Coronavirus COVID-19 *Global Health Emergency* #11

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And IMHO, "Containment", as outlined by Dr. Tedros is going to differ by your own personal risk factors:

I think that if you are in a High Risk group, consideration should be given to a 6 month time frame of limiting exposure. A semi-quarantine, if you will. Limiting activities such as traveling in communal transport like planes, trains, cruises, buses and limiting large indoor social group interactions. Even limiting social interactions with family or friends.

And I think group care facilities are going to be in an extremely difficult situation as the government likely will not increase their funding at a level that really allows improved care and attention to personal protective equipment and activities.

For the majority of the low-risk public, normal activities can probably be resumed, albeit with better handwashing and cough/sneeze behavior.

Gosh. I mean I’m limiting somewhat but I can’t totally seal myself off. It’s an impossibility.
WS TP Police

Time for all WSers to come clean! Are you a TP hoarder? How many rolls are in your possession? How many family members are in your household? Single rolls? Double rolls? Mega rolls? How many TP rolls are too many?

I currently have 12 mega rolls for a household of 2.
I am embarrassed to say how many. Would probably be considered a hoarder.
Flu vaccine does not cover all flus. I've known plenty that get the vaccine every year and STILL get the flu, or a different 'version' of it.

Yes but if everyone got the vaccines it would tremendously reduce the occurrences. Right now the vaccines veer between about a 50-70% efficacy rate per season.

However, according to my doctor, even if the vaccine doesn’t cover a flu virus that one may be exposed to, it can still offer some protection from other flu viruses because they are all so genetically similar. So you may not get another virus OR the symptoms may be less.

And every vaccine builds our immune system library (per my doctor) which means that if we get vaccinated for a strain, we have some protection from even mutated versions of that strain on down the line.

I listen to her and I’m happy to build my library each year!!
Why on earth would it cost $6,000.00 to get tested? That's crazy. Maybe it's just a rumor. Peo0le will not get tested if it's anywhere near that amount. It should be less then $50. Or free for the poor.

its stopping a LOT of people. Someone in Oregon was told 6k for testing is patients responsibility.
Since so many have large deductibles, insurance is not paying until after deductable is paid. People that don't have that cash laying around will not get tested.
Keeping Americans Safe from Coronavirus (COVID 19) - AHIP

Every American deserves affordable access to high-quality health care. That is why health insurance providers are doing our part to help keep people safe from the coronavirus strain COVID-19. AHIP and health insurance providers are working directly with the CDC and health experts across the nation to share information, mitigate health risks to Americans, and keep Americans informed. Here are some specific steps that health insurance providers are taking to keep Americans safe:

What to Know About Treatment and Coverage
  • At this time, the CDC is the only facility equipped to test for COVID 19, or to designate other laboratories to do so. The CDC is not billing for testing for COVID 19, so patients will not incur costs when tested by the CDC.
  • There is no specific antiviral treatment. People should receive care from their doctor to help
    relieve symptoms.
  • Health insurance providers cover any reasonable, medically necessary health care costs related to infectious diseases and medical conditions, including COVID 19. Please review the terms of your specific plan for coverage details.

Thank you!
As Coronavirus Disrupts Factories, India Curbs Exports of Key Drugs

rug makers are struggling to get vital raw ingredients for common antibiotics and vitamins from Chinese factories, which were closed for weeks as China battled to contain the coronavirus. Now, even as some of the country’s factories have restarted, shortages of some drugs may develop.
I am low on TP hubby is buying everything but TP we have a unusual amount of soap like 350 bars but literally 8 rolls of TP and I'm like" why aren't you buying TP? do we have a beday that I don't know about or something " and I'm hoarding Lysol but I need bleach , it like a never ending hoarders list I'm working on , oh and I have enough peanut butter for all of us .....need crackers though!
Hide those 8 rolls of toilet paper where Hubby can't find them.. Hubby will catch on.
FDA hopes to have the capacity to perform 1 million coronavirus tests soon

US Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Dr. Stephen Hahn said the United States should have the capacity to perform about a million novel coronavirus tests by the end of the week.

"Our expectation in talking to the company that's scaling this up, is that we should have the capacity by the end of the week to have kits available to the laboratories to perform about a million tests,” Hahn explained.

