Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #60

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IMO, Americans have acted like spoiled brats in some ways. This is, at least, how I’ve come to view several people on my FB friends list recently.

Yep. And FTR I wasn’t going be the one to say it.

But a thousand claps.

It’s an embarrassment imo. The way some people blatantly disrespect this virus and others’ lives.

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I'm a hockey fan, and I put it in terms of having a 2 goal lead at the end of the 1st intermission, and thinking the game was in the bag. Though I'm not sure 115K deaths to this point should be considered "having a lead."

It is an absolute TRAVESTY, where we are in the United States with this pandemic right now.
The problem is that right now, there are so many calves, and yearlings, that cattle ranchers were planning to send to feed lots in the Fall. If they can't get the beef processed, there won't be feed for them over the winter.

Many cattle ranchers here in Montana are still family run operations. This could easily ruin generations of people who have lived on the ranch.

It is more than just not eating steak. Just the "rest of the story".
Thank you for this :) I'm an old dairy farmer's kid, not beef, but there were and are plenty of things in common amongst all ag operations. Even many huge dairy farms today are still family-run, as well.
PS- I don't eat a lot of beef, but lean cuts and burgers ( and meatloaf, and chili, and etc.) are favs of mine, and healthy for our bodies :)
It is an absolute TRAVESTY, where we are in the United States with this pandemic right now.

Check out how incredibly huge the U.S. is. Italy could be Florida, Germany could be Idaho, England could be Maine, Belarus and Ukraine could be Texas, Austria could be 1 or 2 New England States, Spain and Portugal could be California, France is Colorado and Utah, Romania is Arkansas...ETC........



If the majority of Europe was just one country and called "The United States Of Europe", then because of the huge vastness they would have as much trouble as we are having.

Individual States are taking their own measures and because we are States we don't stop U.S. travelers at State boarders, forcing them into a 14 day quarantine like European Countries were doing to each other for the past 3 months.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Travel Restrictions By Country

(Hawaii is the exception and does do this to all visiting US citizens because no one can simply drive over their boarder, it is all flying in and getting sent straight to 14 days of quarantine)

It really sticks in my craw when I read that the USA has 1/4 of the world's cases.

Can anyone tell me what percentage of cases the Country of - "The United States Of Europe" would have?

Talk to me strictly in terms of per capita.
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So, the absolute fiasco of Feb/March/Apr esp wrt to supply chains, getting groceries and other items...

IMO this is the time to go into that “prep” mode again, phase 2, because IF we see numbers like I’m thinking we may see soon, then restrictions and other possible stresses and overloads on various systems could happen again...some factories haven’t had much time to recover...preparedness is key and we are “riding waves” right now moo. We’ve learned a lot in the last few months. I advise the need to be thinking about and preparing for fall and winter. I’ve already prepared while supply chains aren’t as stressed (some soup, etc). Summer will come and go fast.

We’re almost 6 months into when we first started this journey.
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Check out how incredibly huge the U.S. is. Italy could be Florida, Germany could be Idaho, England could be Maine, Belarus and Ukraine could be Texas, Austria could be 1 or 2 New England States, Spain and Portugal could be California, France is Colorado and Utah, Romania is Arkansas...ETC........



If the majority of Europe was just one country and called "The United States Of Europe", then because of the huge vastness they would have as much trouble as we are having.

Individual States are taking their own measures and because we are States we don't stop U.S. travelers at State boarders, forcing them into a 14 day quarantine like England does and the other individual European Countries are now doing to each other. Imagine driving over the Ohio boarder from Michigan and Ohio quarantines you for 2 weeks. Welcome to Europe!

(Hawaii is the exception and does do this to all visiting US citizens because no one can simply drive over their boarder, it is all flying in and getting sent straight to 14 days of quarantine)

It really sticks in my craw when I read that the USA has 1/4 of the world's cases.

Can anyone tell me what percentage of cases the Country of - "The United States Of Europe" would have?

Talk to me strictly in terms of per capita.

So, if we use the above European image, inside the United States-shaped outline are the following countries:


Add the numbers up here of current cases. Or let’s say deaths, that may be a more workable figure.

Then a percentage can be calculated and compared to the States.


Population would be a variable also.


