Coronavirus COVID-19 *Global Health Emergency* #13

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Gee, would be nice if we had centralized coordination of information....wonder how that could be put in place?



Just my personal opinion here, but I really think the CDC should be utilizing this thread as their go to for solid information!! :p

With some of the decisions we’ve seen being made so far - it’s gotta be better than wherever they’re getting their information so far! :confused:

lol - j/k (sort of....)
Unbelievable. That's crazy. First of all, the government and medical experts are saying a mask does not help and the LAST PLACE A HIGH CONTAGIOUS person should be is in the ER!

Ugh. I'm so pissed at this. I wish Trump would get up there and tell the truth. I blame him for this mess, blowing off in the beginning, telling people it's no worse than a flu bug and continuing to be the person that the US citizens refer to, as all I hear is "Trump doesn't think it's bad..." .... ugh, forget it. I'm going to put myself in a timeout corner.
Oh my goodness #10 on this thread ! This is the first time that I have ever seen a WS Mod give themselves a TO over a post.......LOL !......:).........Pass the coffee pot over this ways, please ?..Thank you .............moo
Never in my life have I seen so many press conferences, sometimes multiple a day via various outlets. Just sayin.

Usually we’re begging for PCs. Here I can barely keep up with all of them. It’s a good thing.

This thread is unique in sooo many ways.

Goodnight zzzzzz. Night shift clocking out.

ETA / Hey @dixiegirl1035

: offftobed:

(old WS emoji of cute guy walking away with a pillow emoji lol, that’s was a good one too.)
Happy dreams, little mooooogarita.........moo
Yes press conferences are good IF new information is shared and IF our local or national leaders provide adequate, informed leadership.

Here in Fl. there is still misinformation being stated by our Governor- low risk, testing is going just fine, no problems, don't panic, etc.
When an Orlando reporter stated she had been trying for 2 days to get a couple answers from
the Gov., he said go ahead, ask. So she said,
"First, can you tell us what impact the virus will'
have on Tourism in Florida?", The Governor
gave her a snide glance, turned and walked away. End of questions.
Fellow Floridian here, and I have noticed that there seems to be a decline in information being reported about the virus on the local news stations. Have you noticed anything similar? I put the news on this morning, and it wasn't even mentioned, and the tickers that usually run on the bottom of the screen reporting new cases, was gone.
And the US shouldn't even be telling people to go to their doctor! It's crazy, how would you like to be a patient in the waiting room waiting for your annual checkup, and you're sitting next to someone who just called or stopped by with possible highly contagious virus symptoms.

We need something in place, I believe in the UK, that you dial a certain number and someone there helps you and they COME TO YOU, or provide drive-through service so you don't even have to get out of your car.

It's ridiculous that no one is telling these people in the US what to do.

Or even an outside tent style drive-up med check. At a minimum, it could be used as a screening point to determine where they should go, or what entry point to use.
Oh my goodness #10 on this thread ! This is the first time that I have ever seen a WS Mod give themselves a TO over a post.......LOL !......:).........Pass the coffee pot over this ways, please ?..Thank you .............moo

Shhh! I'm not a mod anyway, just a forum coordinator. :D:rolleyes:
And....then we get this:

"Rep. Matt Gaetz stood by his move to sport an enormous gas mask to protect himself from coronavirus — even during a House floor vote on funding for the public health emergency."

I don't know if he is serious about the gas mask or making fun of people who are concerned about the virus.

Either way, this is just dumb. IMOPINION

Yeah, I got put in twitter jail for what I said about him staying away from King County.
And the US shouldn't even be telling people to go to their doctor! It's crazy, how would you like to be a patient in the waiting room waiting for your annual checkup, and you're sitting next to someone who just called or stopped by with possible highly contagious virus symptoms.

We need something in place, I believe in the UK, that you dial a certain number and someone there helps you and they COME TO YOU, or provide drive-through service so you don't even have to get out of your car.

It's ridiculous that no one is telling these people in the US what to do.
I agree! The University of Washington is sending out emails to students and parents telling them to CALL your doctor if you have symptoms. DO NOT just show up at the clinic because they need to prepare for you and protect everyone in the office first. This is what all people in the US need to be told IMO.
Almost 300 million students across the world are out of school due to coronavirus

Almost 300 million students in thirteen countries have had their education disrupted by school closures over coronavirus, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization said.

