Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #85

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Thank you so much for your good thoughts--- such stressful times!!! I think back to a year ago at this time: Never heard of Covid--- lived normal lives- sigh

Did you see SNL skit last night? It was about folks in 2019 going to a palm reader, and the palm reader telling them about 2020. It was focused entirely on COVID stuff and ..........well........ gave a laugh at such a dark subject. MOO. I would think searchable on YouTube today.

Also, as with others here it appears, I too had pleurisy and went to ER as symptoms were similar to a heart attack. Sharp pains, REALLY hurt when coughing. And that is something that is very important to check into also as could be bacterial and needs antibiotics.

Again, not a doc, (haven't been to Holiday Inn for years either) .. call nurse health line if possible or your doc and not giving medical advice here.
Did you see SNL skit last night? It was about folks in 2019 going to a palm reader, and the palm reader telling them about 2020. It was focused entirely on COVID stuff and ..........well........ gave a laugh at such a dark subject. MOO. I would think searchable on YouTube today.

Also, as with others here it appears, I too had pleurisy and went to ER as symptoms were similar to a heart attack. Sharp pains, REALLY hurt when coughing. And that is something that is very important to check into also as could be bacterial and needs antibiotics.

Again, not a doc, (haven't been to Holiday Inn for years either) .. call nurse health line if possible or your doc and not giving medical advice here.

No I didn't see SNL- i think i will check U-tube!!!! could certainly use a good laugh
A federal health agency halted a public-service coronavirus advertising campaign funded by $250 million in taxpayer money after it offered a special vaccine deal to an unusual set of essential workers: Santa Claus performers.
Ric Erwin, chairman of the Fraternal Order of Real Bearded Santas, called the news “extremely disappointing,” adding: “This was our greatest hope for Christmas 2020, and now it looks like it won’t happen.”

The decision comes as the Covid-19 spread continues to accelerate in most states, and the vaccines are unlikely to be broadly available to the public before the holiday season...
He said nearly 100 Santas had volunteered for the HHS assignment, adding that agency officials had said they would finalize the plan to use the Santas in mid-September.

“They may have been fibbing a little bit to Santa,” Mr. Erwin said.

WSJ News Exclusive | Health Agency Halts Coronavirus Ad Campaign, Leaving Santa Claus in the Cold
Today's Dr. Campbell 31 minute update ( ETA: Appears the YouTube algorithm has shut it down unnecessarily as happens with Dr. Seheult and Dr. Campbell as algorithm catches in it's wide web they have talked about previously. It usually takes less than 24 hours to reappear when a human reviews it. I'm still watching it on another tab so I'll do summary and ETA's up to 60 minute limit.)

He speaks to Dr. Tedros/WHO this week presser
Governments need to act x 5
1. Assess current situation in your country, identify cases and clusters, conduct honest analysis
2. Make necessary adjustments to health facilities
3. Be clear and honest with people
4. Put systems in place to make it easier to comply, assist individuals and groups
5. Share good practice, speak to people with specific instructions, isolate all cases and quarantine contacts, its never too late to act

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You're probably right, but surely "charity" has a moral obligation that comes with the designation. An organisation that cares not a twit for its people and community, is not a charity. IMO

I agree that charity should come with a moral obligation, but all the church really has to do is abide by the IRS guidelines. You're talking about a group of people who believe it's more important to care for the "souls" of their members than for their physical health.

This is why I say we need a national ad campaign--similar to the one we saw for people to quit smoking--that reaches these folks on an emotional level. The more these people feel as though the government is being heavy-handed with them, the more they will resist because it fulfills their innate need to feel persecuted.

When you get into the evangelical community, you find people who have a deep distrust of the government. What they see as little acts of defiance could come back to bite them in the hiney, but they want to show their faith is strong so they will continue to defy restrictions in order to do so.

One of the biggest religious outbreaks from what I understand is now in the Hasidic Jewish community in NYC, but they too, will not abide by the rules.