PS @Cool Cats
Awesome imagery.
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So, if we use the above European image, inside the United States-shaped outline are the following countries:


Add the numbers up here of current cases. Or let’s say deaths, that may be a more workable figure.

Then a percentage can be calculated and compared to the States.


Population would be a variable also.


Yes! You can help me figure this out...Cool.....;)

Thanks for showing interest, I feel like I'm the only one who sees it this way....:cool:
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Well, it's hard to get the horse back in the barn, after encouraging hundreds of thousands of chanting protesters to march shoulder to shoulder across the nation, for weeks.

How can we expect people to see those images on TV day and night, with senators and governors walking alongside them---and then expect everyone else to take the warnings seriously?

It's not going to happen, IMO.
It's really quite simple. If people like myself, are wrong about current circumstances causing the virus outbreak to get worse, then less people are going to die. And I for one, will be glad to get up and admit to overreacting, and be thankful that the situation is under control.

If those who are downplaying things, or who say that there's no turning back now, are wrong, then more people are going to die. Many will not admit to being wrong, or if they do, will still say that there was no other option besides reopening as quickly as possible.
I talk to relatives and friends in other states...and they say EVERYONE is wearing masks. And still trying to keep the social difference. This is where national combined with state leadership TOGETHER set the standard. Here is Florida....No masks. I am the only one in a number of the places I enter. I hope everyone will send their "thoughts and prayers" that Jacksonville will NOT allow the Repub convention... mostly no masks, and still tensions... Noone should have that convention. Just train them in Zoom!! Or at least smaller regional meetups--people can take their chances and it still won't overpower a single geography.
Should the Democrats cancel their convention too?
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So, if we use the above European image, inside the United States-shaped outline are the following countries:


Add the numbers up here of current cases. Or let’s say deaths, that may be a more workable figure.

Then a percentage can be calculated and compared to the States.


Population would be a variable also.


PS @Cool Cats
Awesome imagery.


Thankx. A picture (imagery) is worth 1000 words.
It's really quite simple. If people like myself, are wrong about current circumstances causing the virus outbreak to get worse, then less people are going to die. And I for one, will be glad to get up and admit to overreacting, and be thankful that the situation is under control.

If those who are downplaying things, or who say that there's no turning back now, are wrong, then more people are going to die. Many will not admit to being wrong, or if they do, will still say that there was no other option besides reopening as quickly as possible.
Personally, I am sheltering in place. So is my husband. We haven't left the house since early March, other than the rare trip for supplies. And we mask up and wear gloves each time.

Our grown kids are also sheltering and wearing masks and they have done so since early March when I began nagging them. My little grand daughter dropped out of all her activities and stopped seeing her friends. I only see her from the end of the driveway or on Zoom.

But that doesn't mean that I have faith that the politicians are going to be able to convince the masses of anything now, after they were such hypocrites. It was like the end of the world when people wanted to go to church or to a funeral. They were called selfish idiots and some faced arrests.

Days later these same politicians enthusiastically supported the marches. It is going to be seen by many that the politicians were being dishonest or deceitful, because it cannot be dangerous to attend church but not dangerous to march and chant. JMO
Eight more deaths in Ireland and UK economy contracts by a fifth: Today's Covid-19 main points


LAST NIGHT, HEALTH officials confirmed that a further eight patients have died as a result of Covid-19 in Ireland.

The Department of Health also said that eight new cases of the disease have been confirmed here.

A total of 1,703 people have died from the disease here. There are now 25,238 cases confirmed.

In Northern Ireland, all shops will be allowed to re-open later today as restrictions continue to be eased.

Here are today’s Covid-19 main points:
  • A further eight people have died from Covid-19 in Ireland, health officials confirmed last night.
  • Ireland’s Deputy Chief Medical Officer Dr Ronan Glynn has warned that many people are suffering from prolonged side effects from Covid-19.
  • Health officials have said they will recommend an ad campaign to get people to wear face masks and to wear them correctly.
  • All shops in Northern Ireland are allowed to re-open from today.
  • The government will consider at the end of next week whether hairdressers could re-open earlier than originally planned.
  • The government has said that all cancer screening services will resume by the end of the month.
  • There has been a call for the Oireachtas Covid-19 Committee to hold a special session to examine the effect the coronavirus has had on women in Ireland.
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