Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #31

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Stop church services. Seek God at home!
Collapse at service. Tested positive.
Coronavirus live updates: Two DPS employees test positive

Yeah, the huge church cluster in Daegu, South Korea should’ve opened everybody’s eyes, but it didn’t, unfortunately, but as I said Dr. Mike has drilled it into my head not to cry over spilled milk. I’ll drive myself crazy with frustration if I do.

We have TODAY.

Make the right decisions TODAY.

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I don’t understand why orders need to be issued. We have been told repeatedly what we need to do & tanning at the beach is not on the list. Wth is wrong with people! So much defiance.
Good question. Still the leaders who hold office have the power,and duty to actually lead especially in times of crisis. Hope voters keep this in mind come election time. It doesn't matter the party affiliation, what does matter is their action,or lack thereof.

MDE: Online learning won't count toward instructional time

State education officials announced Friday that any online learning done at home during the statewide K-12 shutdown will not be counted as instructional time.

The memo was issued in response to questions Gov. Gretchen Whitmer was getting from superintendents and education officials since she ordered all K-12 schools closed through April 5, an action that sent 1.5 million Michigan school children home...

Huh? I definitely need to read this. Wth.
Dear Bravo,

Good. :)Thanks for asking.:)

I'm self isolating (along with my husband) except for a few grocery runs.

We've stocked up on frozen fruit, oatmeal, flax and yogurt. I love my breakfast concoction of all of that, especially with frozen (I do thaw them!) blueberries. Tastes like a dessert so that goes down well!

I am thankful for my little dog, a Shih Tzu, who is 13 years old and still a bundle of energy! We go for lots of little walks and that keeps me busy and out and about - with no people around!

We finally found 70% isopropyl alchol so I'm mixing that with the aloe from my aloe plants. I keep sanitizer by the front door so that I can sanitize the envelopes that come in from the mail and then I pump again and just bring the mail contents in.

Also, we pump our hands before we come right into the house. I feel that every little action can help.

I really like the twitter account #togetherathome because of all of the mini gigs that the musicians are posting on it (John Legend, Chris Martin, Charlie Puth, Keith Urban, etc.).

If anyone finds other websites or twitter sites like #togetherathome, please toss them onto this thread. :) It's so wonderful (and important!) to see these sites that are keeping up our morale!

Stay well everyone and thank you so much for all of the accurate and essential information you keep posting on here! You are all greatly appreciated!!:)

Your very welcome fellow Canadian. Yes it is our new normal. Everyone's world just got very small. Stay healthy and everyone here as well.
I assume (hope) megachurches and other large ministries are streaming, and offering ongoing prayer/substance abuse/marital/ etc. counseling at this time. They have the cash and the savvy to serve. The Easter holidays are always such a time of fellowship. People of faith need each other more than ever, even if it's digitally or on the phone.
And more good (not) news: unemployment. What is going to happen to our country? I am shocked, scared. Throwing $1000 to
Americans is only temporary. Hotel workers, wait staff, transportation employees - what are they going to do?

This is in NYC: James Parrott, an economist at the New School, estimates that 500,000 jobs—10 percent of the total number of jobs in the city—will disappear by the end of March.

Trump wants to states to delay unemployment rate. Deceiving won't work.
Trump administration asking states to delay release of unemployment numbers - CNNPolitics
I have a question if anyone’s able to answer, I wondered how different cases are chosen to be posted on websleuths...

It’s OT but I just found out a horrific murder happened in my building in Vermont. I’m out of state and trying to get more info but it’s 3 AM in the morning there and I’m not finding it on any search here on Websleuths
You can ask a mod to create a new thread for that.
I assume (hope) megachurches and other large ministries are streaming, and offering ongoing prayer/substance abuse/marital/ etc. counseling at this time. They have the cash and the savvy to serve. The Easter holidays are always such a time of fellowship. People of faith need each other more than ever, even if it's digitally or on the phone.

Of course, they all have internet sites, with a "PayPal" logo at the bottom of the screen.
I just love you for focusing on TODAY. jmo

Dude. If I didn’t I’d be blasting people right now.

