Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #32

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Medtronic to double number of staff making ventilators in Ireland

Galway plant central to building life-saving machines for Covid19 outbreak

One of the world’s biggest makers of life-saving ventilators is more than doubling its 250-strong workforce at its Galway manufacturing facility to meet surging demand in the coronavirus pandemic.
The publicly quoted company has already increased production on the manufacturing of ventilators by more than 40 per cent and said this week that it is on track to more than double its capacity to manufacture and supply ventilators in the response to the outbreak.

The company has added manufacturing shifts and is introducing new “shift patterns” to make the Galway plant a “24/7 operation”, the company said in a statement to the stock exchange.

The medical devices have proved critical in dealing with the coronavirus outbreak in the countries worst hit by the global crisis with one Italian doctor Dr Daniele Macchini working in a hospital in Bergamo in northern Italy saying: “Every ventilator becomes like gold.”

The Health Service Executive has ordered 900 new ventilators to add to more than 500 ventilators already available in HSE-funded hospitals and more than 900 pieces of equipment or machines that provide respiratory support.
The medical technology company told investors in a release to the US stock exchange this week that it had identified additional opportunities to increase its capacity to manufacture ventilators as the company works to meet the increased global demand for ventilators.

“Medtronic is prioritising high risk/high needs areas for ventilators allocation on a weekly basis for global distribution through its supply chain,” the company said.
I would go nuts. You would prob go nuts here, lol.
Fresh air & privacy, two things I love.
I am and feel the same as you, Trudie. I could be naked on one of my porches and no one would see me or care!! ha . But my daughter lives in NYC and we compare notes everyday.. I bless my fresh air and all my trees every day. So far, anyway.
Please consider the source of this article. :rolleyes:

This administration has not been dismissive of the Coronavirus situation. The World Health Organization themselves didn't declare a Pandemic until March 11th! It's easy to sit there and criticize (and promote your political agenda) when you are not the one who has to make critical decisions that affect millions of people. We are in uncharted territories right now, I think they are doing the best they can, I can't imagine having to make these decisions that will cause so much hardship on people whether they actually contract the virus or not. These are going to be a difficult several months ahead of us, I really hope that MSM puts the brakes on constant criticism and fear mongering, things are going to be challenging enough without all of that BS.

Yes, the administration has been and still is dismissive of the virus. We have been pleading with the WHO to label this a pandemic for over a month before the announcement on March 11th, even the WHO was pleading with countries to take this seriously and in their announcement scolded world leaders for their inaction and lack of resolve.

Coronavirus: COVID-19 Is Now Officially A Pandemic, WHO Says

The WHO is "deeply concerned, both by the alarming levels of spread and severity and by the alarming levels of inaction" by world leaders in response to the outbreak, Tedros said.

"We have therefore made the assessment that COVID-19 can be characterized as a pandemic," he said.

“Some countries are struggling with a lack of capacity, some countries are struggling with a lack of resources, some countries are struggling with a lack of resolve,” he said.
I am and feel the same as you, Trudie. I could be naked on one of my porches and no one would see me or care!! ha . But my daughter lives in NYC and we compare notes everyday.. I bless my fresh air and all my trees every day. So far, anyway.

I loved our wooded lot and its privacy. However, here in NC it’s pollen season and everything is covered with yellow pine pollen. Hoping for some rain today to wash away the pollen.
Coronavirus: Creativity, kindness and canals offer hope amid outbreak Five reasons to find hope amid coronavirus chaos

Love this. There was an item on BBC News a moment ago, about the 88 year old lady celebrating her birthday alone and quarantined in Spain. Her neighbours put a little cake and candle outside her door, then sang Happy Birthday to her from their balconies. Cue masses of tears (hers, and mine).
I live in Fresno. We have over 530,000 people living in Fresno; only 200 have been tested. There is no way we only have 6 people with CV in Fresno. Even if only 1% are infected, that would be 5,300 people. We don't have the medical resources to even deal with that.

As someone with multiple autoimmune disorders, I have been taking this seriously since the outbreak in China. Luckily, I work from home as a freelance writer. Unluckily, due to the recent AB5 law limiting freelance work, and now due to no clients placing orders (a lot of my clients and agencies I work with are back East and have shut down), I have no work. As a freelancer I have no unemployment benefits. I also probably won't qualify for any of the supposed cash incentives for economic stimulus presently in the works. Pretty scary times.

I haven't spoken with my ex after a very abusive 6-year divorce/custody battle... but, because my youngest son has asthma and I know he has no inhaler at his dad's, I actually choked on my vomit and called him to beg him to get an RX inhaler for my son. As expected, he feigned surprise and tried to claim I was over-reacting. I finally got him to agree to get the inhaler and let me know when he had it. No response. I bit the bullet and called again, only to find that he supposedly purchased an "over-the-counter" inhaler. Is there even such a thing? I don't think so. I insisted he has to get an RX inhaler, as all medical advice has recommended. Haven't heard anything about that.

The ex works out of Visalia, and I have no doubt he has not sheltered in place. Not only that, his hygiene is atrocious -- when the boys were little, he used to wipe his runny nose on his sleeve! I doubt he's ever washed his hands. I can't count how many times he brought home some nasty virus that kicked me on my *advertiser censored* but did nothing to him.

