Coronavirus COVID-19 *Global Health Emergency* #12

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This senate hearing is frustrating. I feel like they are getting some incorrect information.

Same here. As the old saying goes, "better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open it a remove all doubt...Mark Twain"

I've been wanting to reach my hands through the computer throughout this day watching the hearing. For instance, they were talking about aviation today and one question from a Senate member was "isn't it silly for us to do it (tracking) if everyone isn't"...egads, the answer was yes. This is in direct opposition to what the WHO is saying we need to be doing.

Also, they talked about the new rules for folks flying in internationally to get their contact numbers, email, phone, address as the old way only was able to get name...resulting in contact trace about 25% iirc of those they neeeded to find after they left the airport. With the new way, it's 97% iirc what he said. Theeeeeeeeeeeeeeen, he said that is now in place only for flights from China. Not for Italy, not for Korea, not for domestic. WTF! It's as simple as giving out multi lingual notices as folks get off the plane during an epidemic... which I'm not sure they are doing even after being told this was much better prevention of spread vs. temp and asking someone (who may lie!) about symptoms.

:banghead: :banghead:

The emotions I'm feeling right now are up there with watching a trial here at WS or following some cases.
Not sure how to insure that more of these situations don't happen but I have to say that this story coming out of NH is disturbing (ditto for the person in Australia that did something similar and the 30 yo Iranian woman that took 3 business class flights to get to Canada).

Lack of caring for fellow human beings is hard to understand IMO and I'm not sure what else can be done to explain that COVID19 might well be devastating to immune compromised individuals, pregnant women and the elderly. Sure for a good percentage of the population COVID19 will be akin to the 'flu' but for the people in the margins it could be quite severe and quite possibly deadly.

Simply no words for stories like these! GRRRRRR.

Coronavirus-infected resident in New Hampshire attended party at event space after being told to stay home
I wondered that too, but it doesn't make much difference. If the virus can last on a surface for one day, that means that every flights should be fully decontaminated after each flight between two destinations. Everyone should de-plane, the plane should be sanitized, and then the plane can travel to the next destination.

Is this new? Last i had heard it was 9 days... thats why it was so much more concerning than flu.
I’m admittedly not very knowledgeable about the ins and outs of the WHO...

Would there ever be a scenario where they would step in and take more leadership to insist the US do more timely testing in larger quantities?

Would the WHO ever have other countries start sending more test kits to the US?

Would the WHO ever step in and request the US take stricter action towards restricting public gatherings, etc?

Or are we, the US, just fully autonomous and allowed to..... do whatever?

As I understand it the WHO doesn't have any 'real' power to dictate to any country and definitely the US, no matter how much our actions may affect the rest of the world. Its kind of a problem when the leadership and a good portion of the population consider said WHO to be part of some globalist plot to overthrow the country...
Congress reaches deal on $8.3B bill to battle coronavirus

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Capitol Hill negotiators have reached agreement on an $8.3 billion measure to battle the coronavirus outbreak that's spreading and threatening a major shock to the economy and disruptions to everyday life in the U.S.

The measure immediately went to the floor for a brief, bipartisan debate; the House will vote on the bill later Wednesday and Senate leaders are pressing for a vote in that chamber by the end of the week...

MOO And the infected rate, based on growth doubling every 3.5 days behind the scenes in the US.. will be 4x more than today. And I'm not talking about the infections that have been caught, I'm talking about the REAL infection rate that they haven't seen as heads in sand. MOO
Ugh, the homeschool group in GA is just a couple of towns over. Homeschoolers are all over the place with activities and dances and stuff going on. We go to activities all week long with hundreds of kids. I'm just waffling on when to start keeping my kids home. I have a feeling if they start testing the numbers are absolutely going to blow up around here. With a large family if one of us gets sick we are almost certainly all going to get it. The kid who tested positive has no connection to China or Italy so community spread. BUT I still feel like a complete weirdo telling my kids they have to stop going to outside activities because no one else around here seems to be taking this seriously at all. Am I totally over reacting?
I am on the Cherokee County line.
I was headed to the Walmart in Cherokee for what would have been my last outing.
With an immunoglobulin deficiency, I'm going to be bugging in fir the next month for certain possibly longer.
(Probably longer)
So, Dollar General and Publix is going to have to do.
I'm going to head towards Cobb Co!
(NOT that anyone exposed hasn't already been to the stores there as well, but there are also much fewer people than at Walmart.)
Loaded up with my hand sanitizers and plan on scrubbing my hands when I get home!!
- I do not think you are over reacting at all. I home schooled my kids and they were probably out and about MORE than kids in any public school were!
KIRO 7 on Twitter

WATCH LIVE: Public Health - Seattle & King County is providing an update on the escalating coronavirus situation as one new death and several new cases were announced earlier >>

Wow, they now consider large crowds to avoid as groups of more than 10 people to avoid. That's one I've never heard said before anywhere!
A bit more about the possibility that there are two strains of virus..
Researchers identify two strains of coronavirus sweeping the world
''SHANGHAI — Scientists in China studying the coronavirus outbreak said they had found two main types of the disease could be causing infections.

The researchers, from Peking University’s School of Life Sciences and the Institut Pasteur of Shanghai under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, cautioned that their analysis examined a limited range of data, and said follow-up studies of larger data sets are needed to better understand the virus’s evolution.

