Coronavirus COVID-19 *Global Health Pandemic* #19

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I wonder what will happen in Vegas? Will they be forced to shut the casinos? I know what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, but I don’t think so with novel Corona.

If there is community spread in the Las Vegas area, then yes, the casinos will close.

Just like if there is community spread in Atlantic City and it's casinos, they will close.

...or anywhere else in the country that has a casino.
OK, This IS the funniest thing I've seen in pages and pages of this tragedy.

If it was me, I would teleconference the entire conference. Seriously! You don't need to be in the same room to have meetings about deadly viruses, folks!
Why are cruises even still operating right now.

If I had a business that I knew was dangerous to people I would stop it.


Yeah I know, then we have to stop all flights, bla bla.

I would’ve thought Princess specifically would have already halted cruises by now.

End rant.

The love of PROFIT over the people. Most corporations really do not care about its customers at all.
American on coronavirus lockdown in Italy: 'It's surreal. It's dystopian.'

For nearly two weeks, Cristina Higgins, an American who lives in Italy, has traveled no farther from her apartment building than the driveway. Her days begin at the breakfast table with her husband and three children before the kids log online to do their schoolwork from home. The family spends their evenings playing Monopoly in their apartment.

Throughout the day, Higgins looks at the news for updates on the growing number of coronavirus cases in the country and checks in on friends. Each night, overwhelmed with anxiety over the spread of the virus, she finds it hard to sleep.

American on coronavirus lockdown in Italy: 'It's surreal. It's dystopian.'
I have very high generalized anxiety, so my intuition often cannot be trusted. I work off of irrational fear and emotion. This pandemic has been difficult for me to process as I want to be an informed, responsible citizen, but I know I can spiral easily and quickly.

A coworker came back to work after traveling via air to an international conference held in Colorado over the weekend. They had a high fever over the weekend and just developed a horrible cough. Their doctor assures them they do not need to come in to be seen nor to be tested. I work in close quarters with this person and we work around children. Coworker seems to be playing it off and is not worried. I, on the other (very anxious) hand, am certain they have contracted and are now spreading COVID-19. How would you handle this situation? How are we supposed to self-quarantine if people aren't able to know if they have it?

She shouldn't be around others while sick even with a common cold.
She needs to go home.
New Coronavirus Expands in NJ, State Has 1st Community Spread Cases

  • Gov. Phil Muprhy announced Wednesday eight more cases of the new coronavirus in New Jersey.
  • A man from Bergen County who died Tuesday is the first person in the state to die after testing positive for the new coronavirus.
  • Murphy has declared a state of emergency in New Jersey.
“Nearly two dozen people, including at least three in the Philadelphia suburbs, have tested positive for the new coronavirus, Gov. Phil Murphy said Wednesday. And, for the first time, health officials said they have community spread cases.”


The WHO presser link isn’t working anymore?
Update from a Canadian university ... message sent out to all faculty regarding moving course content to online learning format, team scrambling behind the scenes compiling simple, quick access documentation for instructors, many sick people on campus - most likely seasonal flu at this point. University takes directive from Provincial Government and WHO.
Right. And 54,000 sets of parents now have to make arrangements to either watch their kids themselves and possibly miss work or to obtain outside help which could cost money if no relative to volunteer.

The hits and impacts keep on coming. Dont shoot the messengers here. The news is too critical to miss. Thanks for sharing everyone.

Yes, ITA with you, and 28.5% of students receive reduced or free lunch. That makes me sad. A lot of kids may not receive proper nutrition, especially if left up to themselves because parents must work. :(
I've been hugely impressed by the thoughtful and deliberate actions taken to combat the #COVID19 outbreak in Seattle and Washington State by @JayInslee and @MayorJenny. Their perspective is fully science-based and I applaud their leadership here.

Trevor Bedford on Twitter
I just got this message from one of our care providers:

Screening Available: 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information

If you or a loved one have mild respiratory symptoms suggesting Coronavirus (COVID-19) such as a cough, low-grade fever or mild respiratory problems, please contact your regular provider, schedule a [redacted] Virtual Urgent Care visit or go to one of our COVID-19 triage centers to be screened.

