Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #33

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Our personal decision is to continue to pay our house cleaner. No more house cleaning, but we are going to continue to pay for her service for the next two months.

I have a care provided that goes to the Nursing home for my mother a few days a week for a few hours each visit.. The care provider is no long allowed entry into the Nursing Home. It is kind of expensive but since she has been such a comfort to my mother, I gave her a months pay. This person has been a blessing to my mother. I know that she lives basically pay check to paycheck.
Our personal decision is to continue to pay our house cleaner. No more house cleaning, but we are going to continue to pay for her service for the next two months.

I have a care provided that goes to the Nursing home for my mother a few days a week for a few hours each visit.. The care provider is no long allowed entry into the Nursing Home. It is kind of expensive but since she has been such a comfort to my mother, I gave her a months pay. This person has been a blessing to my mother. I know that she lives basically pay check to paycheck.

I posted this twice - sorry.
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Italians helping U.S.:
In Pictures: DoD Airlifts Swabs for COVID-19 Testing from Italy to Memphis | Global Biodefense

"Approximately 500,000 testing swabs and supplies were flown by Air Mobility Command on March 19-20 from Aviano Air Base, Italy, to the FedEx hub in Memphis, Tennessee, to be distributed to medical facilities across the U.S.

The mission follows the first Air Mobility Command-directed mission on March 16-17, which also transported 500,000 testing swabs in support of a U.S. Department of Health & Human Services-led effort to back-fill supply needs for components necessary to conduct coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) diagnostic testing.

The swabs are produced by the Italian company Copan Diagnostics, Inc."
In California, Gov Newsom announced that the State is buying some abandoned hotel properties, whose owners really want to unload them. We're going to turn them into hospitals for use in emergencies. He says we don't have enough "surge" hospital beds for emergencies like these but that our preparations should not be temporary or geared only toward this crisis. The buildings will get all the basic equipment and supplies and stand ready to be used within a couple of weeks for this crisis (new cases have slowed here, due to social distancing) and then be part of our state inventory of hospital beds permanently.

That's very forward thinking and I think the governor may have thought of it on his own. He is so knowledgeble about the factors of transmission and notes that some counties have higher transmission rates due to lack of public education/awareness so they're looking into how to get the information out in non-English speaking communities as well as less educated English-speaking communities.

Where I live, police are willing to give those misdemeanor citations for people who won't obey the social distancing rules and I do think that's making a difference. I love how GameStop was banned from its silly insistence that it's an essential business.

Yes, he had a Great idea. I tried to find one interview in particular, I recently viewed of Gov. Newsom that was impressive to me, I went through my history and I can't find it. I thought maybe I saw him on the Dr. Oz TV show, but there are no recent interviews with Newsom on the doctor's website.

I found this interview, people giving him credit for his leadership. "Getting the stragglers, the folks still in the bubble," to understand the virus, social distancing, that they can infect the older generation. Newsom enforced what everyone wanted to happen, telling everyone to, "Stay Home!"

Newsom was trying to make the young people, they are the bubble who don't understand that they are a huge problem.

They don't know if they are sick, their symptoms are trivial and they are out there being vectors for infections and we are realizing more and more that people who are asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic are a real issue.

Dr. Oz

"It's the duration of quarantine probably not 14 days should be three weeks," if we are going to do it right. Because in China they found people were shedding virus for weeks after they were ill.

Then Dr. Oz continues to talk about the paper released in France regarding the two old drugs, Z-Pack and a Malaria drug that demonstrated it will suffocate and reduce the viral load in 3 days and all the virus in gone in 6 days ...

"Mar. 20, 2020 - 9:23 - Dr. Mehmet Oz and Dr. Manny Alvarez weigh in on California Governor Newsom issuing a statewide ‘stay at home’ order on ‘America’s Newsroom."

Drs. Oz, Alvarez say California’s ‘stay at home’ order is necessary in other states
More on masks.

I will try and post the 2004 article later, but it concludes that even a surgical mask (which you see as the only resort for many hospital workers) is better than nothing. In other research, there are anecdotal reports that inserting a gauze pad or even a folded tissue under the surgical mask can make it more reusable.

