Coronavirus COVID-19 *Global Health Emergency* #16

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Dr. Ben Carson, Cabinet member and a member of the administration’s coronavirus task force, the President's spokesperson (on GMA this morning with George Stephanopoulos) recommends
*people go about their business
*shaking hands won't give you the virus
*the elderly and medically challenged should (maybe) not go to rallies
*no comment on the cruise ship (as it the message should come from above ?)
*the president and the vice president are using hand sanitizer and so are safe.

In contrast - Dr Jen Aston (same show)
*social distancing is important
*emphasis not just on your own status but also those who can catch it from you
*kids are safer and closing schools is partially about keeping them safe but mostly about preventing spread to their family members and more vulnerable citizens

Just the facts folks.

‘Think twice’: Trump administration doctors warn older Americans on travel, crowds

Dr. Ben Carson, secretary of Housing and Urban Development and a member of the administration’s coronavirus task force said healthy individuals shouldn’t avoid large events like campaign rallies.

“There is no reason you shouldn’t go,” Dr. Carson said, but if an individual is in a high-risk category, like the elderly, then he or she should “think twice.”

Dr. Carson said it is important for people to wash their hands and take precautions as they would against other viruses. “The vast majority of people who actually contract the virus are only going to have flu-like symptoms or less,” he said.

“There is a little bit of exaggeration of what happens if you contract the virus.”

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Surprising Michigan and Ohio don't have cases....maybe not testing? We have people from MI and OH on the thread - any updates on testing?
Not much testing done at all. 16 whole tests. Smh.
HOUSTON COUNTY, Ga. — Two women from Central Georgia are trapped on the Grand Princess cruise ship off the California coast.

Jane Wilson and her mother, Nancy Pinaud, are from Houston County. Wilson says she is not sure when crews will let her and her mom off the boat.

"It was really really good from San Francisco to Hawaii. We went to four islands in Hawaii," Wilson said.

She says a 15-day cruise with her mom on the Grand Princess came to an unimaginable ending.

"There were 21 people who tested positive for the coronavirus, so the CDC and the government are actually the ones who are controlling what we do now," Wilson said.

According to a post from the cruise line, 2 guest and 19 crew members tested positive for the virus.

"We are not allowed to leave our rooms," Wilson said.

Wilson says they were supposed to disembark Saturday but are now being told to stay in their room.

"I try to be really positive about it. There is nothing I can do. So, if I get upset, that is not going to help anything," she said.

Houston County women among quarantined passengers on cruise ship

All was great, until it wasn’t. And they didn’t see this coming when the stepped on the ship?!?! SMH
Cruise ship hit by virus to dock in Oakland, California

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – A cruise ship hit by the new coronavirus is headed to the port of Oakland, California, the captain told passengers, though they were destined to stay aboard the ship for at least another day.

Grand Princess Capt. John Smith, in a recording provided by passenger Laurie Miller of San Jose, told guests the ship will dock in Oakland. Princess Cruises says it's expected to arrive on Monday. The ship is carrying more than 3,500 people from 54 countries.

“An agreement has been reached to bring our ship into the port of Oakland,” he told passengers Saturday night. “After docking, we will then begin a disembarkation process specified by federal authorities that will take several days."...

Note: The captain of the doomed Titanic was Edward John Smith :eek:
A man in his 50s who tested positive for coronavirus went bar-hopping "to spread the disease", it has been reported.

The patient, who showed no symptoms of the virus, was tested at a hospital in the Japanese city of Gamagori on Wednesday after both of his parents - whom he lives with - contracted the bug.

After testing positive for coronavirus, he was told to wait at home until doctors could find a space for him at a medical facility.

Instead of following medical advice, he allegedly decided to take a taxi to an izakaya bar - a type of informal Japanese bar that serves alcoholic drinks and snacks - after reportedly telling a family member: "I am going to spread the virus."

Man with coronavirus goes on bar crawl to 'spread virus' after testing positive

Surprising Michigan and Ohio don't have cases....maybe not testing? We have people from MI and OH on the thread - any updates on testing?

I've been checking MDHH daily for updates: Coronavirus - Coronavirus

So far, no one in metro Detroit seems to be panicking. I sincerely hope it's not a false sense of security.
For Americans, 8.72 degrees Celsius = 47.7 degrees Fahrenheit.

Odd. That seems like a rather low or moderate temp, not a high one. And, we're seeing the virus in plenty of places that are at or above that temp.

What am I missing?


MOO for consideration the two different mode of transmission.

#1 - Person to person transmission - Winter vs. Summer
In winter, folks are indoors together in close distance, so more face to face transmission, and temp really doesn't matter. Just the fact that folks gather more indoors closely in the winter would give higher transmission in cold climates.

Fomite transmission - Winter vs. Summer

And the "fact" we have shared here in papers etc. that the virus lives longer on lower temp surfaces to be touched and transmitted that way. Folks in winter congregate together so even if the room/business/wherever is warmer the surface viruses may not last as long in the warmth, yet there are more folks touching the same surface within a winter period vs. in summer.

Same situation almost as person to person...folks would be outdoors and not confined as much as in winter to touching the same surfaces. The temperature "studies" are on surfaces MOO, so outdoor high temp viruses on handrails and poles etc the virus may not last as long, but more people are touching the same thing in winter.

There's a site I'm following on this, and in a week they should have more data to share visually here. All that said, may not see go away in Summer with social distancing just due to season or just ebb like we see with seasonal flu.. don't know.
Netanyahu is putting them on the front line after concluding “the pandemic is not afflicting children or young people.”

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

Studies have NOT been done to prove they are not infective and spreading! SMDH they can be carriers, there have been no studies to say otherwise.

Please someone tell me/show me I'm wrong!

