Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #43

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Just found this. We have started using it in clinical trials in the UK.

Drug treatment for coronavirus starts UK trials

"The studies, which have been fast-tracked by the government, will initially involve 15 NHS centres.

In the absence of a known treatment for the virus, a handful of experimental drugs are being tested globally.

The drug, known as remdesivir, is manufactured by the pharmaceutical company Gilead.

Two studies are to be carried out in the UK - one on patients with moderate symptoms, and one on those who are in a serious condition.

Trials are already underway in China and the US, with the first results expected in the coming weeks."

The article also states further down that the US are trialling anti malarial drugs. The link in the article takes you to this separate article.

Why is Trump so keen on malaria drug to treat coronavirus?
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Crime in a time of COVID-19: How the pandemic is changing criminality in our neighbourhoods

“Our radios are usually very busy, dispatchers barking out calls one after another,” said a Toronto police officer, who asked not to be named because he wasn’t authorized to speak publicly. “Now we sometimes hear an officer asking for a radio check because they think their radio isn’t working.”

COVID-19, however, is not ushering in an era of peaceful coexistence. Some crimes are sharply up in York.

Less congested roads seems an invitation for speeding: stunt driving, going more than 50 km/h over the limit, revved up 60 per cent.

So many businesses sitting empty remains too tempting a target for criminals who never self-isolate enough: Commercial break-ins are up 45 per cent in March. Thefts of vehicles increased 44 per cent.


Ottawa police identified three areas of COVID crime concerns: commercial break-ins, domestic abuse and stunt driving.

“Of concern is that victims of domestic abuse are potentially not attending hospitals or clinics for their injuries, and therefore a significant portion of our cases which would normally come from health-care professionals, are going unreported,” said Insp. Jim Elves.
Remdesivir studies launched by Gilead in UK for Covid-19

More details about the Remdesivir clinical trials.

Gilead launches remdesivir’s Phase III trials in Covid-19 patients

This link has a lot of info including up to date tweets from WHO at the bottom. Today is a world day of conscience.

Tweets by ‎@WHO
  1. World Health Organization (WHO)


    Replying to @WHO
    FACT: Exposing yourself to the
    or to temperatures higher than 25C degrees DOES NOT prevent #COVID19. #coronavirus #KnowTheFacts


  2. World Health Organization (WHO) Retweeted

    Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus


    Replying to @DrTedros
    I hope governments will work closely with communities on ensuring peace and sustainable development, through encouraging forgiveness & compassion. We must be kind to one another to leave #coronavirus in the past.


  3. World Health Organization (WHO) Retweeted

    Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus


    Replying to @DrTedros
    Governments, private sector, civil society & the @UN all have a role in building the Culture of Peace with Love and Conscience, such as through education & public-awareness-raising activities. Access to good information is vital to the #COVID19 response.


  4. World Health Organization (WHO) Retweeted

    Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus


    Replying to @DrTedros
    I strongly welcome the initiative by HRH Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, Prime Minister, Kingdom of #Bahrain, to establish #InternationalDayofConscience & invite everyone to promote diversity & inclusivity. #COVID19 teaches us that only together can we keep the world safe.


  5. World Health Organization (WHO) Retweeted
    Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus


    Today is the first-ever #InternationalDayofConscience!

    In this difficult time of #COVID19, it's more pressing than ever to promote a culture of peace with love & conscience. I hope everyone will try to do the right thing to champion diversity, inclusiveness & solidarity!

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Coronavirus: Follow lockdown rules or we will ban outdoor exercise, health secretary warns

Coronavirus: Follow lockdown rules or we will ban outdoor exercise, health secretary warns
Heath Secretary Matt Hancock says he doesn't want to further restrict people's freedom, but will if the rules are flouted.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock has criticised sunbathers for breaking lockdown rules and warned the government will ban exercise if people continue to ignore the advice to stay home.

Asked whether sunbathing in public spaces was against the law, he said: "Sunbathing is against the rules that have been set out for important public health reasons."

