Coronavirus COVID-19 *Global Health Emergency* #12

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CNN on Twitter

Rather than shaking hands, Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts is encouraging people to bump elbows to help stop the spread of the coronavirus. The governor demonstrated it in a video of himself greeting people leaving quarantine at a facility in Omaha.

This is funny to me idk why. MOO
As a teen i once wore a short sleeved blouse to my summer job and all the other workers told me to cover up quickly because the boss was stepping out of his office. Huh?
They kept saying hurry get away he goes absolutely nuts over elbows. Of course i thought they were teasing me and held my ground.
Surprise, the boss made a beeline towards me and practically ravaged my elbows, the others scolded me afterward for not heeding their warnings.
Anyway, if the man is still alive and elbow greetings are the new norm.he might be the one person to appreciate cv19 as the "gift that keeps giving" !
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For the last week I've been trying to stop touching my face. I'm shocked at how often I normally touch it. I've noticed when I'm wearing glasses that I tend to push them up a lot but I really think it's more habit than them slipping down all the time. Also I tend to feel slight annoyances like itching or like a feather brushing my cheek. I finally realized my waist length hair was the culprit. I've started applying more lotion to my face and tying back my hair and it's helped tremendously. Not too much lotion though or those glasses will slip more. Just wanted to pass along my observations in case anyone could benefit from them.

I never realize how much I do too. At the airport a few weeks ago I had to Stop myself, quite a lot. Today after shopping at the market I was sitting and biting at my lips. Touching my face and I thought oh no I forgot to wash my hands. I always wash my hands coming home. It's the first thing I do since it's been here in Italy. But really it's a good habit every day when one comes home.
This doesn’t shock me in the least.
not one tiny bit.

Matt Stoller on Twitter

Just spoke with ER doc who say he's seeing cases he's 99% sure are #coronavirus. Negative for flu, recent travel, work in airports. Not allowed to test. Patients return to work because they can't take time off w/out a firm diagnosis. Other ER docs seeing the same thing.
For the last week I've been trying to stop touching my face. I'm shocked at how often I normally touch it. I've noticed when I'm wearing glasses that I tend to push them up a lot but I really think it's more habit than them slipping down all the time. Also I tend to feel slight annoyances like itching or like a feather brushing my cheek. I finally realized my waist length hair was the culprit. I've started applying more lotion to my face and tying back my hair and it's helped tremendously. Not too much lotion though or those glasses will slip more. Just wanted to pass along my observations in case anyone could benefit from them.

I never realize how much I do too. At the airport a few weeks ago I had to Stop myself, quite a lot. Today after shopping at the market I was sitting and biting at my lips. Touching my face and I thought oh no I forgot to wash my hands. I always wash my hands coming home. It's the first thing I do since it's been here in Italy. But really it's a good habit every day when one comes home.
As for the tests... i can give you my own experience as i am currently 'sort of' going thru it.
Cruised for 10 days, home on Jan 29th. Next day.. cough. My 'group' on the cruise had over 100 and over 1/3 were sick enough to go to urgent care etc. I don't go until i'm beyond sick. I know to take Amoxacillin when my lungs get too bad, vaporizer, humidifier, vicks... all the tricks. Its been 4 weeks... still hacking so bad i can't breathe, can't sleep, just generally feel like crap.
Never thinking it could be CVOD19, .... UNTIL a case shows up a mile from my house. I had already scheduled dr. appt. to get a refill on cough meds. He puts me on Levaquin.. STRONG antibiotic, lots of possible side effects. I have all the 'identifying' symptoms. Fever, Hacking cough, Severe bronchitis, very slight pneumonia sounds in one lung lower lobe. Do i need a hospital. Not in my mind. What would they do? Hydrate and antibiotics and respirator or breathing treatments. I can do all at home except if it gets back enough to need a respirator. They are NOT doing CVOD 19 tests unless you have had DIRECT contact with someone positive or are already hospitalized. They are treating with Antibiotics since the VIRAL strain creates a bacterial infection in the lungs. I am self isolating because i don't want to keep being reinfected or chance other strains of 'something'. Will i pay out of pocket (i have a 5k deductable) for a test, NO. I live alone, can work from home, and will have things delivered. I just want to feel better. Its 'almost gone away' a few times then comes right back. I'm not one to panic or stress about medical stuff. I do have a chronic issues, am considered 'senior' at 55 although i can't relate to that word. Should i be tested? probably. But our Health Dept doesn't seem to do that YET, unless you are positive you were around someone that is positive. Since they don't put out names, how are you supposed to know? They just say to stay home for 14 days. Heck, i could have carried it home from the ship WITH me and passed it along. If i'm getting the lack of answers or concern, i'm sure many others in my position are getting the same. THIS is why it will keep spreading so quickly.

