Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #75

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Passengers with COVID-19 keep arriving in Canada on international flights

The above article also says that inflight transmission is low:

"However, it is important to understand the incidence of individuals contracting a communicable disease inflight is very low. As evidence, consider what are called 'cluster outbreaks,' where a group of people contract a disease at the same time and location. These are rarely if ever tied to modes of travel, whereas you often see reports of outbreaks arising from funerals, bars or other gatherings," Fitzpatrick said.

An Air Canada fact sheet says, "the reasons for the apparently low rate of in-flight transmission are not fully determined but are thought to include a combination of the lack of face-to-face contact, and the physical barriers provided by seat backs, along with the characteristics of cabin air flow."

I am not sure how much I agree with this, JMO.

Airlines have a vested interest in stating that virus transmission during travelling is very low. Too many airport workers have caught the virus.

In just the same way that Americold (based in Atlanta GA) has a vested interest in saying that the virus outbreak in NZ unlikely comes from goods stored at their facility.

Covid 19 coronavirus: Americold boss thinks virus unlikely to spread on frozen goods
A friend of mine here in Canada has a Sister who lives in Georgia. They rented a motor home and drove up. The motor home was the quarantine plan. When they got to the Border they called my friend to confirm they were aware they were coming and agreed with their quarantine plan. They arrived and parked in their large yard where they stayed for 14 days. My friend received many follow up calls that they were following protocols. There was even a day they showed up to check unannounced.
Yep. Selfish, stupid people have ruined it for EVERYONE. And disrespected health workers and everyone else along the way.

Getting Covid accidentally is one thing, say at work. But careless partying and purposefully exposing yourself and spreading it around is outright despicable, imo.

Somehow there are those who really believe the pandemic is over, finished, done. The feeling is that it's not in their community, never will be. Why wear a mask? Why not party? Why not have rallies like Sturgis?
That really seems high. I am sorry to ask as this is probably available to look up but I am working and on a phone. Anyways, were you all still on some sort of social distance etc program during this timeframe? If so you would think flu would also be at a low due to that! Moo

Indeed, unless those excess pneumonia and flu deaths were actually Covid deaths that had never been tested and confirmed.
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We had a student from Canada show up last night at 11:00 p.m., drove from Canada to start the semester, no idea how it all happened, our staff in student life put him in our quarantine designated building, and he has to quarantine for two weeks, as do all international travellers. He was pretty clueless about all the rules and policies at the university, didn't make an appointment for his residence hall move-in date, just expected to arrive and that everything would be business as usual. Student affairs staff and dining hall staff will be delivering food to him for 14 days, and they are arranging for him to start his classes remotely. They gave him a welcome kit that contained a thermometer, mask and hand sanitizer. Welcome to the fall 2020 semester.

New faculty who are arriving here this fall from certain states with high infection rates also have to quarantine for 14 days when they arrive, hopefully they arrived early at least two weeks before their classes start, at least the hybrid classes that include some face to face instruction.
Vent any time you want.:). That's what we're here for, to lean on each other. I had one over schools the other day and masks at Big Lots the week before. Thank goodness for the kind members who supported me.

If the weather is warm, they can social distance outside and even wear mask. Maybe baby steps. And remember hand washing. We don't hear much about this but its as important or maybe most important moo. We touch everything with our hands and then our face.

My dad for born in 1911, he was a hand-washing fanatic. If he ask you to make a sandwich he would say .... make sure you wash your hands first , then when you would bring him the sandwich, would say ....did you wash your hands with soap. Drove me nuts growing up.

At large family gathers he would only each certain folks food and even ask mom ...who made it. I was gonna eat that chocolate cake and pie no matter who made it!!! Again drove me nuts.

Now I know why. He was 7 during the 1918 pandemic. Hand washing and disinfecting had been instilled in him at a very young age and he must of had vivid memories memories of this. Ten brothers and sisters and no one died of the flu.

I find it much easier with the 5yo to wash his hands, the 12yo will say...I just washed them. All three are great to mask up and grab and pass the hand sanitizer with out prompting, if we are out.

These are going to be precautions I feel our younger generation will use throughout life.

My grandparents were young adults during the Spanish Flu. We never discussed that subject, but I wish we had.
I read that on-ground transmission is higher than in-flight. (66% of Delta employees in the 600 announced early in June, I think, were on-ground). And the TSA agent thing. It's possible that indoor recirculated air settings are way more dangerous - planes apparently have HEPA filtering (and now, masks...supposedly).

I really don't know what to think either.

I agree with Fitzpatrick that funerals and bars seem to be higher transmitters (people's faces close together, lots of energetic talking? someone is coughing but everyone ignores it?)
BBM. Wouldn't there be a greater percentage of on-ground compared to inflight personnel?
Passengers with COVID-19 keep arriving in Canada on international flights

The above article also says that inflight transmission is low:

"However, it is important to understand the incidence of individuals contracting a communicable disease inflight is very low. As evidence, consider what are called 'cluster outbreaks,' where a group of people contract a disease at the same time and location. These are rarely if ever tied to modes of travel, whereas you often see reports of outbreaks arising from funerals, bars or other gatherings," Fitzpatrick said.