He warned those who are flouting the guidance: "You are putting others' lives at risk and you are putting yourself in harm's way."
So Mr Squinchy went to the store today. Last time for awhile. They controlled the people going in the store. One person came out, one went in. He said it wasn't bad. The store had a bottle of sanitizer for the cart. He used his Clorox wipe to pick up the spray bottle. He wore a scarf around his mouth and nose. Most people had masks or coverings on. Got everything we needed except they were out Toilet Paper! I tried ordering it from Walmart tonight and nothing. We have 6 rolls left so we might just eat a lot of cheese :)
Oh gosh!!! I really hate hearing people running out of TP! Try Amazon! It may be more expensive than you normally pay, but running out is not an option. Also, if no TP get baby wipes, dude wipes or Cottonelle flushable wipes (or another brand). I know the wet wipes are not good for sewage lines, but just make some adjustments with lined cans in your bathrooms. Flushing vs trash is a hard habit to learn, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
HSE to hold briefing about PPE quality, Trump expects 'a lot of death' in the US: Today's Covid-19 main points


LAST NIGHT, the total number of confirmed cases of coronavirus in Ireland rose to 4,604.

Health officials announced that a further 331 new cases of Covid-19 had been confirmed, along with 17 more deaths from the virus.

Here are today’s main Covid-19 points:
  • The HSE is to hold a briefing this morning amid ongoing concerns over the quality of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) imported for health workers to treat coronavirus patients.
  • The Sunday Independent reports that GPs will be deployed to dozens of community assessment centres to treat patients who have or are assumed to have the coronavirus.
  • Yesterday evening, 17 more deaths from Covid-19 in Ireland were confirmed, along with 331 new confirmed cases.
  • A viral WhatsApp message warning people of an “extremely sophisticated” bank scam has been confirmed as false.
On Rachel Maddow (MSNBC) tonight, Governor Cuomo explained why the hospital ship and Javitts Center didn’t get used for non-Covid overflow hospital patients...there really aren’t many. Elective surgery was shut down, few people are out and about, cutting down on auto accidents and crimes, etc. So they have permission to use the Javitts Center (set up by the federal govt) for Covid patients after a phone call with President Trump today. But the hospital ship doesn’t want Covid patients because it would be too difficult to sanitize the ship afterward. Live and learn during this unprecedented time.
but I saw a tv report that 5 Covid patients were accidentally sent to the hospital ship. So that messes up the plan to keep a non-Covid hospital area for people who need medical care.

Even without elective surgeries, people are going to have other illnesses...heart attacks, appendicitis, etc....hard to believe that in the huge city of New York, there aren't more patients needing a bed right now.
Dubai moves to 24-hour lockdown as new cases soar
The curfew, which is presented as community “disinfection campaign,” was previously just during the night hours and now extends throughout the day. Only one family member is allowed to leave the house and then only for essentials like groceries or medical reasons. Face masks are now mandatory for going outside.

They are going to make a difference in their numbers by doing this... IMO
I live very near a Target and Walmart, and it is discouraging to see how packed both parking lots are, all day, every day.

People are casually strolling in, in groups, laughing, talking, And they come out with carts full of clothes, toys, spring planting supplies, etc.

The county north of where I live has banned all non-essential purchases from stores, and they have yellow tape blocking off all aisles except for food, health, and cleaning products.
Coronavirus: Follow lockdown rules or we will ban outdoor exercise, health secretary warns

Coronavirus: Follow lockdown rules or we will ban outdoor exercise, health secretary warns
Heath Secretary Matt Hancock says he doesn't want to further restrict people's freedom, but will if the rules are flouted.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock has criticised sunbathers for breaking lockdown rules and warned the government will ban exercise if people continue to ignore the advice to stay home.

Asked whether sunbathing in public spaces was against the law, he said: "Sunbathing is against the rules that have been set out for important public health reasons."

He warned those who are flouting the guidance: "You are putting others' lives at risk and you are putting yourself in harm's way."

Dubai moves to 24-hour lockdown as new cases soar
The curfew, which is presented as community “disinfection campaign,” was previously just during the night hours and now extends throughout the day. Only one family member is allowed to leave the house and then only for essentials like groceries or medical reasons. Face masks are now mandatory for going outside.