I am sorry you are sick. I hope you feel better soon. Thank you for giving us details of what you have been experiencing.

With not testing and it spreads it could lead to a lot of deaths. I wonder if they will blame it on the regular flu. Does anyone know if the flu death numbers have gone up significantly?
Flu shot doesn't even always gives you immunity for the flu, let alone coronavirus. I know several people who got flu shots and still got influenza this winter.

My understanding is that prior to the start of the Northern Hemisphere flu season, they try to predict which strains are more likely to circulate this year. They can look at the dominant strains in the Southern Hemisphere, and I don't know what other means they use to make the prediction.

Then they put several different strains into the vaccine. So some years the prediction works better than others.

As for flu vaccine helping against the Covid-19, I think the only way it will help is in reducing cases of flu that turn into pneumonia and need hospitalisation.

Influenza is one 'species' of virus, and you still have multiple strains that need their own vaccine within the flu shot. Coronavirus is a different 'species' of virus, and it also has multiple strains....I think four cause 'a cold', and when we have a cold we don't personally know if it was caused by a rhinovirus or a coronavirus, we just call that set of symptoms 'a cold'.

Covid-19 is a 'strain' of Coronavirus that seems to sit in severity between those that cause a cold, and those that cause MERS and SARS.

And this new research of an L-type and an S-type of Covid-19, it is concerning that the Covid-19 will end up like influenza and have its own strains that each need their own vaccine. But hopefully they'd be able to do the same as with the flu shot, and put more than one strain into a single vaccination. I have no idea if it would be feasible to find a single non-mutating point on the Covid-19 that's common to all strains and suitable for a vaccine.

I guess it will help when they develop and start widely-using the antibody tests, so that they can see if the antibodies for one strain will work on other strains?
LA presser.....
5 cases, health emergency, wash your hands, eat Chinese.

My response....
We are in trouble.....

We really are in trouble , I cant see us having much success , first and foremost Americans are spoiled and will do what they want anyway! go where they want and I have so many people I know who WONT cook they ONLY eat out , think this is all no big deal and media is just trying to scare us.
As for the tests... i can give you my own experience as i am currently 'sort of' going thru it.
Cruised for 10 days, home on Jan 29th. Next day.. cough. My 'group' on the cruise had over 100 and over 1/3 were sick enough to go to urgent care etc. I don't go until i'm beyond sick. I know to take Amoxacillin when my lungs get too bad, vaporizer, humidifier, vicks... all the tricks. Its been 4 weeks... still hacking so bad i can't breathe, can't sleep, just generally feel like crap.
Never thinking it could be CVOD19, .... UNTIL a case shows up a mile from my house. I had already scheduled dr. appt. to get a refill on cough meds. He puts me on Levaquin.. STRONG antibiotic, lots of possible side effects. I have all the 'identifying' symptoms. Fever, Hacking cough, Severe bronchitis, very slight pneumonia sounds in one lung lower lobe. Do i need a hospital. Not in my mind. What would they do? Hydrate and antibiotics and respirator or breathing treatments. I can do all at home except if it gets back enough to need a respirator. They are NOT doing CVOD 19 tests unless you have had DIRECT contact with someone positive or are already hospitalized. They are treating with Antibiotics since the VIRAL strain creates a bacterial infection in the lungs. I am self isolating because i don't want to keep being reinfected or chance other strains of 'something'. Will i pay out of pocket (i have a 5k deductable) for a test, NO. I live alone, can work from home, and will have things delivered. I just want to feel better. Its 'almost gone away' a few times then comes right back. I'm not one to panic or stress about medical stuff. I do have a chronic issues, am considered 'senior' at 55 although i can't relate to that word. Should i be tested? probably. But our Health Dept doesn't seem to do that YET, unless you are positive you were around someone that is positive. Since they don't put out names, how are you supposed to know? They just say to stay home for 14 days. Heck, i could have carried it home from the ship WITH me and passed it along. If i'm getting the lack of answers or concern, i'm sure many others in my position are getting the same. THIS is why it will keep spreading so quickly.

