Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #32

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The story says a phlebotomist has to draw blood under a doctor's supervision.

And they are going to do THIS at Denver International Airport ?

I don't think so.

The Denver Dept of Public Health may have some other ideas about this

They aren't planning to use them AT the airport, methinks. They are just trying to let the public know when they arrive. I'm always very curious as to where they go after - as politics is definitely in play.
Hey Everyone,

We are putting together a forum for the virus. If you have any ideas for the categories to be included in the forum please send me a private message. Here is what I am thinking so far:
Each state will have its own thread. We will ask everyone to put in information about their state.
A general discussion where this thread and the past threads will be located.
A media thread of course.
Debunking all the kooky crap out there discussion.
Daily count of how many cases are being reported and how many deaths. We would have other countries included. This would be a no discussion thread too.
I have a few more ideas but I am open to anything.

Let me clear something up. We will all be together on this thread discussing just like we are now. The other categories will be added so you all can access certain pieces of info more quickly.
Awesome! Thank you!

How about:
  • Besides the media thread: A purely scientific thread - facts and links only (e.g.,: the virus may not show symptoms for up to 26 days, and yes the virus is airborne, yet most still do not know that)
  • Maintaining a social life virtually - and mental health?
  • Working virtually
  • Dealing with children, pets, family
  • Homemade remedies
  • Natural remedies
Thank you for whatever you decide, and for making this all possible, and keeping it within the factual realm. You rock.
I'm with you on all of this. There needs to be more education about how this is spreading. I made sure not to touch anything in the market unless I was buying it. Thank you for doing your part, I know that I appreciate it and I'm sure everyone else here does too.

Thank you too. And thanks for letting me vent, LOL. Hopefully it's people like us who are being extra careful that will survive this first wave of the pandemic to be able to spread awareness for future waves. But I fear many people will have to learn the hard way when they or someone they know gets sick. I fear for my family and friends as well. :( It's heartening to at least be among like-minded here. MOO.
Hey @AgeofAquaruis - Sending positive vibes!! All the best to your DIL’s sister and everyone!


It’s Friday happy hour. You know, end of the work week, I mean work season! :eek:

I can only be inspired by your name once again (really this song hasn’t left my had since we last had this conversation) so this goes out in the spirit of happy hour! Doesn’t mean we can’t still try to be as happy as we can!

(Everyone, again please see 2:00ish mark on video for the dance party “sunshine” part:

“Let the Sunshine In...”

ETA: @cody22 “When the mooooooooon...”
Thank You.
Today at 4 p.m, a few of my neighbors and I had "Happy Hour on the Sidewalk" We each brought our own glass of wine, played "Build Me Up Buttercup" and danced a bit and sipped. Twenty minutes later, we went home. Plan to do it again tomorrow at 4 p.m. Invited more neighbors and assorted folks driving by.


One of my very first beloved rock songs!!!

Glad you had a good time.
The story says a phlebotomist has to draw blood under a doctor's supervision.

The Denver Dept of Public Health may have some other ideas about this

Rapid COVID-19 tests expected in Colorado next week

"The rapid tests can be done in any doctor's office and they're considered safer to administer because a phlebotomist can draw blood instead of taking a nasal swab, which might loosen virus particles into the air."
WOW! Why so many in New York? Is it just a population thing?
That's what I thought at first. But it's not that. It's because:
  • It spread through NY first - NY'ers possibly travel more than the middle states.
  • Our government didn't do anything about it at first (and obliterated the pandemic force that was in place already, and did not bother to reinstate it in any way), diminished the risks, downplayed it, lied about it.
  • It's an airborne disease; "it" doesn't care about most other factors**.
  • It's not a population or closeness thing; China has a greater population and far more density of people in the cities where it spread, yet has less cases per million.
At this point - just the beginning for the US - we have more cases in the US (59) per million than China does (56)*.

This virus IS AIRBORNE.**

This virus is affecting young people much more than the media admits (40% under 50, many 20-somethings in the hospital in the US).***

The midwest will see cases soaring unless the government lets them know the direness of the situation.

The fact is, the government needs to take this more seriously or it will spread more than ANY other country.

*Coronavirus Update (Live): 275,953 Cases and 11,399 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Outbreak - Worldometer

**How long can the novel coronavirus survive on surfaces and in the air?

** Coronavirus lives for hours in air particles and days on surfaces, new US study shows

*** Why we’re seeing some severe COVID-19 cases among younger people
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Thank you for letting us know @zencompass Unfortunately I think we are going to need separate threads for our different continents/countries i.e U.S, Canada, South America, U.K, Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia/NZ if possible please. The amount of news for all over the world being posted in one thread is becoming overwhelming.

