Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #64

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Or maybe your hospitals are filling up and they have to slow it down or the patients will be in parking lots. And you are going to be stepping over bodies.

They addressed hospitalization, as well, on Thursday. Every metric was expected to rise. But, whatever - sending home a dozen geezers spread out at the corner tavern will turn down the online hectoring by 99%, even though it won't do anything about all of these bodies that I still haven't had occasion to step over.
Leicester News - BBC News

There's a lot here to scroll thro but just in case anyone wanted a link.

So this is a huge step backwards for this city in the heart of England. Bars and restaurants due to open this week cannot now open. Shops have to shut again. They will be the only place in England still "shut".

Apparently 10% of new cases in England are currently from the city.

They're suggesting it's because of the diverse population (I read 49% Asian and other minorities), deprived living conditions (I think multi generation housing for instance) and high levels of diabetes.

I'm gutted for them.

Also aware it can happen again, so easily.
American Academy of Pediatrics head warns kids could have 'suicidal ideations' if schools don't reopen

In the absence of school, some children have been placed in daycare centers and have only been able to do school work after they return in the evening, Goza explained. Other children who rely on school lunches have not been receiving consistent healthy meals, she added.

"Those are all very important things on why schools need to be open," she said. "It can lead adolescents to become depressed and anxious, and even [lead to] suicidal ideations. Those are all good reasons why we feel these school should be trying to open up."
They addressed hospitalization, as well, on Thursday. Every metric was expected to rise. But, whatever - sending home a dozen geezers spread out at the corner tavern will turn down the online hectoring by 99%, even though it won't do anything about all of these bodies that I still haven't had occasion to step over.
As a ‘geezer’ I’m not understanding what you mean, & English is my second language. Decoder ring, maybe sir?
Replying to Mr X still don’t have the hang of doing this correctly. Just a Luddite crone
Leicester News - BBC News

There's a lot here to scroll thro but just in case anyone wanted a link.

So this is a huge step backwards for this city in the heart of England. Bars and restaurants due to open this week cannot now open. Shops have to shut again. They will be the only place in England still "shut".

Apparently 10% of new cases in England are currently from the city.

They're suggesting it's because of the diverse population (I read 49% Asian and other minorities), deprived living conditions (I think multi generation housing for instance) and high levels of diabetes.

I'm gutted for them.

Also aware it can happen again, so easily.

This is a main message which I think has failed terribly in the States, imo, that nipping something in the bud, the inevitable, is better done sooner, otherwise you’ll just have to do it again, perhaps more severely.

This is what Dr. Tedros talked soooo much about in the beginning, endless posts here about “nipping it in the bud“, “focusing on that epicenter”, “window of opportunity” - how many times did Doc T use that term, “window of opportunity”? 100 I would guess... Also the crucial, crucial value of standing together in solidarity and fighting this all together, that without that, it can not be done. Some took those messages and ran with it, others did not, and their differing and dramatic results are clearly evident.

For those who became involved in this CV situation later rather than sooner, some of that education may be missed, the unfolding decline and endless warnings in real time about the importance of certain actions implemented early.

Then there are those who were aware and educated about everything early on, yet they chose to let those messages go in one ear and out another.
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From an Oxford University Press-published study out of Singapore:

“In conclusion, our data suggests that children are not the primary drivers of SARS-CoV-2 transmission in schools especially pre-schools. We found that SARS-CoV-2 transmission among children in schools appears significantly lower than observed for other respiratory viruses, such as influenza. This could help inform strategies for lifting of current lockdowns. Based on these findings, more targeted control measures for preschool settings such as keeping symptomatic children away from schools instead of blanket-wide closures could be considered.”

Novel coronavirus 2019 transmission risk in educational settings
Just got an email that a family at my church has tested positive and they attended Mass on Father's Day. They believe they contracted it the day prior but didn't begin exhibiting symptoms until mid-week. So, Sat exposed, Sun went to church, mid-week symptoms and tested, email from church today. Seems like a fast turnaround from when they think they were exposed to testing positive.

