Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Emergency #4

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Just noticed the Kallita planes don't have passenger windows
This is a file photo, not the Tokyo departure

I guess they don't get free drinks, music stations, or movies either.

No window, no drinks, no movies, no music. I would be one antsy passenger on that 8.5 hour flight.
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They are doing a live update now in Omaha at the UNMC unit, but the audio is poor. They brought 13 passengers to Omaha this morning, they were notified earlier yesterday to be on alert, but received the phone call this morning about 2 that they would receive patients. One man is in the bio containment center, feels lightheaded, mild cough, has existing pre medical problems but is stable. Others are in quarantine unit, one in each room, are all being tested with CDC tests for coronavirus.

Multiple 'high risk' coronavirus patients from quarantined cruise ship brought to Omaha
Not saying that........considering they have been left on a boat for almost 2 weeks infecting each other, another option has got to be better. They will be quarantined adequately in the US and isolated in infectious disease controlled hospitals if needed in the US.

I feel that if they could have been taken off the ship and repatriated to their home nations sooner that there wouldn't have ended up with 400+ people on the ship becoming infected. I realise no one thought at the time that all these infections would continue to happen, but now we know they are I strongly feel that getting as many people off the ship and into another place for 14 day quarantine is a much better option.
All the attention is on the cruise ship in Japan...what about the one in Cambodia, was it? where everyone had been allowed off and then a passenger tested positive after the passengers had already dispersed to their respective countries? Hello, how many more are positive and already back in their communities?

Coronavirus Infection Found After Cruise Ship Passengers Disperse

Or how bout the Japanese tour boat where more people have already been out in the community before it was discovered?

11 infected on Tokyo tour boat, likely transmitted coronavirus to non-passengers - The Mainichi

Dang but I knew there was a reason I have always disliked boats, haha, besides growing up in a desert...

I hadn't heard about the tour boat.

I am very curious about the Westerdam, though, the one that ended up docking in Cambodia and the woman from there flew to Malaysia and tested positive, while her husband might have symptoms but hadn't tested positive.

What was the index case on the Westerdam?

I wonder what the Cambodian leader said on the telephone to the Chinese leader after he shook hands with those passengers and only later found out that someone had tested positive for the Covid-19?!
I feel that if they could have been taken off the ship and repatriated to their home nations sooner that there wouldn't have ended up with 400+ people on the ship becoming infected. I realise no one thought at the time that all these infections would continue to happen, but now we know they are I strongly feel that getting as many people off the ship and into another place for 14 day quarantine is a much better option.

Yes. It's apparent COVID-19 is not like norovirus.

Norovirus sweeps through with amazing infectious efficiency, but the infection tends to clear quickly and does not re-infect. If all the cruise passengers are infected at once, it's more effective to keep them contained then clean up and everyone moves on. It all happens in a much shorter timeframe.
Nearly half of China's population -- more than 780 million people -- are currently living under various forms of travel restrictions as authorities race to contain the spread of a deadly virus.
The novel coronavirus outbreak has killed 1,770 people and infected another 70,000 in mainland China.
According to a CNN analysis, travel limitations of varying degrees are still being enforced in provinces and cities across the country, including Hubei, Liaoning, Beijing and Shanghai.
780 million Chinese under travel restrictions due to coronavirus
About 58 million people in China have been forced into lockdown as residents in the heart of the coronavirus outbreak are told only one family member can leave the house once every three days.

The central Chinese province of Hubei, the epicentre of the outbreak, has seen residents ordered to stay home until further notice.

Under new rules, which came into effect on Sunday, each one of the province’s 200,000 rural communities will be sealed shut, with only one guarded entrance. Similar restrictions will be placed on urban residential compounds.
China’s Hubei province goes into indefinite lockdown

Just like with the Westerdam, I am so curious where that man acquired the virus.

IIRC that the couple traveled from Japan to Hawaii on the 28th January, there were only about 4 to 7 confirmed cases in Japan at that time. Will he connect to one of those cases as a contact they hadn't previously realised? Or did he acquire the virus elsewhere?

Are there any websites out there doing follow-ups reports on cases like these?
I know, it's unbelievably fabulous that the United States was prepared to re-home those that were positive by having an isolation chamber on board, with a separate entrance to the airplane for it's citizens so that during the flight they were isolated as they used a DOD contracted BIOCONTAINMENT plane on this trip. Kudos to the US for planning for such! They fell outside of Japan restriction at the time they got into US possession, I'm so pleased!

View attachment 232650

Wow. I had no idea the containment "box" inside the plane was so advanced. That does actually look like it may contain whatever is placed in there. Although if I was a passenger outside of the box, Im not sure I would ever feel totally safe that a particle could escape it but it sure looks foolproof doesnt it.

Probably the only real danger is opening and closing the doors to the container. That is wild and I have never seen such a thing on a plane like that. Amazing.
This is so crazy. 58 million people on lockdown. Ournmost populated state is New York. Which has 8.5 million people. The whole of Canada has 37.9 million people.
Just something to illuminate how huge this is.

About 58 million people in China have been forced into lockdown as residents in the heart of the coronavirus outbreak are told only one family member can leave the house once every three days.

The central Chinese province of Hubei, the epicentre of the outbreak, has seen residents ordered to stay home until further notice.

Under new rules, which came into effect on Sunday, each one of the province’s 200,000 rural communities will be sealed shut, with only one guarded entrance. Similar restrictions will be placed on urban residential compounds.
China’s Hubei province goes into indefinite lockdown
Wow. I had no idea the containment "box" inside the plane was so advanced. That does actually look like it may contain whatever is placed in there. Although if I was a passenger outside of the box, Im not sure I would ever feel totally safe that a particle could escape it but it sure looks foolproof doesnt it.

Probably the only real danger is opening and closing the doors to the container. That is wild and I have never seen such a thing on a plane like that. Amazing.

As a cargo plane, it's apparent it could be outfitted in numerous ways, to prepare for all sorts of contingencies. Likely it's carried some huge vehicles, maybe even boats before.
About 58 million people in China have been forced into lockdown as residents in the heart of the coronavirus outbreak are told only one family member can leave the house once every three days.

The central Chinese province of Hubei, the epicentre of the outbreak, has seen residents ordered to stay home until further notice.

Under new rules, which came into effect on Sunday, each one of the province’s 200,000 rural communities will be sealed shut, with only one guarded entrance. Similar restrictions will be placed on urban residential compounds.
China’s Hubei province goes into indefinite lockdown

Can you imagine the impact this will have on families and employers? No pay for 2 weeks, or more?

Would there still be regular mail? Amazon Prime? Store deliveries?

How would this impact you and your job, your family, your health?

I'm feeling a need to run to Costco and stock up on paper goods, snacks, maybe another TV, short wave radio and about 50 bottles of bleach.
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