Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #77

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Cannot help but ask...

Do you think a vaccine will really be available by Oct 1?
Do you think a vaccine will be available by the end of 2020?
If available, will you get the vaccine?

Yes, I think it will either be ready or close to approval.

Yes, think we give first doses in Nov. Maybe we can save round two of Covid in our nursing homes.

According to the distribution proposed draft, I might make the second phase, definitely the third. I'm thinking I won't be eligible till March, could be as late as next fall. By that time 100 million or more will have received one of the two. YES, I will take one of the vaccines.
it is cruel and plays with your mind

A good description of the history of all pandemics.

I'm reading about the pandemic in the Eastern Roman Empire in about 600A.D./C.E. Turns out it was bubonic plague. Stayed around for a long time.

It really shapes the culture and history of a people, when this happens. People are scared. And some people are defiant in the face of fear.

You are a strong and practical person, though. You won't give into this pandemic. It helps me that you pointed out the cruelty and mindgames (I don't usually think of viruses that way - but that's definitely their effect on human beings).
Read the article. So, wht happened to the residents? Are they still there?
Brighton Rehabilitation is open with residents.

Brighton Rehab to be fined for COVID outbreak

“The largest nursing home in Beaver County is facing more than $62,000 in fines after a federal agency found it to be out of compliance for more than 40 infection control regulations.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services announced Thursday that the owners of Brighton Rehabilitation and Wellness Center will be fined at least $62,580 for how it handled the largest outbreak of the novel coronavirus in a Pennsylvania nursing home.”

Brighton Rehab residents, families outraged by lax oversight during outbreak |

“The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has the power to halt new admissions and pull a nursing home’s Medicare and Medicaid contracts — a move that could bankrupt a for-profit facility such as Brighton, where the vast majority of residents depend on Medicaid. Such a harsh consequence rarely is invoked, experts said.”

Most but not all facilities accept Medicaid patients.
The World Health Organization wants to secure an initial 230 million doses of any COVID-19 vaccine for Africa, officials said, while emphasising that any vaccine in development should also be tested on the continent.

The global vaccine allocation plan, called COVAX, aims to help buy and fairly distribute deliver two billion doses of approved vaccines by the end of 2021.

"This ... (initial batch) will cover 20 percent of the African population, initially prioritising those who are the front line, health care workers, then expanding to cover vulnerable groups," Richard Mihigo, the programme area manager for WHO Africa, told an online news conference.

Middle East coronavirus death toll goes over 50,000: Live updates
The European Union hopes it will get 30 million doses of a potential COVID-19 vaccine by the end of the year, the first batch in a deal struck with British drugmaker AstraZeneca, a European Commission official said.

Assuming one dose per person, such a first batch would cover 6-7 percent of the EU population.

"We want all the member states to have the same price but also to have the vaccine at the same time. It means that, for instance, for AstraZeneca, we will have I would say at the end of this year a certain number of doses - hopefully 30 million doses," the official said.

Middle East coronavirus death toll goes over 50,000: Live updates
I think it is a changing landscape, isn't it? As we try to stop new outbreaks occuring everywhere. Nobody knows exactly how to deal with this pandemic. We should not forget that. Although some methods seem to be better than others. imo

If something isn't working, then we try something else. If something needs tweaking, then we tweak it. If a law needs introducing to overcome non-cooperative behaviour, then we introduce the law.

I don't understand the rationale of "but they didn't say that before". Things change. They change every day, week to week, month to month. I think we need to be fluid enough to go with the changes, until this pandemic is over.

We can't know how - because the virus is in control. What we know, compared to what a virus can do, is really limited. And, even though science and medicine can offer many ways of mitigating this disaster, not everyone will listen or educate themselves well enough to understand that a single, airborne strip of RNA, that gets inside your cells and messes with the very functions of your life - is something it's best to be prepared for.

Doesn't help that some people are, apparently, almost immune to it already - for whatever reason. And that it targets unfit, older people. Lots of people do not believe that they should be bothered to help "the weak" and there's been a longterm populist movement that involves "only the strong should survive." A misguided and anti-civilization take on Darwin.

As science uncovers more things, to the person who can't be bothered learning science, it would appear that "things keep changing." Yep, they do. That's the very nature of life - and our system, the one we live in, is so incredibly complex that it is also very fragile.

