Coronavirus COVID-19 *Global Health Emergency* #6

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Notice re the below in Italy - lesson learned- they are telling folks do NOT go to the hospital or emergency room. This happened in China, and MOO I think that health departments should be clear to the citizens as to why not. Those on the threads now understand why. I hope MSM folks explain what is now known. It's gonna create Chaos, yet..................
08:57: 38 new cases in Italy. (Source) (e.d. NOTE: They are 5 hours ahead of US eastern timezone for all BNO reports- also note that this is done through google translate, so poor English I'm not correcting)

Monday 24 February, update at 9.15 am
Contagion rises to 150. An 84-year-old man hospitalized in Bergamo dies

During the night 150 people infected with Coronavirus rose to 150. Unfortunately, the death of an 84-year-old man hospitalized in the Papa Giovanni XXIII hospital in Bergamo was also recorded. Compared to the last update last night, there are therefore 38 new cases.

Further updates will be provided later in the day.
Toll free region

Those who experience flu symptoms or breathing problems must not go to the emergency room, but must call the unique regional toll-free number 800.89.45.45 which will evaluate each situation and explain what to do.

For general information, call 1500 instead, a public utility number activated by the Ministry of Health

Tracking coronavirus: Map, data and timeline and original source is in Italian at Coronavirus in Lombardia, tutti gli aggiornamenti in diretta
FTSE 100 is currently down by nearly 3% on opening. At this time the chart has a current intraday low of -2.65. I'm gonna guess this is the pricing in of the highly anticipated "P" announcement?

ETA I misread, that was the then price when I looked at -2.65%, not the intraday low.

FTSE 100 summary - London Stock Exchange

I remember in about the 1990s thinking that all this stuff is just for investors and not relevant to someone like I think how wrong I was.
BNO Newsroom @BNODesk ·
The lawmaker added that he has urged the minister of health to quarantine the city. ILNA reports that, last night alone, 7 people in Qom died of coronavirus
NEW: Iranian lawmaker claims at least 50 people have died of coronavirus in the city of Qom; the official death toll stands at 12 - ILNA

ETA: I do NOT want to get into political, but just an FYI as related to the astonishing numbers/deaths coming out of Iran..... I'm sure y'all have seen on the news. The Iran elections were held 3 days ago on the 21st, and many think they held back until afterwards to release - ergo the high number of deaths when the "outbreak just began"

Also, it's been reported higher death rate possibly in Iran and more viral myocarditis. Oh dear hoping that the virus isn't mutating.

Where are our old emoticons :runforthehills:
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IMO......wearing the face mask may prevent a person from spreading the disease through coughing, but, not a good protector for getting it.

Covering the eyes as well as wearing disposable gloves while outdoors among the masses would help more.
Is it a higher death rate in Iran due to the virus or for some other reason? There are probably a lot more cases out there than we're aware of.

Is it 7 deaths there now? That could be out of more than 200 people, especially if there are two cases already exported outside the country by international air travel.

I am concerned about the fatality rate outside China. The Chinese figures are starting to feel low. I know I should go by the evidence, but the major figures have come from Wuhan where we know the situation has been nightmarish and not all cases have been thoroughly written up. So I wonder just how reliable those numbers are for predictive value?
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Is it a higher death rate in Iran due to the virus or for some other reason? There are probably a lot more cases out there than we're aware of.

From what we know.. usually takes folks 15-20 days to death... death rate is about 2.5% highest so far.. so that mean xxxx cases were in Iran 15 days ago in reality to get ?? deaths today. Too late to do math for me... perhaps someone else can take a stab or we can wait for MSM or ?

Gosh forbid the virus has mutated? But wouldn't it elsewhere? My guess is do the math, it's been hidden. I think Dr. C alluded to such in his youtube today from folks he had heard from. I'm looking forward to his youtube tomorrow for sure.
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From what we know.. usually takes folks 15-20 days to death... death rate is about 2.5% highest so far.. so that mean xxxx cases were in Iran 15 days ago in reality to get to 50 deaths today. Too late to do math for me... perhaps someone else can take a stab or we can wait for MSM or ?

