Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #32

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Colorado Coronavirus Updates: What You Need To Know This Weekend

“4:53 p.m. — You've earned this break

Steve Martin is offering this Moment of Zen today. Close your eyes, turn up the volume and give yourself a break from the news for a minute and 19 seconds.

Steve Martin (@SteveMartinToGo) Tweeted:
Banjo balm. Steve Martin on Twitter Steve Martin on Twitter

4:30 p.m. — More positive tests and a fifth death as state asks residents to avoid calling 911 for coronavirus information
Colorado reported another 112 positive tests for COVID-19, the illness caused by the coronavirus.“
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I think a few of us who have posted here saw this coming since January - watching it unfold, wondering why international travel with China was permitted even though the virus was out of control in China and was moving around the world through international travel. Every country foolishly thought they could contain the few travellers who brought the virus to different countries.

Up until almost 2 weeks ago, I rarely read the news. I read the important stuff - US Showbiz on the DailyMail. When a person in my county tested positive last week, I started paying attention. I am at fault for not paying attention earlier. Now, if I had had a vacation overseas planned in February, I would probably have gone. Lesson learned, get your head out of the sand and read the news at least one a week.
will anyone want to attend?
I think our urge to connect is very strong. And the urge to connect around some shared faith or belief is even stronger. It is how we survived as a species. JMO.

And it's getting to be Easter time for many. A very happy holiday associated with springtime and children and animals and candy and flowers. Tradition is a strong bond, too, even for the non-religious.
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I live on 55 acres and I am near everything. Five minutes from the Hospital, Walmart, Public and Papa Johns. I am kind of isolated in the middle of everything. A good combination IMO especially now with this virus.
Same here. Good way to put it.

I'm beyond happy that we have a park-like yard with a garden and a greenhouse, and lots of trees and wildlife. Even a few walking paths in the wooded area. (only 2 acres, but still nice). Yet we are 7 miles from groceries, restaurants, pharmacies, gas stations, post office...and maybe 1o from a hospital and a large university. Plus, the city of Philadelphia is also only a 35 minute drive.

Yesterday the temps were warm and I heard peepers (tree frogs) singing, some of our trees are starting to flower along with the forsythia. Soon I will set up the screened porch for outdoor living, and hang my hummingbird feeders.

I will not complain anymore about the house being too big or the yard and garden being too much work..
Tribute to essential health care workers set for 8 p.m. across the US

Following the outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), most people retreated into their homes to decrease their chances of infection. Essential health care workers, however, have done the opposite, remaining in the line of fire as they attempt to heal the sick and control the spread of the disease.

Hospital networks and physicians in the U.S. are now asking Americans to pause at 8:00 p.m. local time every night, for a moment of appreciation or even to go to a balcony or window and clap, as a show of thanks and gratitude to those who risk their lives for the benefit of others.

The idea stemmed from similar displays of gratitude in Spain, Italy, France and Israel, where citizens opened up their windows to applaud health care and wellness workers on their way to their jobs.

5 more minutes on the East Coast. Thank you for this, @Tillicum.
Other than the closed stores and no traffic, I have seen little to suggest any of this social distance. Kids playing basketball, and just the normal crowded super market, no one keeping distance or anything. However, store employees seem to get it.

That's how Italy handled it - and even now, from what I'm reading and seeing on webcams and youtube, there are still a lot of social people out and about.

I sure hope that people over 50, particularly those with any predisposing factors, choose wisely about their social lives for the next while. Probably best to assume everyone else is infected if you know highly social people who hang out with other highly social people.
In the crappy news category, 2 new cases in Newfoundland- 1 in Eastern Newfoundland and one in central. That makes 6 cases for them now. My parents are in Western Newfoundland so I've been watching their counts closely and begging my parents to stay home.
My son works on a drilling rig in Newfoundland but resides in New Orleans La. He will not be able to return to his next 21 day shift until travel bans are lifted. Louisiana is being hit really hard and out governor has taken major steps to stop the spread.
Hello guys, I am fairly sure I have this blinking virus so thought I would hop on here and share with you. Hopefully to reassure.

I am in the UK, county of Bucks where a few people have sadly died already. I work in retail and my husband commutes to London on the train. So there was always a good chance I might get it. Also someone coughed in my face earlier this week (really appreciated that) and I was at the hairdresser last Saturday. She had been in London all week on a course, using the tube every day. So there are risks there, for sure.

My symptoms started yesterday morning. A huge headache which floored me. Luckily I wasnt due into the work so I stayed home in bed. I thought maybe it was stress related after a nightmare week, as I know headache isnt a typical starting point for the virus. In the afternoon, a cough started up. I do cough a lot anyway but not usually through the day. This cough has started to make my back ache now and although it isnt constant, I can have a bout that ends up in a squeaky kind of cough and leaves me shattered.

I am very very tired. Had a bath first thing today and have been in bed all day again. Although I would stay in my room anyway to keep from family, I would struggle at the mo to make coffee and toast. Thank God for Mr HKP.

I have a v low appetite. Have to be encouraged to eat like a child. This is not me at all!! Normally could eat like a horse all the time.

Weird one but I have a numb dry tongue. It feels almost scratchy but actually isnt. Hard to describe.

My eyes have on and off been dry and itchy. Not conjunctivitis but just something I noticed.

Stupidly, we have no thermometer (ordered one now). Sometimes in myself I feel v hot (like now, it's gone 9pm and my window is open for the breeze). Other times I am under the duvet with layers on and hot water bottle.

My legs ache a lot! But they often do, due to vit D deficiency. They are v uncomfortable tho, kept me awake last night. I was rationing the paracetamol but dont need to tonight thank goodness, we have supplies!

Earlier my chest felt a bit tight. My breathing was fine, I was just aware of it. If I take a deep breath in, I always cough out.

So you prob know but here in the UK we only test hospital cases now. This is really hard because I would love to know for sure. I went on NHS 111 online and completed the short questionnaire and it said my symptoms "suggest coronavirus infection", even without me confirming a high temperature. So I suppose I just have to take that as what's happening.

So we are following the guidance here. Husband and son will self isolate for 14 days and I will for 7 initially.

Right this minute, I do not feel too bad. Despite the paracetamol, the headache is trying to inch back in. Legs are aching. But I have eaten something and just had a cup of tea (of course...). My brain feels feverish which is the worst thing as I cant sleep. Cough has settled for now.

My biggest worry is that Mr HKP has asthma and it seems v likely he will get this too, although he is sleeping in another room and avoiding me as much as poss other than to deliver food and drink trays at the door bless him.

So right now, I'm not too bad at all which hopefully may be reassuring altho it is early days and I know we will possibly all react differently.

Incidentally I have controlled hypertension and take Losartan but have no intention of stopping taking it.

Ask me anything and if anyone has similar symptoms I'd be interested to know.

ETA age wise, I believe I would qualify as golden these days but only just ;)

Oh no I am so sorry to hear this. Take care of yourself we need you too. Sending you lots of love and healing thoughts.
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