Coronavirus COVID-19 *Global Health Emergency* #9

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Costco update: DH has returned from his monthly trip to Costco. I forgot to remind him about checking out supplies before he left and thought he took my Beetle, so I didn't want to call to remind him so he didn't have to answer his cell phone. Not surprisingly, DH remembered without a reminder and immediately said that Costco was out of many items on our list. We were not looking to stockpile items in case of widespread COVID-19 but were getting the usual items that we get on a rotating basis. Costco did not have toilet paper, Clorox wipes, paper towels, or Palmolive dish soap. It wasn't on the list, but DH got a 12-pack of Kleenex. They didn't have Sockeye salmon, so we have to rethink dinner this evening.

DH went directly across the street to Target and found a good supply of Clorox wipes. I use them daily to wipe kitchen and bathroom counters. The CVS in the same shopping plaza had two bottles of Primal Roots :D
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Found this article. Surgeon general says to general public to stop buying masks. Masks are not effective for general public, but they are needed for health workers. Well, if they don't work, why do health workers even need them? It doesn't add up, does it? Either they work or they don't. How about making more masks?
"Seriously people - STOP BUYING MASKS!" Surgeon General Jerome Adams tweeted. "They are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus, but if healthcare providers can’t get them to care for sick patients, it puts them and our communities at risk!"
Coronavirus: Face masks won't stop outbreak, surgeon general says
Speaking of gloves...instead of going through costly boxes of nitrile gloves, which you have to discard after wearing them for whatever errand, get 3 pairs of cotton gloves that you can throw in the washer each time....reusable.
She's a 34 year old woman with a deadly virus who found a way to get out of one of the dangerous global hotspots. Where better to go than a country with very few cases and national health care. People who do this should be publicly named and shamed.
It's not going to be a country with very few cases for long, if sick people are trying to get here, is it? If you are flying on the plane, the air is recirculating, everybody is breathing the same germs.
Here’s my thinking on the masks. If it makes you feel better, wear one. If it makes you feel better not to, don’t.

We’ve gotten conflicting information on this.

Personally, I’m saving what I have for if/when I need it. But I don’t feel strongly about what others choose to do.
Speaking of gloves...instead of going through costly boxes of nitrile gloves, which you have to discard after wearing them for whatever errand, get 3 pairs of cotton gloves that you can throw in the washer each time....reusable.
Well, if you are touching something wet, cotton gloves are not going to do you any good.
Speculating, but early identification, containment and tracing movement of infected patients seems to be the only way to stop the virus. In some cases, that means tracing two weeks of movement for infected patients. Italy was unable to get ahead of it.

Unfortunately, it's quite likely that infected people are traveling from high risk areas (China, Iran, South Korea) to other areas because they expect better health treatment.

For example, an infected 34 year old Iranian woman flew from Iran to Qatar, Denmark and Toronto on Feb 25/26. She traveled business class, was not wearing a face mask, and then took a public shuttle bus to the York Region. She reported the illness on Feb 27.

I think it's quite likely that she booked last minute flights because she was sick, and perhaps believed that being sick in an area with few cases is better than being sick in Iran. Imagine all the people she encountered during her travels, knowing she was sick, and all the planes that were not disinfected after she spread germs on those planes. Her priority is her health, with no concern for anyone else.

I've suspected the same thing. All these people showing up for medical care the DAY after they arrive in the country? They should prosecute them if they manage to spread it to others.
Here’s my thinking on the masks. If it makes you feel better, wear one. If it makes you feel better not to, don’t.

We’ve gotten conflicting information on this.

Personally, I’m saving what I have for if/when I need it. But I don’t feel strongly about what others choose to do.

I'm afraid that people might become overly anxious and stressed if they're going about their lives and start to see many people wearing masks. I get a very uncomfortable feeling when I see media reports from China with practically everyone wearing a mask, and this was long before we were even aware of the COVID-19 outbreak. Here in the United States, we're not accustomed to seeing people out and about wearing protective masks, and I'm afraid that it could cause undue panic. Until we're instructed by government and/or medical personnel to wear protective masks when out in public, it's probably best to follow current directives.

Surgeon General Urges the Public to Stop Buying Face Masks
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You say plan well in advance - how much time do we have to get this preparation done?
If you don't have adequate supplies to sustain you and your family for a minimum of 2 weeks, I would say the time to do it is now. If someone in your household should be affected by this virus (or be exposed to a person who ends up being positive for the virus) you may be asked to self quarantine at home.
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Well, if they don't work, why do health workers even need them?