During the Senate Health hearing on response to coronavirus, Hahn was pushed to explain how he thinks the US could do a million tests when to date, it has only been able to perform about 3,600 tests.

Hahn expanded saying, "I want to distinguish between the ability to get the test kits out to the laboratories with the ability with the labs to actually do the test.”

Hahn said the FDA has been working very closely with all manufactures to build on this platform that CDC has developed. The company it is using has "estimated they are going to be able to scale up to deliver 2,500 kits by the end of the week to providers of the test."

Coronavirus live updates: Outbreak spreads across the world - CNN

Well my question is, with all the talk of conducting 1 million tests by the end of the week..... does this mean there are currently 1 million people currently being monitored for it in the US ???
It’s making me so mad I can’t see straight.

And with that- I’m off to yoga :D

(Please pause all coronavirus news until after I have “namaste-d” and voted :cool:. Sure wish there was a Measure on the ballot today to have more coronavirus tests in the US....)
Enjoy your class.

My Yoga class this morning focused on releasing trapped emotions. (Our instructor had just experienced the unexpected and sudden death of her younger brother.) She shared a practice with us of opening the heart (feeling it) and throat (by speaking about what is difficult), and breathing out the toxic affects of holding those emotions in.

Even if one doesn't prescribe, it's still ok to take a moment to focus on the positive. We all are doing that here - expressing our fears, sharing info and concerns and supporting each other. I'm taking a moment here to thank you all for that, and for just being here. Namaste.
Father & son in GA w/ #coronavirus have mild symptoms.
Short of breath.
Their doc diagnosed them Feb 25. Health officials reaching out to people they had contact with. *Worth repeating that family home schools their kids. #11Alive Atlanta
Fulton County coronavirus cases are 56-year-old dad, 15-year-old son, officials say

The two confirmed coronavirus cases in Fulton County are a 56-year-old man who returned on Feb. 22 from a work trip to Milan, Italy, and his 15-year-old son, public health officials said Tuesday.
The father began showing symptoms on Feb. 25, last Wednesday. The son showed symptoms two days later.
Their doc diagnosed them Feb 25?
Press conf 3/2.....

Fulton County coronavirus cases are 56-year-old dad, 15-year-old son, officials say

OK, Georgia doctor diagnosed GA pts on Feb 25th? CT scan?/Presumptive? And then health officials said they learned Sunday night? That's some delay. Glad the kids were home schooled!
Horrific report from Lombardy, Italy: “This epidemic is on a scale that is larger than anyone could have thought, imagined or prevented.”
9% of COVID cases need intensive care.
9% of COVID cases need intensive care.

This is precisely what may overwhelm the US healthcare system if this virus cannot be controlled in vulnerable populations.

The CDC and Federal Government need to get onto containment and preventive action in group homes for our high-risk population RIGHT NOW

With this high level of intensive care also goes high-risk exposure to vitally needed skilled healthcare professionals

There was another death of a physician reported in China. These are people extremely important to the care of critically ill individuals. !
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Well my question is, with all the talk of conducting 1 million tests by the end of the week..... does this mean there are currently 1 million people currently being monitored for it in the US ???
I don't know that there's any one organization that would be keeping these numbers.
CDC says they're not. They say your state Dept.
of Health should have that. My Fl. Dept. of Health is not publicizing anything about testing.
FL. DoH only lists confirmed cases (2), presumptive positive cases (8) and # of cases
being monitored (184). Nothing about how many were tested.
Yes but if everyone got the vaccines it would tremendously reduce the occurrences. Right now the vaccines veer between about a 50-70% efficacy rate per season.

However, according to my doctor, even if the vaccine doesn’t cover a flu virus that one may be exposed to, it can still offer some protection from other flu viruses because they are all so genetically similar. So you may not get another virus OR the symptoms may be less.

And every vaccine builds our immune system library (per my doctor) which means that if we get vaccinated for a strain, we have some protection from even mutated versions of that strain on down the line.

I listen to her and I’m happy to build my library each year!!
Pretty good advice, I'd say. I believe (and hope) that also having the flu itself builds immunity. I had a nasty case of it first 2 weeks in January. And bronchitis in November.

Also, I had my second pneumonia vaccine (series of 2 a year apart) just yesterday. *My arm is very sore today!
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