Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #85

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Re: Meadows. That was a bad choice of words. It implies that they don't have a cohesive plan to defend the nation from the pandemic. Perhaps they never did, which is why things are spiralling at the moment. Very disheartening, imo, and absolutely preventable.

Are they just giving up now? It's too hard??!
SMDH From link

After doing his own research, Poole said there is “at the very least a huge question as to is this as bad as they really say it is…I admit that 200,000 or however more that it’s been in this country at this point is a lot of deaths, but statistically speaking, a lot of those deaths…were people with morbidities who were already going to die by the end of the year anyway. That sounds crass and hard, but it’s life.”

Poole said he doesn’t resent others who wear masks but believes that everyone, including himself, should be able to make that choice.

“I’m not part of a collective,” he said. “I’m not and I never will be. So when you think it’s my responsibility to take care of you, then I’m just not going to do it. I wish you well in your own endeavor, but I’m not going to do it because I’m a free American and I believe in the principles the United States was founded upon.”

Unbelievable and that line about how those people were going to die anyway is a crock. Absent Covid they would still be with us on this earth.
SMDH From link

"After doing his own research, Poole said there is “at the very least a huge question as to is this as bad as they really say it is…I admit that 200,000 or however more that it’s been in this country at this point is a lot of deaths, but statistically speaking, a lot of those deaths…were people with morbidities who were already going to die by the end of the year anyway. That sounds crass and hard, but it’s life.”

Poole said he doesn’t resent others who wear masks but believes that everyone, including himself, should be able to make that choice.

“I’m not part of a collective,” he said. “I’m not and I never will be. So when you think it’s my responsibility to take care of you, then I’m just not going to do it. I wish you well in your own endeavor, but I’m not going to do it because I’m a free American and I believe in the principles the United States was founded upon.”

Nick Cordero, Canadian actor, was 39 years old, no underlying conditions. Let us remember this and those right now who have died at an early age. Let us all also remember the lasting health effects on the young who have survived. Today it is the younger generation who is getting the virus. Stats confirm this.
The callousness on display defies belief. The amount of loss and suffering to the families affected is incalculable. "They would've died this year anyway" is utter BS, and lacking in basic human empathy. JMO.

It does defy belief-----i had no idea i was surrounded in our society by so many callous selfish people. It is frightening. These people are endangering all of us.
South Carolina update (October 25)

SC announces 1,281 new COVID-19 cases, 7 more deaths Sunday

163,143 confirmed positive cases (+1,281) :eek:
3,567 confirmed deaths (+7)
Percent Positive - 11.1%

Hospital Report:
"As of Sunday morning, DHEC says 80.10% of inpatient beds in South Carolina are in use while 76.84% of ICU beds are in use.

There are 725 hospitalized patients who have tested positive for COVID-19 or are under investigation for having the virus, DHEC said. Of those, 206 COVID-19 patients are in the ICU.

DHEC is reporting 1,847 ventilators available in the state with 449 of them in use. COVID-19 patients account for 95 of those."

Well, the testing site was closed --- even though on the website it said it was open 9-12- sigh

Well that's just terrible. I just checked and even in my dinky little town, the local CVS has six openings this afternoon beginning at 2:30pm. Hoping your husband has a restful afternoon and feels better soon!
SMDH From link

After doing his own research, Poole said there is “at the very least a huge question as to is this as bad as they really say it is…I admit that 200,000 or however more that it’s been in this country at this point is a lot of deaths, but statistically speaking, a lot of those deaths…were people with morbidities who were already going to die by the end of the year anyway. That sounds crass and hard, but it’s life.”

Poole said he doesn’t resent others who wear masks but believes that everyone, including himself, should be able to make that choice.

“I’m not part of a collective,” he said. “I’m not and I never will be. So when you think it’s my responsibility to take care of you, then I’m just not going to do it. I wish you well in your own endeavor, but I’m not going to do it because I’m a free American and I believe in the principles the United States was founded upon.”

Then why is Poole in any government position? A government by the people, FOR the people.
My husband describes that when he moves or turns over (like in bed) he gets a sharp pain which he has never had before

How scary.

I hope he is feeling better.

Obviously he needs to see a doctor, but if it seems like it's associated with a particular movement or posture, it's probably not a heart attack. If you can get in touch with a nurse or doctor to see if it's okay for him to take an aspirin. <modsnip>
Most ER's see patients with chest pain right away. Do you guys have an urgent care clinic near you? Both of you would feel better if he could see a medical professional and see what they think is going on.
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Re: Meadows. That was a bad choice of words. It implies that they don't have a cohesive plan to defend the nation from the pandemic. Perhaps they never did, which is why things are spiralling at the moment. Very disheartening, imo, and absolutely preventable.

Are they just giving up now? It's too hard??!

This is terrible considering top medical professionals, including Fauci just the other day, said we can still help turn things around and make a difference.

No words for all this.
(Eta: well I do have words, just can’t say them here)
How scary.

I hope he is feeling better.

