Coronavirus - COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #22

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Some more good news!

A team of researchers from Sunnybrook, McMaster Universityand the University of Toronto has isolated severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the agent responsible for the ongoing outbreak of COVID-19.

Thanks to nimble collaboration, the team was able to culture the virus from two clinical specimens in a Level 3 containment facility.

“We need key tools to develop solutions to this pandemic. While the immediate response is crucial, longer-term solutions come from essential research into this novel virus,” said Dr. Samira Mubareka, microbiologist and infectious diseases physician at Sunnybrook.

The isolated virus will help researchers in Canada and across the world develop better diagnostic testing, treatments and vaccines, and gain a better understanding of SARS-CoV-2 biology, evolution and clinical shedding.

“Now that we have isolated the SARS-CoV-2 virus, we can share this with other researchers and continue this teamwork,” he said. “The more viruses that are made available in this way, the more we can learn, collaborate and share.”

Research team has isolated the COVID-19 virus - Sunnybrook Research Institute
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And from a FB friend who lives in Brazil. She said she was sharing one of my posts to encourage her friends to pay attention. SM at its best.

“People think the disease wont hit them till they see some member of their families or close friends sick. Lets see how it will be in the next days. Here in Campinas, my city, the Mayor reunited with his staff and publish today some instructions to avoid the disease: no public events, take care of the eldest people, on.”

South Korea has done more than just "flatten the curve" of new Covid-19 infections. It bought the curve down through:

- Aggressive testing (20,000 tests daily, "drive through" testing)/isolation
- School holiday extended
- Government advice to stay inside
- large events cancelled Tom Hancock on Twitter

We will NOT be able to contain, in the general public without PPE (personal protection equipment....mask, gowns, gloves. We need to prepare to care for family and friends at home, especially mild cases.

Until, the US GOVERNMENT is able to procure testing and PPE for the general public transmission will continue. Every photo from China, Japan, etc show folks wearing mask.

The total lack of PPE, test kits and freedom of movement will insure, cross contamination ,high death rates and reinfection.

Washington needs to lock down the country, ALL borders,and try to work with WHO for supplies and test kits.

Are we to proud to beg for help? China is helping other countries with supplies, but NO mention of help for the US. Where is WHO? We give millions to support WHO, why are they not help us?

I urge everyone on this thread to reach out to our Congressional Representatives and our president and demand they seek world assistance. Its not about showing the world how great we are, it's about Americans survival.

Hi Folks! I decided to stay home from work and take a “mental health” day to prepare, as well as an opportunity to stay away from others. I am glad I did as an email came in saying that there were breakfast goodies in the staff kitchen. Sigh.

I finalized my hunker-down grocery and pet food order at ShopRite. In addition, I bought TheraFlu, acetaminophen, Lysol wipes and sprays. I was surprised to see them all in stock (no hand sanitizer at all), but we will see when the delivery arrives tomorrow. I have everything else. I refuse to go into any stores or gatherings for the next few days, to see where this virus takes us.

My daughter is a little freaked out in Brooklyn, still taking the subway to Manhattan every so often. She said she couldn’t find any hand sanitizer or wipes, that someone stole the 1 sanitizer from her, then later texted that she found both a 1.75oz sanitizer and 35 count Lysol wipes at the Dollar Store for $5 each. o_O I tried warning her earlier.

She had a flight out of state next weekend that she cancelled and was worried that Manhattan would turn into Wutan. I told her this isn’t China and explained that Cuomo is doing his best under these circumstances in taking good care of New York and just follow his advice and any warnings.

Off to find Governor Cuomo’s address from this morning that someone mentioned upthread.

I know late last night some members from Norway and Sweden posted that they were under a countrywide lockdown. Let us know what you are experiencing, as well as the members from Italy, we could all use your advice and encouragement as we deal with this catastrophe on our own.

Stay safe everyone!
1. @JAMA_current is hosting a livestream Maurizio Cecconi, head of anesthesiology & ICU at Humanitas Research Hospital in Lombardy, Italy.
They got their first #Covid19 case Feb. 20. Cases quickly started coming in the days after that. "5-10-14, it was going up exponentially."
Helen Branswell on Twitter

2. Cecconi said right now the region has about 700-800 patients in intensive care beds right now with #Covid19. Most of these are mechanically ventilated.
But in addition to the severely ill, will see a lot of patients coming into hospital — have to handle that surge too.

3. Some data from the Lombardy #Covid19 outbreak — like elsewhere, almost no deaths under age 50. Helen Branswell on Twitter

4. Cecconi says that while they are seeing children infected with #Covid19, they aren't seeing seriously ill kids.
Said the median age of people in intensive care is 65. Older, more frail, more other health conditions people have, worse the outcomes.

6. The #JAMALive session on #Covid19 with Dr. Maurizio Cecconi from Lombardy is on YouTube. Believe it will be archived there.

7. Cecconi seems to suggest that Lombardy hospitals have not had to triage ICU beds among #Covid19 patients, meaning they aren't choosing which patients to try to save. Says they decided to provide an ICU bed to everyone who needs it, & have ramped up massively. #JAMALive

8. Cecconi says plans are underway to try to further ramp up ICU beds for #Covid19, but the region needs the government & public to help slow spread of the virus.
We could be on our knees very soon if we see more patients coming through." But "We're not giving up." #JAMALive

9. Cecconi urges other hospitals that haven't yet had #Covid19 cases:
"Don't underestimate this. This is not a normal flu. This is serious. Get ready."
Says if governments mandate that people stay home, they need to do that to stop spread of the virus. #JAMALive

10. Cecconi says they're not using ECMO for a lot of patients. Need to relisten, but sounds like most don't need it for #Covid19. #JAMALive

11. This #JAMALive session is a real service to the medical profession. 37 minutes — if you work in a hospital, if you're trying to prep a hospital for #Covid19, you want to watch this. Coronavirus in Italy #JAMALive
I posted a few threads ago about our friend from Georgia that called and completely poo poo'd the virus--said "it was just like getting a cold" etc. etc. He was actually kind of a bully towards me lol. Anyway, he called this morning. His tune has completely changed. He said to my husband "she was right about everything".

I wish I wasn't right...but I do feel somewhat validated.

Anyway, I think with the mass shutdowns of everything that people are beginning to see the light and take this seriously. family is saying the same to me....good for us that we didn't stand down and instead protected our loved ones...
Some of you may run out of food and/or certain supplies more quickly then you might think/anticipate. I have. I’ve been “practicing” now, for 3 weeks? I’ve surprised myself several times already and not only it is bumming me out, it’s scaring me to death.
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Last edited: family is saying the same to me....good for us that we didn't stand down and instead protected our loved ones...
I've been reading these threads from the very beginning. Henry, you and all the others that posted real time, valuable information, really helped a lot. I mean a LOT. I was able to rationally inform loved ones (even if they didn't always take me seriously). So a big thank you to all here.

Except, now I'm suddenly looking up bun
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