If you have R95 masks, you probably have the "industrial" kind that's sold in paint stores. These are not as effective as medical R95 masks and are not easy to sanitize. However, you can keep them much cleaner by using a folded tissue, gauze or a mask cover made of any fabric but densely woven is best. People are using barrier cloth and marine canvas for this. You can also use a scarf or the neck of a turtleneck.

Placing a mask into the warm sun will kill the virus (I will leave it to more imaginative people to figure out whether to put the mask in a plastic bag or whatever for this - some people are using cloth bags and putting them in the drier for a few minutes, getting R95 masks damp or wet destroys their protective nature - they cannot be sprayed with anything) For surgical masks, apparently you can spray (but don't quote me). You can wear both kinds of masks at once, for better protection - however, our poor medical personnel are lacking both kinds of masks in many places. Making your own mask is the decent thing to do (from fabric) and those can be easily laundered and definitely diminish exposure.

There's been a run on HVAC filters from which many are making masks, but if you can find them, they are a good material for masks, especially when combined with fabric. Launder the fabric, obviously, use drier for the HVAC material.
For the elderly and compromised people, any protection is better than no protection at your run to the pharmacy or the store.

Doctors say coronavirus patients often feel better right before their condition dramatically worsens and they end up hospitalized

Dr Joshua Denson, a pulmonary medicine and critical care physician at Tulane Medical Center in New Orleans who has treated about 15 to 20 COVID-19 patients, described the first phase of the disease as a 'slow burn'.

'Patients tend to have symptoms for about a week before either getting better, or getting really sick,' Denson told NBC News.

Doctors say coronavirus patients often feel better right before their condition dramatically worsens | Daily Mail Online

Italians helping U.S.:
In Pictures: DoD Airlifts Swabs for COVID-19 Testing from Italy to Memphis | Global Biodefense

"Approximately 500,000 testing swabs and supplies were flown by Air Mobility Command on March 19-20 from Aviano Air Base, Italy, to the FedEx hub in Memphis, Tennessee, to be distributed to medical facilities across the U.S.

The mission follows the first Air Mobility Command-directed mission on March 16-17, which also transported 500,000 testing swabs in support of a U.S. Department of Health & Human Services-led effort to back-fill supply needs for components necessary to conduct coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) diagnostic testing.

The swabs are produced by the Italian company Copan Diagnostics, Inc."

It's so sad that the USA, once a great force for good in the world - by distributing all manner of supplies to needy nations, is now needing help from the world's most beleagured nation. Italy is obviously able to produce and warehouse medical supplies.
Received my annual registration form yesterday for Ladies Golf League. No mention of virus or anything moving forward. April 15th is our social registration night. I wont be golfing. I cant believe it!
I miss that too. My son just sent me a little video of my grand daughter playing in their yard. I usually spend every Sunday afternoon there with her. :(....but I am happy to see her playing so happily and it gives me inspiration and incentive to keep hubby and I quarantined and safe, so we can see her in the near future.
I get on Facebook messenger and Facetime with my grandkids.
What's even cuter is their mom's put the babies on facetime so the two little cousins can see each other and babble. They are 17 and 13 months old.
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DH and I want our cleaning service to keep coming, as well. As long as the ladies are well, we will keep our distance and let them do their job. I don't want this local business to suffer due to COVID-19.
I am so torn on this. I scheduled for cleaning people to come tomorrow as usual and now I don't know whether to just pay them and not have them clean. I have gloves for them in case they don't have them. I suppose that I could wipe down the faucets, door knobs etc.. after they leave. I am so spoiled and have never been much of a housekeeper. What to do, What to do, What to do...'s+Order+--+Stay+At+Home+03.22.20R.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CONVERT_TO=url&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE.Z18_M1HGGIK0N0JO00QO9DDDDM3000-81a5ce67-eeb6-4c29-861f-f2996160f028-n43OTq8

