Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #43

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As a New Yorker - thank you to all, including my own family who also helped pay for the national stockpile. I agree with Governor Cuomo and the many other governors who have observed that we don't actually have to be at each others throats - with organization and non-partisanship, we can distribute items to where they are needed. It's called Mutual Aid.

You do need competent people ("shipping clerks"?) to keep track of where items went, and to get them back. I would guess that there are many federal and state workers currently furloughed who could be used to make a team that represents each state, plus federal agencies, to ensure these items are returned and distributed.

Other countries are managing, with apparently less internal strife. We just have to want it enough to implement it. We need a unifying voice that demonstrates care for all Americans. Less meanness, more effectiveness. JMO.
Despite stay-at-home orders, 6 out of 10 are on roads

I still take my pups for their daily run, swim in the creek and car ride. It is amazing how many people are having drive-way reunions. We drive through a few neighborhoods (my pups have fan clubs - people waving to them). I think the car ride is okay because we never get out of the car, just cruise through the neighborhood. I am so glad I went to Walmart on Friday even though i had a panic attack. I would hate to be waiting in line with others. From now until my state peaks, I am not stepping in a store (at least I hope I don't have to step in a store).

You folks are truly wonderful.
Almost seems like poetic justice that it takes a zoonotic virus to ultimately benefit the animal world! imo.
Snippets from lengthy article.. rbbm.
The Pandemic Is Turning the Natural World Upside Down
''In a bittersweet twist, the surreal slowdown of life as we know it has presented researchers with a rare opportunity to study the modern world under some truly bizarre conditions, and they’re scrambling to collect as much data as they can. Here are four ways the pandemic is being felt across land, air, and sea.''
''There’s less rumbling on the surface

Seismologists around the world have noticed the same effect Koelemeijer detected in London, and at more traditional stations than a fireplace.

The trend started with Thomas Lecocq, a seismologist at the Royal Observatory of Belgium, in Brussels. Seismic stations are usually found well outside metropolitan areas, away from vibrations that could obscure subtle tremors within Earth’s interior, but the Brussels station was established more than a century ago, before a city grew around it. Today, it provides a fascinating glimpse of the ebb and flow of a bustling city; Lecocq has found that when it snows, anthropogenic seismic activity decreases, and on the day of a road race, it spikes. Lecocq checked seismic data the day before Belgium began a nationwide lockdown, and then the following morning. The drop in activity, he said, was “immediate.” Right now, daytime in Brussels resembles Christmas Day.

Lecocq shared his approach online, and seismologists in the United States, France, New Zealand, and elsewhere are now seeing the effects of their country’s own social-distancing measures on seismic activity. For seismologists who study seismic signals from Earth’s interior—rather than other sources, including people, animals, even storms—quarantines seem to have made it easier to listen. “Normally we wouldn’t pick up a 5.5 [magnitude earthquake] from the other side of the world, because it would be too noisy, but with less noise, our instrument is now able to pick up 5.5’s with much nicer signals during the day,” Koelemeijer said.''

''There’s Less Air Pollution
As cities and, in some cases, entire nations weather the pandemic under lockdown, Earth-observing satellites have detected a significant decrease in the concentration of a common air pollutant, nitrogen dioxide, which enters the atmosphere through emissions from cars, trucks, buses, and power plants. The drop, observed in China and Europe, coincided with stringent social-distancing measures on the ground.''

''City dwellers might now be hearing sounds that can get muffled by the usual drone. Rebecca Franks, an American who lives in Wuhan, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak in China, made this observation 48 days into the city’s quarantine last month: “I used to think there weren’t really birds in Wuhan, because you rarely saw them and never heard them. I now know they were just muted and crowded out by the traffic and people,” Franks wrote on Facebook. “All day long now I hear birds singing. It stops me in my tracks to hear the sound of their wings.”

''Fournet is thinking now of North Pacific humpback whales, who have begun to move northward this month and will soon be swimming with newborn calves in southeast Alaska, a region also popular with cruise ships for views of local wildlife. “This will be the quietest entry that humpback whales have had in southeastern Alaska in decades,” Fournet said. “Nature is taking a breath when the rest of us are holding ours.”
It is amazing how many people are having drive-way reunions.
@Kensie hopefully a lot of people we see out in groups are well beyond the 14 day isolation. Idk if you read it but I posted Dr. Gupta’s Q & A on people getting together if all had adhered to the 14 day social distancing.
Iirc the question was can two families sequester together gong forward, after 14 days. I’ll see if I can find link.:rolleyes:
Five shot dead in Russia for 'talking loudly'

"Police said the shooting happened in the village of Yelatma, in the Ryazan region about 200km (124 miles) south-east of Moscow.