The preliminary study found that a more aggressive type of the new coronavirus associated with the disease outbreak in Wuhan accounted for about 70% of analyzed strains, while 30% was linked to a less aggressive type.

The prevalence of the more aggressive virus decreased after early January 2020, they said.

“These findings strongly support an urgent need for further immediate, comprehensive studies that combine genomic data, epidemiological data, and chart records of the clinical symptoms of patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19),” they wrote.

Their findings were published on Tuesday in the National Science Review, the journal of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.''
I don't think that you should go into "Lock Down Mode". That is my own opinion. I don't fear getting the flu. If I get sick, I will ride it out, or not.

But I am not going into "Howard Hughes" mode because of the flu. No one should stop normal activities of daily living. INMO.

Thank you. Does your health and age demographic factor in to your decision? I do appreciate your input. My concern is I have a couple of concerning preexisting conditions and my kids interact daily with my parents who are in their 70's and who have both have serious preexisting conditions. I'm not otherwise at all concerned about husband or kids and their risks. They rarely get sick.

Edit: I should clarify that they do get sick. But it's usually mild and they have no underlying health conditions. The time we ALL got the flu for weeks was pretty brutal with both parents being sick at once.
This morning the New York Times had an article about how they had bleached down all 427 (!) subway stations. I thought, "Man, I wish they'd do that more often!"

I've also seen statements about every store in Seattle being out of toilet paper :)eek: even my uber-nervous friend said, "wtf, do they think they're going to be quarantined for a month?"); huge swaths of items (TP; dog food; bottled water, Clorox wipes, etc.) sold out at Costco's nationwide; and I had to do a 20-minute search on Amazon to find a single bundle of medical masks that wasn't labeled "for medical businesses with license only" (think I wound up paying something ridiculous like $45 for 50; though it also could have been $35 for 50, so don't quote me on that to anyone).

Conversely for reference, a year or so ago I tried to get 100 masks from overseas on eBay; they never arrived. I didn't complain because at that time, they had sold them to me for 99 cents and I thought it wasn't worth it, lol. Little did I know!!

Well, my doctor recommended I have enough medication for a month in the case of quarantine.

There’s always delivery though.
Wow, they now consider large crowds to avoid as groups of more than 10 people to avoid. That's one I've never heard said before anywhere!
Agree, I think people have been AFRAID to say what needs to be done for CONTAINMENT.
I think it will just have to come from individuals
voluntarily staying away from large gatherings.
Orlando News just reported a large conference
cancelled yesterday at the Orange Co. Fl. Convention Center. We need more of these to be cancelled, IMO.
People will just have to step up and protect themselves.
I must say that was the most solemn and sad press conference I've ever witnessed. My friends from Settle on this thread, please do what they say.

No groups larger than 10
Work from home
Pregnant or health complications isolate...
No mandates but you need to do this...

Children still going to school for now because their risk has been very low so far and they tend to wander in the public when they are out of school. Basically they are safer in school.

King County bought a hotel and modular homes to isolate people.

This is could hear the fear in their voices...

I would consider thinking that Dr. C, (who the poster you quoted was just posting Dr. C's words, not the posters) and many many of us here, AGREE with that. We are not blaming the personnel, just the institution which is underfunded, and chit happens when regulatory and short staff and lack of resources happen. As with in the future, when folks die, we shall not blame the health care workers as they are stretched, underfunded and overstaffed without the right equipment to best do their jobs. Does that make sense?

Sometimes it's hard to understand individuals' postings unless you know their backgrounds on how they post over time ... and what is posted is subtle so we don't get into political iykwim???

Anywhoooo, I was the OP to bring it up... so that's my stance as to what I meant. I quoted w/o opinion.... I need to do more "winks" so folks will know I'm sitting on hands wanting to say more. Which I often do, believe it or not ;)

....back to catching up!

@Tadpole12 don't leave. We move so fast...all is good! See post above - please read. Thank you on expounding on Dr. C video, as many people cannot view, and they had no idea that you were trying to clarify what I said and put into context, but other posters who had not seen the video didn't know what we BOTH were referring to.

It happens! We take snippets and others may not understand context. I tried to explain in post above for all before you posted below. We love ya'll that post here.. stick with us!

I posted the quote from Dr. C to clarify that he does not pity the U.S.

rather pity was used wrt to the delay in testing.

Dixie's summary of the video had key words,
but one would not wish to attribute a sentiment to Dr. C which is clearly not the intent, as represented in the spoken words.

There is no intent on my part to politicalize anything.

reconsidering my participation on this thread, yet again.
My opinion only:

I don't think any of us need to defend our reactions. Some of us have health issues, or age considerations, proximity to cases, elders or babies to care for....and/or just different personal comfort level. No one needs to explain to the group, imo.

It's okay if you want to avoid public places or travel or fist bumping and someone else doesn't - no one wins a prize for having the superior response, ykwim?

Let's just trust that we, like any other group, have people with different situations and different responses.

IMO, we are here to share info, support each other in our interest of the case, and maybe once in awhile have a laugh. Just don't sneeze on your screen because the rest of us just don't want to deal with that. ;)

My opinion only.

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