Every time I post something I want to direct it at certain people who ridiculed, insulted, verbally attacked and mocked me, when I emphasized things like front lines like Police and medical workers were to going take a very hard hit, etc. (The best was “how the hospitals weren’t going to get overloaded” - rolling my eyes so hard they’re hitting my skull! Thank GOD for the ignore button!!)

If I think about every case being diagnosed TODAY because people didn’t stay home over the last couple weeks I’d combust.

If I think about and focus on all the time we lost because certain measures were not enacted earlier and people, leaders, my fellow peers and citizens, literally helped DROP THE BALL for everyone.

Remember I’ve been here since January so it is EXTRA HARD for me bc I’ve been trying to spread certain messages since the beginning. I wasn’t “shuddering” (also mocked for that) for nothing.

Yeah thanks CSI. I’m getting very angry and frustrated just talking about it.

So yeah it’s either that: be angry and disgusted and frustrated sad or move forward.

The idiots who consciously disrespected “us” (metaphorically speaking) have now made it worse for many more people.

Yeah getting very mad.

I called my dispensaries and blasted them for the repulsive behavior by their employees.



See it's a conscious effort. I have to tell my own self these things every day. I need some Dr. Mike therapy, very behind on the pressers.

This advice I dispense is advice I have to give myself.

Or I will go more crazy than I’m already going haha.

We HAVE to keep moving forward and start that today if you haven’t already.
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Dude. If I didn’t I’d blasting people right now.

Every time I post something I want to direct it at certain people who ridiculed, insulted, verbally attacked and mocked me. The best was “how the hospitals weren’t going to get overloaded” - rolling eyes they’re hitting my skull! Thank GOD for the g ire button!

If I think about every case being diagnosed TODAY because people didn’t stay home over the last couple weeks I’d combust.

If I think about and focus on all the time we lost because certain measures were not enacted earlier and people, my fellow peers and citizens literally DROPPED THE BALL

Remember I’ve been here since January so it is EXTRA HARD for me and is that have been trying to spread certain messages since the beginning.

Yeah thanks CSI. I’m getting very angry and frustrated just talking about it.

So yeah it’s either that and be angry frustrated sad or move forward.

The idiots who consciously disrespected us have now made made it worse for many more people.

Yeah getting very mad.

I just called my dispensaries and blasted them for the repulsive behavior by their employees.

In fact, I’m going to call the grocery store and blast them for clerks mocking me at wearing gloves and telling me it’s the flu.

Seen it's a conscious effort. I have to tell myself every day.
I’m still going to call and blast them right now

Understand your frustration, but you cannot lead ignorance.
This is a very informative article on how corona virus spreads and how long it takes to develop.
“It’s a respiratory virus and thus it enters through the respiratory tract, we think primarily through the nose,” he said. “But it might be able to get in through the eyes and mouth because that’s how other respiratory viruses behave.”
What coronavirus does to the body: COVID infection process, symptoms
If it enters through the nose, why are people being lied to with claims that masks don't help? You can wash your hands all day long, but if it largely enters through the nose because of respiratory droplets, all the hand washing isn't going to help you if you are standing next to someone who is infected.
If there is shortage of masks (which there clearly is), they should have at least told people to make homemade cotton masks from the beginning. Washable cotton masks are better than nothing.
Yes and we need to focus on helping people educate further.

Dear @margarita25,

You are absolutely right on (as usual)!

Until this, I never fully appreciated the term "knowledge is power" and this speaks to how essential it is right now that we receive accurate and up-to-the-minute real information.

The more accurate information we have, the safer we can keep ourselves and others!
IMO There are "smart" thermometers all over the country that are tied to an app that sends anonymous data to a database. It is a way to track small changes in temperature that are occurring BEFORE data from Doctors and HealthCare makes it to the CDC. The website is easy to use. Just put your zipcode in. There are also links to technical docs that describe the how/what/why
US Health Weather Map by Kinsa

Good link as to a hot map. I believe what this map actually is ... it's the flu surveillance system of health departments where they are sent in samples from docs thinking it's the flu, but it's not. And therefore "atypical".

So could one surmise that there are MANY cases that haven't been tested for COVID? That's my leaning.

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