Coronavirus - COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #22

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I just talked to my Sister in the U.S. they are taking precautions. She said we "were" planning a trip to Canada but not now. I replied "we were planning a trip to the U.S. not now". I do wonder if this will get to the point of closing the borders between Canada and the U.S. I have yet to call my Mother In Law who has called Denmark to check on relatives. I love her dearly but I have to be mentally prepared lol. I don't know if I have the energy to help her sort out all the misinformation I know she will have. Yet I will.
I appreciate and respect your opinion.

I do have good information. Our governor Northam and the Virginia Department of Health recent press conference discussed the lack of testing kits and CEO of VA Hospital Association spoke and stressed the lack of and NEED for physicians, nurses and supplies and equipment. The VA VHD director explicitly said, we only test those with direct exposure and nursing home patients with the CDC provided test kits. If you need testing contact your physician and try to contact a private lab!!! All VA supplies will go to first responders,hospitals will need to secure their own.

I KNOW and helped prepare my community disaster plan. Now I realized it's just words on paper. We plan to use an old run down National Guard Armory to stage over flow from the hospital, with Red Cross cots. My hospital CURRENTLY has all N95 mask and hazmat suits under lock and key to prevent theft. My local Rescue Squad, as we don't have a paid one is almost totally out of n95 mask. I've worked 40 plus yrs on front line healthcare management . I KNOW what the projected death rates are, I know the lack of resources and supplies hospitals went through a stock loss program back in the late 90s.

Every physician, the CDC anyone speaking to the media is saying the same thing.....we need testing, mitigate transmission and lack of supplies.

Not sure what source you want me to look at, that can place a positive spin on this. But please, post I'm looking for some positive news.

IMOO...maybe I just need to be quite....

No you can’t be quiet. You have to speak up. People who are downplaying what is happening are going to be directly responsible for the deaths of their friends and family. The arrogance is just overwhelming, it makes me so angry!
Phone trees are an old phenomenon. Can you set up some sort of round robin so everyone gets a call or two every day? I had a friend who worked in a call center for mail order and she used to say that there were some obviously older people who would prolong the call just to be talking to a human being for a while. The call center didn't like it but she always gave them as much time as they wanted.
What about FaceTime/Skype from local pastors/clergy? Not in person but could help?
I feel deceitful because I just cancelled my mom's doctors appointment for next week. Just an annual and she was last seen a few months ago after a fall. And the receptionist gave me such grief. She's an employee of the hospital and not the practice. The physician is an independent to the practice. But the deceitful part is that I am going to tell her that the office rescheduled out of 'an abundance of caution'. I asked her if we could reschedule last week and she angrily responded "I'm 84 years old and I've had a good life. I don't care." DH and I wish to travel this country at some point. But that leaves me with possibly driving my mom to her demise and I am high risk and frankly I'm not ready to go yet. The receptionist said that they screen everyone, but I told her that if people want something they lie ie: the nit wit that flew from NY to Palm Beach. So my confession is on this site with my friends that understand. Thanks.
How difficult would it be for states to turn the empty public schools or college dormitories into a temporary hospital or quarantine area ?

Many of the empty schools will need to be cleaned and repairs made. They will need, medical staff and supplies. My community planned to use the old Red Cross cots and the old National Guard Armory. Well, several of "us" when over yesterday to assess the armory and much work is needed, including electricity upgrade. We discovered a very limited amount of electrical outlet, no bath facilities other than stall type toilet, a total of 8. NO available medical supplies, our hospital and EMS are almost totally out of masks.

What were we thinking when we put this "plan" on paper as a workable facility. We were required by Homeland Security to have a hazardous vulnerability plan after 911, so we met and "whipped" one out....looked good, sounded good, met the requirement and know one ever checked to see if it was doable.

I have stayed off my FB for a few days because people were making me insane. I went back today but when someone posted that the media is "destroying our economy with their chicken little hysteria" I decided my break wasn't long enough.
Sorry but you made me spew all over my keyboard. My experience has been similar.
We know the increased mortality rate for the "elderly" in Italy is the result of triage decisions. I imagine the same decisions were made in China ? Which would make the virus equally serious for all adults but the elderly and those with underlying health conditions are deemed not viable compared to those under 50 ? (Not including the patients under 50 at higher risk due to diabetes and high blood pressure)
The Chinese built IIRC 15 new hospitals and flew in some 50,000 additional medical workers. They increased their capacity to treat people. I haven't heard any stories about the Chinese rationing care.
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