Gosh forbid the virus has mutated? But wouldn't it elsewhere? My guess is do the math, it's been hidden. I think Dr. C alluded to such in his youtube today from folks he had heard from. I'm looking forward to his youtube tomorrow for sure.

I'm struggling to catch up with all the videos and keep current on this thread. See my ETA on my post though. The fatality rate outside China doesn't feel right when compared to the stats from the study of 77k patients in China.

I've been seeing it for days in the non-China cases, the death rate looks higher than 2%, and I'm just hoping I'm wrong. I was wrong before when I predicted that the fatality rate would be about 0.5%.

But what is evident in the study of 70k cases in China, is the difference in the fatality rate depending on the age group that are affected. So if for some reason an outbreak takes hold in an older population, a nursing home or a hospital, then that nation's figures will appear to have a higher fatality rate, but it really just means that it's an older average case age rather than a change in the virus.
I'm struggling to catch up with all the videos and keep current on this thread. See my ETA on my post though. The fatality rate outside China doesn't feel right when compared to the stats from the study of 77k patients in China.

I've been seeing it for days in the non-China cases, the death rate looks higher than 2%, and I'm just hoping I'm wrong. I was wrong before when I predicted that the fatality rate would be about 0.5%.

But what is evident in the study of 70k cases in China, is the difference in the fatality rate depending on the age group that are affected. So if for some reason an outbreak takes hold in an older population, a nursing home or a hospital, then that nation's figures will appear to have a higher fatality rate, but it really just means that it's an older average case age rather than a change in the virus.

Keep in mind what Dr. C said. At the beginning of an epidemic, or if no trace contact to someone previous, the death rate will be appearing high as no-one knew to test asymptomatic and milds, and only the very sick come in, are tested positive and have the CT scan to prove the dx. And if poor health response or overcrowding, death rate goes up (e.g. when system is overwhelmed and no beds that are now going to be suggested negative pressure/isolation.. jeez US only has 10 hospitals per Jersey Girl research!) So the death rate starts high....varies up then down (then up?) during the beginning phases. Both in China, and other places.

Also @Amonet, do you follow this link which follows closed/open cases? Look at their death rates. It goes to what we have been discussing. That the death rate should not be on the current cases, it needs to go back 2-3 weeks as to the number then.


Coronavirus Update (Live): 79,707 Cases and 2,626 Deaths from COVID-19 Wuhan China Virus Outbreak - Worldometer

Coronavirus Update (Live): 79,707 Cases and 2,626 Deaths from COVID-19 Wuhan China Virus Outbreak - Worldometer
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Thinking more about what to do... I doubt I'll buy 90 rolls of TP or paper towels, but that's right now. Most of us have not experienced hurricanes or supply shortages and cannot imagine hoarding supplies, but I, too, was at Costco on Sunday, amazed at the canned items, TP, etc. being gobbled up. If the WHO declares an emergency, how will the US public react?

There are so many national/international implications of what this virus might do that it's overwhelming. And, very frightening.
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Looks like Dr. Campbell's info was correct....

NEW: Iranian lawmaker claims at least 50 people have died of coronavirus in the city of Qom; the official death toll stands at 12 - ILNA
BNO Newsroom on Twitter
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — A staggering 50 people have died in the Iranian city of Qom from the new coronavirus this month, a lawmaker was quoted as saying on Monday, even as the Health Ministry insisted only 12 deaths have been recorded to date in the country.

The new death toll reported by the Qom representative, Ahmad Amiriabadi Farahani, is significantly higher than the latest number of nationwide confirmed cases of infections that Iranian officials had reported just a few hours earlier, which stood at 12 deaths out of 47 cases, according to state TV.

Health Ministry spokesman Iraj Harirchi rejected the Qom lawmaker’s claims, insisting the death toll from the virus remains at 12.

None of the nurses have access to proper protective gears,” Farahani said, adding that some health care specialists had left the city.

Iran lawmaker says 50 dead from new virus in city of Qom
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