Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #77

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In NC/SC you have to answer a set of questions or have your primary care physician set up an appointment for a drive up in your car test.
Several members of my family wanted to be tested but they would not test those without a fever and/or cough. So some got tested, others didn’t. :rolleyes:
And you need to be a resident of that state.
Test results 3-5 days.

There are apparently lots of states that are taking that approach. It's not what anyone would recommend for ultimately curtailing a pandemic. I get answering the set of questions - I think that's standard everywhere. But hopefully, people can just go be tested without consulting a physician. Waiting until people have a fever or cough is too late.

I don't think California or Hawaii confine the tests to legal residents of the state, either. I know lots of people who get tested once a week (physicians and nurses in particular).

It would be great if we could get a handle on this, nationwide. 5 days is too long, IMO. 3 days is barely adequate. But I know some places have even longer waiting times.
Oh come on...of course its political!! We obviously know that there are ALWAYS established protocols within any infrastructure that has to do any roll-out.

It is more the "press release" approach that is the message, not the actual preparation for the roll-out. The possible outcome could be that people only listen to the "bits", and then the wait, wait, wait will cause such confusion.

As stated by the NIH:
The director of the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Francis Collins, said he doesn't read this as CDC preparing to jump the gun on a vaccine. He said it's just in case one of the vaccines now being tested shows fast, clear evidence it is protecting people.

"Now, keep in mind that the likelihood of that is pretty low
," Collins told CNN. "This is like the Boy Scout motto, 'Be Prepared,'" he said.

This is EXACTLY what breeds confusion, and disarray. If States feel compelled to jump on this, while having to determine everything else on their own without National rollouts... there will be freak-outs around the country. All States are so wound up with all the school issues and Oct is NEXT month.

CDC coronavirus vaccine guidance to states advises them to be ready bylate October

I do find your statement interesting however:
"That's my point. If nothing was being done it would be negligent."

Is your statement specific to an announcements about a vaccine roll-out, or CDC/US Gov actions in general?
My post was responding to OP who said other countries were doing rollouts, so I said it was not political then if other countries are doing it. For example, China and Russia have already authorised their vaccines and US has authorised a vaccine before using EUA. Operation Warp Speed is a strategy. Is it political to want to save lives? The whole point of Warp Speed is to get a vaccine quickly. There are several in the final trial stages and it is looking good for the Oxford vaccine as they already know they have had an immune response. They have even manufactured it ready for speedy rollout. I am just sick of the constant negativity. A vaccine by the Autumn is fine by me and I would be first in the queue.
There are apparently lots of states that are taking that approach. It's not what anyone would recommend for ultimately curtailing a pandemic. I get answering the set of questions - I think that's standard everywhere. But hopefully, people can just go be tested without consulting a physician. Waiting until people have a fever or cough is too late.

I don't think California or Hawaii confine the tests to legal residents of the state, either. I know lots of people who get tested once a week (physicians and nurses in particular).

It would be great if we could get a handle on this, nationwide. 5 days is too long, IMO. 3 days is barely adequate. But I know some places have even longer waiting times.

Here in Michigan there are several testing sites that you can be tested witbout symptoms
or a physician order
So if Welsh tourists fly to and from from Greece via an English airport they won't have to isolate? And what about travellers from England flying out of Cardiff? Will they have to quarantine on return? It is all getting a little confusing.

ETA it was just clarified on BBC radio 2 news that even if Welsh travellers land in English airports they will still have to quarantine when returning to Wales.

wow... that sounds like it is going to be very confusing for travelers. Do you think they will reverse this to be in sync?
During level alert 3 this past month, we had a temporary testing station set up just around the corner from my house (in Auckland). People were encouraged to go if they had so much as the sniffles or were concerned they may have been exposed. The signage was very prominent on the blocks near it.

There are also contact tracing QRs on all the business fronts now (we have a national CT app). So you can quickly register which shops you are visiting and when, but can also make manual entries. It's really convenient (compared to trying to remember/journal) I think this is why the contact tracing is going so well here, in terms of tackling clusters and mini clusters.

I am also pleased to note that despite Auckland now being 2.5 alert level (which means less restrictions for businesses and public travel) about 85-90% of the people I have seen out and about are wearing masks. There's also tons of public signage encouraging wearing masks and social distancing to protect our community. I think the messaging is working, and there's not much stigma attached.
There are apparently lots of states that are taking that approach. It's not what anyone would recommend for ultimately curtailing a pandemic. I get answering the set of questions - I think that's standard everywhere. But hopefully, people can just go be tested without consulting a physician. Waiting until people have a fever or cough is too late.

I don't think California or Hawaii confine the tests to legal residents of the state, either. I know lots of people who get tested once a week (physicians and nurses in particular).

It would be great if we could get a handle on this, nationwide. 5 days is too long, IMO. 3 days is barely adequate. But I know some places have even longer waiting times.

Here in Michigan there are several testing sites that you can be tested witbout symptoms
or a physician order
How can people be considered "guilty" of anything, just for catching a virus. Are people who catch and spread the flu "guilty" of anything? No of course not. It is a ridiculous concept IMO. Yes, people are careless and negligent, like Pelosi in the hair salon, but "guilty" of an offence? Not IMO.

I agree, the idea that a person is "guilty" is probably not appropriate here. I would reserve that term for people like the government of the PRC, for hiding the fact that there was community spread, when other countries could have taken action to curb the spread and blocked travellers from PRC to their countries.
"But this issue is bigger than all of us.... and NOT the blame of any single entity"

THIS^^^ I completely agree with. But it seems like many people believe there is one main person that deserves the blame. We see it posted about here, all the time.