Do not go to the Emergency Department unless symptoms are severe, such as high fever, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing.

FREE Virtual Urgent Care Visit-
To be assessed from the comfort of your home by one of our providers today, visit [redacted] and enter the discount code [redacted] to waive the typical $35 fee.

COVID-19 Triage Centers-
Click on a location below to view the clinic address and hours of operation.
Unfortunately, the nearest physical clinic listed is about 40 minutes away. But it's good to know the options.

In the meantime my kids keep asking me if we have enough cleaning supplies and food and tell me to not leave the house :eek: and asked if our county has sufficient testing available.

So I asked my friend who's a supervisor at the county health department (Jefferson County WA) about testing and she said that currently the swabs are going to State Public Health labs, UW lab and now some private labs are coming online for testing.

She said the only problem is if the kits can be manufactured fast enough to keep up with the demand. But Washington is considered a priority and our county is a priority in that priority since we've had cases.

All in all I'm confident our state is staying on top of things as best as possible.
I have very high generalized anxiety, so my intuition often cannot be trusted. I work off of irrational fear and emotion. This pandemic has been difficult for me to process as I want to be an informed, responsible citizen, but I know I can spiral easily and quickly.

A coworker came back to work after traveling via air to an international conference held in Colorado over the weekend. They had a high fever over the weekend and just developed a horrible cough. Their doctor assures them they do not need to come in to be seen nor to be tested. I work in close quarters with this person and we work around children. Coworker seems to be playing it off and is not worried. I, on the other (very anxious) hand, am certain they have contracted and are now spreading COVID-19. How would you handle this situation? How are we supposed to self-quarantine if people aren't able to know if they have it?

Same here and we are screwed , IMO people aren't taking it seriously and the Doctor that said you don't need to be tested is probably 1 of a 100,000 of them that feel the same , YES they should be self quarantining, this is why we are Royally SCREWED beyond help, and this is not my Anxiety talking its the average 98% -er idiot we are dealing with the nothing can happen to me itis!! its more rampant than Covid 19 itself WE ARE IN BIG TROUBLE.
The ban does not apply to airports, other transportation systems like ferries, or restaurants, while state health officials are in discussions with tribal jurisdictions over how to handle casinos.

I would like to discuss restaurants. Are y’all eating out more or less? I find most establishments unsanitary & a lot of the staff to look less than hygienic. Therefore, dining out has never been a huge event for me. Also, I read restaurant inspection reports & store the info in my head. So many restaurants get cited for not having hot water for the dishwasher, rodent droppings on dish racks, etc., I just can’t get psyched about restaurants. Now I think about the filthy menus, we already know menus are not sanitized each time they are passed out.
For the last 3 years a group I horseback ride with get together once or twice weekly for potlucks. We always do steaks, putting the show on at a different house each time.
I will continue to eat with my group, we all know if we are sick to stay home.
I also think that so many of our leaders are more afraid of "getting it wrong" and "over-reacting" to what could be as bad as it seems it will be. I also detect a major strain of "it can't happen here-itis" which, I must admit, I have suffered from as well. IMO

And it doesn’t help that not enough tests have been performed for them to make informed decisions....
Next person that I encounter that tells me “it’s just the flu” is going to get a ...oh wait never mind...I won’t be encountering any people. Good for them or I might just bite their heads completely off! I couldn’t be happier about staying at home, for more reasons than just the protecting of myself and others, but also because I can’t deal with idiots! I just can’t. Especially without yoga.
But when it is your loved ones how to you stop from going bonkers on them? lol, this made me laugh

Well, on the bright side, I'm sure the next pandemic will be much better organized. IMO
my fav post of the day, no kidding

Gov. Inslee announces ban on large events in trio of Washington counties
MARCH 11, 2020 AT 11:14 AM

Gov. Jay Inslee announced a ban Wednesday on large gatherings and events of 250 people or more in King, Pierce, and Snohomish Counties for the rest of March.

