Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #35

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So I am curious. HOW was Rand Paul able to even get tested?? Not a single symptom, and he gets a test? He is getting more flack for 'going about his business", but he is a privileged lucky one to be able to get a test for no reason .

THIS IS GOING TO HAVE TO BE A NORM...eventually.--ANYONE should be able to get a test just to "rule out" little lingering C19 cells that people might carry but have no symptoms themselves.
I have a friend in Texas who has thrown an absolute HISSY FIT over the possibility of restrictions. "Not my Texas. You will NOT tell us what to do." (Close paraphrase). This is why we need restrictions. Jmo
Snowbirds here about to leave TX. Gov has made things very confusing because if you can't get what you want/need in one city/county, just go to another. AND, people are doing this. I realize TX is big, but so is the virus.
I'm not Chinese and I don't have friends and family in China so I don't know, but, I would think that the government and wealthy that would be the ones willing to sacrifice lives for the economy. I would think the same with the US - no more no less. Your question about threshold - I'm assuming it all would be based on the stock market. Scary if the ones making the decisions on that matter owned businesses and have major stakes in the global economy. Thinking back to Jimmy Carter selling off his peanut farm...

Anyway, I completely agree that there are possibly 2 or more strains at this point but it's practically impossible to know. Finding the vaccine for COVID has got to be an absolute nightmare. I mean, everything has to be based in assumptions right now, right? That's the exact opposite of how it should be. Terrifying!
I've not seen one piece of research data that supports multiple strains....not even from Nextstrain who is analyzing the genomes from around the world. They do see multiple introductions, more than 1 patient 0, in Europe and North America.
You see photos/videos out of Asian countries, you see nearly everybody is wearing masks on the street. Almost nobody is doing so in US, and we don't have masks available even if we wanted to. Who is going to be able to flatten the curve?
My understanding is one of the reasons is spread so much in Italy is that they were hugging and kissing as a form of greeting. You can't be doing things like that during a pandemic.
ATHENS, Ga. — Athens-Clark County residents are now under a 24/7 shelter in place order after the mayor and commission unanimously approved an ordinance Thursday night.

The county said the order will last until April 7 "or until it is extended, rescinded, superseded, or amended in writing by the Mayor and Commission."

Athens-Clark County now under mandatory shelter in place order
Aw, I love Athens (and the rest of the county). When this is all over, have some Fresh Air BBQ and a Grit Golden Bowl (to balance it out) for me...

Gov Cuomo:

23% of the cases in NY are in IC Units now

For a lot of folks that followed this Virus since China breakout, the two things that stood out a lot and was very concerning was:

1-the fact it can make a lot of people very very sick. So ill that lots of people have to go to the hospital with breathing trouble. That 23% of cases in NY needing in ICU is representative of one of the concerns we saw in China. Nobody wants to catch this nasty virus because it can make you very ill.

2-It is very contagious.
We saw hints of how badly contagious this was by watching the reactions of China. And now a lot of other countries and places are taking similar control steps like China did. It shows how darn contagious this virus is.

IMO I think it is more contagious than an ordinary flu. I base that on before all this happened how when we gathered in Bars, Restaurants, workout places, going to work, how we would occasionally hear people coughing or sick and we typically would not worry about catching anything from anyone because most of the time we came out of those places without getting sick ourselves. There is something very different with this virus in how it can cause major cluster breakouts that we have not seen in a long time. Very contagious IMO.
This is the bottomline...

"Trump did not shut down anything. So Trump cant open anything. Its that simple."
Michael McFaul on Twitter

True, it's up to each governor or local mayors to enact the rules. The federal government can only offer guidelines for us to follow. Its states who have more control over their states.

Honestly while it's very easy to blame the federal government for all the woes of each state or city are facing, each one wasn't prepared to protect their city or state either if something like this pandemic should strike. Now they expect our federal government to solve everything for them.

Now they expect the federal government to pick up the full load for everyone else. It's an impossible task, that is why states should also be prepared if something like this happens.

As far as our economy it's just as vital as containing the pandemic. If our country financially collapses many more will die for many other reasons having nothing to do with the virus.

We must realize how both issues we are facing is a perfect storm for our country falling into dismay. We are fighting both serious issues at the very same time.

I would have agreed with you a week or two ago. I didn’t want this to be as bad as it really is. :(

And yes, there is panic and hysteria causing empty shelves. I do agree with that. My post was extremely negative, but I think the president being in such denial put me over the edge. He needs to be realistic. Optimism is good and helpful, but denial can be catastrophic.

I think the President is thinking if people are going to be defiant and not stay home, they might as well be at work. IMO.
I've not seen one piece of research data that supports multiple strains....not even from Nextstrain who is analyzing the genomes from around the world. They do see multiple introductions, more than 1 patient 0, in Europe and North America.

Perhaps the research just isn't there yet?

Coronavirus COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) | Johns Hopkins ABX Guide

"Preliminary evidence suggests two strains of SARS-2-CoV circulating: one associated with milder illness (~30%), the other with severe illness (70%)."


"In a phylogenetic analysis of 103 strains of SARS-CoV-2 from China, two different types of SARS-CoV-2 were identified, designated type L (accounting for 70 percent of the strains) and type S (accounting for 30 percent) [25]. The L type predominated during the early days of the epidemic in China, but accounted for a lower proportion of strains outside of Wuhan than in Wuhan. The clinical implications of these findings are uncertain."
I have compassion for all New Yorkers but they are getting the majority of all testing, PPE, etc. while the rest of the country is doing without. So while Covid is boiling over there he wants dibs on everything first and then those in other states who aren't dead yet can have their turn.

I'm in NYC. No one I know can get a test. It's the same here as anywhere else. Say Idaho gets 10 tests per 100 people. NY gets 20 tests per 200 people. I don't see an issue. Factor in that the rate here is 5x higher than anyone else and theres a problem. NY asking for more tests shouldn't be an issue. Ignore the state borders for a minute. More dense + more infections = need more tests in those areas.

That said: the entire US needs more tests.
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