Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #34

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Still, if the choice is between two healthy people with no secondary conditions, one is a Spring break partier and the other is a 60 year old in self-isolation to prevent/reduce transmission, whose life should be saved? It shouldn't always be about age.

How heartbreaking to have to be the one who makes that type of decision.

Please stay home!
ETA- Not to anyone particular.
That's what angers me. I want to be here for many reasons but soooo look forward to our 1st Grandchild this summer. I have a lot of living left to do. I turned 36 today. OK I lied it is my Birthday but I reversed the numbers :D
Happy Birthday to you! I hope it was as great as it could be, given the circumstances!
Still, if the choice is between two healthy people with no secondary conditions, one is a Spring break partier and the other is a 60 year old in self-isolation to prevent/reduce transmission, whose life should be saved? It shouldn't always be about age.
Here's another triage conundrum:
60 year old female with high blood pressure vs. 40 year old convicted murderer in excellent health.

I'm grateful I'll never be in a position to make a similar decision. Imo
Happy Birthday to you! I hope it was as great as it could be, given the circumstances!
Thanks so much. Yes very quiet. Husband put a small turkey in the oven. Just us. That's ok. Our Children have been staying away for a few weeks now as they both work at our Hospital. Lot's of phone calls. We will gather down the road and just celebrate being together.
It's very likely wishful thinking. China wanted to put people back to work right away too, but it was impossible with all people dropping dead at work. It's four months in Wuhan so far, and they were very proactive to minimize transmission.
I have no reason to not believe Dr. Bix and the other experts and I doubt they are merely engaged in wishful thinking. Especially because she explained she didn't attend news conferences over the weekend because she had a low-grade fever. I've also never believed there is a need to totally shut down the American economy.

Still, if the choice is between two healthy people with no secondary conditions, one is a Spring break partier and the other is a 60 year old in self-isolation to prevent/reduce transmission, whose life should be saved?

They're going to base decisions like that on cold hard numbers and the specifics of how each patient is doing clinically. Assuming there are two patients in need of a ventilator, with exactly the same degree of criticality, lack of preexisting conditions, etc... the younger patient would still be more likely to survive. If only one of these patients could get a ventilator, the younger patient would likely be prioritized.
That's what angers me. I want to be here for many reasons but soooo look forward to our 1st Grandchild this summer. I have a lot of living left to do. I turned 36 today. OK I lied it is my Birthday but I reversed the numbers :D
You made me smile. Genuine smiles are hard to come by on the thread. Bravo @Bravo. Nicely done. ❤️
I have no reason to not believe Dr. Bix and the other experts and I doubt they are merely engaged in wishful thinking. Especially because she explained she didn't attend news conferences over the weekend because she had a low-grade fever. I've also never believed there is a need to totally shut down the American economy.

Just curious....what data did you use for your belief? Maybe it will help me....
Well I do feel 36 in my mind lol
I know you do. This is why it’s so cool!
eta: I just remember when my little granddaughter was in preschool ~her teachers taught her to sing “Happy Birthday” to herself in her mind while washing her hands and that should be long enough to wash the cooties away. Wonder if it still works?
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Ventilators can cause
Blood Clots
Oxygen Toxicity
Lung Damage
Sinus Infections
Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia

When you take this into consideration, someone who is already fighting for their life, is fighting an extremely uphill battle.
IMO, that's why once placed on a ventilator it seems as though few survive.
How Do Ventilators Work? -

This may have been posted, but I’m too far behind to know:

Bowing to increasing pressure from health care workers and public officials, the governor issued an executive order directing Oregonians to stay home “to the maximum extent possible,” except for when carrying out essential tasks like getting groceries, refueling their vehicles, or obtaining health care.

“I asked and urged Oregonians to stay home,” Brown said in a conference call with reporters, following a weekend where Oregonians mobbed the coast and other areas. “On Friday night, I frankly directed them to stay home. And now I am ordering them to stay home.”

Gov. Kate Brown Issues Order Directing Oregonians To 'Stay Home'

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Yes, the Canada / USA border is closed, but the supply chain is open. Not everyone can stay at home, but everyone who can stay at home must stay home except for essential errands and short walks. Snowbirds must stay home when they arrive in the country.
It would be nice if that could be enforced but it cannot. My state has not had any deaths and most of those infected are those who have been around those infected while traveling. Our health departments are doing a great job coordinating data about those who picked up the virus via "community spread."

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