Coronavirus COVID-19 *Global Health Emergency* #12

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The number of coronavirus cases in the UK has jumped by 60% to 85 cases, in the biggest daily increase recorded to date

They include three who contracted the disease without travelling abroad, confirming fears that community transmission is already occurring in the UK and that attempts to contain the virus have at least partly failed.
Just spoke to my youngest living in the UK right now, who said a guy in the building next door has cv and they could see all the cleaners in hazmat suits.
Crossing my fingers that the Spring visit back home that i have been anxiously awaiting for is not cancelled!!
Washington Gov. Jay Inslee announced Wednesday that the state will be lifting restrictions on coronavirus testing.

After the governor consulted with Vice President Mike Pence and the CDC, the decision was made to allow anyone exhibiting even mild symptoms to have their primary care doctor order a coronavirus test.

Additionally, the state will be ramping up its testing capabilities “by a factor of ten,” while UW Medicine will soon be able to handle as many as 1,000 tests a day.

Washington to lift restrictions on coronavirus testing

Wait. Why the hell were there restrictions on testing? What on earth?
The Fed might have to cut interest rates all the way to zero - CNN

The Federal Reserve's quest to avoid a coronavirus-fueled recession may just be getting started.
The US central bank fired a weapon Tuesday it has in the past saved for such catastrophes as the September 11 terror attacks, the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the bursting of the dotcom bubble.
The emergency rate cut, the Fed's first since 2008, is designed to insulate the American economy from the coronavirus and revive confidence in jittery financial markets. Yet red flags only flew higher on Wall Street in the hours after that announcement. The Dow reverted to selloff mode, dropping 786 points, or 2.9%. More alarmingly, the 10-year Treasury yield plummeted below 1% for the first time on record.
These are signs that the Fed will need to make deeper rate cuts, perhaps even plunging the United States back to 0% interest rates -- emergency territory last experienced in the aftermath of the Great Recession.
You can’t blame people for avoiding these places and that’s just the downside of this.

I wouldn’t eat Chinese food if you paid me at the moment and everybody I know is the same. It’s a complete over reaction and we know that but it’s just the way we feel at the moment and we are certainly not alone in that. It started in China so I think it’s just human nature to over think these things at the moment and to avoid things you associate with the disease.


But how does Chinese food feel associated? It is spreading amongst all cultures/nationalities - and there is no more likelihood a person preparing your chinese meal or takeaway has been overseas or exposed to it than the local caucasian apprentice chef preparing a 5 star meal at the local restaurant. I understand precautions and even overreactions when it seems possible, but this one I don't get (not having a go at you, more the logic that is flowing around the community right now)
In my opinion this event should have been cancelled.

People drink a lot,are eating, possibly without washing their hands and mingling with crowds of people.
They are also handling money placing bets.
Then using public transport to travel home to various parts of the country.

Just wait for the Kentucky Derby on the first Saturday in May...oh my, they do eat, drink and be merry at that...the infield will be the place to be if you want to catch a Corona...
Kakidoll, I would LIE. I would say that I definately have been in contact with someone who has it.
Why should you toss and turn and worry? This is b.s. You should be tested!!×

