Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #32

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If you want to view the vast difference in leadership styles and actions taken in neighboring states, look no further than NY and MA, the former governed by Andrew Cuomo, the latter by Charlie Baker. Each a third-term governor, Cuomo has been inspirationally proactive; meanwhile, Baker, former CEO of Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, has taken a wait and see approach.
A healthy young woman :( .... our government's need to be highlighting stories like this and maybe that will give the millennial's a wake up call to stay AT HOME.... everyone below 40 think they will be absolutely fine here cause we are told this virus is only severe in older people with underlying health conditions. it just doesnt seem to be the case does it?

In the 1918 pandemic, the hardest hit were people aged between 20 and 40. They were the soldiers who carried the virus to Europe during the war. I wonder if this virus is similar, but with modern health services and triaging people in that age group to the top of the list, the numbers appear skewed such that people over 60 appear most at risk.
We are in Florida, planning to go back to Michigan in April: if we are lucky enough to avoid the virus here, i am concerned about travelling- eating at restaurants, staying in a hotel, stopping at different places and using the bathrooms- that is kinda making me think maybe we should stay here in Florida (Lee County) a bit longer.

New Jersey’s governor just announced that anyone who has a second home along the shore is to go home to their primary residence and not use another county’s resources if they get sick.
Why are there still SO MANY PEOPLE who are NOT taking this seriously?! They risk not only themselves, but every one else in the community.

I just spoke with someone in a high risk category, she talks about going to Costco, like it is just another day.
Hello guys, I am fairly sure I have this blinking virus so thought I would hop on here and share with you. Hopefully to reassure.

I am in the UK, county of Bucks where a few people have sadly died already. I work in retail and my husband commutes to London on the train. So there was always a good chance I might get it. Also someone coughed in my face earlier this week (really appreciated that) and I was at the hairdresser last Saturday. She had been in London all week on a course, using the tube every day. So there are risks there, for sure.

My symptoms started yesterday morning. A huge headache which floored me. Luckily I wasnt due into the work so I stayed home in bed. I thought maybe it was stress related after a nightmare week, as I know headache isnt a typical starting point for the virus. In the afternoon, a cough started up. I do cough a lot anyway but not usually through the day. This cough has started to make my back ache now and although it isnt constant, I can have a bout that ends up in a squeaky kind of cough and leaves me shattered.

I am very very tired. Had a bath first thing today and have been in bed all day again. Although I would stay in my room anyway to keep from family, I would struggle at the mo to make coffee and toast. Thank God for Mr HKP.

I have a v low appetite. Have to be encouraged to eat like a child. This is not me at all!! Normally could eat like a horse all the time.

Weird one but I have a numb dry tongue. It feels almost scratchy but actually isnt. Hard to describe.

My eyes have on and off been dry and itchy. Not conjunctivitis but just something I noticed.

Stupidly, we have no thermometer (ordered one now). Sometimes in myself I feel v hot (like now, it's gone 9pm and my window is open for the breeze). Other times I am under the duvet with layers on and hot water bottle.

My legs ache a lot! But they often do, due to vit D deficiency. They are v uncomfortable tho, kept me awake last night. I was rationing the paracetamol but dont need to tonight thank goodness, we have supplies!

Earlier my chest felt a bit tight. My breathing was fine, I was just aware of it. If I take a deep breath in, I always cough out.

So you prob know but here in the UK we only test hospital cases now. This is really hard because I would love to know for sure. I went on NHS 111 online and completed the short questionnaire and it said my symptoms "suggest coronavirus infection", even without me confirming a high temperature. So I suppose I just have to take that as what's happening.

So we are following the guidance here. Husband and son will self isolate for 14 days and I will for 7 initially.

Right this minute, I do not feel too bad. Despite the paracetamol, the headache is trying to inch back in. Legs are aching. But I have eaten something and just had a cup of tea (of course...). My brain feels feverish which is the worst thing as I cant sleep. Cough has settled for now.

My biggest worry is that Mr HKP has asthma and it seems v likely he will get this too, although he is sleeping in another room and avoiding me as much as poss other than to deliver food and drink trays at the door bless him.

So right now, I'm not too bad at all which hopefully may be reassuring altho it is early days and I know we will possibly all react differently.