Five Ohioans being tested for coronavirus

Five Ohioans being tested for coronavirus

Governor Mike DeWine said Ohio is waiting for the results of five people who were tested for coronavirus.

Test results are expected within 24 hours. There are no confirmed cases in Ohio, however, Ohio Department of Health Director Amy Acton said Ohio can expect its first case any day.

“We have a plan, and we are implementing that plan now,” DeWine said. “We’re here today to update the people in the state of Ohio, specifically to talk about our testing process,.”

>>Related: Ohio health officials on alert preparing for coronavirus

Acton addressed the conference with new updates on the status of the state response to the respiratory virus, COVID-19.

The department will start releasing data every day, Acton said. Including sharing updates on confirmed cases and Persons Under Investigation (PUIs) for the virus every day on the Ohio Department of Health’s website by 2 p.m. That now includes weekends.

“As the COVID-19 situation evolves, the Ohio Department of Health, working in conjunction with hospitals, primary care providers, and other health care experts, has a plan to maximize our testing resources,” DeWine said. “We are prioritizing the patients who are the most vulnerable to be tested in the Department of Health’s State Laboratory, while ensuring those that need COVID-19 testing will be able to be tested.”
Italian doctors have warned medics across Europe to “get ready” for coronavirus in a letter revealing up to 10 per cent of all those infected with coronavirus need intensive care, with hospitals becoming overwhelmed.

The letter, seen by The Independent, reveals the scale of the impact on hospitals in Italy where 5,883 patients have been infected with the virus and 233 people have died as of 6pm on Saturday.

They said: “We are seeing a high percentage of positive cases being admitted to our intensive care units (ICUs), in the range of 10 per cent of all positive patients.

They said Italian hospitals had seen “a very high” number of intensive care patients who were admitted “almost entirely” for severe lung failure caused by the virus and needing ventilators to help them breathe.

They said hospitals across the UK and Europe needed to prepare for a surge in admissions and cautioned against working “in silos”. They said it was vital hospitals had equipment to protect staff and that staff were trained in wearing the kit.

They added: “Increase your total ICU capacity. Identify early hospitals that can manage the initial surge in a safe way. Get ready to prepare ICU areas where to cohort Covid-19 patients – in every hospital if necessary.”

‘Get ready’: Italian doctors warn Europe of coronavirus impact on hospitals
Bangladesh confirms first 3 #COVID19 cases, from a family returning from Italy
Bangladesh was the last country in the “top 10 highest populated countries” list that hadn’t reported a single case #SARSCoV2 #CoronaAlert #coronavirus
Bangladesh confirms its first three cases of coronavirus
I am so curious about Italy and where this "epicenter" within Italy will be. I have a hunch but of course no knowledge (so I'll keep quiet, lol!). I really am so curious how and why....Italy!

Five Ohioans being tested for coronavirus

Five Ohioans being tested for coronavirus

Governor Mike DeWine said Ohio is waiting for the results of five people who were tested for coronavirus.

Test results are expected within 24 hours. There are no confirmed cases in Ohio, however, Ohio Department of Health Director Amy Acton said Ohio can expect its first case any day.

“We have a plan, and we are implementing that plan now,” DeWine said. “We’re here today to update the people in the state of Ohio, specifically to talk about our testing process,.”

>>Related: Ohio health officials on alert preparing for coronavirus

Acton addressed the conference with new updates on the status of the state response to the respiratory virus, COVID-19.

The department will start releasing data every day, Acton said. Including sharing updates on confirmed cases and Persons Under Investigation (PUIs) for the virus every day on the Ohio Department of Health’s website by 2 p.m. That now includes weekends.

“As the COVID-19 situation evolves, the Ohio Department of Health, working in conjunction with hospitals, primary care providers, and other health care experts, has a plan to maximize our testing resources,” DeWine said. “We are prioritizing the patients who are the most vulnerable to be tested in the Department of Health’s State Laboratory, while ensuring those that need COVID-19 testing will be able to be tested.”
Amazing what you find when you test....I think they just got test kits yesterday.....
Dr. Ben Carson, Cabinet member and President's spokesperson (on GMA this morning with George Stephanopoulos) recommends
*people go about their business
*shaking hands won't give you the virus
*the elderly and medically challenged should (maybe) not go to rallies
*no comment on the cruise ship (as it the message should come from above ?)
*the president and the vice president are using hand sanitizer and so are safe.

In contrast - Dr Jen Aston (same show)
*social distancing is important
*emphasis not just on your own status but also those who can catch it from you
*kids are safer and closing schools is partially about keeping them safe but mostly about preventing spread to their family members and more vulnerable citizens

Just the facts folks.

All I can do is chuckle and think back to the last thread regarding the SNL skit ... “Jane, you ignorant $lut!”
Coronavirus updates live: Millions quarantined in Italy as D.C reports first case
''March 8, 2020, 11:35 AM EDT
Italy's government has placed more than 16 million people — a quarter of the population — under lockdown, in a drastic bid to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

The Lombardy region, including the city of Milan has been quarantined, as have other cities including Venice, Parma and Modena.

Meanwhile in the U.S., the first case has been confirmed in the capital Washington D.C. and hundreds of other cases have been reported around the country.''

''WASHINGTON — Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, recommended Sunday that elderly and vulnerable Americans limit their exposure to travel and large crowds as the world fights the coronavirus outbreak.

During an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Fauci said that the elderly and those with “underlying conditions” are “overwhelmingly” more likely to have complications if they catch coronavirus.

“If you are an elderly person with an underlying condition, if you get infected, the risk of getting into trouble is considerable. So it's our responsibility to protect the vulnerable,” he said.

“When I say protect, I mean right now. Not wait until things get worse. Say no large crowds, no long trips. And above all, don't get on a cruise ship.”
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