Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #44

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Your comparing the death total of a couple of months to a plague that lasted around several years. They did not have the medical knowledge, sanitary conditions, and communication access that we have now. Let Covid-19 run it's course unchecked like they did and you will see the same death totals that they did.

"The flu has caused more deaths than coronavirus" is a misleading statement. It's like saying the Lakers average 100 ppg with LeBron James averaging 35 ppg and his teammates combined average 65 ppg. If your the opposing coach who are you going to worry about, Lebron or his teammates? There are a millions of different strands of viruses that causes the flu but this particular strand is the one that is causing more problems than the other strands.

In my opinion this virus is a horse of a different color (so to speak); it spares many and kills others. I think the flu kills many people but not in the way this virus does: The coronavirus is a respiratory virus: the 20% of people that may be vulnerable to it wind up with horrendous lethal respiratory issues that taxes the medical system in a way the "regular" flu does not. The flu does kill people, but in a different way. Until this pandemic we have never seen our medical system being stressed out in this way: the victims of this virus can't breathe, simply put and because of this they require intense oxygenation, most often with a ventilator. Also, it seems this virus may be more contagious than the flu ( though i am not certain about that): I call this virus the black death because of the way it strikes the lungs and kills its victims.

Your comparing the death total of a couple of months to a plague that lasted around several years. They did not have the medical knowledge, sanitary conditions, and communication access that we have now. Let Covid-19 run it's course unchecked like they did and you will see the same death totals that they did.

"The flu has caused more deaths than coronavirus" is a misleading statement. It's like saying the Lakers average 100 ppg with LeBron James averaging 35 ppg and his teammates combined average 65 ppg. If your the opposing coach who are you going to worry about, Lebron or his teammates? There are a millions of different strands of viruses that causes the flu but this particular strand is the one that is causing more problems than the other strands.
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I think this is speculation, but it may be true.

Being a major world leader, they are going to take special precautions. I think that would mean moving him to the ICU before they would move most people (in case things really get bad).

The counterpoint to that is I would expect the British government to both downplay his condition, and delay informing the public of his condition.

This wouldn’t be secrecy for the sake of secrecy, but because there are important national security (and other) concerns here.

So I’d take any announcement with a grain of salt.

ETA: I’m sure that Tweet meant to say “intubated.”

No one is ever intubated just to be on the safe side - intubation has real risks to it.

Tracheal intubation in the ICU: Life saving or life threatening?

It has to be very serious if he's actually been intubated. I wonder who is releasing the information here.

I wouldn't expect any sort of official announcement but people tweeted he was taken to the hospital before any news media picked up the story.
Walmart security guard in Sherbrooke run over by man frustrated by COVID-19 measures

The couple fled the scene and they were later found in a home in Sherbrooke. The driver was arrested and questioned.

He is facing charges of armed assault with a vehicle, aggravated assault and committing a hit-and-run, Carrier said.

Here in SoCal, psychiatrists are seeing a huge uptick in patient requests for treatment (all the ones I know are tele-treating of course). Anxiety can trigger other psychiatric issues and make regular meds less effective.

Not that road rage is usually a symptom of mental illness.
A New Orleans nurse says she was moved to tears when an elderly woman wouldn't see her husband as he died from coronavirus — for a very selfless reason.

Nurse Blaire Guidry, 26, said the woman insisted that the gown and mask she'd have to wear should be saved for medical professionals.

'It was so selfless,' Guidry told Today. 'This was probably the most difficult time in her life and she was thinking of us. She was aware of the shortages and knew she would have to go into the room with a gown and a mask.'

Nurse recalls how elderly woman refused to see her husband as he died of coronavirus | Daily Mail Online
BBC Breaking News‏Verified account @BBCBreaking
UK PM Boris Johnson, who is in intensive care, has asked Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab to stand in "where necessary"


12:47 PM - 6 Apr 2020
Me too. His politics are about as far away from mine as they could be, but he’s done an amazing job since it became clear this was a serious issue - I am really scared he’ll die. A friend tells me the chances of anyone getting out of ICU are slim. She’s pulling up a graph of percentages so if I get it before I head to bed I’ll post it here. Meanwhile, oh gosh just thinking how his poor fiancée must be feeling.

