Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #53

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Because the technology behind them is largely unavailable and therefore very expensive. I suspect they have their own PCR machines at the White House, for example.

Then, they have lab personnel to run the tests as needed. The test itself doesn't take long to run, it's the fact that the rest of us have to stand in line and there's a hard limit to how many tests can be processed per hour or per day per machine.

To look at it another way, one of the problems with Quest Diagnostics is that they didn't have enough PCR machines (in ordinary circumstances, they had enough - but the new load from this virus meant they didn't any longer have enough).

PCR machines can be purchased, but are in very high demand right now. California has more per capita than most states, but still can't arrange 2 hour (much less 15 minute) testing for its population.

So, yeah, I think the White House has its own lab technicians nearby and with adequate machinery to test as needed. The Executive Branch should be able to explain that to Congress. If budget is not an issue, Congress should be able to do the same thing. Some people will object to Congress spending all that money on themselves, of course.
Thanks for explaining. What is a PCR machine? It would be interesting also to know how much the tests and the machines cost.
Great news for us today, finally got into IRS website, they're mailing our $1200. Checks today, AND... when I checked our business checking account there was an $8,000.00 deposit from the small business administration!!!!!
I immediately contacted our landlord and let them know we are sending them rent money.
Now I need to file a reopening plan with the county. I will do that today because lord only knows how long before they approve that.

oh that is great news! happy for you
Great news for us today, finally got into IRS website, they're mailing our $1200. Checks today, AND... when I checked our business checking account there was an $8,000.00 deposit from the small business administration!!!!!
I immediately contacted our landlord and let them know we are sending them rent money.
Now I need to file a reopening plan with the county. I will do that today because lord only knows how long before they approve that.

I'm very happy for you. :)
Has anyone posted this fascinating article yet?

Elinor Ostram was a political scientist, who was also the first woman to win the Nobel Prize in economics back in 2009. She won for her brilliant research that can help explain why some folks today simply don't want to comply with COVID-19 rules and why we have to make them. Ostrom's research to COVID-19.

Economists used to think that, given a chance, everyone would always act in their own best interests, which could entail breaking rules to gain personal advantage. Ostrom showed that most people are willing to sacrifice for the collective good.

These people are called "Willing Participants."
These folks will do what's asked of them by public health officials. They might grumble, but they understand there is a collective good. This is the majority of us; we estimate them as just shy of 65 per cent of people.

Then there are the "Rational Egoists." This is a considerable minority of people — about 20 per cent. Egoists are only interested in what's best for themselves.

Ostrom showed us that these egoists will only change their behaviour (say, in response to COVID-19) to avoid punishment. [...]

When egoists don't follow the rules, not only can their actions cause others to fall ill, but they can ruin the hard work of public health officials by, quite literally, showing willing participants the wrong way to behave.

Some willing participants, when asked if they would do something foolish just because they saw someone else doing it, will actually say yes.

They're still "willing," but instead of following the rules, they're also now "willing" to break them.

If some rule breakers (egoists) turn into lots of rule breakers (egoists and willing participants), that's when it gets dangerous.

These two groups add up, by our estimates, to about 85 per cent of the population.

Now, let's look at everybody else. Because they're divided pretty equally into two fascinating groups.

First, a small number are Altruists, who always do the right thing even though we can't explain why. Altruists are few and far between; nearly everyone else needs some kind of motivation to do the right thing.

The last group has, in our view, the most interesting motivation — the Punishers. Punishers are willing to suffer themselves just to stick it to the egoists.

[...]more at link

Ostrom's research to COVID-19.

Excellent article. I posted this a few weeks ago when the first protests happened. I guess we know today which direction it has taken.
You and I think alike. When the numbers are rectified for nursing homes, military bases, and deaths out-of-hospital (Lombardy has additional deaths-at-home from CV-related heart attacks), they will be higher.

If in fact we can stay below 100,000 for this year, it means all the shut down efforts really made a difference. But there's still next year, and if nothing stands in between us and CoVid (we go back to pre-CoVid policies), then we could have an epidemic that produces the same thing we just saw.

Speaking of which, what exactly can NYC do to avoid the subway problem again? I heard they plan to stop the trains at night for thorough disinfecting, but boy would I hate to ride those trains late in the day (and then they're going to use buses to transport people who need to get home in the middle of the night - lots of vectors and frankly, if once a day disinfection worked, then hospitals would not be having it so bad - it's immediate exposure to virion in the area, expelled by one's fellow commuters that did it).
I don't think the disinfecting will help. It is the closeness of people travelling and the air going through the carriages that spread the virus IMO.
The city and county of Denver issued a public health order requiring people wear face coverings starting May 6, according to a statement released Friday.
They would be required to wear face coverings in certain public settings until further notice to reduce the spread of Covid-19, the statement said.
"Residents and employees will be required to wear face coverings while inside of, or waiting in line to enter, certain businesses, facilities or locations — such as any retail or commercial business, at a bus stop or facilities offering health care services," the statement said.
Coronavirus pandemic in the US: Live updates
My City is having a huge Food Drive in a few weeks for local food banks. They ask if you can put even 1 non perishable item on your porch at noon they plan to stop at every single house. On a disgusting note the volunteers were having a zoom meeting and some disgusting creature broke in with a violent child *advertiser censored* video. What is wrong with people. Huge Investigation now. As it should be.
I have a serious question: since there is a large part of our population that appears not to understand the ramifications of a pandemic -- so they are romping on the beach- gathering to protest- and doing other activities that are guaranteed to spread the virus-- could there come a point where the government could/would/should institute Martial Law? I mean can we really tolerate 1-2 million deaths in this county?
Glad I have found a like minded individual. I wonder why these people have not been arrested. I also wonder the reason for the protests - can't tell me it's all about jobs.

Gallop, NM closed ALL roads into the city. Only two people allowed in a vehicle. All businesses closed between 5:00p and 8:00a. Governor's order. Don't see protestors there.
My City is having a huge Food Drive in a few weeks for local food banks. They ask if you can put even 1 non perishable item on your porch at noon they plan to stop at every single house. On a disgusting note the volunteers were having a zoom meeting and some disgusting creature broke in with a violent child *advertiser censored* video. What is wrong with people. Huge Investigation now. As it should be.

omg that's terrible
I deleted Zoom on all my devices when the news came out about the hacking
And did you see what's happening in OC, in the past week? More cases - it's now exponential. They just hadn't gotten many cases yet, but now that they've been out in crowds for two weekends in a row, we'll see more of this:

COVID-19 Case Counts and Testing Figures | Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Just so everyone can see what that looks like.
They're testing more people, so there are obviously going to be more reported cases. Plus, we know that they are counting "presumptive" cases and all deaths with positive diagnoses as virus deaths, regardless of whether that's the actual cause. And still, deaths are at 50 for the entire county, and 80% of those have been 55 and over and 66% being 65 and over. Doesn't look like the stats address co-morbidities. jmo
Great news for us today, finally got into IRS website, they're mailing our $1200. Checks today, AND... when I checked our business checking account there was an $8,000.00 deposit from the small business administration!!!!!
I immediately contacted our landlord and let them know we are sending them rent money.
Now I need to file a reopening plan with the county. I will do that today because lord only knows how long before they approve that.

@KALI Yes! I have been rooting for you!
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