Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #32

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From your link - people had already been evacuated from places like China, cases were spreading around the world, and still people went on cruises and holidays. At what point do people have to take responsibility for their own poor decisions? They knew they should take the trip, and yet they did. I would view this differently if they went overseas before it was an international crisis, but afterward ??

"The sudden closure of borders and cancellation of flights shocked many Americans overseas, even though some admitted that relatives - or their own common sense - had advised them against leaving the United States in the first place."​
@otto we all know the person that must constantly see their doctor yet fail to heed his advice. I have a neighbor that chain smokes, uses oxygen, moves from bedroom to family room only, has a host of other ailments & complains her doctor fails to help her. She’s her own worst enemy. I think the same about the people that chose to vacay over their health. Moo
From your link - people had already been evacuated from places like China, cases were spreading around the world, and still people went on cruises and holidays. At what point do people have to take responsibility for their own poor decisions? They knew they should take the trip, and yet they did. I would view this differently if they went overseas before it was an international crisis, but afterward ??

"The sudden closure of borders and cancellation of flights shocked many Americans overseas, even though some admitted that relatives - or their own common sense - had advised them against leaving the United States in the first place."​

I agree but no one expected this outcome. The lesson I have learned as far as cruises go is to get travel insurance. Many people think that this type of thing will not happen to them.
Compare the states of Kentucky and Tennessee. Kentucky’s governor has been very proactive with social distancing orders, Tennessee’s has not.

Cases are skyrocketing in Tennessee and rising very slowly in Kentucky. Social distancing works.
Even before this pandemic cruises often had their own problems. I can’t imagine a more germ filled vessel. Moo
Grateful I went on many in the past and had enough of them to last me a lifetime. Not at all my vacay of choice. Mostly ours were gifted to my husband thru his work.
I agree but no one expected this outcome. The lesson I have learned as far as cruises go is to get travel insurance. Many people think that this type of thing will not happen to them.
The reason we are self-isolating is precisely because of people who won’t. Oregon hasn’t required staying home yet, so people are free to go about their business and put others at risk...or themselves if they are in a risk category. That’s on them...and the government for not insisting they stay home. But of course they will be the ones overwhelming our health system if or when those of us who have been careful need it. :mad: All we can do is stay home and take precautions when we have to go out.
Yep, that’s what I’m also realizing- we have to take it upon ourselves to protect ourselves. The general public still isn’t fully complying.

I’m in official shelter-in-place territory and I went to Whole Foods yesterday- decked out in facemask and gloves- and you’d have hardly known there was a pandemic happening (aside from the aisles being nearly bare). But otherwise people were just meandering around the store- not keeping 6 feet apart. It was very stressful every time I went down an aisle because I’d try to avoid people and they’d just pop on over and peruse the shelf right next to me. The checkout lines were not keeping people distant, and not one of the checkers was wearing gloves.

And then today my family went to a Bay Area open space area- a huge park environment- and we actually had to leave after being there only 5 minutes. The trails were PACKED with people. Sure, everybody trying to get out- but it’s as if people thought “oh, as long as I’m outside I’m social distancing”. NO. When you’re passing 50 or more people at 1 foot apart on the trails and walking just a few steps behind people you are NOT social distancing. So yeah, we felt very uncomfortable and left.

So annoying.
@otto we all know the person that must constantly see their doctor yet fail to heed his advice. I have a neighbor that chain smokes, uses oxygen, moves from bedroom to family room only, has a host of other ailments & complains her doctor fails to help her. She’s her own worst enemy. I think the same about the people that chose to vacay over their health. Moo

I'm a risk taker and I understand the thrill of spontaneously challenging ourselves in new and exciting situations, but international travel is not a good risk to take when WHO has daily reports about an epidemic tipping into a pandemic. At the same time, I could not convince my son to return from Australia until sports events and restaurants closed. He couldn't envision what came next until he was standing in it. Foolish youthfulness.

It was almost a funny conversation this morning when he told me about the online test and said that he thought he contracted the virus in Australia. It was quite the eye opener for him to align his symptoms with the virus.
Compare the states of Kentucky and Tennessee. Kentucky’s governor has been very proactive with social distancing orders, Tennessee’s has not.

Cases are skyrocketing in Tennessee and rising very slowly in Kentucky. Social distancing works.
I think you will see KY’s true number early next week.
We are not privy to most results, only from certain labs. But soon that will change.
It is moo one small rural KY town has hundreds in quarantine.
Tribute to essential health care workers set for 8 p.m. across the US

Following the outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), most people retreated into their homes to decrease their chances of infection. Essential health care workers, however, have done the opposite, remaining in the line of fire as they attempt to heal the sick and control the spread of the disease.

Hospital networks and physicians in the U.S. are now asking Americans to pause at 8:00 p.m. local time every night, for a moment of appreciation or even to go to a balcony or window and clap, as a show of thanks and gratitude to those who risk their lives for the benefit of others.

The idea stemmed from similar displays of gratitude in Spain, Italy, France and Israel, where citizens opened up their windows to applaud health care and wellness workers on their way to their jobs.
I agree but no one expected this outcome. The lesson I have learned as far as cruises go is to get travel insurance. Many people think that this type of thing will not happen to them.

I think a few of us who have posted here saw this coming since January - watching it unfold, wondering why international travel with China was permitted even though the virus was out of control in China and was moving around the world through international travel. Every country foolishly thought they could contain the few travellers who brought the virus to different countries.
Okay. Anyone know when we will actually start invoking the Defense Production act and provide for our health care staff????? Because that was not at all clear at this morning's press conference. Something about competition. I admit to ignorance about why this is a concern right now, when the need is so great.

And that is critical to containing this and providing for future medical care after we peak.
The difference is the government having to DIRECT private companies to produce/manufacture etc. In this crisis, the President doesn't need to do that because private companies have volunteered to produce supplies. That's the way I understand it. And there is this to help you understand:
What exactly is the Defense Production Act?
Other than the closed stores and no traffic, I have seen little to suggest any of this social distance. Kids playing basketball, and just the normal crowded super market, no one keeping distance or anything. However, store employees seem to get it.
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