Incidentally I have controlled hypertension and take Losartan but have no intention of stopping taking it.

Ask me anything and if anyone has similar symptoms I'd be interested to know.

ETA age wise, I believe I would qualify as golden these days but only just ;)

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Do you have a link for the "10,000 doses in Governor Cuomo's command" information?

I know that NYS topped 10,000 cases, announced by Gov. Cuomo today.

NY State to Begin Testing Malaria Drug in COVID-19 Battle

Coronavirus Outbreak
NY State to Begin Testing Malaria Drug in COVID-19 Battle
By Margaret Besheer
March 21, 2020 03:59 PM

NEW YORK - New York’s governor said Saturday that the state would conduct trials immediately on a malaria drug combined with an antibiotic that has showed promise in a French study in treating COVID-19, which is caused by the coronavirus.

“There is a theory the drug treatment could be helpful,” Governor Andrew Cuomo told reporters Saturday during a news conference.

He said there were people in serious condition and that the state’s health officials were comfortable trying the treatment on those patients. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration was sending New York 10,000 doses of the drugs, known as hydroxychloroquine (a malaria drug) and Zithromax (an antibiotic).

“As soon as we get those doses, we will work with hospitals, doctors and families on using those drugs and seeing where we get,” Cuomo said.

U.S. President Donald Trump has also touted the potential of the drug combination to be “one of the biggest game changers" in the fight against the coronavirus.
Well, i need to run this by you folks: we are at a condo in Fort Myers Florida- mostly old folks here like us. I look out my lanai at the pool and there are probably 10 people in the pool with 20 more sitting around together like it is normal day (before the virus): so i call the prez of our association and she basically says legally there is nothing she can do about it; they are adults and she cannot stop them- i am so mad- these are old people, at risk- and acting like it is just a regular day in our world--- my husband and i are self isolating; we go to the grocery store and that is it-- it just makes me see red. i will make sure we don't get too close to any of them should we see them walking around. foolish

Oh dear. It's hard to truly get away from them. You probably share ATM machines, door handles, elevator buttons, mail rooms, grocery carts, and who knows what else.

You could check with your local municipal government to see if they've implemented smaller group limits. In these parts, even though the provincial group limit is 50 people, our municipal limit is 10 people no closer than 2 metres/yards apart.

And ... it wouldn't hurt to call your association prez again to see if some safer guidelines can be put in place. You could remind her that she has some responsibility to keep the place safe.
It will only worsen, imo. Look how many parents look at school as a babysitter. I’m talking about stay at home parents that really don’t want to parent and shouldn’t be a parent. Now, they are forced to parent. In normal Xs during errands, I see more people exhibiting poor parenting behavior than good. Just my observation cuz I hear “shut up you GD brat, get your hands off that you blah blah”, I’m not talking poor parents either. I’m referring to upper middle class that can’t be bothered. WTH are they doing now? How many kids are locked in their bedrooms? How many are getting slapped for interrupting someone’s screen time?

This is so sad. But also, sadly, so true.
New Mexico is the most awesome place in the world. That's SO New Mexico. And I bet each person there was interesting and had their own things to say. Like WS.
@10ofRods Many thanks for your nice words. Yes, New Mexico is indeed Land of Enchantment and we have the sweetest, loviest of neighbors. I'll be heading outside in a new minutes for our daily 4 p.m Happy Hour on the Sidewalk. Today's tune will be Abba's "Dancing Queen". Hugs and peace to all.
This gives an in-depth view of the numbers for the United States and Canada:

COVID-19/Coronavirus Real Time Updates With Credible Sources in US and Canada | 1Point3Acres

I've been following the positive cases just in my county and yesterday was 53, today so far is 97.

I follow this site too for Oregon. The county next to ours reported on the local news last night a positive test in a hospital worker. So far that county hasn’t been listed. I’m not sure if there is a lag time. Usually the site is pretty accurate. But they did add a new death today bringing Oregon up to 5.
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Hello guys, I am fairly sure I have this blinking virus so thought I would hop on here and share with you. Hopefully to reassure.

