Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #35

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CT-Daily State Briefing 3/24/2020:

CT-N: Governor Lamont March 24th Briefing on the Coronavirus

View from the ground: No words to adequately describe the train wreck situation that seems to be playing out in CT orchestrated by Gov. Lamont for the poor folks living in Southern CT near NY border. Hard to watch these conferences every day but I will persist. No improvement in testing levels from State lab and no explanation why - No update on whether CDC testing kits have been received. No news from the DC delegation as to what they are doing for CT and its small businesses. CT now has at least 2 nursing home hotspots in Ridgefield and Upstate CT and its unclear whether all staff and patients have been tested. This isn't a difficult question to answer IMO, YET Gov Lamont refused to answer the question about what is being done to protect the residents and workers at these facilities (and their families who no doubt visited residents!). Was nothing learned from the tragedy in Kirkland, WA?

The Gov. was caught flat footed today on the issue of the Westport Party from a couple of weeks ago that has now created a COVID19 'hotspot'. The Town of Westport orchestrated its own testing via a private lab (they knew that CT Lab wouldn't be able to help!) for the party situation that resulted in a 'hot spot' of 40+ cases. Today Gov. Lamont seemed surprised to hear that the number of people at the Westport party was a much higher number than originally stated in the Press (more than 100 people were supposedly at the party). At the time of the party, the Board of Health people in Hartford and Gov. Lamont had NO CLUE what had happened in Westport. When Dr. Carrter was asked about the Westport situation a few days after it happened by the Press at one of these briefings, he said he had no awareness of the party. Stunning stuff is playing out and the gulf between the Northern part of the State and Southern part of the State simply gapes wider and wider every day and the situation with the Westport party which was written about in the NYTs yesterday is simply one such example unfortunately.

Total absence of proactivity from Gov Lamont to keep people safe via flattening the curve even though the situation in NY deteriorates by the day. No tough calls coming from Hartford and IMO sadly people will pay for this absence of leadership with their lives. Joke of the day at the meeting was that not one professional on the stage COULD OR WOULD say precisely how many ventilators are available in CT. Other sources estimate that CT has fewer than 200 ventilators presently for its more than 3.5 million residents. You just have to scratch your head and ask if CT did any forward planning as the crisis emerged for COVID19 in China way back in December, 2019? Doesn't look like it from the way things are looking at ground level.

The Gov seems averse to imposing any 'hard and fast' rules beyond the rule of no groups of more than 50 people and still has over 100 'exceptions' to the business closure rules. Why not mirror what is going on in NYC? Nope, not happening in CT.

So, beaches are open, parks are open, local police aren't consistently enforcing restaurant and bar closures and local parks show little evidence of social distancing guidelines and teen parties are ongoing as are pickup basketball and baseball and soccer.

The Press though are turning up the heat on Gov Lamont on issues such as assistance for individuals that lose health insurance such as has been proactively dealt with by the Gov of Ohio. Hartford CT has long been the 'insurance capital' of the Country and even though many of the insurance companies have moved to lower tax states in recent years, the power of the insurance lobby in Hartford is truly a factor that to outsiders is hard to understand. So, to today see the Gov. bow yet again to the insurance lobby rather than do what he could to help everyday working people and families in CT was hard to stomach. Today in the conference we saw YET AGAIN Gov. Lamont catering to his special interest lobby in the form of the insurance companies and the construction companies. Construction projects in CT haven't been shut down and many workers are afraid as they work in tight quarters with people, many of whom commute in from hard hit areas in CT and MA. Gov. Lamont refused to address the issue of indoor construction and instead focused on outdoor construction projects from another of his 'special interest friends'.....hard to watch this 'picking and choosing' playing out based on special interests and not on the welfare of workers or the citizens of CT.

Watching this absence of leadership from Gov Lamont play out in CT I do have to wonder how many COVID19 deaths it will take to enact strict guidelines that are seriously enforced to flatten the curve? Basic questions such as why CT hospitals are taking patients from NY now as the Fairfield County stats are in an uptick mode and more beds will be needed soon, remain unanswered by Gov Lamont today? Fairfield County has long had inadequate hospital beds for peak demand and so to see the situation that is evolving now will mean that in 1-2 weeks when CT residents will need access to critical care in CT hospitals that space will be restricted due to presence of patients from neighbouring NY where the virus has a jump of 1-2 weeks. Where will the COVID19 sick people of Southern CT go for treatment?

Hopefully the locals take over soon as in GA and SC.
Child at Colorado Springs daycare tests positive for COVID-19 - KRDO

“COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KRDO) - The KinderCare on Mesa Road in Colorado Springs is staying open despite one child testing positive for COVID-19, according to a letter sent to parents via email on Monday.”

