Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #80

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    Phase 5
    Fall Semester in Session
    • Most undergraduate and graduate students on campus
    • Most staff and faculty on campus
    • All campus buildings open and functioning, but in some cases stricter access
    • Continued restrictions on travel, events, and visitors

and in other ND news...

Notre Dame president tests positive for COVID-19

Asked about other Notre Dame staffers who attended the White House event, university spokesman Dennis Brown said Friday that aside from Jenkins, “we are not publicly identifying anyone — students, faculty or staff — who has been tested or is in isolation or quarantine.”

Brown confirmed law school dean Marcus Cole was also in attendance, but would not say if he has been tested.”

“This is not the first time Jenkins has faced criticism for not following coronavirus safety measures. In early August, he issued an apology for taking pictures with students while not maintaining social distancing guidelines.

While all of the scientific evidence indicates that the risk of transmission is far lower outdoors than indoors, I want to remind you (and myself!) that we should stay at least 6 feet apart,” Jenkins wrote at the time.”

:rolleyes:yea, about THAT.:rolleyes:
You must have missed the coverage of the harsh measures taken by China to suppress the spread of Covid.

As The Guardian article states “brutal but effective”

People in China forcibly taken in quarantine:
Video appears to show people in China forcibly taken for quarantine over coronavirus

Radical measures:
Coronavirus: This is how China beat COVID-19. Could America handle it?

In late February as coronavirus infections mounted in Wuhan, China, authorities went door-to-door for health checks – forcibly isolating every resident in makeshift hospitals and temporary quarantine shelters, even separating parents from young children who displayed symptoms of COVID-19, no matter how seemingly mild.

Caretakers at the city's ubiquitous large apartment buildings were pressed into service as ad hoc security guards, monitoring the temperatures of all residents, deciding who could come in and implementing inspections of delivered food and medicines.

Outside, drones hovered above streets, yelling at people to get inside and scolding them for not wearing face masks, while elsewhere in China facial-recognition software, linked to a mandatory phone app that color-coded people based on their contagion risk, decided who could enter shopping malls, subways, cafes and other public spaces.

……………"We couldn't go outside under any circumstances. Not even if you have a pet," said Wang Jingjun, 27,…..​

Brutal but effective:
China's coronavirus lockdown strategy: brutal but effective

Later the policy became even more aggressive, with officials going door to door for health checks, and forcing anyone ill into isolation. A disabled boy reportedly died after he was left without food, water or help when his his father and brother were quarantined.

Harsh response to suppress spread:
China's unprecedentedly drastic response to the coronavirus saved hundreds of thousands of people from catching it, according to a WHO official who went there

The Chinese government prevented "hundreds of thousands" of people from catching the coronavirus with its harsh measures to suppress its spread, a senior WHO official said.​

Google for much more to get caught up on China's ongoing response to Covid.

I remember from the thread, cried many a tear for the treatment, "tents" filled with sick patients, folks dying on the street.

Yes, I remember....
So Pence is “good to go” On with the Traveling and gathering as long as he tests negative on a daily basis!? Overheard on newschannel (no link )
Maybe they were being sarcastic and I missed the tone.
Because. Really??

ETA so dr Gupta just spoke to that ( it’s not a good idea FYI lol)
Donald Trump, Jr. was interviewed last night on television and said that he plans to do another COVID test on Tuesday, and if that test is also negative, then he will continue on with his schedule on the campaign trail.
Which is exactly why this viris is spreading. And, does he intend to wear a mask?
Very well stated and appreciated. Once the virus came here from China, we(or any country ) is responsible for managing it. Let's be real: the United States has done an extremely poor job of managing this virus and blaming it on China doesn't mitigate our responsibility. The leadership in this country, at all levels, has failed us miserably.

The continued focus on China, while understandable, is a distraction from the failures in the U.S. If we can keep blaming China and discussing what they should have done (plenty), we don’t have to look at what should have been done here (plenty IMO). We may never know exactly how things played out in China because it is a closed society with a carefully controlled press. So I don’t think the international community will ever be able to hold China accountable for anything. Looking backward at this point is a lost cause. We need to do our best to protect ourselves. No one is going to do it for us.
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