Coronavirus COVID-19 *Global Health Emergency* #11

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Bolded part seems easy and wise to implement for public bathroom doors!

"Here’s an unproven suggestion from me that transcends this particular outbreak: All business and public spaces should turn their bathrooms’ doors around, so you push on the way out rather than the way in. If there are building codes or other safety codes that prohibit this, install a foot pull. If none of this is possible, at least put the trash can for paper towels outside of the door so everyone can use the paper towel to touch the handle."

What You Can Do Right Now About the Coronavirus
Remember, ONLINE. I’m not going overseas.

I’m crying. I don’t know why.

Balling actually.

Congratulations !!!

There are some children in this world that just got very lucky & they don’t even know it yet!!
Your personality alone will bring light to children that will be in desperate need of just that!!

I wish you the absolute best of luck!

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Stampede breaks out at Woolworths as shoppers fight for the last rolls of toilet paper - as Aldi enforces a radical one-pack limit amid coronavirus crisis

Stampede breaks out at Sydney Woolworths for toilet paper | Daily Mail Online

Why are people fighting over toilet rolls? I’m afraid for the survival of humanity if this crisis gets a lot worse.
I know.....I find this whole toilet paper hysteria surreal.
Trying to find my birth certificate would have the same results as trying to find my original Social Security card I was asked to produce for something. I finally filled out all the forms for a replacement SS card because it was impossible to find even though I knew it was somewhere. LOL

My search for my birth certificate would be about the same. LOL

You can bring a W2 instead of the ss card.

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Stampede breaks out at Woolworths as shoppers fight for the last rolls of toilet paper - as Aldi enforces a radical one-pack limit amid coronavirus crisis

Stampede breaks out at Sydney Woolworths for toilet paper | Daily Mail Online

Why are people fighting over toilet rolls? I’m afraid for the survival of humanity if this crisis gets a lot worse.

People are funny. When push comes to shove, people can probably figure out a toilet paper substitute, but there's no substitute for food - yet they're fighting over the toilet paper.
Coronavirus patient breaks quarantine to visit WOOLWORTHS to stock up on supplies - potentially exposing shoppers to infection

A man with coronavirus in Tasmania went grocery shopping when he was meant to be in self-isolation at home.

The 40-year-old, who had travelled to Iran, returned a positive test to the virus on Monday and has been in isolation in hospital since.

Coronavirus patient breaks quarantine to visit WOOLWORTHS to stock up on supplies | Daily Mail Online

This is in Australia but I do not think any government should rely on its citizens to self-isolate when they have tested positive. The government of the country needs to step in because people can’t be trusted to do the safe, proper and decent thing to protect others.

Coronavirus patient breaks quarantine to visit WOOLWORTHS to stock up on supplies - potentially exposing shoppers to infection

A man with coronavirus in Tasmania went grocery shopping when he was meant to be in self-isolation at home.

The 40-year-old, who had travelled to Iran, returned a positive test to the virus on Monday and has been in isolation in hospital since.

Coronavirus patient breaks quarantine to visit WOOLWORTHS to stock up on supplies | Daily Mail Online

This is in Australia but I do not think any government should rely on its citizens to self-isolate when they have tested positive. The government of the country needs to step in because people can’t be trusted to do the safe, proper and decent thing to protect others.
Well, yes, and assistance needs to be offered. It's tempting to see people as just selfish or ignorant, but many people are alone in the world. They need help to get basics if they are quarantined. I myself remember carrying a child whose face was green into a supermarket pharmacy for medicine. It was awful of me, but he was too small to be left alone, I was a single parent, and there was no other option at the time. Thank goodness for drive-thru pharmacy, delivery, and parking-lot pickups these days. But not everyone can access that.
Yes, that's where I learned about it - from reading a poster while I stood in a slow security line at the airport. If the line had been faster, I would've missed the sign completely. I haven't heard much about it at all.

Some people, I suspect, are in for a rude awakening if they try to fly somewhere on short notice.

Sorry. I missed the gist of this. Request to explain what this is about. Something change when flying?
I don't see any actions of containment in the US response at this time....especially Georgia. They were happy that a doctor tested a patient.....that's a very low standard IMO.

It’s very important for people to realize that the peak in China is not “the natural” peak. Numbers have been going down only because of strong measures taken - including rather draconian ones like strict traffic restrictions.
Source: WHO-China Report Marcel Salathé on Twitter

BBM. Very good point.

I can't understand what our government is saying in the UK. They use words, but there doesn't seem to be substance behind them. I am desperate for details.

Some of what they said seems to make sense, like if it's out of control everywhere in the world, then there's no need for travel restrictions any more.

But I don't yet know what they're doing to prevent it getting out of control here? They sound like they're just accepting that it will take off, but they seem too scared to take any measures until it does get out of control. Which is the opposite than what happened in Hubei. Maybe that's valid as it's now a global disease and not one that's coming out of a single point. I suppose that would explain it. I still want to know the detailed plans though!
Congratulations !!!

There are some children in this world that just got very lucky & they don’t even know it yet!!
Your personality alone will bring light to children that will be in desperate need of just that!!

I wish you the absolute best of luck!

(Tears. Thank you. This is so nice of you to say. I’m overwhelmed by the positive feedback.)

Who only knows what some of these kids might have been through.

Which brings to point, I don’t recall any reports specifically about children been quarantined in China. I don’t recall seeing any children in quarantine hospitals, etc. on the infinite YT videos I watched. I’d be specifically interested in any and all information anyone might come across re: children specifically in China/Asia.

We know that familial transmission is high. What about the kids? Surely if their parents were infected or suspected when they did their door to door fever checks, the kids would have been quarantined as well. I know there have been reports posted about what seems to minimal prevalence in pediatric cases.

Iran frees 54,000 inmates to avoid coronavirus spread in prisons.

Coronavirus Updates: U.S. Will Drop Limits on Testing, Pence Says.

Iran has temporarily freed 54,000 prisoners considered to be symptom free. How are they going to recapture them all? It seems insane to me.

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I am quoting myself to stress that even though my social security card had my married name (been married for 19 years at the time I went to the DMV) they STILL had to have my marriage certificate.


I went with all my paperwork including my 42 year old marriage certificate and was told it wasn't "good" enough. It was state issued but they would not take it so I had to reorder a "new" certified marriage certificate with that added extra cost for the whole ordeal. But it depends on the state I guess because my parents used their 65 year old marriage certificate and it worked just fine. I'm just glad it's over and I got it done early.
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