Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #77

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Ohioans part of promising COVID-19 vaccine research

PriMed in Dayton is recruiting 250 adults for a phase 3 clinical trial that will involve 30,000 Americans. Volunteers will receive the vaccine in two doses given a month apart, have multiple follow-up visits, blood drawn and keep a diary of their health for two years. But the study may have results before then, said Dr. William Randall, principal investigator for PriMED Clinical Research. He declined to reveal the developer of the vaccine being tested by PriMED.

Researchers at the University of Cincinnati and UC Health plan to enroll 500 patients in a study of the vaccine created by Moderna, a biotechnology company. And Ohio State Wexner Medical Center is recruiting 500 adults for a trial of a vaccine co-developed by the University of Oxford and AstraZeneca, a biopharmaceutical company.

Not to be left out Minnesotans are being recruited. HealthPartners Wednesday announced that it will be enrolling at least 1,500 people in a clinical trial that will determine whether a vaccine developed by Oxford University is effective at preventing coronavirus.

Minnesotans Can Enroll In COVID-19 Vaccine Trial
Ohioans part of promising COVID-19 vaccine research

PriMed in Dayton is recruiting 250 adults for a phase 3 clinical trial that will involve 30,000 Americans. Volunteers will receive the vaccine in two doses given a month apart, have multiple follow-up visits, blood drawn and keep a diary of their health for two years. But the study may have results before then, said Dr. William Randall, principal investigator for PriMED Clinical Research. He declined to reveal the developer of the vaccine being tested by PriMED.

Researchers at the University of Cincinnati and UC Health plan to enroll 500 patients in a study of the vaccine created by Moderna, a biotechnology company. And Ohio State Wexner Medical Center is recruiting 500 adults for a trial of a vaccine co-developed by the University of Oxford and AstraZeneca, a biopharmaceutical company.

Fantastic to hear this!
Not to be left out Minnesotans are being recruited. HealthPartners Wednesday announced that it will be enrolling at least 1,500 people in a clinical trial that will determine whether a vaccine developed by Oxford University is effective at preventing coronavirus.

Minnesotans Can Enroll In COVID-19 Vaccine Trial

Great! It's good to know where in the U.S. these trials are taking place.
I'm sorry, but clinical trials should come before approval!!!

FDA usually requires extensive clinical trials before even approving limited usage in special populations.

No approval should ever occur without extensive, 3-4 phrase clinical trials and rigorous data collection. Complete recipe for disaster otherwise. We need to be able to distinguish between typical and normative side effects and serious side effects, just for starters. In every demographic: every genetic demographic, every age demographic.
"But this issue is bigger than all of us.... and NOT the blame of any single entity"

THIS^^^ I completely agree with. But it seems like many people believe there is one main person that deserves the blame. We see it posted about here, all the time.

This is true. But we must call out misinformation, distortions of data, and inequality of service. I feel it is our community and ethical responsibility. I try to give most leaders the benefit of the doubt dealing with this extraordinary health crisis in the world. But enough facts do show misinformation and minimization of the the affects on the human condition of so many people. That does not deserve the benefit of the doubt.

For example, I really do give DeSantis/FL credit for tampering down unrealistic hopes regarding the vaccines. But I am holding my breath to see what happens on all the open Miami beaches over Labor Day.
Sturgis update:
At least 290 people in 12 states have tested positive for the coronavirus since attending the rally...
COVID-19 death tied to Sturgis Rally reported in Minnesota

Tis the problem we face with so many colleges having extraordinary spikes upon re-entry for Fall term. They should stay on campus for isolation--not go home.