IMO there are leaders all around the world who have done a poor job with this pandemic.

I have tried to show how in Indonesia their leader is proud of their 72.2% survival rate, while their doctors are crying out for intubators and having to choose who lives and who dies.
We all know how the leadership in Brazil acted.
Some are better at managing this pandemic than others.
The battle should be about wiping out the pandemic. imo

A US friend said to me the other day how much easier it was for them in China. "You stay home" "You stay home" "You can go out" "You can go out next week".... because their type of govt enables that.
We view that as harsh. But it has worked. And their economy has not been damaged like the rest of our economies have.
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IMO there are leaders all around the world who have done a poor job with this pandemic.

I have tried to show how in Indonesia their leader is proud of their 72.2% survival rate, while their doctors are crying out for intubators.
We all know how the leadership in Brazil acted.
Some are better at managing this pandemic than others.
The battle should be about wiping out the pandemic. imo

A US friend said to me the other day how much easier it was for them in China. "You stay home" "You stay home" "You can go out" "You can go out next week".... because their type of govt enables that.
We view that as harsh. But it has worked. And their economy has not been damaged like the rest of our economies have.
Thats because it is harsh. No protesters there. I would not want to live in China just based on how they have managed the pandemic or based on their economy. We cannot believe anything they say and they have authorised a vaccine with no trial results, the same as Russia. I trust our governments here in the west.
Governor Cuomo Announces Suspension of 16 Additional New York Bars' Liquor Licenses for Egregious Violations of Coronavirus-Related Regulations

"Inside, investigators documented five patrons sitting at the bar consuming alcohol, in flagrant violation of the Governors' Executive Order in place since March 16, 2020 restricting indoor dining."

This is an example of different levels of local enforcement. Hard to believe they are still under that level of control. Five people having drinks is a "flagrant" violation? Sounds like they don't know how to turn this thing off.
wow... that sounds like it is going to be very confusing for travelers. Do you think they will reverse this to be in sync?
Will have to wait and see. Wales has often made decisions after England by a few weeks.
I'm sorry, but clinical trials should come before approval!!!

FDA usually requires extensive clinical trials before even approving limited usage in special populations.

No approval should ever occur without extensive, 3-4 phrase clinical trials and rigorous data collection. Complete recipe for disaster otherwise. We need to be able to distinguish between typical and normative side effects and serious side effects, just for starters. In every demographic: every genetic demographic, every age demographic.

The two candidates are in phase 3 clinical trials. I posted up thread, an independent organization reviews, monitors the trial, no one sees the data except this organizations per Dr.Fauci.

When the product is FDA approved all information will be released. This is normal with all clinical trials, vaccines, chemo drugs, medical device products, etc. I'm sorry if I implied there was no clinical trial.

Posted up thread H1N1 vaccine, first dose of clinical trial phase 3 given end of July, first dose of approved vaccine given Sept.

Just like all drugs the manufacture will post all information on their website, FDA will produce information, and anything not online could be requested under FIOA.

Phase one will be 30-60 million doses, healthcare and long term care patients. Everyone will have a choice just like all vaccines and can decline.
There are plans under consideration to resume play in maybe October, maybe around Christmas, maybe spring. The reason, of course, is $.

Wayne Sebastianelli, who is also the team doctor for Penn State football, said Monday during a meeting of the State College Area School District board of directors that cardiac scans of Big Ten athletes who contracted COVID-19 showed "30 to roughly 35 percent of their heart muscles" indicated symptoms of myocarditis.

Big Ten athletes with COVID had myocarditis symptoms among one-third
Here's a good article that follows some of what I outlined. Working a job that involved working with FEMA, FDA, and other agencies, they all follow the same basic outline for any mass project.

Thank you. Interesting to read (once I got past the paywall by clearing my cookies, and was allowed an introductory article).

Possibly cold storage issues - due to the extreme cold that may be required for vaccine storage - so centralised vaccination centres may need to be established.
North Dakota sounds on top of it, early planning, especially with regard to their indigenous population.

And they are hoping for a possible January rollout.
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Governor Cuomo Announces Suspension of 16 Additional New York Bars' Liquor Licenses for Egregious Violations of Coronavirus-Related Regulations

"Inside, investigators documented five patrons sitting at the bar consuming alcohol, in flagrant violation of the Governors' Executive Order in place since March 16, 2020 restricting indoor dining."

This is an example of different levels of local enforcement. Hard to believe they are still under that level of control. Five people having drinks is a "flagrant" violation? Sounds like they don't know how to turn this thing off.
Quite entertaining reading that. Citing bars for being bars.

Also, never heard of "hookah" ? I'll have to Google it.

"Two employees and a manager were observed without facial coverings. The officers also found the business illegally selling hookah without a permit."

What to Expect at a Hookah Bar
Hookah Bars, Air Quality, and Your Health
Terry Martin
Fact checked by
Sean Blackburn
on July 09, 2020


Barry Lewis/Getty Images

"Hookah bars are commercial establishments where people gather to smoke flavored tobacco from a hookah pipe. Other names for a hookah bar includes hookah lounge, hookah cafe, hookah den, and shisha bar.

Originating in India and spreading to several Middle Eastern countries, traditional hookah lounges are coffee houses that also serve hookah. Out of deference to Muslim traditions, they do not serve alcoholic beverages.

As they have gained popularity in Western cultures over the years, however, many hookah bars in the United States do serve alcohol along with food and a variety of tobacco flavors."

I cannot believe this is allowed but smoking is banned.
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