The area is currently under lockdown due to the coronavirus.

Investigators say the man initially complained to the group from his balcony, and an argument broke out. He then opened fire with a hunting rifle.

The four men and one woman "died of their injuries on the spot" at around 2200 on Saturday, the Investigative Committee said."

Tempers fraying during lockdown?
Trudie, I am so paranoid right now. Hopefully, these people have isolated. It is nice to see kids outside playing.
Now, imo, people that do decide to buddy up need to remember if one person goes to the grocery, isolation is pretty much broken, for the entire group.
I’m lucky, I have several in my social group well beyond 14 days, we’re all single & none of us work. - Transcripts
KAREN RATHMAN, RETIRED: After 14 days two families stayed apart and self-quarantined by family at home for the entire 14 days. No member of either family shows signs of having the coronavirus. Is it safe for the two families to be together now in one home rather than continuing to be separated?


COOPER: Sanjay, what do you think?

GUPTA: That's like one of those A.A.T. questions. You have 14 days, two families.

COOPER: Traveling 14 miles at 12 miles an hour.

GUPTA: Yeah, you know, so here's how I would answer that. I'm curious if Leana would agree with me. Fourteen days comes up because that's sort of the time between when you've been exposed and when you might develop symptoms. It's not a perfect number because, Anderson, as you and I know, we interviewed somebody who had the virus in their system longer than that.

But 14 days is a good number. If they haven't had any symptoms yet, they should be pretty much in the clear. And I think it's okay to be back together. Maybe that will make quarantining a little bit easier for them. But every time you move around, every time you're sort of traveling and things like that, it's an added risk.

COOPER: What about people who are asymptomatic?

GUPTA: Yeah, I think even with asymptomatic, this idea that if you were -- if you were going -- the virus, if it was there between the time of exposure to the time of symptoms, you would have had it in about 14 days. You shouldn't have symptoms or --

COOPER: Got it.

GUPTA: -- spread after that. So it's not perfect, but if they really wanted to be together, I think it would be okay. Just be careful with travel or anything else unusual.
Almost seems like poetic justice that it takes a zoonotic virus to ultimately benefit the animal world! imo.
Snippets from lengthy article.. rbbm.
The Pandemic Is Turning the Natural World Upside Down
''In a bittersweet twist, the surreal slowdown of life as we know it has presented researchers with a rare opportunity to study the modern world under some truly bizarre conditions, and they’re scrambling to collect as much data as they can. Here are four ways the pandemic is being felt across land, air, and sea.''
''There’s less rumbling on the surface

Seismologists around the world have noticed the same effect Koelemeijer detected in London, and at more traditional stations than a fireplace.

The trend started with Thomas Lecocq, a seismologist at the Royal Observatory of Belgium, in Brussels. Seismic stations are usually found well outside metropolitan areas, away from vibrations that could obscure subtle tremors within Earth’s interior, but the Brussels station was established more than a century ago, before a city grew around it. Today, it provides a fascinating glimpse of the ebb and flow of a bustling city; Lecocq has found that when it snows, anthropogenic seismic activity decreases, and on the day of a road race, it spikes. Lecocq checked seismic data the day before Belgium began a nationwide lockdown, and then the following morning. The drop in activity, he said, was “immediate.” Right now, daytime in Brussels resembles Christmas Day.

Lecocq shared his approach online, and seismologists in the United States, France, New Zealand, and elsewhere are now seeing the effects of their country’s own social-distancing measures on seismic activity. For seismologists who study seismic signals from Earth’s interior—rather than other sources, including people, animals, even storms—quarantines seem to have made it easier to listen. “Normally we wouldn’t pick up a 5.5 [magnitude earthquake] from the other side of the world, because it would be too noisy, but with less noise, our instrument is now able to pick up 5.5’s with much nicer signals during the day,” Koelemeijer said.''