"Ohio Mike DeWine, Governor Jon Husted, Lt. Governor Department of Health Amy Acton, M.D., MPH, Director DIRECTOR'S STAY AT HOME ORDER Re: Director's Order that All Persons Stay at Home Unless Engaged in Essential Work or Activity I, Amy Acton, MD, MPH, Director of the Ohio Depmtment of Health (ODH), pursuant to the authority granted to me in R.C. 3701.13 to "make special orders ... for preventing the spread of contagious or infectious diseases" Order the following to prevent the spread of COVID-19 into the State of Ohio: 1.Stay at home or place of residence. With exceptions as outlined below, all individuals cmTentlyliving within the State of Ohio are ordered to stay at home or at their place of residence except asallowed in this Order. To the extent individuals are using shared or outdoor spaces when outsidetheir residence, they must at all times and as much as reasonably possible, maintain socialdistancing of at least six feet from any other person, with the exception of family or householdmembers, consistent with the Social Distancing Requirements set fo1th in this Order. All personsmay leave their homes or place of residence only for Essential Activities, Essential GovernmentalFunctions, or to pmticipate in Essential Businesses and Operations, all as defined below.Individuals experiencing homelessness are exempt from this Order, but m·e strongly urged toobtain shelter, and governmental and other entities are strongly urged to make such shelteravailable as soon as possible and to the maximum extent practicable (and to use in their operationCOVID-19 risk mitigation practices recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control andPrevention (CDC) and the Ohio Depmtment of Health (ODH))."

more at link
Italy, Pandemic’s New Epicenter, Has Lessons for the World
Updated March 22, 2020

“ROME — As Italy’s coronavirus infections ticked above 400 cases and deaths hit the double digits, the leader of the governing Democratic Party posted a picture of himself clinking glasses for “an aperitivo in Milan,” urging people “not to change our habits.”

That was on Feb. 27. Not 10 days later, as the toll hit 5,883 infections and 233 dead, the party boss, Nicola Zingaretti, posted a new video, this time informing Italy that he, too, had the virus.

Italy now has more than 53,000 recorded infections and more than 4,800 dead, and the rate of increase keeps growing, with more than half the cases and fatalities coming in the past week. On Saturday, officials reported 793 additional deaths, by far the largest single-day increase so far. Italy has surpassed China as the country with the highest death toll, becoming the epicenter of a shifting pandemic.

The government has sent in the army to enforce the lockdown in Lombardy, the northern region at the center of the outbreak, where bodies have piled up in churches. On Friday night, the authorities tightened the nationwide lockdown, closing parks, banning outdoor activities including walking or jogging far from home.”


“On Saturday night, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte announced another drastic step in response to what he called the country’s most difficult crisis since the Second World War: Italy will close its factories and all production that is not absolutely essential, an enormous economic sacrifice intended to contain the virus and protect lives.”


“But the tragedy of Italy now stands as a warning to its European neighbors and the United States, where the virus is coming with equal velocity. If Italy’s experience shows anything, it is that measures to isolate affected areas and limit the movement of the broader population need to be taken early, put in place with absolute clarity, then strictly enforced.

Despite now having some of the toughest measures in the world, Italian authorities fumbled many of those steps early in the contagion — when it most mattered as they sought to preserve basic civil liberties as well as the economy.

Italy’s piecemeal attempts to cut it off — isolating towns first, then regions, then shutting down the country in an intentionally porous lockdown — always lagged behind the virus’s lethal trajectory.

“Now we are running after it,” said Sandra Zampa, the under secretary at the Ministry of Health, who said Italy did the best it could given the information it had. “We closed gradually, as Europe is doing. France, Spain, Germany, the U.S. are doing the same. Every day you close a bit, you give up on a bit of normal life. Because the virus does not allow normal life.”“


Most importantly, Italy looked at the example of China, Ms. Zampa said, not as a practical warning, but as a “science fiction movie that had nothing to do with us.” And when the virus exploded, Europe, she said, “looked at us the same way we looked at China.”

But already in January, some officials on the right were urging Mr. Conte, their former ally and now political enemy, to quarantine schoolchildren in the northern regions who were returning from holidays in China, a measure aimed at protecting schools. Many of those children were from Chinese immigrant families.

Many liberals criticized the proposal as populist fear-mongering. Mr. Conte declined the proposal and responded that the northern governors should trust the judgment of education and health authorities who, he said, had proposed no such thing.”

-more at link
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