As we are seeing.
Let me rephrase. Someone, with the means, could fly to AZ, spend the weekend living like it's 2019, fly back to NY, not have to quarantine (since we are off the "naughty" list) and tell other people "Haaaa HAaaaaa HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"

In my opinion, that's not hypothetical.
FBI raids Pennsylvania nursing home where hundreds caught coronavirus, dozens died — NBC News

“Federal and state investigators raided a Pennsylvania nursing home Thursday where hundreds of residents and staff members tested positive for coronavirus and dozens have died, authorities said.”

"Good. From the article -

Last month, Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro said that the facility was under investigation over reports of “deeply troubling” conditions and practices.

“I can confirm that Brighton is one of the subjects of our criminal investigations into neglect at nursing homes during the pandemic,” he tweeted.

State Department of Health data show that 447 residents and staff members tested positive for the disease, and 73 people died. In late July, the facility announced that it had no cases for the first time since March, according to WPXI, but its outbreak remains the worst in a Pennsylvania. "

Meanwhile this is Governor Tom Wolf's Covid priority.

Gov. Wolf and Lt. Gov. Fetterman Renew Call for Legislature to Take up Legalization of Adult-Use Cannabis to Help with COVID Recovery, Restorative Justice
"Good. From the article -

Last month, Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro said that the facility was under investigation over reports of “deeply troubling” conditions and practices.

“I can confirm that Brighton is one of the subjects of our criminal investigations into neglect at nursing homes during the pandemic,” he tweeted.

State Department of Health data show that 447 residents and staff members tested positive for the disease, and 73 people died. In late July, the facility announced that it had no cases for the first time since March, according to WPXI, but its outbreak remains the worst in a Pennsylvania. "

Meanwhile this is Governor Tom Wolf's Covid priority.

Gov. Wolf and Lt. Gov. Fetterman Renew Call for Legislature to Take up Legalization of Adult-Use Cannabis to Help with COVID Recovery, Restorative Justice
This is exactly how my hairdresser works ... from home. The pandemic has affected her very little. She has just upped her sterilisation throughout her (always clean) hairdressing room, taken away the magazines that we used to browse through, and made sure that one client does not run into another client at the door by spacing the appointments a little further apart.

I guess the issue for shop hairdressers is keeping rent payments up, if they all start working individually from home. Perhaps they just need to close down their shops, set up in their homes in the best way they can, and advise their clients where they can now have their hair done.
Agree that many stylists by necessity are going off grid. Illegal in my state, and stylists leave themselves open for lawsuits. But, you do what you have to do to survive.
Agree that many stylists by necessity are going off grid. Illegal in my state, and stylists leave themselves open for lawsuits. But, you do what you have to do to survive.
The Pelosi salon had stylists renting chairs from the owner, so that's a new one on me that I hadn't heard before. Is that common in US salons does anyone know?
In what way do you think things will backfire?

Not that I see anyone being treated like they live in a communist country. Though I do see State of Emergency conditions - and State of Disaster conditons - put in place for a specific duration, at least in my country.

Eg: our international borders were closed under an existing Biosecurity Act. And Melbourne's temporary curfew was put in place under an existing State of Disaster Act (not unlike curfews that are put in place for other disasters, such as hurricanes, to stop people from looting).
Australia cannot do these types of things without a relevant law to back them up. And this law must be approved by the relevant legal authorities. Our laws are based upon British law.
Presumably we think that communist countries can do these types of things outside of the laws.

I think CSI may mean politically so we cannot discuss that.
The Pelosi salon had stylists renting chairs from the owner, so that's a new one on me that I hadn't heard before. Is that common in US salons does anyone know?
Yes, it is common for individual stylists to rent space in a salon. They have their own work station(chair) and purchase their products/tools. Share sinks.
My last three stylists have been in this type setup.
Batman filming halted after 'Pattinson Covid test'

"The pause in filming, confirmed by Warner Bros, is because lead actor Robert Pattinson has tested positive for the virus, according to US media.

Warner Bros said a member of the production team was self-isolating but it did not say who.

Filming began in Glasgow earlier this year but was halted due to the pandemic."

"Vanity Fair said British actor Pattinson, 34, caught the virus days after shooting resumed near London, after a six-month delay to filming."


Distributing vaccines and treatments for COVID-19 and flu

UK government have put out this consultation document. They are considering using an unlicensed vaccine by the look of the chapters.


We want your views on proposed changes to the Human Medicine Regulations to help with the safe and efficient distribution of a COVID-19 vaccine and expanded flu vaccine programme in the UK, along with treatments for COVID-19 and any other diseases that become pandemic.