It is going to become very important as things tragically worsen that we are able to get the news that applies to the country we live in @Tricia I don’t know if this is possible but this is probably the most serious crisis the world will face in our lifetimes.
I disagree. I don’t want to have to jump to different threads to find out how the UK is, or how Europe is. Let’s just see what Tricia rolls out first. Could be this thread will calm down once there are other specific threads.
Oh please please rethink that. The melatonin isn't prescribed for sleep - it's prescribed for LUNG FUNCTION (sorry for the all caps). MELATONIN (just so others see it) does something to boost the resiliency of the lungs. I have the article somewhere (there's more than one). It either boosts a receptor or acts in another way to HELP THE LUNGS. It's not about sleep!!!!

Here it is, had to go retrieve it for you (and for everyone):

Melatonin and Respiratory Diseases: A Review. - PubMed - NCBI

Both of us are taking melatonin every night here to boost lung health.
Thanks for that . I have mild COPD and I am going to research that further.
Coronavirus moving into least prepared nations in South America and Africa
''DAKAR, Senegal -- The West African nation of Mali has roughly one ventilator per 1 million people - 20 in all to help the critically ill with respiratory failure. In Peru, with more than 32 million people, about 350 beds in intensive care units exist.

The coronavirus is now moving into parts of the world that may be the least prepared. Some countries in Africa and Latin America lack the equipment or even trained health workers to respond.

Many of their nations are slamming shut borders and banning large gatherings in the hope of avoiding the scenes in wealthier countries such as Italy and the U.S., but local transmission of the virus has begun.

Containing that spread is the new challenge. Africa has more than 900 confirmed cases and Latin America more than 2,500, but an early response is crucial as fragile health systems could be quickly overwhelmed.

With such limited resources, experts say identifying cases, tracing and testing are key.

“We have seen how the virus actually accelerates that after a certain ... tipping point. So the best advice for Africa is to prepare for the worst and prepare today,”

Oh no this is what WHO has been warning about.
When Mayor de Blasio dragged aides and members of his NYPD security detail to his Brooklyn YMCAMonday morning amidst the coronavirus outbreak, fellow fitness enthusiasts were coughing and sneezing — and a mentally ill person was walking around touching the equipment, a gym source said.

“It’s crazy that he made his staff and detail come with him to the gym and expose them like that,” the source said.

But the incident is just one example of the mayor’s disregard for the health of his staff during the crisis, multiple sources told The Post.

The description reads like an SNL skit.
I thought I’d share a document my RN aunt in France sent me. It’s a great, simpler explanation for some, mainly the younger generations (hence some of the ‘terminology’), intended to circulate on social media written by an immunologist.

If this has already been posted, I apologize & please disregard.... I haven’t been over here since last night.


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BBM. Same situation here in the Southeast US. My small grocery store had about 3-4 people per aisle, plenty of room, but people seemed to bunch up in the aisles and not respect distances. The outer aisles where meat and dairy products have been decimated seemed to be the least busy as everyone took a look at the empty shelves and moved on. Very few shoppers were wearing masks and none were respecting social distancing. I received quite a few open mouthed stares as I darted around with my gloves, mask, wrap around sunglasses and a head scarf to cover my hair and ears. But none of those moved out of my way so I could get the items I needed and just get out of there. People seemed to be strolling and stopping to talk to neighbors they ran into like it was just another vacation day. :confused:o_O

I had to circle the outer aisles of the store about 5 times waiting for some aisles to clear of enough people for my comfort level. By my 5th lap around the store I figured out people only moved out of my way if I coughed a bit behind my mask. I didn't do it on purpose, but I coughed because I was starting to get very warm and having trouble breathing with everything I was wearing. People jumped out of my way when I coughed and they walked in the other direction from me. The same people who were lollygagging and close-talking with one another and didn't budge before when I stood 6 feet behind them waiting for them to move on. That tells me they are well aware of corona virus and all that is going on but they don't have a clue about how it spreads.

It's like they think it can only be spread by actively sick people (fever and cough). I felt like everyone in the store thought I must only be wearing a mask because I'm sick. I'm well right now but I don't want to get sick. And if I happen to have it I could be contagious for a few days before I get any symptoms. I wear a mask and keep my distance to protect myself and to protect my community. I understand many were caught off guard and have no masks and no rubber gloves but it seems like my community doesn't get social distancing at all. Ugh. Sorry for the rant. It's been percolating since my appalling trip to the store. Americans are doomed if people keep acting so carelessly in public. :mad::(
It's been 8 days since I started feeling bad and 10 days since I've left the house. I have no idea what it's like out there now and half afraid to go out again when I can.
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