Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Emergency #4

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I wonder how the US Ebola victims were evacuated?

They would be far more contagious and dangerous to the transport people and attendants than COVID-19.

So I looked:

They can be transported by Air Medical Transport aircraft, but they are required to be in an Isolation Unit or in a restricted space with a 6 foot "clean zone" for disposal of used protective equipment.

Designation of an “isolation area”
  • Use of a disposable, portable isolation unit is recommended to contain infectious waste (such as soiled absorbent pads, emesis [vomit] basins, portable toilet) and to prevent contamination of the aircraft cabin. After use, the unit should be discarded (see E. Waste Disposal below). If an isolation unit is not available, a perimeter should be established for designating “clean” and “dirty” areas that identifies where gowns and gloves should be put on and removed. The distance will depend on the area required for patient care support as well as designated space for safe removal of PPE. A minimum distance of 6 feet (2 meters) from the patient is recommended. Surfaces should be smooth, nonporous, and fluid-impermeable to allow appropriate cleaning and disinfection.
  • Materials required for patient care, including PPE, should be stored outside of the isolation area.
  • Containers for soiled linen, waste, and reusable equipment should be placed inside the isolation area. Supplies for cleaning spills should be kept in the area, including appropriate disinfectants (see F. Cleaning and Disinfection below).
  • A portable chemical toilet dedicated for patient use should be placed within the isolation area. The lid of the toilet should be kept closed.
Personnel who are within the isolation unit or designated isolation area should wear PPE as described in the CDC guidance: Guidance on Personal Protective Equipment to be Used by Healthcare Workers During Management of Patients with Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in U.S. Hospitals, Including Procedures for Putting On (Donning) and Removing (Doffing). Outside of the isolation unit or designated isolation area, PPE is not needed
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This is so crazy. 58 million people on lockdown. Ournmost populated state is New York. Which has 8.5 million people. The whole of Canada has 37.9 million people.
Just something to illuminate how huge this is.

a lockdown of the equivalent scale in the states would be a logistical nightmare.

Between the record homeless, undocumented workers, and the relative ease of travel...

That “9 meals to anarchy” is something I hope we never experience.

I recall the looting during Katrina. That was a flood that we knew would subside. But this? Panic + guns? (Hong Kong over toilet paper?!)

I hope this is contained and that our communities are prepared
Question to google - do coronaviruses exist in water? Just a random thought as I was thinking about the cruise ship being burned or sunk and donated for a future coral reef..but then I was like, “no, we don’t want the fishies to get it” :D

On a serious note, I’m curious about CV in general as related to water.
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Can you imagine the impact this will have on families and employers? No pay for 2 weeks, or more?

Would there still be regular mail? Amazon Prime? Store deliveries?

How would this impact you and your job, your family, your health?

I'm feeling a need to run to Costco and stock up on paper goods, snacks, maybe another TV, short wave radio and about 50 bottles of bleach.

Im really worried for the residents getting enough food and basic supplies to survive.

I would think it would be almost impossible for their government to make daily supply runs to each and every high rise apartment complex that has hundreds, if not thousands, of residents in each one.

I watched that video that someone kindly shared of what it is like to live in a typical China high rise apartment and it was very interesting and a little depressing too.

They have huge high rise apartments for the masses and most had basic needs covered but to imagine being locked inside of one and having to rely on the government to bring them food and supplies , i just dont see that being able to be done. It would have to be a 24X7 herculean effort on a large scale and I dont see how they are going to handle it.

From what I have heard, its like they locked everyone up and the food deliveries was an after thought. Let alone, toilet paper, normal medicines that people may need, etc.

They cant inform the world how they are doing because their internet is being controlled so I guess we have to wait to see if anyone is able to get information out to the world about their conditions as this progresses.

Praying for the residents that are locked up.
Just thinking... it would be kinda nice to have a media/timeline/official links (CDC/who/JAMA/FAA/Maps etc) to better organize all the official info for easier access. (MOO)

I’m not sure if this is feasible and if anyone else would agree? (Ha! Not that I want to start it ;))
2020/02/13 The science behind viruses/Aid for virus-stricken cities pours in


Coronavirus Updates: Cruise Ship Passengers, Some Infected, Flown Back to U.S
Feb. 17, 2020, 3:51

“Here’s what you need to know:
  • American officials learned cruise ship evacuees were infected shortly before they flew back to the U.S.
  • China signals a delay in the meeting of its national legislature.
  • Cambodia halts cruise ship exodus after a disembarked passenger tests positive.
  • Russian court orders quarantine escapee to return to the hospital.
  • China Inc. slowly rumbles back to life.”
Im really worried for the residents getting enough food and basic supplies to survive.

I would think it would be almost impossible for their government to make daily supply runs to each and every high rise apartment complex that has hundreds, if not thousands, of residents in each one.

I watched that video that someone kindly shared of what it is like to live in a typical China high rise apartment and it was very interesting and a little depressing too.

They have huge high rise apartments for the masses and most had basic needs covered but to imagine being locked inside of one and having to rely on the government to bring them food and supplies , i just dont see that being able to be done. It would have to be a 24X7 herculean effort on a large scale and I dont see how they are going to handle it.

From what I have heard, its like they locked everyone up and the food deliveries was an after thought. Let alone, toilet paper, normal medicines that people may need, etc.