I'm not surprised by this news but it is a good reminder of why we have no plans to attend Mass in person any time soon. At least they were responsible enough to contact the church and let them know.
Bars and churches have the same pandemic stats.
This is very hard for some people to understand or accept, but Covid isn't the only thing in the world. Life goes on and this is just one more thing to manage. From personal experience, I find that people who have remained locked down since March are exhibiting signs of harm to their mental health.

Everyone needs to decide how much "real life" they are prepared to lose in exchange for mitigating this particular risk. I feel for the kids that are losing a summer - times that are supposed to be the best of their lives and are gone forever.
Respectively, another view.
"Covid isn't the only thing in the world" - I totally agree! Since Covid isn't the only thing in the world is the very reason so many rational, logical folks choose to isolate and take every precaution they can in their own situation so they can enjoy the world once this threat has passed. There is so much life out there! I for one, choose to alter my lifestyle temporarily to protect my life, my friends and my precious family's. I want to enjoy all the big things; graduations, celebrations, marriages, births, holidays. I want to enjoy the little things that bring me joy - going to the theatre for live performances, live music venues, casual dining out with family and friends, all the spring through summer fairs and festivals, the beach, the mountains, a leisure day shopping and dining out with friends. I miss that!
"the kids that are losing a summer - times that are supposed to be the best of their lives" - depends totally on the parents. I know one of my daughters lives in one of the worst hit counties in VA has made the most amazing memories with her family during this time. They have found beautiful parks that have few people and have discovered our nation's beauty so close to home that they had not explored until this year although having lived in the area for past 10 years. They were too busy traveling internationally and discovering the world and had no idea what was within driving distance of their home. The pictures they share and the stories the grandkids have to tell me every single weekend of their discoveries is so uplifting and pride just takes over my heart to see how they have thrived during this time.
"exhibiting signs of harm to their mental health" - anxiety over the unknown is not necessarily an unhealthy symptom. Anxiety can make us face reality and take necessary precautions. Anxiety is a normal and often healthy emotion.
Life is full of changes, depends on how we handle those changes as to the quality of life we live.
As a ‘geezer’ I’m not understanding what you mean, & English is my second language. Decoder ring, maybe sir?
Replying to Mr X still don’t have the hang of doing this correctly. Just a Luddite crone

One of the "feel good" measures that some people are clamoring for is the closure of "bars." They will post pictures of 400 college kids packed into a place like sardines, and don't really care about the consequences of their demands. When I say "geezers" I'm referring to the countless retired folks who enjoy spending an afternoon at the corner tavern, chatting with their peers. The place that I frequent has a few regulars in their 80's. There are retired pharmacists and teachers, a fire chief and many veterans. They gather at this particular venue, just as people just like them all over the country do, well aware of the risks, but with the belief that they've earned the right to take that chance. All six or 12 of them, spaced out in a place that is mostly empty. So congratulations to everyone that went on Twitter or FB, or emailed their elected officials to eliminate this scourge!
American Academy of Pediatrics head warns kids could have 'suicidal ideations' if schools don't reopen

In the absence of school, some children have been placed in daycare centers and have only been able to do school work after they return in the evening, Goza explained. Other children who rely on school lunches have not been receiving consistent healthy meals, she added.

"Those are all very important things on why schools need to be open," she said. "It can lead adolescents to become depressed and anxious, and even [lead to] suicidal ideations. Those are all good reasons why we feel these school should be trying to open up."
If that's true, there should have long ago been a huge suicide number among home schooled kids.
This is a good CDC link to bookmark and view daily, maps and state links:

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the U.S.

Updated June 29, 2020
TOTAL CASES 2,545,250
41,075 New Cases*

885 New Deaths*
  • *Compared to yesterday's data

Cases & Deaths among Healthcare Personnel
Data were collected from 2,133,039 people, but healthcare personnel status was only available for 465,050 (21.8%) people. For the 87,696 cases of COVID-19 among healthcare personnel, death status was only available for 57,294 (65.3%).

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