Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #32

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'People want to do something'

''Who else uses these special disposable masks? Carpenters. Construction workers.

So Warner started contacting people he knows in those industries asking for help. He said if they have any N95s, let him know, because he needs them for the hospital.

He didn't stop there.

He also knows there won't be enough ventilators — mechanical breathing machines that can keep critically ill COVID-19 patients alive long enough for their lungs to recover.

Who else has ventilators? Cosmetic surgeons.

Soon, Warner had prominent plastic surgeons organizing their network to start rounding up ventilators.

Veterinarians who treat large animals also use ventilators in their emergency rooms. So Warner sent some more emails.

Would animal ventilators work on humans?

"I don't know enough about animal ventilators to know, but I think at this point everything is on the table," Warner said.

Everyone got back to him immediately, pledging to do what they can to help.

"People want to do something, if there is something they can do," he said. "They just want to be told, and they'll do it."
"With a coronavirus vaccine at least a year away, some scientists are investigating existing medicines and compounds that might work as effective treatments. A drug called remdesivir is now in the spotlight, but health professionals, and scientists say it's too soon to know if it really works against COVID-19."
Might The Experimental Drug Remdesivir Work Against COVID-19?
Quarantined man uses drone to walk dog amid COVID-19 crisis
''A man in Cyprus who is in self-quarantine during the COVID-19 pandemic found a genius way to keep up obligations with his furry friend.

On Wednesday, Vakis Demetriou shared a video on Instagram of a drone walking his dog down the street.

“5th day quarantine,” he captioned the video. “Stay Home Safe but don’t forget your dog happiness.”

''The pooch appeared to be happy as he wagged his tail while getting some exercise on an empty street in Limassol while the drone hovered above.''
I just cant believe some peoples stupidity. Husbands Nephew has been in Florida almost 2 weeks now. He and his girlfriend live together and have Children from prior marriages. He sent his 2 teenage daughters home by air last Monday who live with their Mom and Stepdad. Girlfriends 2 almost adult children did not go and the 4 live in same house. Nephew and Girlfriend just taking their time coming home. They had shopping to do in Florida yesterday!!! So they will return to my City and likely wont abide by self isolation.
Charlotte travelers stuck in the Galapagos Islands after flights canceled amid coronavirus outbreak
Four friends from Charlotte are currently stuck in the Galapagos Islands after their return flight to the United States was canceled amid concerns surrounding the coronavirus pandemic.

BB-S, AS, LC and CC have been in the Galapagos Islands since March 11. The group planned on taking a vacation together, but the trip has been anything but relaxing.


“The world has never shut down like this before. We had no way to anticipate that this was gonna happen,” the stranded traveler told WBTV.

She said a few days after arriving in the Galapagos Islands, the group learned their return trip to the United States had been canceled. BB-S said American Airlines contacted her about the cancellation and said it was unable to re-book the flight.

BB-S said that her group had prepared to practice good hygiene on the trip because of the coronavirus outbreak, but they hadn’t planned on being stuck on an island.


BB-S said that she and her friends are currently on the island of Santa Cruz and they are staying in an apartment.

"We're staying here. We're really not allowed to leave. We go to the grocery store once a day and buy enough food for 24 hours in hopes that we will only be here for another 24 hours," said BB-S.

She said her wife does have have medical conditions and only has enough medication to last a few more days. She said the group fears they will be forced to stay on the island for an extended period of time due to the coronavirus outbreak.

Truth is stranger than fiction. Maybe they should read Kurt Vonnegut's "Galapagos" Or, maybe not IMO
I think we eat better than most Chinese folks. We are certainly wealthier.

I think the problem is that the gov is doing nothing here, and the young think they're invincible, whereas the Chinese didn't have that superior feeling - they didn't know one way or the other when it started.

Also, as @10ofRods mentioned, we may have more young and female smokers here perhaps, but since the Chinese have far worse air, I'm not sure that's such a factor with this virus.

The Chinese also have thousands of years of Chinese medicine which may have helped many - to an unknown degree.

If I had to vote on it I'd say it's lack of government response combined with non-attentiveness of the young in the US that's the issue, sadly.

Who woulda thunk that here in America we have been acting like a third world country- totally behind on so many things- most importantly TESTING TESTING TESTING--- and getting our medical people on the front lines the equipment necessary to care for the sick-- I am gobsmacked at how unprepared we were and are --- it is shocking, it is frightening, it is sickening and in the end it is deadly---
Is there any way we could try to come together as a country, instead of pointing fingers of blame at opposing parties? It sure would be lovely and would help us in these trying times, in my opinion.

Thank you Katy! If there ever was a time this country needs to put down the political spears- on BOTH sides of the aisle- it is now. Personally, I just can’t handle any more politicizing especially in light of current conditions. Let’s just all be Americans.



Staff members, including Alvaro Garcia, were told to leave immediately

A hotel business has blamed an administrative error after it sacked staff at one of its Scotland properties and left some without accommodation during the coronavirus pandemic.

A letter to workers at the Coylumbridge hotel in Aviemore – owned by Britannia Hotels – emerged on Thursday night, which terminated employment and told affected staff to leave their accommodation immediately.

The firm was heavily criticised, including by the first minister, Nicola Sturgeon, who said she unreservedly condemned the decision.

In response, Britannia’s spokeswoman said, in comments reported by the Liverpool Echo: “Unfortunately, the communication sent to these employees was an administrative error. All affected employees are being immediately contacted. We apologise for any upset caused.”

Scottish hotel blames admin error for sacking staff over Covid-19



Staff members, including Alvaro Garcia, were told to leave immediately

A hotel business has blamed an administrative error after it sacked staff at one of its Scotland properties and left some without accommodation during the coronavirus pandemic.

A letter to workers at the Coylumbridge hotel in Aviemore – owned by Britannia Hotels – emerged on Thursday night, which terminated employment and told affected staff to leave their accommodation immediately.

The firm was heavily criticised, including by the first minister, Nicola Sturgeon, who said she unreservedly condemned the decision.

In response, Britannia’s spokeswoman said, in comments reported by the Liverpool Echo: “Unfortunately, the communication sent to these employees was an administrative error. All affected employees are being immediately contacted. We apologise for any upset caused.”

Scottish hotel blames admin error for sacking staff over Covid-19

Administrative error, my ar$e. I would bet good money on the fact they’re only acting now because of the backlash they’ve faced.
I took a long morning walk around my farm. Traffic is heavy, very heavy. Most coming from next county over.
I wonder, will main roads close to prevent crossing county/state lines? This concerned me from the get go, after the first WMT employee got it, everyone in that county then crossed the line. Even her co-workers.
Other than the grocery stores & gas stations, nothing is open, so no idea where traffic is headed.
Also, a nurse friend told me her hospital is always low on PPE & reusing certain items was common practice, way before this crisis. With the ability to get things quickly, purchasing placed minimal orders. I bet this is true nationwide.
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