This consultation closes at
11:59pm on 18 September 2020

Consultation description
The UK government, with the Minister of Health in Northern Ireland, is seeking views on proposed changes to the Human Medicine Regulations 2012.

The consultation covers:

  • authorising temporary supply of an unlicensed product
  • civil liability and immunity
  • expanding the workforce eligible to administer vaccinations
  • promoting vaccines
  • making provisions for wholesale dealing of vaccines

Consultation document: changes to Human Medicine Regulations to support the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines

Draft statutory instrument: the Human Medicines (Coronavirus) (Amendment) Regulations 2020
PDF, 147KB, 12 pages

Extract from the relevant section re authorization.

"The preferred route to enable deployment of a new vaccine for COVID-19 is through the usual marketing authorisation (product licensing) process. If a suitable COVID-19 vaccine candidate, with strong supporting evidence of safety, quality and efficacy, becomes available, we will seek to license that vaccine through the usual route. Until the end of December 2020, EU legislation requires biotechnological medicines (which would include candidate COVID-19 vaccines) to be authorised via the European Medicines Agency, and a marketing authorisation granted by them would automatically be valid in the UK. From January 2021, the UK’s licensing authority will have new powers to license all medicines, including vaccines. However, if there is a compelling case, on public health grounds, for using a vaccine before it is given a product licence, given the nature of the threat we face, the JCVI may take the very unusual step of advising the UK government to use a tested, unlicensed vaccine against COVID-19, and we need to make sure that the right legislative measures are in place to deal with that scenario.

A temporary authorisation of the supply of an unlicensed vaccine could be given by the UK’s licensing authority under regulation 174 of the Human Medicines Regulations (see below). A COVID-19 vaccine would only be authorised in this way if the UK’s licensing authority was satisfied that there is sufficient evidence to demonstrate the safety, quality and efficacy of the vaccine. ‘Unlicensed’ does not mean ‘untested’: this temporary authorisation process exists to address the possibility that, in certain situations of public health need, the licensing authority may consider that the balance of risk and benefit to patients justifies the temporary supply of the relevant vaccine pending the issue of a product licence. Regulation 345 of the Human Medicine Regulations transposes into UK law a requirement of EU law that key actors in the medicines supply chain cannot generally be sued in the civil courts for the consequences resulting from the use of an unlicensed product, or a new use of a licensed product, that a national licensing authority is recommending in order to deal with certain specific health threats.

The UK government is seeking views on proposals to make changes, in conjunction with the Minister of Health in Northern Ireland, to the Human Medicine Regulations 2012. These changes will support the effective rollout of a COVID-19 vaccine and the upscaling of influenza (flu) vaccination programme in the UK. It is important to emphasise, however, that although some of the measures specifically reference COVID-19 and flu vaccines, the proposed changes will also facilitate the efficient mass distribution of treatments for COVID-19, or for any other disease that poses a serious risk to public health."

So 4 countries now China, Russia, USA and UK are using or considering using an unlicensed vaccine.

It will be interesting to see what the EU countries and ROW are going to do.

It is not unusual to use an unlicensed vaccine. WHO used an Ebola vaccine in Africa for 18 months.

With European backing, the world nears first approved Ebola vaccine
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Read the article. So, wht happened to the residents? Are they still there?
More than likely the residents are still living there. Not sure how this state works but Virginia has "taken" over a couple of NHs. The state assigned VDH employees to remain on site with oversight ability but no legal authority to supervise or make decisions. In all cases, a NEW management company would negotiate the rental or sale of the facility, very quickly, insert new management and staffing.

Most states have nowhere to house large numbers of long term care residents. In the early 80s, I was on a state Medicaid committee to develop an action plan for a NH the state closed. It was the first. In the first days residents were transported to facilities all over Virginia, some as much as 5.5 hours always from families. It was devastating to the residents physically and emotionally. The practice was haulted by day 3, community, family outrage, negative outcomes for those transferred showed this was NOT a viable option. The state elected to pay another NH owner to take over management. Quickly VA AG, offered the owner of the "closed" faculty a deal, sell, give away, or rent the faculty to another licensed provider and we will not seek jail time. Owner "sold" the faculty building and everything inside for ONE dollar and quickly and left the US. I tried to find an article for this, as it was big state and national news at the time, guess newspapers don't go back and add these old articles to the internet.

I'm not sure why it took the FBI to investigate, the state BOH should have been in this early on. States are mandated to inspect and license NH under federal guidelines for excepting and receiving Federal funds under Medicaid.

Happy to see the residents and staff are finally receiving much needed intervention.

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