Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen #7

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I heard Rita Cosby say that NL had been at a hotel last week, not returning home until Thursday early evening. I suppose this is how the murderer had time to plan this all out. I can't believe this is the first time i have heard this. (maybe i am just tuning the name out) :(

Wonder who stayed home with Adam or did he not need to be monitored anymore? Or, was Adam with her?
So, today, along with all the other lockdowns, the district one over from mine had 2 students think it would be funny to send their mom a text message that someone was shooting and they were hiding in a closet. That one was a hoax.
Just a few miles away, the Millington, MI schools are suspended for the last two days of the year after a shoot up the school plan was discovered.

This is in addition to the Cass City, MI school district being closed for the rest of the week after a credible threat to the school was uncovered.

WTH is going on? Really? I didn't keep my kids home Monday, but I will be keeping them home through the rest of the week. It's only going to spread these last couple of days as stupid people try to get just a couple extra days off or try to spread just a little more fear. It's going to be a rocky 48 hours. It should die down when the world doesn't end and after the new year. I hope.
I don't blame you. When 9/11 occurred my boys were at school across town. As I was driving them home, the US Army was placing roadblocks on roads to halt traffic near their large underground supply base. (At that time, I had no idea that this underground supply base even existed.) Those parents who didn't pick up their children early had a 3 hour extended wait for their children to come home on the bus because of all the traffic and detours. Their kids were scared because of the dramatic changes which they were not informed would occur.

In the days before the massacre, the mother of Adam Lanza was pushing her loner son to leave the Newtown home that provided his refuge from reality, a family friend told the Daily News Wednesday.

“He sat in his room playing video games for hours and hours,” the friend said. “She thought the best thing was for him to get out of the house and into the world. To interact with people a little bit.”

But the 20-year-old rejected the idea and stopped speaking to his mother, the friend said. Nancy Lanza and her youngest son hadn’t talked for three days before he fatally shot her Friday morning and then murdered 20 children and six staffers at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

Nancy Lanza had brought her son to a psychiatrist as he became increasingly anti-social — spending endless hours in his room by himself.

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If Nancy was gone from Tuesday til Thursday and the monster was left alone, who was he supposed to talk to? I wonder where all these friends are coming from?
Herein lies the problem with most public school systems; too cookie cutter. Early in the education process a student is labelled either brilliant overall thus honor roll across the board or average or even dumb. The system is weak when helping to grow students with their individual strengths in mind. In general, the teacher teaches the subject their way and very few are perceptive enough or willing to bend in order to help a student who doesn't or can't get it as taught by them. Worse is that many teachers don't bother to find out what or why the student is a low performer in their class. That becomes the problem of the parent who is not in the classroom to figure it out. There's too much emphasis on grades and test scores imo. We all know it's easier to focus on the easy students/children, the ones who go with the flow and make us look good too versus the students who could use the extra attention and a helping hand. Those children are expected to seek out help on their own versus someone within the school noticing and approaching them and offering the help.

I don't know where your school district is located, but this sounds nothing like the school districts I've been involved in - actually it's just the opposite. The "average" students, the "easy students who go with the flow" actually get the least amount of attention. The children who struggle academically, have learning disabilities or special needs, or those with behavior problems receive the most attention and have the most intervention programs in place to address their needs.
O/T sort of.

Anyone looking at bullet proof vests, be sure to do the research. Was listening to a radio show this a.m. about vests, backpacks, etc... for "preppers." A man that sells these things, only to LE, FBI, CIA, etc... said they only stop a pistol shot, not a rifle. For rifles you would need a very thick plate. Just what kind of plate he did not say.

Also said that the best online shops should ask for background checks so thugs and terrorists are not stocking up, and most shops do check. I'm certain ebay does not, but heck, it could just be plain old material you are getting on there and not Kevlar or whatever.

Kids could wear steel torso plates and helmets all day!
I don't think we will know the the motives until months from now when the media stuff has died down. I don't think the media is the best judge of that as in the case of Columbine. My guess is a psychotic breakdown.

I find it interesting that another teacher had to lock students in a closet and he came pounding. It sounds like not all the locks on the rooms were working.
There is nothing short of concrete walls 5 feet thick that could stop a bullet from an assault rifle like he used. I even read that the bullet in the gun he used went through his head and into a wall. I am not sure which one he used. Now we are moving into the economics of this tradgedy. jmo

It was also said that some of the bullets went through the walls and into cars in the parking lot!
She didn't trust him with stove or microwave safety, but he was fine to stay home by himself for days? (I'm sorry, but that is really irrational, IMO.)

Alone with a bunch of weapons that could do mass destruction. And they did. Wow.
She didn't trust him with stove or microwave safety, but he was fine to stay home by himself for days? (I'm sorry, but that is really irrational, IMO.)

I agree! He tried to buy the gun on Tuesday, didn't he? Probably after NL left on her trip. This is like a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle, I just wonder if we will ever have all of the pieces. :(
Nancy's village started at the public school, but she removed her child from the village deciding that he should be in college.

Psychiatrists usually refer families to caseworkers/social workers/therapists to help them find their way through the maze of mental health services, but one has to be OPEN and truthful while talking with the mental health caseworker. They are awesome, but not mind readers.

The mental health system is complex and most families need a guide to help them find everything that they qualify for and would benefit them. Once you leave your "guide" (the caseworker/therapist), getting referrals and knowledge about helpful programs becomes very challenging.

We don't really know what or why she did what she did or if she should have or not, etc. The whole story of NL and her troubled son seems to be vague and hidden in a way. I'm asking questions I'd like to know the answers to in this case and in general too.

Was there denial involved? Or did she hope she could will the problem away if only she found the right nitch for AL? I'd like to hear all sides to the history of this person's development. One man, on NG I think, said he had daily interface with AL at one time and that he never exhibited violence. Someone wrote before in these threads that the antisocial quiet behavior personality might be more indicative of someone capable of harming others than someone who acts out (poor impulse control) every now and then. We've had many examples lately of this quiet personality type going off the deep end. Time to take notice.

Mental health issues are very difficult on a family. I'm not certain people always know where to turn. It took my bil two decades to admit he needed continual help and to stay on his meds, etc. When he was on the streets, no one in the family had any power over him at all. But that's not the case here - it's more about what was AL's real issues and ultimately what triggered him to explode before he could be stopped/contained. Like, I wonder, did he ever express himself? If not, what was NL thinking would ever change that?

The whole dynamic surrounding AL is crazy sounding yet peeps weren't concerned?
So it sounds to me that in the last three years he became very anti-social and wanted to spend his time playing his video games in his mother's basement. Whereas mother wanted to sell the house, move, and put him into college for special needs students.
Which led to conflict between them. Still doesn't explain why he would go shoot up the school though.
Was he communicating with people on-line? Too bad his computer is smashed to bits.

I've thought about the communicating with people online too.

Maybe he hooked up (online) with people he met through online gaming who encouraged him to go and shoot people for real. They may have told him to destroy his hard drive. Who's a possibility.

After reading some sites SA (Hailey Dunn) belonged to I leared there are a lot of violent, sick, and angry people that walk amongst us.
AXXX shot his mom 4 times in the head with hollow point bullets. LE could not identify the deceased female in the home for hours. I think he removed her head from her torso. If he wasn't delusional and hallucinating, he had a LOT of anger towards his mom, IMO.
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