They cant inform the world how they are doing because their internet is being controlled so I guess we have to wait to see if anyone is able to get information out to the world about their conditions as this progresses.

Praying for the residents that are locked up.

I'm assuming this is only working because there is limited alc0hol and no guns in these places.
I keep wondering what is happening to people that have the ordinary medical maladies happening in Wuhan?

Where are the appendectomies, ectopic pregnancies, testicular torsions, seizures, heart attacks, DVT's, asthma attacks, high-risk pregnancies, CRF dialysis patients, broken bones, dental abscesses, etc, etc, etc being cared for?

And where is their blood supply coming from? Is their blood donation program screening people for COVID-19 also?
They need to burn that ship down after everyone disembarks safely.

I have been wondering about the decontamination process for the aircraft, after all, planes are not durable medical equipment, there really isn't a protocol for completely making an airplane, including the air flow, to be completely sterilized.

Spraying some Lysol around, isn't going to cut it.
I keep wondering what is happening to people that have the ordinary medical maladies happening in Wuhan?

Where are the appendectomies, ectopic pregnancies, testicular torsions, seizures, heart attacks, DVT's, asthma attacks, high-risk pregnancies, CRF dialysis patients, broken bones, dental abscesses, etc, etc, etc being cared for?

And where is their blood supply coming from? Is their blood donation program screening people for COVID-19 also?

WRT blood screening.
Testing suppy might lead back to an earlier date of origin for SARS-CoV-2?
I agree 100% with everything you've written here Hatfield.
Last night I was thinking about this. I remembered the video I had seen a few days ago, which was released showing happy people, and food outside a building that people were obtaining.
I had written that I was so happy to see the food, and what hero's the people were.

Last night it hit me. This was released by China. I'm sure it's a completely made up video that was orchestrated by them, with actors and staged so, the world thinks everything is A OK.

It can't possibly be. I feel like a dunce for believing it for a few days. I hope our world leaders have less guillable people then me advising them!

Im really worried for the residents getting enough food and basic supplies to survive.

I would think it would be almost impossible for their government to make daily supply runs to each and every high rise apartment complex that has hundreds, if not thousands, of residents in each one.

I watched that video that someone kindly shared of what it is like to live in a typical China high rise apartment and it was very interesting and a little depressing too.

They have huge high rise apartments for the masses and most had basic needs covered but to imagine being locked inside of one and having to rely on the government to bring them food and supplies , i just dont see that being able to be done. It would have to be a 24X7 herculean effort on a large scale and I dont see how they are going to handle it.

From what I have heard, its like they locked everyone up and the food deliveries was an after thought. Let alone, toilet paper, normal medicines that people may need, etc.

They cant inform the world how they are doing because their internet is being controlled so I guess we have to wait to see if anyone is able to get information out to the world about their conditions as this progresses.

Praying for the residents that are locked up.
I'm assuming this is only working because there is limited alc0hol and no guns in these places.

About a week ago we had heard about some residents throwing their pets out the windows because of the irrational fear of the Virus being spread from pets. If we start to hear about residents throwing themselves out the windows then we know it is bad and at that point, I think China needs to reconsider locking everyone up inside their apartments.

I cannot see how that is much different than locking people on the Princess Cruise ship, and we know that plan didnt work very well to stop new contaminations. The high rise apartments may be like giant cruise ships where if any are sick in those buildings, then it could cause it to spread more rapidly than it would naturally if they just let people take normal hygiene safety precautions.

IMO it sounds like a terrible idea to lock people up in those high rise buildings.

Oh I can’t wait to read this.

Man there is so much input coming in on all sides I can barely keep up, let alone process it.

TMI / Too much input! My brain is about to blow a wire. How long have we been at this now? Man, this stuff is DEEP. These poor folks, man.

So on that note, coincidentally, this song just came on and the words remind me of the passengers:

I’m your captain, I'm your captain
Though I'm feeling mighty sick
I've been lost now for days
And it's months since I've seen home
Can you hear me? Can you hear me?
Or am I all alone?
If you return me to my home port
I will kiss you Mother Earth
Take me back now, take me back now
To the port of my birth

Am I in my cabin dreaming?


“I'm your captain, I'm your captain
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm your captain
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm getting closer to my home
I'm getting closer to my home
I'm getting closer to my home
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I agree 100% with everything you've written here Hatfield.
Last night I was thinking about this. I remembered the video I had seen a few days ago, which was released showing happy people, and food outside a building that people were obtaining.
I had written that I was so happy to see the food, and what hero's the people were.

Last night it hit me. This was released by China. I'm sure it's a completely made up video that was orchestrated by them, with actors and staged so, the world thinks everything is A OK.

It can't possibly be. I feel like a dunce for believing it for a few days. I hope our world leaders have less guillable people then me advising them!
Yep! I keep seeing the propaganda videos in my Twitter feed of all the -quarantined shiny happy people dancing - and I refuse to like the posts.

i care deeply for those suffering, and I send deep prayers for their well being.- but MOO those videos are vulgar.
So, 14 evacuated cruise passengers flown back to the US have the virus. And, how many did they contaminate? And how many will they contaminate after the new mandatory 14 days - assuming those on the flight back are going to get it? It's here, Folks. No doubts.
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