And I am sure the Sturgis numbers are higher than indicated. Too many states and bodies to track and trace.
Okay- i am going to go shallow for a minute here--- thinking of all the things we can no longer enjoy- one of those things is shopping- I love clothes-- i love looking at them, touching them, trying them on and buying them. My favorite store is going out of business: Stein Mart-- i have a closet full of unique lovely items from that store-- and of course since the pandemic i haven't stepped foot in their stores. Neither have thousands of other people, which is why they are closing all 279 stores: i didn't know they had that many stores: I can't think how any retail clothing store can stay in business: i won't step foot in any clothing stores. I mean who wants to touch those clothes and try them on now? I ordered a leather jacket on line. I don't like doing that but it is the new way of life. I will really miss that store, especially the one in Fort Myers- they have a boutique section (if i was much younger i would spent all my money there)-- Unique clothing at discounted prices. It is just sad-- and of course think of all the other business, large and small that have gone out of business. You wonder when we will be able to shop again, eat in a restaurant again ----
I have been clothes shopping twice since lockdown ended in June. No trying on clothes any more as fitting rooms are closed. However if they don't fit they change them for you within 28 days. Other than that, not much change.

Here's an article about Steinmart. Looks like they are having a lot of liquidation sales so now would be the time to go and shop there for some bargains.
Bankrupt Stein Mart To Close Nearly All Stores, Even As Online Home Goods Sales Soar
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Tis the problem we face with so many colleges having extraordinary spikes upon re-entry for Fall term. They should stay on campus for isolation--not go home.

And I am sure the Sturgis numbers are higher than indicated. Too many states and bodies to track and trace.

We have a separate residence hall for students to go into isolate if they test positive for COVID or if they were exposed to COVID. They do have the option to go home, but we suggest they stay on campus in one of our isolation situations. But often the parents want them to go home, or the students, and to be under the care of their personal medical provider. Dr. Fauci is recommending that infected and/or exposed students stay on campus. But we can't mandate this, just try to provide the best care we can to these students who are self-isolating or quarantined. We have food delivery, volunteers (faculty, staff, alumni) who do wellness check calls, and provide laptops to keep up with their classes while in isolation/quarantine, and also telehealth counseling with medical providers.
I'm sorry, but clinical trials should come before approval!!!

FDA usually requires extensive clinical trials before even approving limited usage in special populations.

No approval should ever occur without extensive, 3-4 phrase clinical trials and rigorous data collection. Complete recipe for disaster otherwise. We need to be able to distinguish between typical and normative side effects and serious side effects, just for starters. In every demographic: every genetic demographic, every age demographic.
(I know you were asking the OP but) IMO it matters because it will save lives. Eg people with Cancer or Diabetes or at risk from other health conditions may want to have the choice of having the vaccine.

i dunno.... there is a whole world to vaccinate.... I just cringe at the ol American "me first" "me first" "me first" attitude. I was just saddened from the get-go... I was hoping the US had tried to establish a world "partnership-and-leadership" role rather than having so much of the world look at us like like... well whatever.

I have a number of friends who live in other parts of the world, or no longer live in the US . Communication is still mostly in jest... but some folks just think of us as "the ugly Americans" on our own shores, rather than on foreign land.

I remember, working for an international software company for many many years, and how all of our international subsidiaries" employees reacted on 9/11. I really truly miss that "in this together" society we knew at one time..........
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Do you have the individual states' deaths in elderly care and assisted living homes, otherwise it is not possible to discuss further. I only know the overall figure from the article I posted. It would be good to know which states are performing well and which ones are not, and which ones suffered lack of PPE and which ones didn't. I don't know if that is available. I know we have similar data for the individual nations of the UK for example. By all means comment on the UK situation. Or Europe, as many of those nations have had terrible situations. I will not forget the example of the army going into the Spanish care home where the staff had abandoned the dead and dying and residents were foraging for themselves for what food they could find. This is not a unique US or UK problem by any means.

WHAT is not possible to discuss further? There is a plethora of articles and research. The article already provided by Pew Research gives gobs of statistics and scenarios by State.

I am responding to your categorical claim of "governors' fault". Specific numbers by State are not necessary to discuss this claim. I am only stating that "blaming governors" is only a marginal issue when addressing the overwhelming issues facing long-term care facilities, in general.

