Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #83

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those exist? wow!

I’ve definitely seen some where I Perth, WA, Aus...

I assume they are for events in the bbqs, various groups that meet there, etc...I’m having a b’day party and booking the hall at a park mid November so I’ll scope them out...

I didn’t know if it was a “thing” in the US...just throwing ideas out...
This MSM headline and article is misleading, as usual, on two counts.RSBM . First, it suggests that the Barrington Declaration advocates for herd immunity, but it does not. The Barrington Declaration states that we should practice focused protection and other mitigation strategies UNTIL herd immunity is reached through vaccine and natural infection.
ETA Link below to the "focused protection" model for public health that is advocated by the Barrington Declaration (read for yourself), similar to WHO's statement recently regarding the impact of lockdowns on the overall well being of society

Great Barrington Declaration – An open letter and declaration from public health academics and professionals

I'm not understanding how you are saying that it doesn't advocate for immunity, and in the next sentence saying UNTIL herd immunity. I'm not following the logic of your post.

Yes, isn't even focused community protection that includes the "cheese model" even with Barrington?


That nations/leaders need to be sending out a consistent message to support such to protect?

Touting and having a consistent message to heavily rely upon physical distancing, ventilation, Masks, hand hygiene, fast and sensitive testing, contact tracing, surface cleaning, social distancing?


Coronavirus: Used test kits handed out to students in Birmingham
I’ve definitely seen some where I Perth, WA, Aus...

I assume they are for events in the bbqs, various groups that meet there, etc...I’m having a b’day party and booking the hall at a park mid November so I’ll scope them out...

I didn’t know if it was a “thing” in the US...just throwing ideas out...

I haven't seen it where I am in Canada but then I don't spend time in parks either
I've wondered this about Ab's as well. They are transient and do not teach the immune system anything, nor do they confer any memory. They might save your butt during your current infection, but what is the impact down the line when you scale down the body's natural immune system campaign?

So many questions.

The biggest shame is that so many are losing trust in science, and they don't have the background to understand that it often takes YEARS to work all this out. But the white noise of questioning and changes in scientific opinions is garnering steam... DANGEROUS moo, and it needs to stop.

But how do folks that have no science background or bouncing off others like here even learn that this is the NORMAL process for such?
They really should change that headline. This is not a vaccine trial. It is an antibody cocktail, similar to the one given President Trump made by Regeneron.

SMDH... SMDH... How the heck did that pass the editors? Just goes to show that MSM just does not understand what the simplist items are. SMDH.

Study of Eli Lilly Covid-19 Drug Paused Due to Safety Concern

Drugmaker halted trial testing that explored use of its antibody drug in combination with remdesivir

OMG, the amount of disinformation that is out there now is tremendous. We really need ONE VOICE for the mire as the normal John Doe does NOT understand all the nuances, nor discusses.

White House Embraces Covid-19 ‘Herd Immunity’ Declaration

White House Embraces Covid-19 ‘Herd Immunity’ Declaration
How Long Will Immunity To The Coronavirus Last?

It finds that 90% of those people had antibody responses that lasted at least three months. And these antibodies neutralized the virus, at least in the lab.

"It's reasonable to assume that there will be protection for a time frame of one to three years.," says Florian Krammer, one of the scientists on that study. "But of course, we are scientists. We have to prove that, right? That's why everyone's cautious about it. But I think that's a pretty fair assumption."

How Long Will Immunity To The Coronavirus Last?

There was a lot more in that article that <modsnip> answers questions that some have been asking just this morning:

  • milder cases may result in less immunity (we are seeing the first of the reinfections, worldwide)
  • the big caveat (according to the scientist in the article) is that the period of data is very short
  • those that recovered at home with mild symptoms may not maintain the same type of immunity as those studied in hospitals, this is the vast majority of patients
  • vaccines may confer greater and more lasting immunity than just catching the virus
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Here too, Central West NSW. There are plugs for a built in barbeque at a rest area, under shelter with a picnic table and benches. And a tap for washing up etc.
But you could plug and boil a kettle or whatever. No cost. Haven't been there for awhile so not sure if it's still the same.
I think the barbeque had some sort of timer on it.
Was plenty of time to cook the snags and chops.

I’ve definitely seen some where I Perth, WA, Aus...

I assume they are for events in the bbqs, various groups that meet there, etc...I’m having a b’day party and booking the hall at a park mid November so I’ll scope them out...

I didn’t know if it was a “thing” in the US...just throwing ideas out...
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The biggest shame is that so many are losing trust in science, and they don't have the background to understand that it often takes YEARS to work all this out. But the white noise of questioning and changes in scientific opinions is garnering steam... DANGEROUS moo, and it needs to stop.

But how do folks that have no science background or bouncing off others like here even learn that this is the NORMAL process for such?
Maybe we need a national campaign to remind people not to get their medical/science information from MSM, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and such?

I know social media platforms are doing their best (or say they are) to limit the propagation of misinformation, but they can only do so much. It's hard to find the vanishingly small body of accurate information that actually exists on the internet.
Impressed by the pubs and restaurants who are thinking outside the box during this pandemic. They will be the ones who survive because of their innovation and willingness to adapt. This is a blackboard outside a city centre bar near me:


Considering booking Mr Cags in for the week so I can have some peace and quiet at home :D
NBC are likely interested because they are doing a Town Hall with the president tomorrow. Perhaps it is reassuring to them to have an independent analysis.