I really hope you feel better soon.
Personally, we are stocked up on water for the same reason we have stocked up on other items, bc we go through alot of water in my house and wish to avoid going out as much as possible in the near future. MOO
Right. That makes sense if you usually drink bottled water. We have a small stockpile of water too, just because, but we usually drink tap water (it’s good here!) with a filter so stockpiling water for this situation just doesn’t seem necessary for us. It’s just crazy because our local stores are OUT.
Any vodka in the house? I have used that before to create hand sanitizer
I've got beer! But that is for drinking.

Seriously, not being able to find sanitizer or alcohol (we do have a bottle, of rubbing alcohol, but I feel like keeping it "just in case") has made me make a commitment to not touching my face. That's free, accessible, and seems an effective preventative action....if I could just quit touching my face.


Cheers! Prost! Kippis! Salud!
I am in central Florida, in a large retirement community. Some people are paying attention; most are not. Local grocers are still pretty well stocked, but the paper aisles are lower than I have seen in the five years I've been here. We stopped at Aldi last night to get bananas. They were hard to find, and the clerk sighed and said 'we are out of everything'.

Thursday, Fri and Sat we were in Tampa-St. Pete for a memorial service and a visit to sis-in-law. She lives on the beach, and wanted to go bar-hopping. Most of the bars were incredibly packed ~ I had to flee one of them. Could not cope. Now, of course, I regret going. I keep 'feeling myself' for symptoms.
Right. That makes sense if you usually drink bottled water. We have a small stockpile of water too, just because, but we usually drink tap water (it’s good here!) with a filter so stockpiling water for this situation just doesn’t seem necessary for us. It’s just crazy because our local stores are OUT.
Ditto. We have well water (tastes great) and also a filter on our fridge for water and ice, though we often just drink from the faucet directly.
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Flushable wipes are a disaster for the local sewer systems. They may be "flushable' in testing at the manufacturer, but they are not dissolving or degrading as represented and they are causing sewer system problems.

Do not flush wipes even if they say flushable. They will clog pipes and cause sewer or septic system clogs.

The HIPPA law, regarding limited release of health information, seems to be a moot point.

There is almost zero anonymity now regarding personal health information. A person at work gets the flu, discloses her illness to her supervisor, the next thing, everyone in the office is asked if they had direct contact with "X". And if they did, to leave the office, go directly home to quarantine.

So much for confidentiality.

HIIPA only addresses medical providers not releasing information. It does not mean that neighbors and coworkers won't talk.

Why are people being told to stock up with clean water?

Is there something else that we are not being told here?

If I have a plumbing problem at my home, I would call a plumber. But if I'm sick, I might not have the energy to deal with that. Or if the plumber is ill, and one plumber being ill means more scheduling pressure for the other local plumbers. Shutting off the water at the street until I am (or they are) well enough to get things fixed, might be the best option, but you need water every day obviously.

