Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #64

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BBM. I know this opinion is wildly unpopular, lol. I just do not think it is possible to live under ‘we’re all going to die, we’re all going to die!!’ for months and months. It’s a risk, like any other risk, so put on a dang mask and get out there if you want.

I do feel bad for all the young folks who are missing out on so much. You never get your high school sports seasons, concerts, competitions, senior prom or graduation and so much more back. It is sad, and a real loss. The response to that should not be ‘at least you’re not dead’. How insensitive.

Cases are pretty low in my area and going down. We have been wearing masks since mid April I think. Wearing masks works!

Wearing masks and social distancing work. These are very trying times for everyone and one way or another we have to get through this the best we can.
This is one summer that kids are experiencing "real life" like never before. I've seen kids take responsibility for their schoolwork even when no one was there to guide them. I've seen them playing tic-tac-toe with residents on the windows of the long care home. I've seen them learn about racial prejudice and how to speak out for justice. I've seen them learn how to set aside their own activites and spend time making little notes for seniors who can't get out, and zoom with vulnerable classmates who need encouragement. I've seen them learn that wearing a mask helps protect people they don't even know. I've seen them make posters to wave from their cars thanking front line workers. I've seen them working in gardens to do their part during what might become a shaky food supply. I've seen them fix things that get broken instead of buying a replacement.

Oh, this IS real life. Kids are growing.

Don't forget the drive-by birthday parades. :D
Woman, 102, makes 'miraculous' Covid-19 recovery

A 102-year-old great-grandmother has made a "miraculous recovery" from coronavirus, her carer has said.

Mary Catterall fell ill at Birch Court Care Home in Warrington in May and was nursed back to health at the facility.

Mrs Catterall, who took up horse riding and abseiling aged 86, said she was "OK" and was "glad to be knitting".

Carer Sophie Rutter said the 102-year-old was a "fighter", adding: "It was touch and go at one point, but Mary is so determined and brilliant."
I'm sure our board participants that own small businesses are going to appreciate their customers being characterized as "insane".

I'm a small business owner. I'm not going under but I have the nicest customers.

Anyway, off to look at my state numbers.

oh Tresir!! I saw Blair on CNN this week, so I thought this was for real!! He was pretty accurate though...about "the only way out of this" being tests tests tests, antibody tests tests tests, plasma, and eventual vaccines.

(sad face here) I cannot find it... It was recently, but can't find anything recent .....
It is for real. It was his shoulder to shoulder speech the day of 9/11. I was saying US will always be number 1 to UK so I gave the shoulder to shoulder speech as my link.

"This is not a battle between the United States of America and terrorism but between the free and democratic world and terrorism.

"We therefore here in Britain stand shoulder to shoulder with our American friends in this hour of tragedy and we like them will not rest until this evil is driven from our world."

(That last bit could even be talking about CV19 as well as terrorism IMO)
I wonder how Florida counts deaths (considering their deaths totals is relatively low). You can only die once, but even if people have covid, deaths can be reported as death from pneumonia, heart failure, and so on. Would it surprise anybody if they were cooking those numbers?

Oh..we know they are cooked books. The number of pneumonia deaths for Mar and April of 2020 were 2x the number of pneumonia deaths for each year 2014-2018.

Florida forced medical examiners to stop reporting death results, and now we know why
This is where the older generation has really shown their true colors. It's like "thanks to these dang graduation parties, it's not safe for me to bring my paper checks to the bank in person."
Holy cow, That sounds more like a line from a sitcom. And not a good one lol.
My parents are in their 80s and their attitude is nowhere near that statement. They have iPads, smartphones, Alexa, and can deposit checks on their cell phone. They are mentally sharp but have physical issues.
Their lament is not seeing all of their family but understand shielding protects them.
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According to the Guardian article, the statistics regarding the very sick and dying African Americans are from Montgomery, Alabama. I tend to trust them myself, but if you are able to find different statistics, please share. MOO
If that is where the stats are from then here is a direct link for reference.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) | City of Montgomery

I notice there has been a night time curfew in force for 3 months. Is that right?
It has just been lifted on June 20th. Anyone know why there was a 3 month night time curfew, but not anymore?

ETA in the link it states it was too prevent social gatherings and restrict the spread of the disease.

Were there many US cities that had 3 month curfews?
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<modsnip: quoted post was removed> ... the same "older generation" that is paying their child's rent, car payments, grocery bills, health insurance, tuition, gas tank fill-ups, dental bills, vet bills and so on because their children have been laid off from their jobs with absolutely no hope in sight of acquiring a new job?

is the "older generation" showing their "true colors". It seems to me that the younger crowd benefits much more having us "older generation" alive than dead.
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I really want to know why I am not seeing ONE media report on contact tracing efforts in states and municipalities. How it's being done, stats or who is doing and how many are employed, what are criteria? Why isn't the media covering this? Or have I just missed it.

This is the ONE ONE ONE thing I want to read about... but crickets???

This report from Morgan Stanley has some good data:

Exhibit 9: Number of contact tracing workers per 1,000 people for closed (orange) versus open (cyan) US states. Blank indicates the data is not available for the corresponding States.
That doesn't matter. Its ongoing especially as long as we are fighting a common enemy. It goes back to WW1 and 2. That's 100 years. Now we are fighting CV19 together. Never give up, never surrender.

I like that a lot better than no hope, no fear.
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