Thursday’s town hall will be moderated by “Today” show host Savannah Guthrie and will take place outdoors at the Pérez Art Museum in Miami, NBC News announced early Wednesday. Public health guidelines will be followed amid the coronavirus pandemic, the network added.
Trump to participate in NBC town hall on Thursday, competing with Biden event

Thanks so much for bringing attention to the focus of this thread and how folks may now be moving forward with these and trying to mitigate.

We shall see.

Doing outside, and if following public health guidelines is a good sign when followed.

I have no idea what the guidelines they are following, whether the State of Florida or CDC... but I would think the second?

So on target for this thread, thanks.
Impressed by the pubs and restaurants who are thinking outside the box during this pandemic. They will be the ones who survive because of their innovation and willingness to adapt. This is a blackboard outside a city centre bar near me:

View attachment 267852

Considering booking Mr Cags in for the week so I can have some peace and quiet at home :D
What is "dim sum for lunch", if you don't mind me asking?
This MSM headline and article is misleading, as usual, on two counts. First, it suggests that the Barrington Declaration advocates for herd immunity, but it does not. Rather, the Barrington Declaration advocates for "focused protection" rather than wholesale lockdowns as a pubic health approach. It is similar to what WHO recommend recently regarding lockdowns and how they are often inadvisable for the overall well-being of society. The Barrington Declaration states that we should practice focused protection and other mitigation strategies UNTIL herd immunity is reached through vaccine and natural infection. Nowhere in the Barrington Declaration is their any advocacy for herd immunity.

Secondly, the headline and article is misleading in that it suggests that the White House embraces herd immunity, but that is not the case. There is no link provided that suggests that, and I have never seen the WH Task Force or its spokespersons advocate for herd immunity, in fact since MSM has been trying to suggest this recently, I have seen interviews with WH advisers who strongly speak against herd immunity, but support the focused protection model in relation to total lockdowns.

ETA Link below to the "focused protection" model for public health that is advocated by the Barrington Declaration (read for yourself), similar to WHO's statement recently regarding the impact of lockdowns on the overall well being of society

Great Barrington Declaration – An open letter and declaration from public health academics and professionals

Yet this is perhaps misleading? Yes, the WHO has information on lockdowns, but that's not the similar swiss cheese approach to the Barrington model MOO. With the Barrington model, perhaps leaders could suggest that we give children "pox" parties? Can we all agree that having it go wild with children is something to perhaps speak out against.. or would a question be to others "do you think an option to have pox parties as we did in the late 50's and 60's with this specific virus."

Don't know how many here would agree to having such exposure, nor espousing to have such done country wide or worldwide.. but indeed a VERY interesting question to see the answer to of some.

As discussed and many here agree, focus on mask physical distance, ventilation, masks, hand hygeine, testing, tracing and quarantine, surface cleaning for ALL.

That is how it differs?


All above moo, with links, etc.
Coronavirus: Will someone develop a vaccine?

This article explains there was doubt early on that any companies would be interested in a vaccine. Now there are 170.

"While the world worries about the spread of the deadly coronavirus, now known as Covid-19, one would expect the major pharmaceutical firms to make millions, even billions, by rushing to develop a vaccine.

But in reality, this is not the case. While the global vaccine market is expected to grow to $60bn (£46bn) this year, big profits are not guaranteed."


Ronald Klain served as the US Ebola response coordinator in 2014-15. "I don't work for the companies, I'm not like a drug company fan," Mr Klain told a panel last week hosted by not-for-profit think-tank Aspen Institute, "but there's no question that a lot of them lost a lot of money trying to produce an Ebola vaccine."

image captionMSD's Ebola virus vaccine took five years to develop
A key reason why vaccines often have to wait years before they are given regulatory approval is the potential for side effects. These can also happen even when a drug has been approved.

During the 2009-10 swine flu pandemic, six million people were given the Pandemrix vaccine made by GlaxoSmithKline. However, it was subsequently withdrawn from sale after it was discovered to cause narcolepsy in some people. Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder that causes people to fall asleep numerous times a day.

Also speaking at last week's Aspen Institute event, Dr Anthony Fauci, director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said no major pharmaceutical company has come forward to say it would manufacture a vaccine for Covid-19. He called it "very difficult and very frustrating".

"Companies that have the skill to be able to do it are not going to just sit around and have a warm facility, ready to go for when you need it," Dr Fauci said."

More at link
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NBC are likely interested because they are doing a Town Hall with the president tomorrow. Perhaps it is reassuring to them to have an independent analysis.

Thursday’s town hall will be moderated by “Today” show host Savannah Guthrie and will take place outdoors at the Pérez Art Museum in Miami, NBC News announced early Wednesday. Public health guidelines will be followed amid the coronavirus pandemic, the network added.
Trump to participate in NBC town hall on Thursday, competing with Biden event

I appreciate when the public's health is taken into consideration, no matter the situation or event
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