They are going to make a difference in their numbers by doing this... IMO

I believe we’ll need to end up going the same way. Too many people (covidiots, I believe they’re being called) are still ignoring the instruction to stay home. The press yesterday was full of photos of people sunbathing in parks, holding BBQs on beaches. My neighbours have what appears to be all their friends and family visiting today, other neighbours are still ‘popping to the shops for a bit of fresh air’ and I just don’t get it. I truly don’t understand why people think they are immune and the virus will never touch them. Sadly, I think the only thing that will make them think otherwise is the point at which they or their loved ones are being hooked up to a ventilator.
Constant dissing of the President of the United States of America is just wrong.
Especially by a bunch of reporters, from the Daily Mail, Rag Paper.
These people are disgusting and completely not to be believed.
They do not care about anyone, it's ALL about money. For them. In my opinion, they are the lowest scum on this earth right now.
Nobody should be upsetting anyone with fake stories.
We've got enough to deal with.
I agree. The President never told people to take it as a way of PREVENTING getting the virus.

He was speaking of it as a treatment, by doctors, while a patient is in the hospital. The Daily Mail is lying, once again.
I believe we’ll need to end up going the same way. Too many people (covidiots, I believe they’re being called) are still ignoring the instruction to stay home. The press yesterday was full of photos of people sunbathing in parks, holding BBQs on beaches. My neighbours have what appears to be all their friends and family visiting today, other neighbours are still ‘popping to the shops for a bit of fresh air’ and I just don’t get it. I truly don’t understand why people think they are immune and the virus will never touch them. Sadly, I think the only thing that will make them think otherwise is the point at which they or their loved ones are being hooked up to a ventilator.
Thinking they're immune and the virus won't touch them appears to be all they're thinking about. They don't appear to be thinking about how they could be carrying the virus and pass it on and end up killing people with their stupid actions. I bet most of them, this time last year, weren't even getting off their couches to go outside. JMO
I live very near a Target and Walmart, and it is discouraging to see how packed both parking lots are, all day, every day.

People are casually strolling in, in groups, laughing, talking, And they come out with carts full of clothes, toys, spring planting supplies, etc.

The county north of where I live has banned all non-essential purchases from stores, and they have yellow tape blocking off all aisles except for food, health, and cleaning products.
Are you in lockdown where you are? Just before we went in lockdown (UK), when schools first closed, everyone thought it was an early holiday.
Are you in lockdown where you are? Just before we went in lockdown (UK), when schools first closed, everyone thought it was an early holiday.
We have been under “stay at home “ orders for two weeks but before the order was issued we had been advised to leave home for essential business only. Restaurants have been closed for nearly a month except for carry out and delivery, and most of the restaurants that are open have curbside pickup so you don’t have to go inside.
Ah, The Daily Mail. The biggest, fear mongering, Kardashion forward daily RAG paper EVER.
They only want your "clicks" on their preposterous stories.
It's ALL about money for them.
Please try to keep a level head and realize this.
We've still had less deaths then the flu.
Do your research. Please.
Stay home. Stop this virus. We are doing it.
This is a massive fight we are all involved with.
Stay home.
This awful thing needs hosts (us) to live.
Just kill it in it's tracks.
Stop it's spread.
Stay home.

SPECIAL REPORT: Forget Donald Trump's foolish tweets - malaria pills aren't the magic bullet | Daily Mail Online

They really don't know what they are talking about as trials are ongoing and are being used right now to save lives.
Tech firms summoned over 'crackpot' 5G conspiracies

These are more Covidiot crackpots we are having to deal with.

Queen to urge 'self-discipline and resolve'

The Queen will be speaking to the nation later today.

From the article

"In a rare speech, she will acknowledge the grief, pain and financial difficulties Britons are facing during this "time of disruption".

She will also thank NHS staff and key workers, and emphasise the important role individuals can play.

Her address will be broadcast on TV, radio and social media at 20:00 BST.

The Queen is expected to say: "I am speaking to you at what I know is an increasingly challenging time.

"A time of disruption in the life of our country: a disruption that has brought grief to some, financial difficulties to many, and enormous changes to the daily lives of us all."


She will add: "I hope in the years to come everyone will be able to take pride in how they responded to this challenge.

"And those who come after us will say that the Britons of this generation were as strong as any.

"That the attributes of self-discipline, of quiet good-humoured resolve and of fellow-feeling still characterise this country."

The message was filmed by a single cameraman wearing protective equipment, with all the other technical staff in another room.

It will be intended to reassure and rally people, BBC royal correspondent Nicholas Witchell said.

The decision to deliver the address has been made "in close consultation with Downing Street", he added. "
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