It's a problem to be sure.
County Commission gets push back on proposed community COVID message

The senselessness of the article borders on absurdity. People are arguing that they have the right to not wear masks. And that the CDC message about washing hands, social distancing, and wearing masks is "unnecessary".

This. From an area where the Covid surge is beyond rising at an exponentially high rate. The hospital is full, at surge capacity.
County Commission gets push back on proposed community COVID message

The senselessness of the article borders on absurdity. People are arguing that they have the right to not wear masks. And that the CDC message about washing hands, social distancing, and wearing masks is "unnecessary".

This. From an area where the Covid surge is beyond rising at an exponentially high rate. The hospital is full, at surge capacity.

I hope they have some temporary field hospitals set up. :(
I hope they have some temporary field hospitals set up. :(

Yeah. I used to teach school in this area, and I remember one little boy I was teaching. He was about ten years old.

"Wow, we sure WASH HANDS A LOT AT SCHOOL! Before snack, after recess, after going to the bathroom, before lunch, after lunch, I feel like I am always washing my hands all of the time at school! Mrs. Mickey, I NEVER HAVE TO WASH HANDS AT HOME.".

Okay. All rightee then. If only you knew how much your kids teachers know about you and your home life!
Well, it's up to 5 Aides now.

At least 5 people in Pence's orbit, including chief of staff Marc Short, are positive for coronavirus - CNNPolitics

At least 5 people in Pence's orbit, including chief of staff Marc Short, are positive for coronavirus

The vice president's office has declined to comment on the total number of Pence aides to test positive for coronavirus in recent days. The New York Times was the first to report on the Pence aides.
During an interview on CNN's "State of the Union," White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows refused to disclose the extent of the Covid-19 outbreak in Pence's orbit, and he said Pence will be wearing a mask and social distancing when he resumes campaign travel Sunday despite his direct exposure to the virus.
If you live in the US, most ALL insurance companies have a nurse line for ALL policy holders. MOO. Look on the back of your card or call the main line to ask. I'm BCBS/Anthem with ObamaCare, and I have such nurse line option. I've always had a 24/7 nurse line on any of my policies within the past 15 years IIRC, even before ObamaCare. Let us know how all is going as is so scary difficult during these COVID times.

Darn it! I was hoping I had it but I don't. I also have BCBS but not Anthem so maybe that's the difference. Of course, this is the year I don't even have co-pay on my policy, so I'm not surprised. I still get the free immunizations, though.

On the plus side, when I was searching for my card, I found a Dairy Queen gift card I'd forgotten about and made me happy.
Can someone explain therapeutics and other mitigation areas??? Why are other countries attempting to control? Do we expect Canada to open the border (no)? Will we resume flights - well, who's going to want Americans?

White House chief of staff Mark Meadows said Sunday that the US is "not going to control" the coronavirus pandemic, as cases surge across the country and nearly 225,000 Americans have died from the virus.
We are going to control the fact that we get vaccines, therapeutics and other mitigation areas," Meadows told CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union."

White House chief of staff Mark Meadows: 'We are not going to control the pandemic' - CNNPolitics
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County Commission gets push back on proposed community COVID message

The senselessness of the article borders on absurdity. People are arguing that they have the right to not wear masks. And that the CDC message about washing hands, social distancing, and wearing masks is "unnecessary".

This. From an area where the Covid surge is beyond rising at an exponentially high rate. The hospital is full, at surge capacity.

SMDH From link

After doing his own research, Poole said there is “at the very least a huge question as to is this as bad as they really say it is…I admit that 200,000 or however more that it’s been in this country at this point is a lot of deaths, but statistically speaking, a lot of those deaths…were people with morbidities who were already going to die by the end of the year anyway. That sounds crass and hard, but it’s life.”

Poole said he doesn’t resent others who wear masks but believes that everyone, including himself, should be able to make that choice.

“I’m not part of a collective,” he said. “I’m not and I never will be. So when you think it’s my responsibility to take care of you, then I’m just not going to do it. I wish you well in your own endeavor, but I’m not going to do it because I’m a free American and I believe in the principles the United States was founded upon.”
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