An Air Canada fact sheet says, "the reasons for the apparently low rate of in-flight transmission are not fully determined but are thought to include a combination of the lack of face-to-face contact, and the physical barriers provided by seat backs, along with the characteristics of cabin air flow."

I am not sure how much I agree with this, JMO.

Whatever the case, obviously importing the virus isn’t good.

It must be noted that border and travel restrictions are only one part of suppressing transmission, as explained by Dr. Mike. I wish I could explain it how he explained it. Making a note to find and pull quote.

Nonetheless, borders are an important facet, and the above article is of great concern to Canada, imo.

Eta: the more I look at that flight list, the more concerned I am. I would HATE to see you Canadian guys go down after trying so hard and doing so well.

I agree @LadyL , it should be essential travel only, imo.

Eta2: It must also be noted FTR that Dr. Mike has also talked about the double edged sword that can occur with some restrictions, as the transport of essential supplies can sometimes be affected. Again, I can’t phrase it like he did, but when he says it, it makes sense.

Still, I’m worried about Canada now. Montreal, Toronto...

I remember Toronto had SARS...
SARS: LESSONS FROM TORONTO - Learning from SARS - NCBI Bookshelf

the only thing I remember about SARS is I was working in a hospital at the time and my company did not provide any PPE or special instructions so I quit

I do realize that some essential supplies might be affected but idk - did New Zealand have issues with that? I haven't heard

I'm worried too
the only thing I remember about SARS is I was working in a hospital at the time and my company did not provide any PPE or special instructions so I quitI

I do realize that some essential supplies might be affected but idk - did New Zealand have issues with that? I haven't heard

I'm worried too
I don't think so. I am not even sure they masked up. They did lock down, quarantine, test and trace and shut the borders to any country really early.
Only ONE healthy child has been killed by Covid-19 in Britain, reveals study | Daily Mail Online

Only One Healthy Child Has Been Killed By Covid-19 In Britain, Reveals Study That Says Under-16S Played A 'Limited Role' In The Outbreak

"Only one previously healthy child has died of coronavirus in England and children make up a fraction of cases, an official study reveals.

The comparatively low impact on the young will reassure millions of parents and boost the Government’s determination to reopen schools next month.

Experts found that under-16s made up 1.1 per cent of the 130,000 confirmed Covid-19 cases during the first wave of the virus.

The research, led by Public Health England (PHE), concluded that children play a limited role in the pandemic and have a substantially lower risk of infection and death.

Eight children have died after testing positive for coronavirus in England, the study said, but in half these cases Covid-19 was not the main cause."

"Experts analysed 129,704 positive tests taken between January and May. Fewer than one in 20 children who were swabbed tested positive, compared with around one in four adults. The death rate among the children was 0.5 per cent.

Lead author Dr Shamez Ladhani said: ‘Our results add to the growing body of evidence that children have a substantially lower risk of contracting Covid-19 than adults, and are also much less likely to become seriously unwell with the infection."

These are the types of articles that I hate hate hate hate.

OK, children may not get. And they do an article on it.

But dammit, the kids get it (perhaps when their parent sends them on a damn plane on a trip cause they are bored with life due to shutdown) and then come back home to stay with a grandparent, and three days later the grandparent has symptoms of headache, nausea, can't get outta bed... etc...

It peeeeeeves me off.

I hope I can sleep tonight....

I'm angry, and this situation is getting me back outta my depression as I'm angry
A friend of mine here in Canada has a Sister who lives in Georgia. They rented a motor home and drove up. The motor home was the quarantine plan. When they got to the Border they called my friend to confirm they were aware they were coming and agreed with their quarantine plan. They arrived and parked in their large yard where they stayed for 14 days. My friend received many follow up calls that they were following protocols. There was even a day they showed up to check unannounced.

I have three friends that have been doing the motor home routine during the pandemic. They are very aware, and I think it is great that they have been blessed to have the ability to do such during retirement.
BBM. Wouldn't there be a greater percentage of on-ground compared to inflight personnel?

Very likely.

AFAIK, they haven't made that data public. 91,000 employees total. 400 on ground employees with CoVid by about mid-may.

Presumably, the on ground employees are now wearing masks
These are the types of articles that I hate hate hate hate.

OK, children may not get. And they do an article on it.

But dammit, the kids get it (perhaps when their parent sends them on a damn plane on a trip cause they are bored with life due to shutdown) and then come back home to stay with a grandparent, and three days later the grandparent has symptoms of headache, nausea, can't get outta bed... etc...

It peeeeeeves me off.

I hope I can sleep tonight....

I'm angry, and this situation is getting me back outta my depression as I'm angry

What's sad is that is seems to be clear that unhealthy children, children with chronic illness (and everyone else with same) and the elderly don't really matter as much. This is really changing how I view humans and the stories they like to tell themselves.
A friend of mine here in Canada has a Sister who lives in Georgia. They rented a motor home and drove up. The motor home was the quarantine plan. When they got to the Border they called my friend to confirm they were aware they were coming and agreed with their quarantine plan. They arrived and parked in their large yard where they stayed for 14 days. My friend received many follow up calls that they were following protocols. There was even a day they showed up to check unannounced.

Amazing - and kudos to your nation. This isn't even an expensive thing to do - it just takes organization and dedication to the job.
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