The radically different approaches to how different states are handling the crisis in the following article clearly show the disparities and differences. "Individual death rates by State" cannot answer these issues, alone.

State Reporting of Cases and Deaths Due to COVID-19 in Long-Term Care Facilities.

Honestly, Tresir, I have to take yours and others in the UK word more than my own. Even though I did live in the UK for a while, I really have no true understanding of the deeper history and lay of the land... I learn more from Netflix shows like "Last Tango in HAlifax" or Wales' "Hinterland to get a picture of the landscape and social mores of the lands.

Sortof kidding regarding the Netflix... but sortof not. They have been very enlightening series, for many reasons!!!
In NC/SC you have to answer a set of questions or have your primary care physician set up an appointment for a drive up in your car test.
Several members of my family wanted to be tested but they would not test those without a fever and/or cough. So some got tested, others didn’t. :rolleyes:
And you need to be a resident of that state.
Test results 3-5 days.

Is this CURRENT? That is really terrible...........

I ran out of time to edit my post. Where you mention "Are you aware...etc" three times, please can you link to where that info is available? I will edit to include the questions below.

"Are you aware that these centers had been and still are screaming for more testing and help? And these employees are some of the worst paid throughout the whole country.

Are you aware that many many long-term care facilities are huge consortiums that cross multiple states? Who makes the rules and policies?

Are you aware that the states with the highest rates of long-term cases are within the "hot spot" states, the two with largest number of long-term care cases are Florida and Texas--clearly two states that have had very high numbers, and slow to put any disease-slowing procedures in place? "

So could you please provide links to sources for your factual statements? Eg. saying testing and help is needed and that staff are the worst paid in the country, plus a link for the huge consortiums and policies. Most importantly please link to the data for the individual states showing the care home number of deaths, especially the hot spot states you mention (those with highest numbers of deaths and slow to put any controls in place, as you state as fact). TIA.

Well..if you want some links, here you go. But most of this information is really just commonly known stuff when you live here, and hear the news on long care facilities daily.
I don't really like to play "dueling banjo links", when the data is soooooo easy to find anyway.

Individual state numbers are available at each state's various sites--you can go there yourself, I guess. The data changes daily of course, so any given picture is only for a moment in time. I am not interested in those, as I am trying to follow the big picture, and hopeful assistance that gets to these centers.

It is personal--- I have four friends who have lost loved ones so far, and a number of other very scared friends.

Seriously, if you are interested in reading a lot about this, I suggest following the Kaiser Health system, they are one of the largest in the country, and their data is often very interesting.

The Largest 150 Assisted Living and Senior Care Providers Each entry on the list has another link for you!

Rising Cases in Long-term Care Facilities Are Cause for Concern

State Reporting of Cases and Deaths Due to COVID-19 in Long-Term Care Facilities

State, federal testing rules for visitors, staff at long-term care facilities raise questions death and up to 144 cases
Outbreak Linked to Maine Wedding, Reception Increases to 144 Cases and 2 Deaths
More at link
The number of people infected by COVID-19 outbreaks tied to a wedding in Millinocket, Maine, continues to climb and another person has died.

The number of people infected by COVID-19 outbreaks tied to a wedding and reception in Millinocket, Maine, continues to climb almost a month after they happened.

On Thursday, the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention announced the number of people infected with the virus linked to the events on Aug. 7 at Tri-Town Baptist Church and The Big Moose Inn had increased to 144 and the number of deaths connected to them had gone up to two.
This is true. But we must call out misinformation, distortions of data, and inequality of service. I feel it is our community and ethical responsibility. I try to give most leaders the benefit of the doubt dealing with this extraordinary health crisis in the world. But enough facts do show misinformation and minimization of the the affects on the human condition of so many people. That does not deserve the benefit of the doubt.