The masks work for health care workers because they are literally in the faces of sick people all day long. Healthy people can avoid other people but health-care workers cannot.

There may be other contagious diseases that healthcare workers are exposed to that the general population is not. We want healthcare workers to have masks.

Healthcare workers know the protocols for wearing masks properly. It seems like a no-brainer to put a mask on, but that is not the case. If you touch your mask without washing your hands, you could spread germs from your hands to the mask that is now on your face. If you adjust your mask without first washing your hands, you could spread germs from your hands to the mask. If you touch your face while wearing the mask, you undermine the point of wearing a mask. If you do not wear the mask properly, you might not have coverage and are exposed to germs despite the mask. The mask might make you feel safe without actually being safe (and potentially is less safe than a bare face if you handling the mask improperly). Healthcare workers are trained in mask protocols.

If sick, the masks work in prevention because the masks contains germs from sneezes and coughs. A sick person wearing a mask helps prevent the spread to others around them.

If healthy people who do not need mask buy them anyway, healthcare workers who really do need them - because they work face-to-face with sick people - might not have access masks. If healthcare workers get sick because they don't have masks, then they cannot work, and that will affect their patients and potentially entire medical system.

Medical experts in the healthcare industry advise the general public not to purchase and wear masks.

If you don't have adequate supplies to sustain you and your family for a minimum of 2 weeks, I would say the time to do it is now. I someone in your household should be affected by this virus (or be exposed to a person who ends up being positive for the virus) you may be asked to self quarantine at home.

I have to go for my annual check-up on Tuesday in order to get refills of my prescriptions. When I have them in hand, I plan to go into town (20 mile round trip) to stock up on supplies. My concern now is that there may be none left to get.
I have to go for my annual check-up on Tuesday in order to get refills of my prescriptions. When I have them in hand, I plan to go into town (20 mile round trip) to stock up on supplies. My concern now is that there may be none left to get.
I think supplies may be low in stores right now because it's the weekend and people are out stocking up. Hopefully new stock will be in stores on Tuesday and less shoppers then. My husband ran by our Costco today and they still had everything is stock. (toilet paper, Clorox wipes etc) He just went to pick up dog food. :)
I get a very uncomfortable feeling when I see media reports from China with practically everyone wearing a mask, and this was long before we were even aware of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Just an observation....this virus started in a country where it's common for people in the public to wear masks. Might not be the best thing to assume the masks are effective in prevention, ykwim? There are thousands of cases in places where masks are common. Just saying.

FWIW, I have relatives who travel to China - and they wore masks when there because the pollution is horrible. The air is thick with pollution. Some of the masks we've been seeing over the years might be because of that.

It's also considered polite in Asian cultures (I've been told) to wear a mask when you yourself are sick.

Americans look at pictures of Chinese wearing masks and take that as an example to follow, but ignore experts in our own country advising our own people not to buy masks if healthy.

I guess you pick who you trust....some random photo of people you don't know or established medical experts in your own nation (who I assume care about our country's welfare).

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Medical facilities HAVE been sequestering their supplies, since the Ebola and H1N1 outbreaks. But their stocks have expiration dates and accrediting agencies won't allow expired products.

But you can imagine if every hospital in the US decides to double their order all of a sudden AND the manufacturer is shut down, then there IS going to be a shortage. And if medical facilties world-wide all do the same, well, whatever Amazon or Walmart have are not going to be sufficient, either.
Has anyone heard of LEAN? LEAN is going to make this problem worse IMO.
This, indeed, is a very significant finding.

And reflects, exactly what we have learned about the Wuhan outbreak. There may be only 14% serious cases, but if they go on to need ICU care ( ie: being intubated, on a ventilator) they will quickly consume all the ICU beds that are also needed for trauma cases, heart attacks, complicated other infections, acute gi bleeds, pulmonary emboli and such patients.

Every day every hospital in the US is doing a "musical beds" dance trying to rotate out improving patients and admit ER patients. Telemetry beds improve the situtation, but many people just cannot be moved out of ICU care level. EVERY ER has people waiting to be admitted.
40 pt's., in our facility admitted without beds 2 days ago.
(Sorry, my mind went off totally into another direction)
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