So, yeah, I'm not reassured that Fresno officials are claiming there are no person-to-person infections, or that only 6 people have been infected. I also have a 95-year-old dad who makes an effort to get out and about, and has contact with many people who clean his house, bring him dinners, and take him to their house for dinners. He has not changed his habits, and thinks the issue is overblown.

It is irresponsible that Fresno officials underestimate what the situation is, and the risks, but that's typical of Fresno.

Not to mention, we already have a huge unemployment problem, and a massive homeless population. No idea what is being done on that front. Don't get me wrong -- I enjoy living in Fresno for many reasons, but we are a large city that labours under the delusion that we are a small, rural community. Like it was 50 years ago.

The fact that we've been put in asked to shelter in place belies the claim that we haven't been affected and only 6 people have been affected.

Just my opinion, of course.
I’m glad someone said it. I’m currently in Fresno also. I can’t say how or why I know this but you are 1000% correct. I also have two coworkers that have been out sicker than dogs for the past two weeks who only yesterday were tested because they “hadn’t travelled abroad.” They didn’t have tests and many people in this town think it’s a joke beginning with my boss. I haven’t seen my parents in two weeks and am forced to go to work with other people who don’t maintain social distancing and whose teenage kids have been out galavanting all over town since schools were closed last week. I predict things will explode in the coming weeks.
United Kingdom News

Coronavirus outbreak that has killed 28 in West Midlands is linked to church attended by worshipper who did not realise they were a carrier

An outbreak of the coronavirus that has killed 28 people in the West Midlands has been linked to a church attended by a worshipper who did not realise they were a carrier.

Coronavirus outbreak that has killed 28 in West Midlands is linked to church | Daily Mail Online
Stay home from church. It is an event. God will forgive you.

Coronavirus: Police lay out consequences if Ontario emergency orders aren’t followed
"The orders are in place until March 31 when a reassessment of the situation will be made."

The dark side of Canada's coronavirus response -
Prisoners and asylum seekers

'Historic times,' Trudeau rallies industry to aid in COVID-19 fight

Coronavirus: What will happen to Canada’s housing market amid the pandemic?
"But the primary idicator when we talk about real estate is job security."
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Yeah, NYC is releasing (?) homeless people who should in fact not be released from wherever they are in care, IMO; based upon what I see when I walk down the local streets on my daily constitutional.

I'm thinking the next time I go out to walk I'm pocketing my self-protect alarm and eye-poker (seems odd to call it "brass knuckles" as it really isn't, but then again functionally it is, lol. It's shaped like a cat's head, so it looks less like brass knuckles. The "eye poker" is the peaks that form his ears).

I actually saw a man crossing the street the other day, who was legit roundhousing with himself. It was pretty scary. He literally went across the street corner windmilling and punching the air with his whole body. I kept too far away to determine if/that he was "really" homeless; but if he's not homeless, then he's one of those people whom the current situation is clearly pushing over the edge, if he wasn't.

I'm also engaging the hotel lock addition on my apartment door (I have it up, but rarely use it). It's one of those that allows you to peek in, but won't let people force their way past it. My door and its jamb are both metal, thankfully; so not so easy to tear it out.

My birthday will be Wednesday. I'm thinking it won't be very festive. The current plan for celebration is a self-spiked Slurpee, if 7-11 stays open. I know people have a lot larger things to worry about right now, but I do like to have SOMEthing to show it's a celebration...

Also, the stockists at my local Whole Foods yesterday, based upon what they were saying in the aisles, were. not. happy. that they were still sitting on the job; and starting to feel that their doing so was a sign the company could give a dang about their well-being.

So just as a warning, I'd keep your local food stocks up as long as one feasibly can; because while they may find enough broke currently unemployed people to replace them in the jobs, I could certainly understand if they're not the only grocery chain store employees who also would like to be sheltering-in-place, instead of out in the open exposed to germs.

My birthday is Wednesday, too! We can celebrate being alive. :)
Angola confirms first coronavirus cases

Angola’s Health Minister Silvia Lutucuta has confirmed two patients tested positive for coronavirus, the first cases in the country.

French Air Force moves coronavirus patients to ease overcrowded hospitals

The French air force is transporting coronavirus patients to the west of the country to ease pressure on overcrowded hospitals in the east.

Airlifts will transport patients in critical condition from the city of Mulhouse in eastern France to the Aquitaine region in the west.

Coronavirus news and live udpates: Death toll tops 11,000 globally - CNN

WHO now encourages Physical distancing.

Reduced beer prices, pubs full on last nite.
They will have been cross infection in those pubs last nite.
(Dr C has a deep sense of disappointment)

Extensive testing. They have made the enemy visible.
Testing, Tracking, tracing and isolation and quararantine.

Have to work on a daily basis to be able to feed family
Self isolation is impossible, have to work or your kids will starve

This virus has simply flown all around our world
on our airlines. - Dr C
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Portugal’s coronavirus death toll doubles to 12

The death toll from the coronavirus pandemic in Portugal doubled overnight to 12, the country’s national health authority DGS has announced.

The number of confirmed cases rose to 1,280 from 1,059 the previous day, it said, adding that 35 people were in intensive care.

Portugal declared a state of emergency to stem the spread of the virus on Wednesday.

Coronavirus pandemic - all you need to know as death toll soars around the world
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