For example, I really do give DeSantis/FL credit for tampering down unrealistic hopes regarding the vaccines. But I am holding my breath to see what happens on all the open Miami beaches over Labor Day.
Talking about facts, were you able to find the info re the elderly care home deaths by state that you discussed and I asked about yesterday?

ETA NVM I saw your post now.
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ROUND ROCK, Texas — Warning: Images in this story may be disturbing to some readers

A Round Rock woman continues to recover in the ICU after her hand sanitizer allegedly caught fire when she was trying to light a candle. Kate Wise was left with severe burns to her entire body.

Wise considers herself blessed to be alive

She said on Sunday she put on hand sanitizer that she keeps around to protect herself and three daughters from coronavirus. Then, her life changed forever.

“It can be something as small as lighting a candle,” Wise said. “Because of the hand sanitizer, it just lit my whole ... everywhere I had hand sanitizer on my hand, it just lit my hand with fire.”
Wise said the flames made contact with the off-brand sanitizer bottle and it exploded.

“And it obviously went all over my face. And, in like a matter of five seconds, my whole body was just consumed in flames,” she said.

Wise's friend, Kathryn Bonesteel in Houston, warns others about buying off-brand products.

Texas woman severely burned when hand sanitizer caught fire | death and up to 144 cases
Outbreak Linked to Maine Wedding, Reception Increases to 144 Cases and 2 Deaths
More at link
The number of people infected by COVID-19 outbreaks tied to a wedding in Millinocket, Maine, continues to climb and another person has died.

The number of people infected by COVID-19 outbreaks tied to a wedding and reception in Millinocket, Maine, continues to climb almost a month after they happened.

On Thursday, the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention announced the number of people infected with the virus linked to the events on Aug. 7 at Tri-Town Baptist Church and The Big Moose Inn had increased to 144 and the number of deaths connected to them had gone up to two.

Oh no. That's double the deaths linked to Sturgis. This Maine wedding also has 68 jail cases connected to it as an attendee works at the jail IIRC.
ROUND ROCK, Texas — Warning: Images in this story may be disturbing to some readers

A Round Rock woman continues to recover in the ICU after her hand sanitizer allegedly caught fire when she was trying to light a candle. Kate Wise was left with severe burns to her entire body.

Wise considers herself blessed to be alive

She said on Sunday she put on hand sanitizer that she keeps around to protect herself and three daughters from coronavirus. Then, her life changed forever.

“It can be something as small as lighting a candle,” Wise said. “Because of the hand sanitizer, it just lit my whole ... everywhere I had hand sanitizer on my hand, it just lit my hand with fire.”
Wise said the flames made contact with the off-brand sanitizer bottle and it exploded.

“And it obviously went all over my face. And, in like a matter of five seconds, my whole body was just consumed in flames,” she said.

Wise's friend, Kathryn Bonesteel in Houston, warns others about buying off-brand products.

Texas woman severely burned when hand sanitizer caught fire |

how awful- poor woman
i dunno.... there is a whole world to vaccinate.... I just cringe at the ol American "me first" "me first" "me first" attitude. I was just saddened from the get-go... I was hoping the US had tried to establish a world "partnership-and-leadership" role rather than having so much of the world look at us like like... well whatever.

I have a number of friends who live in other parts of the world, or no longer live in the US . Communication is still mostly in jest... but some folks just think of us as "the ugly Americans" on our own shores, rather than on foreign land.

I remember, working for an international software company for many many years, and how all of our international subsidiaries" employees reacted on 9/11. I really truly miss that "in this together" society we knew at one time..........

There are many upsetting things going on in which can make people "act ugly". We all have different views and struggles. We must remember that most people want to be heard, want to feel safe and loved. As an individual I can act in a loving kind way towards others. My example of the positive can be shown in small or perhaps big ways. I really am not going to put myself into an "ugly American" because of a few people's not so healthy choices. I am betting there are more Americans that feel just the way I do. We focus too much on the negatives but there really is much more good we can bring out if we worked on showing that! My opinion
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