Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #32

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For those with elderly or vulnerable family or friends in the UK, Sainsbury’s is extending its ‘seniors only’ hours.
Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, between 8 - 9am is reserved for seniors, to vulnerable people and to NHS workers.
What is particularly interesting is the combination of ILI visits (as a fraction of all outpatient visits) going up AND the fraction of positive flu tests going down. See this pretty, if worrisome, graph from Evan Ray.
4/ Nicholas G. Reich on Twitter
Nicholas G. Reich on Twitter


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Working to provide stimulus...
Steven Mnuchin
77th Secretary of the Treasury | Information, policies and notices at:
Steven Mnuchin (@stevenmnuchin1) | Twitter
Steven Mnuchin

Thank you to
Today I approved the expansion of the Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility to include municipal securities. This will create additional liquidity to support the states and municipalities!

(sorry for this rather messy post lol)
For those with elderly or vulnerable family or friends in the UK, Sainsbury’s is extending its ‘seniors only’ hours.
Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, between 8 - 9am is reserved for seniors, to vulnerable people and to NHS workers.

Not sure it's the bestest idea ever to have the elderly/vulnerable mixing with front line staff?
And everyone in it, imo.
Well, we know a lot of counterfeit people exist, things like this expose them. Even in comment sections I see it.
A poster might profess love & concern to someone regarding Covid, but in the next article’s comment (on a dif’ subject) the same person is wishing someone dead or having no concern for a family of someone they vilified due to his crime. How one loves & prays for everyone, but two minutes later mocks & ostracizes, idk. Moo
I never realized how many hate their life....
Just spoke w/ friend who's grandson is a cook
in a Georgia restaurant and has tested positive.
In his 20's, works the night shift, quarantined
to his home. He had a bad headache for 3 days
as first symptom.
Might want to re-consider even getting takeout
or delivery from restaurants. Anyone can be carrying the virus even before outward symptoms show up.
Just spoke w/ friend who's grandson is a cook
in a Georgia restaurant and has tested positive.
In his 20's, works the night shift, quarantined
to his home. He had a bad headache for 3 days
as first symptom.
Might want to re-consider even getting takeout
or delivery from restaurants. Anyone can be carrying the virus even before outward symptoms show up.
I can’t imagine any restaurant employee in my area NOT having it. I’ve said from the beginning, we have no idea who is handling our food. We’ve been told to “wipe to-go containers off before opening, transfer to our own dish & reheat food, even if it is already warm.” Is it even worth the risk? Not for Trudie.

A reflection by Brother Richard of the Capuchin Franciscans

Yes there is fear.
Yes there is isolation.
Yes there is panic buying.
Yes there is sickness.
Yes there is even death.
They say that in Wuhan after so many years of noise
You can hear the birds again.
They say that after just a few weeks of quiet
The sky is no longer thick with fumes
But blue and grey and clear.
They say that in the streets of Assisi
People are singing to each other
across the empty squares,
keeping their windows open
so that those who are alone
may hear the sounds of family around them.
They say that a hotel in the West of Ireland
Is offering free meals and delivery to the housebound.
Today a young woman I know
is busy spreading fliers with her number
through the neighbourhood
So that the elders may have someone to call on.
Today Churches, Synagogues, Mosques and Temples
are preparing to welcome
and shelter the homeless, the sick, the weary
All over the world people are slowing down and reflecting
All over the world people are looking at their neighbours in a new way
All over the world people are waking up to a new reality
To how big we really are.
To how little control we really have.
To what really matters.
To Love.
So we pray and we remember that
Yes there is fear.
But there does not have to be hate.
Yes there is isolation.
But there does not have to be loneliness.
Yes there is panic buying.
But there does not have to be meanness.
Yes there is sickness.
But there does not have to be disease of the soul
Yes there is even death.
But there can always be a rebirth of love.
Wake to the choices you make as to how to live now.
Today, breathe.
Listen, behind the factory noises of your panic
The birds are singing again
The sky is clearing,
Spring is coming,
And we are always encompassed by Love.
Open the windows of your soul
And though you may not be able
to touch across the empty square,

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.
As expected, all the animal shelters are being forced to close after today. The call for help is heartbreaking. If all you can do is foster an animal, that’s such a big help! Please go look online at available animals and fill your foster application out online immediately.

When picking up my little charge yesterday, I heard the workers stating who they were taking home. One was taking 5 dogs home!!

Athena is up and about, a tad perkier this morning. She is surveying her new kingdom from the safety of the front door. LOL! She’s drinking but not eating. Pills in cheese are the bomb!


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I was told by the CEO of a very prestigious children’s hospital that heat has nothing to do with it and the virus will be just as virulent throughout our 100 degree summer. I trust he knows what he is talking about.
But that’s just his (educated) opinion. There are plenty of opposing opinions that the virus doesn’t thrive in heat and humidity. Human Coronaviruses tend to be seasonal, but animal Coronaviruses usually aren’t. But patterns have shown this one IS behaving seasonally with the biggest outbreaks in a certain latitude, temps and humidity. (I’m getting info from previously posted articles in these threads). So who knows?! Only time will tell. I’m going to hope for it being affected by heat/humidity b/c that would make it easier to predict, but not counting on it. We’ll still have to deal with it coming back in the fall then, but still. Maybe we’ll be better prepared.
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