Also, how much information do you have about how your community's water system operates? My town has only about 1.5 days worth of water in the elevated tanks from which the water could gravity feed to our homes. The tanks are kept filled from drilled wells (I assume this is an automated process). But how many employees know how to maintain and troubleshoot that process if something were to break down? In my tiny town it would only take one or two people being out sick at the same time as something breaks with the automated system, and we'd be without water until someone gets well or a skilled person could be brought in from out of the area. Is this confluence of occurrences likely? No, but there's a reason "Murphy's Law" is a common phrase. Water is so essential that there is little reason to take a risk when having a few days or week of water on hand is pretty easy to achieve. (Not to mention that it's prudent for a large list of situations -- natural disasters etc.)

Also a note about toilet paper. This might be too much for some of you and inappropriate for others, but for many it should be useful -- if you live in an arid (low-humidity) area, it can work for (healthy) women to wipe themselves after peeing using a folded bandana or washcloth rather than using toilet paper.

In arid environments, the cloth will dry in between uses, and by re-folding it various ways it can be used a few times before going in the laundry. Smell is minimal after it's dried, from my experience having tried this.

This can drastically extend how long each roll of tp lasts (though it will increase your laundry). Any men who live alone who can say how long a roll of tp lasts them? A million personal variables of course but I believe a roll could last a person a month if this technique is used.
I am in central Florida, in a large retirement community. Some people are paying attention; most are not. Local grocers are still pretty well stocked, but the paper aisles are lower than I have seen in the five years I've been here. We stopped at Aldi last night to get bananas. They were hard to find, and the clerk sighed and said 'we are out of everything'.

Thursday, Fri and Sat we were in Tampa-St. Pete for a memorial service and a visit to sis-in-law. She lives on the beach, and wanted to go bar-hopping. Most of the bars were incredibly packed ~ I had to flee one of them. Could not cope. Now, of course, I regret going. I keep 'feeling myself' for symptoms.
I'm heading to the grocery store now....we'll see how it goes.


Where was your cruise? Do you know if any others on the ship have had prolonged illness as you have? Or if any have been diagnosed with something?

One thing I can tell you, I was this sick in November and tried to fight it myself. The coughing wouldn't stop, etc...many of the symptoms you describe for yourself. I finally went to Urgent Care and was given Ceftin (antibiotic), Prednisone (steroids) and Flonase (nasal spray). It definitely made me better, within the week it took me to take all the dosages prescribed. Doc said I did the right thing trying to let my body fight it off, but then I needed meds. It had progressed to bronchitis.

Perhaps you can get checked out just to illiminate other possibilities and many even get some relief. I hope so. xo

Aruba, Curacao, Grand Turk, Nassau and Half moon Cay. (Celebrity and Carnival). Yes, just in my group alone, many went to urgent care when they got home. Some had Flu A, Some had Flu B, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Conjunctivitis were all within my group of 100. COVID wasn't even asked/talked about on the 29th of Jan. for anyone in the states, so NO ONE was tested. Could one of us have brought it from a worker on the ship? Absolutely. Staff was sick, some of our servers mentioned it. And they are from all over. Carnival did ask people to call in and let them know when they got sick, according to one in our FB page for the cruise. LOTS of coughs.
I started off with Amoxicillin, as that will usually kick something for me. Didn't do a thing. My Doc knows how i feel about meds in general... so when he said he was prescribing the granddaddy of them all, i knew he heard things in my lungs he did not like. I would never take Levaquin without being VERY sick. The side effects are dangerous and it mentions you should do others first. I took my first one yesterday and within 2 hours i was nauseous, have a HORRIBLE metallic taste in my mouth, and just feel yucky... added onto the cough. But i'll take it.. 7 days worth. NOT looking forward to it. If this doesn't clear it up, he said we'll fight for a test. Not that treatment is any different than what we are doing... but it would be nice to let people know that I WAS around for the last month.
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