home and actually according to Google maps Fawn Hollow Elementary School is the closest to the Lanza residence.. and whereas Fawn Hollow IS NOT on the route to Sandy Hook Elementary from the Lanza home, there is however 2 OTHER SCHOOLS THAT AL WOULD HAVE DRIVEN DIRECTLY PAST ON HIS WAY TO SANDY HOOK FROM HIS HOME!

does that mean anything?...idk..just an observation that I, personally was curious to see and note..take it FWIW...jmo.

Fawn Hollow Elementary school is actually in Monroe CT but it is very close as you say.
I haven't heard any official reports saying NL was asleep when AL shot her but if it was true, I wonder when he shot her? That morning, the night before?
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