Novel Coronavirus - COVID19 on Twitter[/QUOTE]
As for the tests... i can give you my own experience as i am currently 'sort of' going thru it.
Cruised for 10 days, home on Jan 29th. Next day.. cough. My 'group' on the cruise had over 100 and over 1/3 were sick enough to go to urgent care etc. I don't go until i'm beyond sick. I know to take Amoxacillin when my lungs get too bad, vaporizer, humidifier, vicks... all the tricks. Its been 4 weeks... still hacking so bad i can't breathe, can't sleep, just generally feel like crap.
Never thinking it could be CVOD19, .... UNTIL a case shows up a mile from my house. I had already scheduled dr. appt. to get a refill on cough meds. He puts me on Levaquin.. STRONG antibiotic, lots of possible side effects. I have all the 'identifying' symptoms. Fever, Hacking cough, Severe bronchitis, very slight pneumonia sounds in one lung lower lobe. Do i need a hospital. Not in my mind. What would they do? Hydrate and antibiotics and respirator or breathing treatments. I can do all at home except if it gets back enough to need a respirator. They are NOT doing CVOD 19 tests unless you have had DIRECT contact with someone positive or are already hospitalized. They are treating with Antibiotics since the VIRAL strain creates a bacterial infection in the lungs. I am self isolating because i don't want to keep being reinfected or chance other strains of 'something'. Will i pay out of pocket (i have a 5k deductable) for a test, NO. I live alone, can work from home, and will have things delivered. I just want to feel better. Its 'almost gone away' a few times then comes right back. I'm not one to panic or stress about medical stuff. I do have a chronic issues, am considered 'senior' at 55 although i can't relate to that word. Should i be tested? probably. But our Health Dept doesn't seem to do that YET, unless you are positive you were around someone that is positive. Since they don't put out names, how are you supposed to know? They just say to stay home for 14 days. Heck, i could have carried it home from the ship WITH me and passed it along. If i'm getting the lack of answers or concern, i'm sure many others in my position are getting the same. THIS is why it will keep spreading so quickly.
Just spoke to my youngest living in the UK right now, who said a guy in the building next door has cv and they could see all the cleaners in hazmat suits.
Crossing my fingers that the Spring visit back home that i have been anxiously awaiting for is not cancelled!!
Could you please let us Brits know where this place is.
James Bond No Time to die has now been pushed back from its March release date to November

James Bond Sequel ‘No Time to Die’ Postponed Due to Coronavirus Outbreak

I had booked tickets and I was looking forward to it but I understand how serious this crisis is. Hopefully things will have improved significantly by November.

I have been desperately trying to get antibacterial hand wipes around the supermarkets today where I live in Scotland and the shelves are empty.
The US coronavirus death toll is rising and the CDC says communities should start thinking about ways to stop its spread
By Christina Maxouris, CNN
Updated 11:04 AM EST, Wed March 04, 2020

CNN)As the US death toll from the coronavirus climbed to nine, the CDC said it has "heightened" concerns and urged local communities to begin thinking about ways to stop the virus from spreading.

"As more areas see community spread, local communities may start employing tools that encourage social distancing," Dr. Nancy Messonnier, the director of CDC's National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said in a Tuesday news conference. "The goal of social distancing is to limit exposure by reducing face-to-face contact and preventing spread among people in community settings."

Dammit, quit passing it down. MOO The biggest failure of the US gov was to keep saying to look only at travel to Wuhan... and just recently was saying they had to have travelled in last 14 days to epicenter to be considered. WTF.. We here were all yelling at our computers virutally. Yep, I listen to their calls, and they state that gosh, that's in the past, we need to look forward without answering. Huge fail for the US MOO.
1,000 people asked to self-quarantine in New York

About 1,000 people have been asked to self-quarantine following the coronavirus cases in Westchester, New York, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said.

Those individuals will be contacted by various health departments and provided guidance.

Live updates: Coronavirus outbreak spreads across the world - CNN
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced a bevy of steps being taken in the wake of new coronavirus cases in the state.

Here are some of the next steps the governor announced today:
  • Officials are testing “a number” of people in the New York City law firm where the patient from Westchester, New York, works. Some tests are pending but none have come back positive.
  • Eight employees of Lawrence Hospital, where the man first went before transferring to a New York City hospital, are being tested.
  • The man's daughter attends SAR High School, which will continue to be closed. People who had contact with the individual should be on self-quarantine meaning stay at home and limit your exposure to people, through this Friday. If symptoms develop, individuals are encouraged to contact healthcare professionals.
  • An associated synagogue will be closed through March 8 and Cuomo said individuals should be on self-quarantine as well, pending any developments.
  • SAR elementary will be closed through Friday. Individuals are not required to self-quarantine.
  • Yeshiva University — where the man's son goes to school — will be closed through at least this Friday.
Live updates: Coronavirus outbreak spreads across the world - CNN
Matt Stoller on Twitter

Just spoke with ER doc who say he's seeing cases he's 99% sure are #coronavirus. Negative for flu, recent travel, work in airports. Not allowed to test. Patients return to work because they can't take time off w/out a firm diagnosis. Other ER docs seeing the same thing.

JUST like China for those who were here in thread #1 and #2. Folks were turned away.

BTW, where in the country is Matt Stroller?
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