''There’s Less Air Pollution
As cities and, in some cases, entire nations weather the pandemic under lockdown, Earth-observing satellites have detected a significant decrease in the concentration of a common air pollutant, nitrogen dioxide, which enters the atmosphere through emissions from cars, trucks, buses, and power plants. The drop, observed in China and Europe, coincided with stringent social-distancing measures on the ground.''

''City dwellers might now be hearing sounds that can get muffled by the usual drone. Rebecca Franks, an American who lives in Wuhan, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak in China, made this observation 48 days into the city’s quarantine last month: “I used to think there weren’t really birds in Wuhan, because you rarely saw them and never heard them. I now know they were just muted and crowded out by the traffic and people,” Franks wrote on Facebook. “All day long now I hear birds singing. It stops me in my tracks to hear the sound of their wings.”

''Fournet is thinking now of North Pacific humpback whales, who have begun to move northward this month and will soon be swimming with newborn calves in southeast Alaska, a region also popular with cruise ships for views of local wildlife. “This will be the quietest entry that humpback whales have had in southeastern Alaska in decades,” Fournet said. “Nature is taking a breath when the rest of us are holding ours.”
Standing ovation for this! I think that we will learn a lot about our true impact on the environment in the aftermath of this. It will be a boon for those who study ecology and environmental engineering.
@Kensie hopefully a lot of people we see out in groups are well beyond the 14 day isolation. Idk if you read it but I posted Dr. Gupta’s Q & A on people getting together if all had adhered to the 14 day social distancing.
Iirc the question was can two families sequester together gong forward, after 14 days. I’ll see if I can find link.:rolleyes:
I'm not sure that this would be allowed under our UK rules.

Guidance on social distancing for everyone in the UK

We are being told and have all had texts to our phones saying "stay at home".
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I'm sorry you are frightened, but so glad your son got good care and was able to go home. Best to him for quick recovery.

Thank you. The antibiotics should take care of it for a long time. He flares every year or so.

When he gets home tell him to strip his clothes throw them directly to wash and jump in shower. Don’t touch anything till then. Then Clorox wipes to phone and all door knobs, light switches, Remotes, car steering wheel.
Hope he is feeling better soon.

Thank you. They've been listening to me, so they already have been doing that! I am so grateful that we were watching here at websleuths. One of my friends thanked me yesterday for telling her to prepare.
@Kensie hopefully a lot of people we see out in groups are well beyond the 14 day isolation. Idk if you read it but I posted Dr. Gupta’s Q & A on people getting together if all had adhered to the 14 day social distancing.
Iirc the question was can two families sequester together gong forward, after 14 days. I’ll see if I can find link.:rolleyes:

My state just went stay at home yesterday but the news has emphasized stay at home. Most of the people I see while cruising the neighborhoods are young parents with young children. Since schools have been shut down since 3/16 and we have had endless rain, these people have probably isolated. The past few days have been sunny and wonderful temps. I think the endless rain has helped people isolate. Just glad my neighbors are deer.
Not a huge surprise. Probably problematic in several cities. Let prisoners out - expected results. Prime time to invade when someone is hospitalized. Unexpected that the NYPD and FDNY have so many cases.

Burgulary? Call law enforcement. No response or response time huge. This is the new world order.

I would not be surprised if we see civil unrest.
I'm not sure that this would be allowed under our UK rules.
Actually a family of 5 would be a greater risk, imo. Say mom & dad work & shop daily, maybe a teen works part time & the two younger children play around in their hood.
Evening comes and the 5 are united. Then, each one is essentially exposed to everyone the others self exposed to.
Jmo hypothetical, etc.

say 4 persons wanted to ride out the next month together & all 4 get stocked up on what they need today. Then none of them are in a public venue for 14 days, they should be safe then to move in together. We have several posting that used this method, iirc. The key is to be able to trust your circle, imo.
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Pennsylvania firefighters discover massive underage party amid coronavirus lockdown

Talk about really irresponsible. They could potentially spread COVID-19 to more people.
This has been one of the most difficult struggles with this virus. Last night my husband and I were forced to have a family meeting. My 2 teenage girls just weren’t getting it. So we told them everything. How even tho children aren’t getting sick doesn’t mean that don’t have the virus that they could in fact be the ones carrying it to their parents and grandparents. We had to tell them more and more people in our age group are dying from this. No doubt we scared them last night. But parents have to have that talk with their teenage kids they just don’t know otherwise. They aren’t watching the news. They are in their own little worlds and all they see are healthy friends.
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