UNESCO said the children impacted normally attend “pre-primary to upper-secondary classes,” calling the number “without precedent.”

The 290.5 million number only includes the countries with nationwide shutdowns. An additional nine countries have implemented localized school closings.

Live updates: Coronavirus outbreak spreads across the world - CNN
Closing schools will be horrible for parents that work. people will lose jobs that probably need them to survive. Economy will crash if the stop travel. But if that needs done, then it needs done NOW,

I want to hear numbers on how many are reinfected after recovery. I saw one person in either Korea or China 'seems' to have gotten it 'again'. It was on news last night but i don't remember where.
Here's who's pulled out of SXSW so far ... some of the big names dropping out of the event:
  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Intel
  • Vevo
  • Mashable
  • TikTok
Despite the cancellations, SXSW organizers announced new keynote speakers this week, including Hillary Clinton and Andrew Yang.

Live updates: Coronavirus outbreak spreads across the world - CNN
My parents here in New Jersey are no longer around. In a way, thank goodness, I don't need to worry about them. In the last years of their lives, each of them were in and out of hospitals, emergency rooms, and short-care facilities for various underlying conditions where I had to worry about sepsis, cannot imagine worrying about CV now.

On the other hand, my 90 year old father-in-law, who is still going strong, and his lady friend, still plan on going on a 2 week cruise in April through the Caribbean ... but that's because he listens to Trump who says, well, you know what he says but it's what he doesn't say that is concerning.

My oldest millennial daughter has a trip planned to Italy in June to distribute the ashes of her husband's grandmother. She insists that they are only going to "southern Italy" so they are safe, besides, they are in their upper 20s and the virus is only affecting "old people with underlying issues, already with one foot out the door and that the flu kills more people every season." My response: Oh, like me and Dad?!? (Thanks Trump for brainwashing her).

My youngest millennial daughter, who backpacked around the world and has now settled in NYC, says she loves the cleaner (bleached) subways, is not worried about the virus affecting her at her age, and at one time was drooling over the reduced airfares around the world (OMG, Mom, $200 round-trip flights to Morocco!!). She just now booked a business trip to Los Angeles at the end of the month, so jumping on a plane at this moment means nothing to her.
Yep, my young adult son is planning a trip with to France. I never, ever thought I'd be in a place as a parent where I wish my young adults wouldn't travel. So I'm just saying, "be careful" and hoping for the best (which I assume it will be).

Airline executives ask Trump and White House not to discourage air travel

Airline executives asked President Trump and other White House officials not to take steps that would lead to a slowdown in air travel, a person familiar with the Wednesday meeting said.

The executives asked the administration not to publicly discourage Americans from taking flights, saying their businesses were at risk if the government begins warning against commercial air travel.

Live updates: Coronavirus outbreak spreads across the world - CNN
Fellow Floridian here, and I have noticed that there seems to be a decline in information being reported about the virus on the local news stations. Have you noticed anything similar? I put the news on this morning, and it wasn't even mentioned, and the tickers that usually run on the bottom of the screen reporting new cases, was gone.
my TV news stations are Orlando based.
Normally news is stifled if it relates to theme
parks and especially Disney World. The theme parks are going all out advertising to locals to come to the parks so I'm guessing their daily numbers may be going down or they're just planning for when out of town travelers decrease.
Ch 9 Orlando is doing a bit of special news on the virus, in general and is hosting a call in
show this evening at 8pm.
not sure what type of planning is going on behind the scenes w/ schools, employers etc.
Seems to be a wait and see approach so far.
Here's a state-by-state breakdown:
  • Arizona – 2
  • California – 36 (includes 1 fatality)
  • Florida - 3
  • Georgia - 2
  • Illinois - 4
  • Massachusetts - 2
  • New Hampshire – 2
  • New Jersey - 1
  • New York - 13
  • North Carolina - 1
  • Oregon - 3
  • Rhode Island - 2
  • Washington state - 39 (includes 10 fatalities)
  • Wisconsin – 1
  • Texas - 1
Remember: These numbers are constantly being updated as the situation is fluid.

Live updates: Coronavirus outbreak spreads across the world - CNN
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