This doesn't seem like a good idea (*though Dept of Health is okay with it). And I really do feel for day care providers, who never make enough for the service they provide and are tiny businesses, in trouble as much as anyone else.
A week ago, New York state had 87 detected coronavirus cases per 1m citizens
Here's where a lot of Southern states are *today*... the number of *detected* cases.
LA: 298 per 1m
MS: 107 per 1m
TN: 98 per 1m
GA: 98 per 1m
AR: 72 per 1m
FL: 66 per 1m
SC: 59 per 1m
AL: 44 per 1m

Other than Louisiana, which has really ramped up its testing, a lot of those states may be about a week behind the curve in New York in terms of both social distancing *and* testing/case-detection.

Nate Silver on Twitter

We’re hearing too many reports of some non-retail businesses which are violating the order requiring 100% work-from-home with some limited exception.
Let me be clear: my Executive Order is not a polite suggestion. It is an order.

No one who can do their job from home should be going to work in an office. We must have 100% compliance.
This is about people’s lives, your employees' lives, their families’ lives, and your life.
Inquiries about failures to comply should be directed to 609-963-6817.

Governor Phil Murphy on Twitter
Some people in KY decided it was a good idea to have a corona virus party.
Now those geniuses are going to burden medical system. Tell me who deserves a ventilator? 60 year old observing social distancing, or 20 year old who went to corona virus party?
"The state has 163 coronavirus cases – 39 new from Monday — and one of the new cases is in someone who attended a coronavirus party, Gov. Andy Beshear announced Tuesday while taking the time to use it as a warning and admonishment to the state."
'Coronavirus' party led to new case, some more businesses to be impacted, 2,000 calls to hotline: Governor - ABC 36 News
I hate seeing and hearing of people being reckless in this situation we are all in. They could in fact take a bed an older patient needs! It's just bad all around when they don't take into account EVERYONE is at risk!
Maybe if anything comes from this nonsense it will teach people to use common sense and be more vigilant of others!
“At one point during the town hall, Mr. Trump said that the coronavirus wasn’t anywhere near as deadly as the 1918 flu, which was the worst infectious disease epidemic in recorded human history.”

“People who got the 1918 flu, he said, had close to a “50/50 chance” of dying. In fact, the fatality rate for people infected by the 1918 flu was not 50 percent, but was estimated to be around 2 to 2.5 percent, compared to a rate of about .1 percent for seasonal flu.”

Dr Kevin Purcell on Twitter
Vitamin C is contained in many fruits and vegetables that people should be eating anyway to promote good health.
Just one orange has about 100 mg of vitamin C, which is 130 percent of the daily recommended intake.
I grow citrus—the vit C content depends on — this soil, fertilizer, water, amendments & hopefully the bees have not been harmed by chemicals
Can't get in. Can you post a little, please?

If you use the link @10ofRods provided, it takes you to a Wordpress page, and below the words "log into your account," there is a link: "or visit Notes from the field." That link takes you to the page. The original poster posted on Facebook, I believe. Hope that works for you.
If not let me know, I'd be happy to send you some by mail.
I can't eat much of anything that contains Vit C, I have a history of stomach ulcers and I get that "rock gut" feeling from drinking Oj or grapefruit juice < which interferes with many medications.
Can't drink coffee either, but I don't have a problem with Emergen C.
Found vitamin c ! No oranges or citrus at target though
Sorry to hear the news Cody22. It very close to home for you now, I'm sorry.
I took a break from here today. Wrapping up some loose business ends. I hope everyone here and their loved ones are safe and well....... Midland, West Texas Report - Our lone Midland Hospital Virus patient has died. 15 other people are awaiting test results from our local Hospital at this time.........moo
THREAD: When will New York turn the corner? Some insight from other nations can help identify where the peak of the epidemic curve is reached. New York is almost two weeks from when they started more aggressive mitigation. Gov. Cuomo says their models show the peak in 2-3 weeks. Scott Gottlieb, MD on Twitter

Cuomo's projection would comport with the experience in other nations between the time of identification of community spread, implementation of population wide mitigation, and peak of epidemic. We know when this started. We can get a good estimate on when it will end.

The hope is no other city will have spread at the magnitude of New York. Every state should use their head start to implement appropriate but tough measures now. Lean forward. If we can support New York, and prevent another epicenter of spread, we can get control of this epidemic Scott Gottlieb, MD on Twitter

Scott Gottlieb, MD on Twitter


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First gas station in Tennessee drops to 99 cents per gallon

Just putting it out there. Shame we can't go anywhere.
It's something. We got our state and federal tax refunds and can't cash them. I got a notification that the items on my online order shipped today. One from New York, one from California, one from New Jersey and one from Washington. Now I don't know how long I should wait to open them.
It's something. We got our state and federal tax refunds and can't cash them. I got a notification that the items on my online order shipped today. One from New York, one from California, one from New Jersey and one from Washington. Now I don't know how long I should wait to open them.
Can you lysol spray them?
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