The ban will apply to social, recreational, spiritual, and other community gatherings. That includes parades, concerts, conventions, sporting events, fundraisers, and festivals across those three counties. Gov. Inslee also noted that it is “very highly likely it will be extended” past the end of the month.

It is clear that our needs call for a more vigorous, comprehensive, aggressive position if we are going to slow the spread of this epidemic,” he stated.


“You can think of it as a large scale earthquake that will shake us for weeks and weeks,” said Seattle-King County Public Health’s Jeff Duchin.

As for how it will be enforced, Gov. Inslee was blunt about the consequences.

“The penalty might be killing your granddad, and I’m serious,” he noted.


Our local news channel 7 announced today The Seattle Public Schools to close for the next two weeks.

I believe this is the first of many announcements. I would not be surprised since mandatory measure are in place,
the national guard is now on alert.
Everyone take care and be safe!

Snipped by me:

“You can think of it as a large scale earthquake that will shake us for weeks and weeks,” said Seattle-King County Public Health’s Jeff Duchin.

Not being smug, but I'm so glad to have stocked up. Thanks to so many here for the support and great ideas.

Thank you @book-thinker Stay safe out there.
I have very high generalized anxiety, so my intuition often cannot be trusted. I work off of irrational fear and emotion. This pandemic has been difficult for me to process as I want to be an informed, responsible citizen, but I know I can spiral easily and quickly.

A coworker came back to work after traveling via air to an international conference held in Colorado over the weekend. They had a high fever over the weekend and just developed a horrible cough. Their doctor assures them they do not need to come in to be seen nor to be tested. I work in close quarters with this person and we work around children. Coworker seems to be playing it off and is not worried. I, on the other (very anxious) hand, am certain they have contracted and are now spreading COVID-19. How would you handle this situation? How are we supposed to self-quarantine if people aren't able to know if they have it?
Speak up! It's silence that has spread this virus! (No disrespect intended)
American on coronavirus lockdown in Italy: 'It's surreal. It's dystopian.'

For nearly two weeks, Cristina Higgins, an American who lives in Italy, has traveled no farther from her apartment building than the driveway. Her days begin at the breakfast table with her husband and three children before the kids log online to do their schoolwork from home. The family spends their evenings playing Monopoly in their apartment.

Throughout the day, Higgins looks at the news for updates on the growing number of coronavirus cases in the country and checks in on friends. Each night, overwhelmed with anxiety over the spread of the virus, she finds it hard to sleep.

American on coronavirus lockdown in Italy: 'It's surreal. It's dystopian.'

So happy to see someone else viewing this recent global virus as a dystopian world!
The World Health Organisation has declared the global coronavirus crisis is now a pandemic, expressing alarm both about mounting infections and slow government responses.
But the organisation says it's not too late for countries to act.
By reversing course and using the charged word "pandemic" it had previously shied away from, the UN health agency appeared to want to shock lethargic countries into pulling out all the stops.
'We are deeply concerned': WHO declares coronavirus crisis a pandemic
I have very high generalized anxiety, so my intuition often cannot be trusted. I work off of irrational fear and emotion. This pandemic has been difficult for me to process as I want to be an informed, responsible citizen, but I know I can spiral easily and quickly.

A coworker came back to work after traveling via air to an international conference held in Colorado over the weekend. They had a high fever over the weekend and just developed a horrible cough. Their doctor assures them they do not need to come in to be seen nor to be tested. I work in close quarters with this person and we work around children. Coworker seems to be playing it off and is not worried. I, on the other (very anxious) hand, am certain they have contracted and are now spreading COVID-19. How would you handle this situation? How are we supposed to self-quarantine if people aren't able to know if they have it?

If I were you, I'd try to have a heart-to-heart with your coworker (from a safe distance lol) about the risk to children not only from COVID but any cold/flu.

If they aren't amenable to the idea of staying home, I would talk to your supervisor about your (VERY justified) concern for the children's safety. If that doesn't work, perhaps get in touch with your local health dept.
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