Obviously he needs to see a doctor, but if it seems like it's associated with a particular movement or posture, it's probably not a heart attack. If you can get in touch with a nurse or doctor to see if it's okay for him to take an aspirin. If he isn't allergic to aspirin or doesn't have stomach issues, I guess I'd give him one 325mg dose with food if it were me. The only reason I know this is that I used to get chest pain when I was anxious.

Most ER's see patients with chest pain right away. Do you guys have an urgent care clinic near you? Both of you would feel better if he could see a medical professional and see what they think is going on.

he doesnt want to go to the hospital---the urgent care centers around here
are a joke--his temp is 100.5-- i gave him a Tylenol- and he has no energy
Call the doctor.

my husband is being a jerk- he wont call his doctor

his temp came down with Tylenol to 99.5 and the pulse ox shows O2 of 93 which
is a little lo-- if i thought hotel rooms were safe i would leave here for a few days--
i am angry-- he doesnt seem to care if he infects me either-- he wants to do the
test tomorrow--the results take 2 days
SMDH From link

After doing his own research, Poole said there is “at the very least a huge question as to is this as bad as they really say it is…I admit that 200,000 or however more that it’s been in this country at this point is a lot of deaths, but statistically speaking, a lot of those deaths…were people with morbidities who were already going to die by the end of the year anyway. That sounds crass and hard, but it’s life.”

Poole said he doesn’t resent others who wear masks but believes that everyone, including himself, should be able to make that choice.

“I’m not part of a collective,” he said. “I’m not and I never will be. So when you think it’s my responsibility to take care of you, then I’m just not going to do it. I wish you well in your own endeavor, but I’m not going to do it because I’m a free American and I believe in the principles the United States was founded upon.”

That's a really good look inside the mind of someone who won't wear a mask. It may be impossible to compel this person to wear a mask, although surely states can and do impose sanctions/fines. Legally, we can be and are compelled to "take care of each other" (by funding public education, for example). He's probably against that too.

I too am a free American, very individualistic and some would say, eccentric. However, I am a compassionate person who strongly desires for others around me to be well and enjoy their life. I don't consider myself part of a collective, either. But personal choice on every single thing we may do is stupid and wrong (I really like facts and reason). I do not think people should escape the consequences of drunk driving, for example, because we have a responsibility not to endanger others. It's not okay for me to set off fireworks in fire season. Etc.

I'm so glad that many workplaces are banning people like this from working for them. He will find paths closed to him - and that's a good thing. He can be "free" in whatever way he can but he won't be able to be a healthcare worker or a teacher most places, as well as many other occupations. I am so glad that people like @HongKongPhooey have proactively fired employees that won't obey safety procedures. Can you imagine if a teacher decided it was okay to come to school maskless and cough all over people?

I hope this man finds himself barred from indoor restaurants, libraries, sporting events and much else until CoVid risk is gone.
Attached are the guidelines from the CDC that allows the Vice President to continue working rather than quarantining. IMO he’s being tested everyday to assure that he is virus free.

Communities, Schools, Workplaces, & Events

To ensure continuity of operations of essential functions, CDC advises that critical infrastructure workers may be permitted to continue work following potential exposure to COVID-19, provided they remain asymptomatic and additional precautions are implemented to protect them and the community.
my husband is being a jerk- he wont call his doctor

his temp came down with Tylenol to 99.5 and the pulse ox shows O2 of 93 which
is a little lo-- if i thought hotel rooms were safe i would leave here for a few days--
i am angry-- he doesnt seem to care if he infects me either-- he wants to do the
test tomorrow--the results take 2 days

Are you wearing a mask in the house? You really should. He should be too.

Keep a window open in the room where you spend most of your time, try not to be in a room with him. I know it's hard to leave and go to a hotel when he's sick. Go for lots of walks. Keep the house as ventilated as possible.

It's hard for him to care about anything right now, because he's sick and his mind is dialed down to near zero. From personal experience, I can tell you that an 0xygen level of 93 makes a person loopy and they do not even know it.

So you must get a few minutes of calm and think through how to handle the next 24 hours. You can do this. If his room is near the bathroom, and you have a shower, run some hot water to humidify the area a little.

I hope you have a large enough space that you can sleep elsewhere.

In all ways, treat him as if he has CoVid, just for the next 3 days. Do all the things you might do to avoid getting cold/flu from him (we gargle with salt water with a drop of iodine when either of us gets something).

Hotel rooms are safe in most places, so that's still an option for you - but I think you'd worry about him too much.
"”We're rounding the turn," Trump said even as 12 states set new case records over the last week. "We're doing great, our numbers are incredible."

The U.S. reported more than 83,000 new confirmed cases on Friday, shattering the previous record of more than 77,000 cases in July, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. The surge has led to more than 8.4 million cases and pushed the death toll to more than 223,000 people.

Trump railed against media coverage of the coronavirus pandemic: "That's all I hear about now. Turn on the TV, 'Covid, Covid, Covid, Covid."“

Trump touts 'incredible' COVID numbers as cases soar: election updates
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