And all his kids.
People were suggesting to take zinc lozenges from the start to protect against covid. I purchased some.

From my reading, Zinc should only be taken at the beginning of cold/flu symptoms and should not be taken regularly as a prophylactic.

"The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a public health advisory advising that over-the-counter zinc-containing intranasal products (Zicam) should not be used because of multiple reports of permanent anosmia [23]. Zinc is also available in a homeopathic preparation as intranasal zinc gluconate for the treatment and prevention for colds. This formulation has also been found to cause hyposmia and anosmia [24]. Zinc sulfate preparations that are syrup or lozenges seem to be better tolerated than some tablet forms" From FDA bulletin
Sky News Understands that the cabinet was informed of the Prime Minister's condition via video call and that the Prime Minister was not on a ventilator

Sky News Breaking on Twitter


Downing Street said: “Since Sunday evening, the prime minister has been under the care of doctors at St Thomas’s Hospital, in London, after being admitted with persistent symptoms of coronavirus. Over the course of this afternoon, the condition of the prime minister has worsened and, on the advice of his medical team, he has been moved to the intensive care unit at the hospital"

Boris Johnson admitted to intensive care | News | The Times

So when Russia leaked news this morning that Boris was on a ventilator already, it was not true. Whether it turns out to be prophetic is anyones guess.
Very interesting interview, using zinc with hydroxychloroquine and having some success. Would be good to know/understand how zinc helps, I know that it stops the COVID-19 virus from replicating.

Cardillo is the CEO of Mend Urgent Care, which has locations in Sherman Oaks, Van Nuys and Burbank.

He said he has found it only works if combined with zinc. The drug, he said, opens a channel for the zinc to enter the cell and block virus replication. ...."
Oh, my. My son works in a grocery store. They just gave him extra hours this week.

My husband stocks 3rd shift for Meijer's, he has been working over time, 7 days a week....thankfully there are no customers in the store 3rd shift and they take temperatures of all employees before they can start their shift
I share your concerns. I also have crohns and the man I care for has cerebral palsy ( category 7 on the fraility score ) I can only pray that if and when any of us catch this, that the hospitals aren’t as swamped as they are now, so the doctors don’t have to decide which patients are more worthy of the ventilators.
We just need to keep ourselves as safe and isolated as possible for now.

I really hope you both will be ok and will not get the virus. Like you I’m keeping myself safe and isolated. Hopefully we will all get through this terrible time. Best wishes to you both.
As much as I dislike being the voice of doom and gloom (I do enjoy being up to no good however) I just had an arrhythmia & mild panic attack after ordering seeds from another vendor. I use Renee’s Garden in CA, Territorial in Oregon, Seed Savers’ Exchange In Midwest somewhere & now my go-to, Southern Exposure Seed Exchange from VA.

Yes they are experiencing shortages, but when Southern Exposure opened its website after shutting down for 2 weeks due to high volume I became a bit worried. I went to the on -line catalogue & then I panicked: no sweet potatoes, no potatoes, shortage of corn varieties. But that’s not the worrisome part: all of the materials needed to save seeds after harvest are sold out. Frames, threshers, packets, etc. so I made a massive order of everything I can grow here through fall-winter-spring. I will add to @southern Belle’s lovely signature in these harrowing times, if you can, plant a garden. Some people are taking this VERY seriously.
Rant over

I just ordered a bunch of seeds last night. Lots of stiff sold out. I have no idea what I'm doing but gonna try.
SOUTH CAROLINA - Love this story!

LEESVILLE, S.C. (WIS) - When the state of South Carolina needed hand sanitizer, Craig and Meredith Amick’s distillery was the first one asked to pivot to help during this pandemic. The Amicks say the S.C. Department of Transportation called them in the middle of March to start producing hand sanitizer as fast as possible. They say after the call they got an explainer from the FDA on how to make hand sanitizer and started working right away.

"I got a call on Wednesday. We got started changing over the facility on Thursday. Ordered everything on Wednesday night and Thursday morning, and made the first delivery on the following Monday," said Hollow Creek Distillery owner Craig Amick.

From Spirits to Sanitizer: How one S.C distillery changed their business overnight
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