Coronavirus - COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #25

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Just watching NY Mayor DeBlasio being interviewed on tv. He made a good point that the federal government needs to temporarily take over the US supply chain. Its the only way to get necessary medical equipment, supplies, drugs, etc. where they need to be in order to squelch the pandemic.

Yeah, we've done this before in wartime and this is as critical as wartime. The process for doing this is already in place, examples of how we've done it before are out there.

Ohio governor was also on, saying its possible schools will be closed for the rest of the school year.
@Betty P. You’re fortunate to have a governor that refuses to read from a script. I’ve watched a lot of pressers, it seems to me most are using the same script, with slightly different numbers. People are sick of it! We have very few cases in the US, so people scoff at “pandemic”. Now that more epidemiologists suggest a shut down, that is the road we will need to take.
I live rural, but on a state highway. The traffic is worse today than it has ever been in my six years of living here.
It would take me no less than ten minutes to pull out of my drive, if I wished to venture out.
Can a person get the coronavirus more than once?

I don't think we know the answer on that one. I have read of some papers that conclude that so far there does not appear to be as strong an immune reaction to the SARS-Cov-2 as there is to Influenza A or B, for example. So this is of concern for the development of a vaccine.

That question is the cause of great concern for what could be a "second wave" or a "third wave" later in the year.
I'm not surprised that thousands have or have had it.

What is promising so far is the death rate is still extremely low across the country overall collectively.

I'm sure everyone in all local counties in each state, who have passed away quickly... the MEs are checking to make sure it wasn't or was from this virus.

so far with much under-reporting in Florida
death rate is running 3.4%.
And 25% of tested are positive.
most new cases are Community spread
younger people are surprisingly a good part
of positives.
Veteran CMS bus driver says district is not cleaning school buses

I am not a driver for this district, nor am I a driver in this state, but, I can attest that every single thing this driver stated is 100% accurate.

You guys should start insisting your school districts and school bus companies do thorough cleaning before delivering meals. Or, seriously, someone should do swab tests on school busses, cabs, and vans that transport students. I think they would be eye openinb.

That's appalling.

In our local school districts schools are closed for two to three weeks.

Surely during this time that it's happening elsewhere all schools, and buses will be disinfected.

Update from China:

All inbound travelers to Beijing will be sent to a mandatory 14-day quarantine at a government-run exhibition hall at their own cost. The city also said it would reject state medical insurance payouts for returning citizens’ virus tests and hospital stays as a way to dissuade overseas Chinese from repatriating.

The steadily tightening restrictions over inbound visitors came at a time when Chinese officials are increasingly sounding the alarm about travelers bringing the disease back to China, which has seen a steep drop in domestic transmission.

Of the 20 new cases national authorities announced on Saturday, four were reported in Hubei while the remaining 16 were travelers arriving from abroad. Other than Hubei, no other Chinese mainland provinces reported new, organic transmissions on Saturday.

Wow, Chinese government won't cover medical costs of Chinese citizens returning to China "to dissuade overseas Chinese from repatriating." There are a lot of family members who visited their children in the U.S. before the outbreak in Wuhan was known, and if they want to go home now, their medical insurance in China won't be covered. The good thing is that the costs are lower in China, so hopefully their U.S. family members can help them cover the costs for now if they decide to repatriate. These are often parents of kids going to high school in the U.S. or parents of Chinese-Americans who are now living and working in the U.S. and this latter group would be in the age bracket that is highest risk.
I'm not surprised that thousands have or have had it.

What is promising so far is the death rate is still extremely low across the country overall collectively.

I'm sure everyone in all local counties in each state, who have passed away quickly... the MEs are checking to make sure it wasn't or was from this virus.


And there have been 20,000-40,000 deaths in the US from normal flu this season.

U.S. Flu Season Beginning To Ease, Modelers Say
We have a birthday dinner out tonight for one of our adult sons. We don’t have any immune compromised at home, and no risk factors. If people who have family members with or personal risk factors are out- why? Running into the store full of people ? Get it delivered. They need to self quarantine if they went out. We have volunteered to shop, and so have many others. If people want to stay home: great! Everyone here has to work and schools are open. If one chooses not to send their kids, again, great! Our businesses here need customers.
It’s been flu season for months. At risk people I know stocked up last fall...
Yes, I’m sitting right now at my favorite family restaurant and tap, having just enjoyed a great blackened salmon salad and a couple of pints of IPA. They and I are a team it seems, their food and restaurant improves my mental health and I and my tips provide income for the business and staff. They have adopted call in order, we’ll bring out to your car service, but sadly there are only I and a table of 8 right now. Hope business survive because they also pay wages to staff.

@PayrollNerd i haven’t seen anything that says the virus is less in warm areas, in fact I thought the areas in China and Italy are warm climates and I think it’s hot summer in Australia? I could be wrong though so if this is true would you please share a link? Thanks!
I am not promoting that the virus is less in warmer environments or climates, nor do I think it is seasonal. Think the summer cold. See the link below if you want to read about the research of various illnesses and timing.

My point is Florida is hot. It feels hotter to tourists who are not used to the warmth regularly. Those tourists will jump in the salty ocean water, even when us residents think its too cold. Then, they’ll rinse off at the outdoor showers before they get in their rental car. Then, they’ll shower off at their hotel. If they’re leaving germs behind, of any kind, the germ is going to burn up in the sun. The tiki bars are outside and the flow of alcohol won’t stop either. JMO.

The tourists will not stop coming and we know it. Florida was a huge tourist destination long before the advent of theme parks.

Why do dozens of diseases wax and wane with the seasons—and will COVID-19?
I simply do not understand why spring breakers, people who are going out, vacationing, etc. are being shamed and called selfish. “ they’re going to infect the high risk people” um, why are the high risk out ? And if you are high risk and allow your spring breaker or anyone for that matter into your home, you are the problem

If reports on how long the virus is active on surfaces is accurate - high risks individuals can become infected by simply getting their mail or newspaper from the mail or newspaper delivery person that is a carrier of the virus after coming in contact with one of the low risk but infected individuals out having a good time.
If reports on how long the virus is active on surfaces is accurate - high risks individuals can become infected by simply getting their mail or newspaper from the mail or newspaper delivery person that is a carrier of the virus after coming in contact with one of the low risk but infected individuals out having a good time.
Why aren’t we warned every flu season about disinfecting our mail? Flu virus lives quite a while on surfaces too, right? I doubt enough cells would survive the friction in the mail to be a problem, but that’s just MOO.
Why aren’t we warned every flu season about disinfecting our mail? Flu virus lives quite a while on surfaces too, right? I doubt enough cells would survive the friction in the mail to be a problem, but that’s just MOO.
If reports on how long the virus is active on surfaces is accurate - high risks individuals can become infected by simply getting their mail or newspaper from the mail or newspaper delivery person that is a carrier of the virus after coming in contact with one of the low risk but infected individuals out having a good time.

These high risk folks can wash their hands and use gloves and a mask if that is truly the case. Personal responsibility and all that.
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