I am in the UK, county of Bucks where a few people have sadly died already. I work in retail and my husband commutes to London on the train. So there was always a good chance I might get it. Also someone coughed in my face earlier this week (really appreciated that) and I was at the hairdresser last Saturday. She had been in London all week on a course, using the tube every day. So there are risks there, for sure.
...snipped for space...
I am so glad you have family support to help you through this. I am sure it is stressful and you need to know you are not alone.

I hear ya about the Losartan. I am not stopping taking mine either. I know some advise that we do, but if your blood pressure spikes, it won't be helpful.

Do they want you to go to the hospital at some point? Are there guidelines? Or is it just up to you.

If you are breathing OK, you should be fine just riding it out. The majority of people seem to be OK doing that. Keep resting and eating soup and I bet you can come out of this okay.
Hello guys, I am fairly sure I have this blinking virus so thought I would hop on here and share with you. Hopefully to reassure.

I am in the UK, county of Bucks where a few people have sadly died already. I work in retail and my husband commutes to London on the train. So there was always a good chance I might get it. Also someone coughed in my face earlier this week (really appreciated that) and I was at the hairdresser last Saturday. She had been in London all week on a course, using the tube every day. So there are risks there, for sure.

My symptoms started yesterday morning. A huge headache which floored me. Luckily I wasnt due into the work so I stayed home in bed. I thought maybe it was stress related after a nightmare week, as I know headache isnt a typical starting point for the virus. In the afternoon, a cough started up. I do cough a lot anyway but not usually through the day. This cough has started to make my back ache now and although it isnt constant, I can have a bout that ends up in a squeaky kind of cough and leaves me shattered.

I am very very tired. Had a bath first thing today and have been in bed all day again. Although I would stay in my room anyway to keep from family, I would struggle at the mo to make coffee and toast. Thank God for Mr HKP.

I have a v low appetite. Have to be encouraged to eat like a child. This is not me at all!! Normally could eat like a horse all the time.

Weird one but I have a numb dry tongue. It feels almost scratchy but actually isnt. Hard to describe.

My eyes have on and off been dry and itchy. Not conjunctivitis but just something I noticed.

Stupidly, we have no thermometer (ordered one now). Sometimes in myself I feel v hot (like now, it's gone 9pm and my window is open for the breeze). Other times I am under the duvet with layers on and hot water bottle.

My legs ache a lot! But they often do, due to vit D deficiency. They are v uncomfortable tho, kept me awake last night. I was rationing the paracetamol but dont need to tonight thank goodness, we have supplies!

Earlier my chest felt a bit tight. My breathing was fine, I was just aware of it. If I take a deep breath in, I always cough out.

So you prob know but here in the UK we only test hospital cases now. This is really hard because I would love to know for sure. I went on NHS 111 online and completed the short questionnaire and it said my symptoms "suggest coronavirus infection", even without me confirming a high temperature. So I suppose I just have to take that as what's happening.

So we are following the guidance here. Husband and son will self isolate for 14 days and I will for 7 initially.

Right this minute, I do not feel too bad. Despite the paracetamol, the headache is trying to inch back in. Legs are aching. But I have eaten something and just had a cup of tea (of course...). My brain feels feverish which is the worst thing as I cant sleep. Cough has settled for now.

My biggest worry is that Mr HKP has asthma and it seems v likely he will get this too, although he is sleeping in another room and avoiding me as much as poss other than to deliver food and drink trays at the door bless him.

So right now, I'm not too bad at all which hopefully may be reassuring altho it is early days and I know we will possibly all react differently.

Incidentally I have controlled hypertension and take Losartan but have no intention of stopping taking it.

Ask me anything and if anyone has similar symptoms I'd be interested to know.

ETA age wise, I believe I would qualify as golden these days but only just ;)


I’m sorry to read this, HKP. I hope you have everything you need to get through this and are feeling better soon. I just saw a thread here for those who may have contracted the new virus ... maybe you would like to add your experience there and keep us updated? Members who May Have the Coronavirus
I follow this site too for Oregon. The county next to hours reported on the local news last night a positive test in a hospital worker. So far that county hasn’t been listed. I’m not sure if there is a lag time. Usually the site is pretty accurate. But they did add a new death today bringing Oregon up to 5.

True for my County. That site says 62 but our County link says 97 tested positive today for today.
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